Neon Genesis Evangelion Fan Fiction ❯ Pulp Evangelion ❯ The Fools in the Warehouse ( Chapter 3 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Pulp Evangelion
by: Al-I-Bus

Evangelion is owned by Gainax, Pulp Ficiton was created and is owned by Quentin Tarantino and whoever he sold the rights to.

The original idea for this story was thought up by Chenalos. Read his fic also, if you liked this. Shit read it anyway, its great!

Note: ------------------------ (Denotes change in scene)
..................... (Denotes chang in time in the same scene)


Asuka hadn't said a word the whole car ride. Rei was beginning to worry. " Hey wondergirl don't worry I'm fine." Asuka was smiling at her, but Rei could see the pain in her eyes. " What did he say to ya'?" Asuka turned and began to study the road. " Nothing" she replied softly.

Rei closed her eyes for a moment, suddenly the car stoped responding. Asuka manuevered it slowly to the side of the road and let out a long sigh of fustratoin as Rei chuckled. " Why the hell did you do that Rei?! Do you know how hard it is to get the car to work right again after you do that. Dumpkoff with your AT Fields!"

Rei smiled and leaned against her friend. " Tell me what he said" Asuka looked down and saw Rei staring at her intently. Asuka thougth. She shrugged her shoulders " Fine. Commande Ikari instructed me to take his son on a mission to test his loyalty. If Shinji proves to be disloyal in anyway, then I'm suposed to kill him"

A fire burned brightly behind Rei's red orbs and for a moment, her AT Field became visible, it glowed hotly then subsided. " I'll kill the commander myself" she snarled. Asuka put a hand on Rei's shoulder.
"No, let me handle it".

" What are you gonna do? I like Shinji myself, he's a nice kid. I won't let you kill him." Rei uttered, meeting Asuka's even gaze with a fierce one. " Trust me. I'm not gonna kill him. I just haven't figured out what I'm gonna do after." Rei cocked her head, puzzled. " After what?" Asuka looked at her and smiled, " After me and Shinji elope....."
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" I'm telling you, she wants you." Shinji just shook his head. Silently he willed the Grand Cherokee to go faster. " Listen Kaoru, I don't think so. I mean she probably thinks I'm the boss's spoiled brat son." Kaoru looks at him bewildered. " How could you say that? He treats you like shit. He uses you, he hurts you constantly. In fact he values you considerably less than any of the other pilots. And you think that anyone views you as a spoiled brat?"

Shinji sighed, but cheered up as he saw that they had arrived at their destination. " Not that I want to end this conversation or anything," Shinji said smiling meekly, " but we gotta get to work now." That said Shinji jumps out of the car as it rolled to a stop. Pulling a silenced .45 out of his holster, Ikari ran around the building out of Kaoru's view. Kaoru thought to himself as he reached into the back of the car and removed a sawed off double barreled shotgun.

Shinji wondered as he crouched behind a garbage dumpster. Shinji tapped himself on the forehead. He crept quietly to the abandoned warehouse that Touji, Kensuke, and Futuysuki were being held in. After an eternity he came to the side of the building. He pulled out a shortwave transmittor, " Kaoru I'm in position. Where are you?"

Kaoru picked the 9mm off the dead man and searched his pockets for the keys he needed. His sortwave transmittor crackled, and then Shinji's voice came through clearly, " Yeah I've got the keys now. According to Akagi's surveillance information, you should be right below the hostage room right now. There are two guards, so you're gonna hafta drop 'em both before either can sound the alarm."

Shinji nodded, " Two head shots then. No problem. Are there any Angels at this site?" He listened to Kaoru for a moment longer before signing off, " Okay. I'll start and then hit you back." Shinji shut his transmitor off, and glanced into the window. He saw the three captives sitting back to back to back, tied together. One guard stood on each side, wielding menacing M-16s. Shinji thought, Shinji crept back a few yards and then fixed his sites on the rightmost guard.

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Kaoru picked up his radio, " Okay, I'm moving in now. Clear the hll before the room, and wait for me. I'll be in through the eastern door." Radio turned off Kaoru slid the back door to the warehouse open.

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" What if he got shot?" Touji asked, he was fully armed now, flak jacket and 9mm, " I mean, how long are we supposed ot wait. Shinji shrugged, " Either until he shows, or until we know for certain he's dead." Shinji's radio crackled, "Okay Shinji I've got Kozo to safety. We're in the Jeep and I've got it running. You're covered from out here", Shinji nodded, " Good job Kensuke. Ok we're just waiting for the albino prince."

Kaoru thought as he shot another guard. He reloaded the shotgun and sprinted through the main room. He shoulder charged the side door and rolled into an office, bullets grazing the ground inches away from his leg. He spun and fired, his assailant's head was missing. Kaoru grinned and then headed out the back door of the office he was in.

The sound of gunshots grew nearer as Shinji an Touji tensed anxiously. Suddenly the door burst open and two guards back in firing at an unseen opponent. Shinji and Touji looked at each other and then both fired. The guards dropped and in sprinted Kaoru. He was by Touji and Shinji and out the window before they knew what happened. They blinked, and then followed his path.
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" I'm glad you're alright bud. I'll see ya later then." Shinji waved goodbye to Touji and unlocked the door to his apartment. He walked in and turned on the lights. Rei and Asuka were sitting on his couch.

" You know, you're a real hentai." Rei said, grinning, holding up a tape. Shinji blushed, and then noticed Asuka, his blush began to become painful. " Umm....Shinji...w-w-we need to talk to you." Shinji looked at his friends puzzled. Asuka dropped her head, " W-w-well, it's about..t-t-tommorow's training mission.........."

Shinji saw the stressed expression on her face. " Hmmm... You guys want some gormet cofee? This looks serious.

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Part 4 Should drop soon. If your at SDAT look for part 4 by next Sunday. READ FAN FICTION BY CHENALOS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
it me with any and all comments at