Neon Genesis Evangelion Fan Fiction ❯ PS: This is Asuka ❯ One-Shot

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
PS This is Asuka
The Dude Slayer

Asuka looked at the phone. It had only been three years since
she'd left Project E. Since she'd left Tokyo-3. Since she'd left
Shinji. It had taken her two years to become used to the silence and
the loneliness of not having Shinji and Misato around.
It had taken Asuka six months of intensive care and six more
months of physical therapy before she'd been able to leave the
hospital. A year later Asuka left Tokyo and Japan and returned to
Germany. As she's told Shinji many times she would.

She left without leaving a number. She said she needed to clear
her mind. It had taken her most of the year before she called him up.

Three rings and an answering machine was what she got. "If
you're calling about the cello I sold it. If this is Tuesday night I'm
at NERV for synch tests. If you have something to sell you're wasting
your time, I'm not buying. If this is anybody else wait for the tone
you know what to do. PS, if this is Asuka. I still love you."

The telephone fell to the counter. She heard but she couldn't
believe. What kind of man could wait that long, what kind of love that
must be.

Asuka waited three more days before trying again. She didn't
know what she'd say but she heard three rings and then. "If its Friday
night I'm at Touji's and Saturday, if no angel attacks, I'll be at a
convention and I'll be gone all weekend long.
"But I'll call you back, when I get home, on Sunday afternoon.
And PS, if this is Asuka. I still love you."

This time she left her number, but not another word. But then
she waited by the phone on Sunday evening. And this is what Shinji
heard: "If you're calling about my heart, its still yours. I should
have listened to it a little more, and it wouldn't have taken me so
long to know where I belong. And by the way Shin-chan, this is no
machine that you're talking to.
"Can't you tell? This is Asuka? And after all this time, I can
finally say what I know we both wanted to hear from each other. I love

Asuka waited to see what Shinji would say. Three years was a
long time after all.

Shinji simply replied, "Come back to Tokyo-3, and let's talk."

Asuka smiled and lightened her grip on the phone. "Alright
Shinji. I'll be there soon. I love you."

"I love you too Asuka, I always have." With that he hung up,
leaving Asuka to her thoughts.

Author's note.

*Chibi Dude Slayer does official...*
*Man in business suit grabs camera*
MIBS: Excuse me. I'm looking for someone called the Dude Slacker.
*TDS runs on screen*
MIBS: Yes well. I represent Blake Shelton. The artist who's song you
ripped off for this, *looks around* story.
TDS: *growls* I will have you know that this is a fanfic. I make no
money off this, and never will. And this is a parody thank you.
Anyway. How the hell did you guys find out about this? I
haven't posted yet.
MIBS: Sir. I'm a lawyer. I know everything. URK!!!
*MIBS falls over. A knife sticking out of his back*
*Chibi Dude Slayer stands behind the man scowling*
*CDS storms off*
*TDS looks to camera*
TDS: And that kiddies, is why you don't screw with chibis. They're
crazier than the authors.

Anyway all. I just wanted to say. This story was done in the span of two hours. It may not be great, but I was listening to Blake Shelton's "Austin" and it just seemed to hit me that I could see Asuka being Austin from the song.
I suggest you listen to it as you read this. Just a suggestion. Anyway, keep an eye out for my next series. "The Barstool Sessions", the first two in this coming series will be Kaji and Misato. So keep an eye out for them.

Ja ne.