Neon Genesis Evangelion Fan Fiction ❯ 'These eyes search only for Contentment' ❯ 'And She Shone Brighter Than Even The Sun' ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Read, Comment, and enjoy- BornUndead

As Shinji and Asuka made their way happily back to their flat in another part of Tokyo 3 another story was developing.

Rei Ayanami stepped off of the bus that dropped her off on the street where Fukushima’s restaurant was situated, her crimson eyes looking towards her place of work. She pulled her bag over her shoulder and began walking down the sidewalk, walking around people that she hardly noticed. She was nervous. Why? She pondered the question. Of course there was the logical reason that she would see Joey tonight. But even then. Why should she be nervous?

She sighed the cool spring air fresh and pleasing. I need to calm down. That’s all. She felt butterflies in her stomach as she walked in the midday sun. This is ridiculous! She thought angrily.

She came to the front door of Fukushima’s, tucked her blue locks behind her ear, straightened her dress, and walked in.

Another watched Rei enter the establishment through a large window of another restaurant across the street. He was dressed in a costly suit and his Italian Leather shoes were rare. He was pretty, not handsome. The man had styled sliver hair that showed of his pale skin and his red eyes. His thin frame was relaxed as he sat in a cushioned black leather chair, his slender hand delicately holding the handle of an tea cup.

After Third Impact and his subsequent rebirth. Kaworu Nagisa had been adopted by a wealthy billionaire whom wished to own the “Last Angel.” He had still attended school with the other children, but had literally anything and everything he wanted. And as he watched Rei Ayanami enter the opposite building he felt a slight clench in his gut. And he remembered herenough. He sipped on his tea, his face showing nothing of is feelings.

His red eyes watched the doors close and he sat back and motioned over a waitress in a traditional purple kimono. He ordered food resumed watching the restaurant across the street.

Inside of Fukushima’s

Fukukshimas was a heavily Westernized sushi bar. The doors led to the hostesses podium and beyond her lay the tables. To the right were more traditional, low to the floor tables. Cushions for customers to sit upon were set neatly along them. To the left of the podium tables with chairs sat. Directly behind the podium stairs led up to the bar.

It was ran by the large Mr. Hitoshi Fukushima and his wife Kazumi. They had founded the restaurant soon after the Second Impact, how it had survived Third Impact was beyond Rei. Mr. Hitoshi worked as head chef preparing everything from traditional Japanese Sashimi and Sukiyaki to burgers and fried chicken. The increase of immigrants, such as Joey, had given the establishment much business and the demand for peoples native food was great. This led to the menu being incredibly diverse.

Rei walked in and saw the afternoon lunch crowd talking and munching contentedly. She saw Mrs. Kazumi behind the podium in her usual dark blue kimono, and smiled.

“Hello Mrs. Fukushima.”

Kazumi glanced up and her face broke into a smile. “Hello Rei!” Kazumi Fukushima was a small woman. And older, her face held many wrinkles from time. She was kind hearted and more or less ran the restaurant despite it being in her husband’s name. “Just head to the back and come back, our dinner crowd will be arriving soon.” Rei was very fond of Mrs. Fukushima, she had taken a motherly fancy to Rei and looked out for her.

Rei felt a nervous jump in her stomach. The back held the kitchen, which meant she would see him. She nodded and began to walk past the customers. Calm. Calm as a pond in early morning. She entered the back through a red swing door and met two other waitresses. She didn’t notice them and continued to the break and locker room.

She hurried quickly past the kitchen itself and heard the deep and friendly voice of Mr. Fukushima over the sounds of food cooking. “It’s Rei! Why in such a rush? The Dinner business wont be here for another hour.” She just kept walking her cheeks quickly becoming red. I cannot let this interfere with work.

Pulling out a hair tie from her bag she wrapped it around her wrist. She placed her coat and bag within her locker, clocked in and went to the bathroom to give herself one last touch up. She looked at herself in the mirror. She guessed she looked pretty. Her eyes had a small shade of eyeliner and a slight bit of eye shadow lay atop her eye lids and towards the edges. Sighing she grabbed the hair tie and pulled her hair back into bun but left her eyebrow length bangs. I don’t know what to feel. Rei still suffered from emotionless lapses that came from her childhood training and Doctor Akagi’s tampering with her body, which had also led to her little psychic skill being unlocked. As she placed her bag in her locker she remembered all the drugs that had been pumped into her to keep her hormones down. Now she had her period and her emotions were all there. It was thanks to Asuka that Rei even knew what to do while she had come out of all the treatments. It had brought the two close.

She walked past the kitchen and threw a glance over the serving counter. Fukushima was cutting pre-prepared sushi, a new assistant cook was setting up a salad, and the dishwasher sat cleaning counters. She couldn’t see Joey. She felt foolish, from her the way her hair looked right down to her the shoes on her feet. I put on make up and h e’s not here. She mentally began to berate herself for her foolish thoughts and with a depressed feeling growing in her stomach she turned to walk away when Hitoshi gave a call.

“Rei! Why such a serious face?” He placed the large plate of sushi on the counter and dinged the bell. Hitoshi was huge, he was the size of a sumo but instead of fat he was muscle. It led to much debate of his past and what he did before becoming a cook. He leaned forward his usually friendly eyes had a protective glare in his eye. “Did something happen to you?”

Rei fought down the urge to keep walking. She smiled to Fukushima. “Oh, nothing happened sir.” She meant for the conversation to end there and turned once more to leave.

He cleared his throat. “You know it’s Mr. Fukushima or Hitoshi Rei.” He stared at her, she stood still using the tactic she used to use when she spoke with Gendo Ikari. “Are you sure there’s nothing wrong?” She nodded and he motioned to the plate with a smile. “Then put a smile on that pretty face and deliver this to table eight.”

She smiled. It wasn’t just Mrs. Fukushima who had a slight parental thought for her. “Right away Mr. Fukushima.”

She delivered the plate with a smile and met with Kazumi at the podium to greet new customers. Kazumi turned to her as they both waited. “Rei you seem flustered. If there anything going on?”
Rei shook her head and put an other smile on her face. Is it that obvious? “No Mrs. Fukushima. I’m ...” She looked to the door and saw her shifts first customers. “Just tired.”

The newcomers were Germans and their accents made it very difficult to understand a word they said. With yet another smile Rei led them to their table. And when she asked them what they wanted to order in German all of then laughed and began to order happily. As she carried the order back to the kitchen and retrieved the tea she remained blank faced but her day was getting better. She still felt like a fool but she knew that would pass. It didn’t stop her from wanting to go to the bathroom and wash the makeup off though.

An hour into her shift and several hefty tips later she was dropping off another order and heard Mr. Fukushima let out a loud grumble.

“Is Joey out there?”

Rei looked at him. Her heart, much to her surprise, beat faster. “No.”

The large man shook his head after looking at the new order. “He’s not answering his phone and my other sue chef just got off.” She looked to the new assistant who was furiously trying to prepare food. It must have been the second Chef, someone who she had not seen. Placing a plate for another of her tables, Fukushima continued. “Bring my wife back here. I need him here tonight.”

She went and delivered to her tables and went to the hostess. She whispered the situation in Kazumi’s ear and followed the older woman towards the back. Stopping at another table she asked if they had everything they needed. One answered asking for more tea.

She entered the back and heard Kazumi give a yell to her husband. “I have plenty of girls out on the floor I’m sure we could spare one to go find him.”

Rei approached. There were several other waitresses, all ranging from fourteen to her age, waiting to be called forward. She went to a side room where drinks were prepared. She filled a kettle with boiling green tea and made her way back out.

Kazumi was speaking to one of the other girls. Her name was Ayui, she was taller and older than Rei and had her dark brown hair drawn back into a braid.Kazumi sounded flustered. “We need someone to go find him. We have a very large party that will require an assistant chef sooner than his shift.” She placed her hands on her hips. “You have a car Ayui.”

Rei ignored it. She honestly hoped Joey was not in trouble, but she was already trying to notabout him(and failing miserably) so she was trying her best to ignore any and all talk of him. She filled the tea cups of her table and placed the kettle in the center and went back to the kitchen. Kazumi saw her. “Rei you live near Joey don’t you?”

Rei fought the urge to turn around and leave. “Yes ma’am.”

Mrs. Fukushima let out a relieved sigh. “Good because Ayui has no idea where Tora street is. I need you to go with her and help her find Joey’s apartment.” She motioned to the other girls. “We’re covered till you get back, but make it fast.” She handed a small scrap of paper to Ayui, it had directions to which apartment they were looking for.

With that Ayui began walking out the back. Rei coughed and followed. Was I just volunteered? She didn’t know how to process this information and simply grabbed her coat and followed Ayui out to her car.

The alleyway behind Fukushima‘s had two different dumpsters and hundreds of spent cigarette butts on the ground. This was where the employees went to have their breaks. They went down the alley and found Ayui’s black car. Ayui was in college and worked more or less when ever she was not at class during the fall and winter, summers she only took a small amount of classes. How she even took the time to put makeup on her already beautiful face Rei did not know.

Ayui sighed and unlocked the car. “I don‘t get it.” She said irritably. “Why wouldn’t somebody answer their phone?” She sighed. “If that kid even owns a phone.”

Rei buckled herself in and they began to drive. “What do you mean?”

Ayui sighed. She began driving back towards Rei’s house as the blue haired girl motioned. “He’s poor Rei. And I think his only pair of not torn cloths are his working cloths.” She shook her head. “How could someone let themselves get to such a state?”

With every block they passed Rei could feel her gut get more and more tense. She knew that if she had been hot she would have been sweating buckets, but instead she was strangely cold. She was nervous. To keep her mind busy she answered. Though she didn’t really feel like conversing with Ayui. “Perhaps its rebellion.” She smiled inwardly. “Or he may just not have enough money to afford new cloths.”

Ayui got onto the highway. “Perhaps your right Rei but even so.” She leaned back in her seat. “I’ve seen him around before and he looks completely different, and acts different as well.” She switched lanes. “Not just different as in his hair color, but just in general he’s really, really, odd.” She glanced at Rei. “He’s twenty and he sits there shouting with a guitar on street corners.” An obnoxious hiphop ring tone rang out, She grabbed her phone. “Hello?”

As Ayui chattered away into her phone Rei stared evenly ahead. Perhaps he is different. But to me he seems agreeable. She thought about their last meeting and his nervousness. She thought of the cheap romance novels that sat in her apartment. She believed the term to describe her emotions as infatuation. She motioned to an exit.

Ayui went down and they began to pass the grocery store that Rei had just recently shopped at and then the bus stop where she had spoken with Joey. Within ten minutes they came to Tora Street. It had cars up and down it and several shops were situated along it as well. But there were also two abandoned buildings and Rei could fully see kids dressed similarly to Joey standing around grasping cigarettes and beer bottles, their hygiene ranged from clean and shaven to completely filthy. They were all laughing and enjoying the spring sun. All along the sidewalks they walked, some in hurried walks to get to work others just strolling. Some sitting around just talking. There was a tiny store front and a group of locals of the neighborhood was leaving with cases and bottles wrapped in brown paper bags. People stood handing out pamphlets along the sidewalk. Rei felt a sense of community. They were all very close here.

Ayui was looking at the streets and handed the directions to the apartment complex to Rei. When she spoke her voice had a hint of nervousness to it. Why? Rei wondered. “He lives here?” She sniffed. “It’s full of freaks.” She remembered what Misato had said about this street being dangerous. Perhaps that was it. Which was odd because Rei felt fine. None of the spiky haired kids walking past even looked at them.

Ignoring Ayui, Rei motioned to an apartment complex. “There.” She pointed to a large rundown looking apartment building. It was about the same size of her apartment complex. Out front there was front that showed a parking lot that lay behind the building. As they got out of the car and proceeded up the stairs Rei noticed that she and Ayui were highly out of place. Their work cloths were nothing like those who walked past and even then most of the passing didn’t even turn their heads. She quickly smoothed her dress. Perhaps it is slightly awkward being here.

Going to the front door they walked inside and saw on the wall a listing of residents. It had graffiti and names such as: “Captain of all things Unholy” and “Miss FuckYourFace” littered the board. There was not a single actual name on the thing.

Ayui huffed angrily. “What the hell is wrong with these people?” Her phone rang again and she answered.

Behind them the elevators dinged and two kids in faded t-shirts ran out before a female voice yelled after them. “Sid, Joan! Get your ass’s back here now!” A pretty woman with some excessive makeup and tattoos came out with a safety pinned bag over her shoulder. Both kids stopped and looked at Rei and Ayui.

Rei walked forward. “Excuse me would you happen to know where Joey McGrath’s apartment is?”

The woman looked her up and down as her kids ran outside. She smiled. “Yea eighth floor apartment 18C.” She looked into Rei’s eyes. “And if you don’t mind, who’s asking?”

Rei bowed her head respectfully, to the raised eyebrows of the woman. “We are coworkers of Joey, and he is needed immediately.”

The woman glanced at her kids who were talking to a man no more than Rei’s age, he was skinny and his sleeveless t-shirt was dirty and torn. He walked in laughing and yelled to the woman. “Hey Mamma!”

She turned. “Squirrel would you take these two to Joey’s apartment.” It wasn’t a question.

He shrugged. “Sure.” He started snapping his fingers.

Momma turned back to Rei. “He’ll take you up to where Joey is but what is your name?” She smiled. “Joey spoke of a blue haired girl.”

He spoke of me? Rei thought dumbly. It warmed her. “I am Rei Ayanami ma’am.”

The lady arched an eyebrow. “‘Ma’am?’” She laughed. “I’m Mamma.” She shook Rei’s hand. She looked to her kids again and hurried off while yelling to Rei. “It was great meeting you tell Joey I met you!” And with that she went outside grabbed her kids and they all headed down the street.

Squirrel ran to one of the elevators and hit an up button, a penis had been sloppily drawn on it. He turned around. “Why you want Joey?”

Rei looked at him mutely. “He has to work.” Momma had been nice enough but this kid was constantly moving and twitching. He was almost getting irritating

All three got into the elevator and ascended Squirrel whistling and patting his leg.

The doors opened and they walked down a hallway that was clean if torn up. A girl sat outside of a room and grasped a bag of something, her eyes were glassy. She looked bewildered up at them.

Squirrel snickered in front of her. “Fucking Glue Head.” And kept up his fast gate. The girl behind them now, let out a protest towards the boys retreating back.

They came to door 18C and Squirrel drummed his fist against it. “Open the damn door!” He added lightning fast. “It’s the police!”

From the other side several locks sounded and a female voice yelling got to their ears. “Come in!” Rei began nervously touching her shirt and skirt. Calm down!

Squirrel shouldered open the door and all three entered. The apartment was as run down as the rest of the building. A torn couch sat against one wall opposite a small t.v. and the kitchen was situated in the left hand corner of the room. Past the kitchen a single small bathroom sat, to the right she assumed Joey’s bedroom was located.

A light skinned girl with green bangs and a four spiked mohawk down the center of her head sat on the couch with a Latin boy his red and black hair was in the process of falling apart from being spikes.

The girl looked up. “What the fuck do you want Squirrel?” She took a shot from an open bottle on a coffee table in front of the couch. She grabbed up a hand made magazine from the table and glanced at it.

Squirrel ran over and sat down grabbing up a beer from a box of beer next to the couch. “These two wanted to see Joey. That and I figured you two were up here.” He cracked the beer. “Lets go do something.”

The Latin boy yelled. “Hey Joey! You got visitors!”

“Who is it?” The bedroom door opened and the pale, slim, and muscular form of Joey walked out. Rei felt her stomach drop as she stared at his bare skin. Why do I feel a craving? His head was stuck inside of a worn Clash shirt and the multiple studded belts shined from the light coming through the window.

“I don’t know a couple of chicks.” The boy leaned forward drunkenly and grabbed the bottle and added with a snicker. “You’re a shitty host.”

“Well didn’t you ask their...?” His blue haired mohawk head popped through the shirt and his eyes popped open once he saw Rei. He is attractive. “...names?”

Ayui huffed and moved forward, her hands on her hips. “You have to get to work!”

He looked at her blankly. “I don’t have to come in till six.” He straightened his shirt and looked at Rei again.

Rei moved forward. “There’s a shortage of cooks and Fukushima needs you.” She clenched her hands in front of her. She felt the urge to touch him, to feel his skin.

Ayui pointed at him. “So get dressed because its an emergency!” She sounded angry and was completely unaware of Rei’s very obvious eyeing of Joey.

Joey looked at her. “Fine.” He went back to his room and the sound of glass bottles on each other rattled out. He came back out in his leather jacket, a blank black t-shirt in his fist. “Lets go then.” His voice was really quiet. Is he angry?

He followed them to the door he yelled over his shoulder. “Matt lock the door behind you.”

“See you later after you get off.” The Latin kid said.

“All over your face!” The girl threw in.

They got to the elevator and he mumbled to himself. Say something to him! He turned his head to her. “Hey Rei.” She nearly sighed, his eyes were probing her’s. He glanced at Ayui and said shortly. “Hey Ayui.”

The older girl snorted and checked her phone.

Rei felt her cheeks redden. “H-hello.” She then cursed her self as the small box fell silent. Say something more! You said you would speak to him, now talk! She argued with herself in her head the entire ride down.

He fell silent and began playing with his jacket. And when the doors opened he spoke up. “How big do they think the rush will be?”

Ayui sighed. “You can ask them when we get there.”

They headed out the front, Ayui nearly running to her car.

His boots clomping on the side walk Joey spoke up. “How... how have you been Rei?” He let out a small laugh. “Since yesterday?” She watched him spin the shirt in one hand and wave to a few kids who yelled to him.

Rei felt a smile touch her lips. He’s nervous as well. She felt her mind almost touched his, and halted immediately. “Fine.” She got into the car. Her thoughts were on the sight of his flesh in the apartment. She shook herself. “And you?”

He snickered. “Going to work.” He said wryly. And added so that only she heard. “Among other things.”

The ride back was mostly silent and she felt him looking at her the entire way. Rei thought about calling Asuka and talking to her. But vetoed it after she decided it wouldn’t be worth the incuring yelling/lecture that she would receive.

They reached Fukushima’s with no incident and Joey walked to the alley way to go inside. Rei followed and was greeted by Mr. Fukushima’s smile.

“About time you showed up!” He said to Joey. “Clock in and get in the kitchen.” He slapped the boy’s arm with his giant hand. “And don’t forget the hat!”

Joey grumbled and threw his jacket into a locker, pulled off his shirt again (much to Rei’s enjoyment) and said sarcastically to his boss. “Ya know Boss, I could sue you for that little wack there.”

Fukushima laughed and tossed a white apron to the boy after he had pulled on the plain black shirt. “Get in there.” Rei had never been around the two before and saw the relationship the two had. Apparently Rei wasn’t the only member of staff who the Fukushima’s looked out for.

Joey grumbled and glanced at Rei and gave her a weak smile, which she took a mental picture of. He then glanced at Hitoshi and muttered. “Slave labor is illegal.”

Rei proceeded out to the restaurant and resumed working. It was busy already and Kazumi was smiling to the customers and she was relieved to hear that Joey had arrived.

Hours passed and the rush that hit was huge. And every time she went back to the kitchen to put a new order in she would have to stifle a smile when she heard Joey start to yell about it.

The blue haired assistant Chef was doing much of the cooking and had the trainee sweating hard as they rushed about making food.

“Hand me some of that crab meat.” Joey ordered as Fukushima flipped noodles on the stove. He loved this part of the job, no matter how much he complained. He was running every where and trying to keep everything in order. And the new kid, probably no more than sixteen, was sweaty and trying to keep up.

The kid handed Joey the crab meat and he finished the dish and placed the plate on the counter. Hitting the bell he saw anotherget placed.

“What the hell is going on out there?” He shouted. As much as he tried to keep his mind on work he still felt his thoughts drifting to Rei and the way she had looked. She was amazing. And he felt light inside as he ran about becoming smelly and dirty.

Ayui shot back. “Business.” She smiled evilly at him. “Why can you not handle it?”

He wanted to throw the sushi roll he had in his hand at her face but glanced at Hitoshi’s massive form. Not worth it!

“Nah, can you ask them to order desert twice over?” he smiled back at her. “Or will your hand be to cramped from all that tough writing?”

She was about to respond when Mr. Fukushima put another plate on the counter. “Stop bickering and deliver this, and you.” He turned to Joey as Ayui scampered off with the plate. “We have more order’s coming in stop picking fights with Ayui.” he gave a deep snicker. “Even if it is entertaining.”

Joey was already preparing another sushi dish. “Fine, fine.”

He taught the new kid, Ryo, all night and felt his body getting more and more tired. Time to cut back on the drinking.thought sadly. He had gotten loaded the night before and it was catching up to him as he worked. He let his thoughts go back to Rei, the most agreeable subject in his head at the time, and felt a smile come over his lips as he made soup, noodles, and anything else that was sent his way.

He knew that he liked Rei, he had since she had first started working at the restaurant. But the fact that he got to trade conversation with the blue haired angel made him giddy. Or at least that’s what Mamma said. He shook his head, and then there was his pseudo family that teased him to no end about his infatuation with the girl. Or as Mamma had said to him. “Awe! Joey the bad ass is in love!”had promptly told her to ‘fuck off’ and had left. He was nervous to even think of himself falling for a girl in such a way.

He had seen her eyes on him when he had taken off his shirt in the locker room. He had wanted to blush but was to busy arguing with Hitoshi. She enchanted him he found as he sliced fish thinly. Those eyes of her’s were so enticing he found that he had to stop himself from staring at them.

He told Ryo to keep an eye on the soup and moved to the freezer to remove ingredients for anotherHe had gone through quite a few girls in his time and Rei was singularly the only one who stole his entire ability to process words and thoughts. What that meant he didn’t know nor did he care overly much. All he did care for was to see that smile of her’s show. She was an unknown to him, and it made him crave more knowledge about her. He had come from the Bay Area back in the states a little over a year before and had begun working at Fukushima’s to make ends meet and found he had a knack for cooking. It had been eight months into his employment that he had first seen Rei.

He glanced up and saw her crimson eyes studying him as she delivered another order. He threw her smile and saw her eyes widen and she ran off. He cursed himself again. Moron. Your going to scare her off! He finished another plate and rang the bell. He was content living in Japan. Though not being Japanese, at all, had been tough on him. Luckily he and more or less his entire old circle of friends from the states had been deported. Just a little to free spirited. He didn’t miss the States. Almost at all, if he did miss anything it would be the few friends that hadn’t been deported yet.

He sighed as another order came in. It was going to be a very, very, long night. He tried to clear his head. And his heart was not helping out the situation.

Rei went on break around nine and stood in the locker room sipping tea. She was tired from having to deal with so many people. Granted she had made near two hundred thousand yen in tips already, but it was taxing having to deal with so many people.

She walked to the hallway for more tea and saw Joey walking out of the kitchen, his apron dirty. He looked exhausted. He stared at her. Say something. She demanded of herself. “Hello Joey.” She said lightly.

He blinked and smiled. “Hey!” he walked over the clock and went to break. He walked with her to the tea. “Care for some company?” he asked nervously.

She shook her head and smiled at him, his eyes twinkled when she did. “Of course not.”

They filled their cups and made their way back to the locker room. Passing the other two waitresses who were on duty. The new kid Ryo walked out of the kitchen. He turned with a wild look on his face.

“Joey-san! I need help!” The boy was younger than Rei and he looked on the verge of going mad.

“Be right there.” Joey turned to Rei. “You mind taking my tea until I can get to the back?”

She nodded and took his cup as he hurried off. She walked to the back as Joey began instructing Ryo. She stood in the middle of the break room. She sat on one of the chairs and sipped at her second cup of tea. Well this going relatively well...

He walked back in his blue haired head shaking. “It’s soup! How badly can you stir soup?” He took the offered steaming cup. “Thanks.” He sat with a sigh. He rolled his head. “So now that we don’t have Ayui and her psychotic moods, how are you?” He looked at her. His eyes were blue.

She shrugged. Might as well be honest. “I’m uncertain how to answer that.” She took a sip from her tea. It was plain and light.

He laughed. And sat forward resting his arms on the table in between them. “Well at least your honest.” He smiled at her from behind his cup.

She took another sip. “Why is your apartment so dirty?”

He blinked. “Because Matt won’t clean.”

She nodded. “Is that the black and red haired boy?”
He nodded back. “Yea we’re roommates, his bedroom is next to mine.” He shrugged. “We’re just lazy and neither of us care enough to clean up.” He snickered. “Josie was over though so it’s going to be sparkling when I get back.” He saw Rei staring at him silently. “The green haired punk chick. She tends to get drunk and clean up our house.”

Rei nodded, but now she had to ask a question that had been hovering in her head since she had seen the other girl. “Is she your girlfriend?” She felt her gut harden at the question.

He shook his head to her great relief. “No she’s more like my kid sister. I looked after her back home. It was slightly rough back then and we had to look after each other.” He looked her straight in the eyes. “Why?”

She leaned forward her hands nearly touching his. She saw his eyes watching her hands. She wanted to blush. “It’s time for me to clock back in.” She let her hand brush his. It sent sensations of fiery electricity up her arm. And from the corner of his eyes she saw sweat form at his forehead. As she clocked back in she smiled. I hope it wasn’t to obvious.

Joey finished up his tea and headed back to work.

It was another hour before all the orders halted and finally Hitoshi called for Ryo and him to close up the kitchen.

Ayui came back with her tips. The restaurant worked on a system of tips that divided it up between all the employees on shift. Ayui was, to Joey’s great displeasure, his and now Ryo’s distributor. He had been stuck with her giving him tips since he had started working there literally two weeks after she had started.

Ayui tossed them their tips. Walked to the back and shouted over her shoulder. “I don’t want to be picking you up tomorrow Joey.”

“Thats ok I prefer the bus.” He called back. Ryo watched fearfully. “What a bitch.” He grumbled. He tossed Ryo his money. “There’s your cash.”

Joey saw Rei talking to Mrs. Fukushima her shirt loose and her face slightly tired. He stuck his cash in his pocket and headed to Hitoshi’s office.

The office was small and full of papers. Hitoshis large form was hunched over his desk.

“Boss your back’s going to break if you stay in this office.” Joey entered.

The large man glanced up and laughed. He sat back and motioned Joey forward. “You did real good tonight.” He folded his hands in front of him. “And I noticed those eyes you and our Rei were throwing at each other.”

Joey shrugged. “What can I say Boss? I like her.”

Hitoshi grunted and threw him a smile. “Get some sleep Joey.” As Joey turned about Hitoshi continued. “Not that you’d care but I approve of you courting Rei.”

Joey glanced back. “Thanks Hitoshi. I’ll see you tomorrow.” Joey walked out of the office and yelled over his shoulder. “And get a new desk!”

The bus wasn’t going to come. Rei sighed and picked up her bag. She’d have to walk home.

Joey walked out from the alley way. He saw her and looked to where a bus should have been.

“It’s not coming is it?”

Rei shook her head and stood. She was already tired and this walk was going to be long.

“Shit.” Joey spat. He stretched out and saw her start to walk. “Mind if I walk with you?”

Rei stopped and turned around. “If you want to.” Of course I want you to!

He walked next to her down the street. They traded small talk as they walked and the night got colder. It wasn’t long before Rei began to shiver. Joey was walking a foot away, his hands stuffed in his pockets.

She clutched her bag closer. He looked over and saw her clutching herself.

He unzipped his jacket in a flash and it was suddenly weighing on her. Its studs shining in the street light. She was warm from the previous body that had situated the coat. He ran his hand down the back and stepped back once more. She was silent. And it was from surprise.

She pulled the front tight around her. The musty leather scent was mixed with the smell of Joey himself. She ran her jaw along the edge of the coat. She forced herself to calm down.

“You’ll be cold.”

He laughed. “Rei can I say something to you that has been on my mind all night?”

She stuck her hands through the sleeves, they were much to long for her but she enjoyed it. She looked at him and felt herself smile. Are we actually talking? She asked herself. Rei felt her heart rise.

“Of course you can.” She said with a smile.

He ran his hands through his hair. He stopped and she did as well watching him. He looked at her. “I... I like... I mean. I really like you.” His hands were proffered to her.

She felt her cheeks blush, deeply. She felt her self smiling and she couldn’t stop looking at his face. I want to touch him. “Thank you.”

He lowered his hands and he started walking again. “Yea...”

Rei walked next to him mutely content. Until he stopped and spun on her.

“I need to know if you like me as well.”

Rei looked shocked. Say it! SAY IT! She screamed at herself. She tried to say something. Nothing came out and she felt her face set into its old emotionless state, and she hated every second of it.

He nodded his head. “Alright... well awkward stupid shit I say aside I’m going to keep walking.” He began to walk fast his hands clenched and he was muttering angrily.

She clenched her eyes shut. “Joey...?”

He stopped, his back heaving. “Yea?” The shortness in his voice made her want to be silent..

She stared at his back. He turned around, his face fighting to stay blank. “Yes, Rei?” His voice softened when he spoke her name.

She looked at the ground. His jacket was heavy. She wanted to tell him how she felt. She heard his boots on the pavement of the sidewalk. Then his reassuring hands on her shoulders. She wanted to move her hands to his, instead she let her arms hang. She looked up into his face, his eyes sparkled and she felt the urge to kiss him.

She took a deep breath. “Joey... I... I...” she fought the urge once more. “I... like you to.” She sighed and looked down at the ground. “A lot.”

She felt a finger upon the underside of her chin. She let him raise her head. She savored his touch.

“Are you sure?”

What kind of question is that!? She looked at him irritably. “Why would I lie?”

“Good point.” He smiled down at her. He seemed to feel her skin. When he spoke he spoke just above a whisper. “It would be best if we got you home I think.”

They walked close to each other on their way back. Their shoulders and hands brushing every step they took. Both burned inwardly for each other, to feel the others flesh on their own. And finally when they reached ten minutes to Rei’s apartment their hands touched and Joey took hers.

Rei sighed and she looked at him. “Your hand feels good.” She spoke what she knew was true.

He stared at her. “Good. Because I feel the same about yours.” He kept walking and pulled her closer, which she obliged till their shoulders were close together and she heard him speak once more. They stayed that close until they reached her apartment complex.

They stopped outside the apartment complex. She looked up at him. He is beautiful. She looked at his hand in her own. His fair skin was still darker than her own. He held her in a fondly protective grip. And when she looked at him the same feeling of want grew.

“So this is where you live?”

She nodded. “Yes.” She rubbed her thumb up the side of his hand, and felt him shiver. “Are you cold?”

He smiled down at her. “No. To put it lightly...” He cleared his throat. He was embarrassed. “Your driving me crazy.”

She let out a laugh and fell silent when she felt his free hand trace her jaw line. His eyes were focused on her, everything about her. He stopped. “Do you want me to stop?” They were close their two bodies fully touching. Rei could feel his body through his Clash t-shirt.

Rei responded by drawing his hand to her. She pressed her lips to the soft side of his palm. She heard his breaths quicken. I crave him as one craves air. She stopped her mind from wandering into his and she felt his nerves quiver under her breath. She smiled.

When his other hand felt her drawn up hand and pull it away with his own.

She broke her contact reluctantly. She looked up at him. Is something wrong? She felt the question in her head show on her face. And all worry was removed from her when she felt his fingers run through her hair and cup the side of her face.

He looked into her eyes. “I think I need some sleep Rei.” No! She felt his hands gripping both hers.


He laughed softly. “Rei we need to talk about this.”

“About what?”

“Us obviously.”

Rei fell silent. I do want him. I would date him, but... She sighed and leaned her head against his chest. “I don’t know what to say Joey...”

The boy tilted her head up. “Rei why do we not follow what we both feel?”

She knew of which he spoke. And she knew her feelings on it. She let out another sigh. “Joey the only subject on my mind for weeks has been you.” She looked smiled at the surprise on his face. “And after yesterday...” She took a deep breath. And opened her mind. He was sincere, and the glowing feeling he radiated towards her she felt her mind identify it. She knew what it must mean and her heart soared at the thought. Perhaps those books tell truth? Perhaps it is meant to be? Or perhaps I am a fool. She gripped his hands firmly for support. “Joey I wish to be with you.” She took another breath, her heart beating in her ears. Her voice was a whisper when she spoke once more. “If you’ll have me.”

He broke out into a gigantic smile and hugged her. And in response Rei melted in his arms, she let out a content sigh. She knew his answer even before he did. And when his lips touched her cheek and she felt his breath touch her skin, Rei Ayanami smiled. And if all the stars shone brightly in the night sky then Rei’s smile would have made them all to shame. For she was as radiant as a sun.

A few minutes later in the elevator.

Rei leaned against the wall holding her bag in both hands. She felt butterflies in her stomach. She smiled to herself from the lobby to her floor. She pulled out her cell phone as she walked down the balcony walkway that was lined with apartments.

The phone rang twice and then Asuka’s voice came over the line.


Rei could not wait to tell her friend. My sister. “Asuka you know that boy we were discussing earlier? Well...”

=================================================== =

Well thats the end of Chapter 3! I hope you enjoyed it.

Speaking of which please leave comments and reviews.

As you can tell both story lines are already rolling. Rei’s personality makes writing her difficult. Asuka at this time is assumed to have helped ‘open’ her up. But as you can tell I am writing her to also be lapsing into her old self which is mysterious but also cold.

Chapter 4 may take a slight while to get written up but it will come. More is coming soon and I can see at this rate lemon coming so come all ye wankers!

Read, Review, and Enjoy