Neon Genesis Evangelion Fan Fiction ❯ Sibling Bonds ❯ Parental Betrayel ( Chapter 9 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Neon Genesis Evangelion and all related characters, concepts, etc. are
Property of ADVision and Gainax. I only *wish* they were mine.
Please try to be good to me; this is my first stab at an Evangelion "Only" Fic.
If you have read this whole fic, I do state now this is a Waffy fic, with a bit of action as well!
Thanks to Andre Laval for pre reading this chapter!

"" ""= a telepathic conversation.

Sibling Bonds

Chapter #9: Parental Betrayel

It had been a month since Shinji erupted from the 12th angel.
During that time all three pilots have gotten closer as friends and comrades.
Shinji was being more assertive, probably due to the fact that Asuka was his girlfriend
and with her unique form of encouragement, had started to become more confident
in his skills and not as spineless as before.

Asuka probably due to having Shinji as her boyfriend was a bit more tolerant of
those who would have normally touched off her more...emotional side,
kinda like the Blitzkreig on Poland in that world war fought so long ago.
Which also meant she was more tolerant of Rei and the stooges up to a point.
So now a month later, six children all aquaintences, some friends, though not of all,
seem to hang around each other as this day's lunch period commenced.

"So, Asuka do you have Shinji whipped to your satisfaction?" asked a wry and confident Touji.

"As much as you have been eating Hikari's Food, Mr. Bottomless Stomach," replied a smirking Asuka.

Before Touji could retort, a grumbling noise eminated from said stomach,
and four of the six children laughed uncontrollably, while the offending noise maker
was a red as the Chinese flag, while Rei was obseving the whole incident with a small quiet smile.

As this sort of banter rolled on through the lunch period,
there was a sense that they all seemed to like the idea of being together.
Somehow, they knew that soon many things would change, many of them not for the better.
Due to this, the atmosphere there was festive but with a guarded feeling as well.
And, when the period is over all six move as one towards the stairs to go
back up to their classroom.

As the teacher drones on about the cultural ramifications of the
Second Impact on the far east, the three pilots were having their own private conversation.
The three had been developing their link to the point now that they didn't have
to be asleep to communicate telepahically.

""Ok lover what's the matter, you look as droopy as Pen-Pen when he doesn't get
his beer in the morning!"" thought Asuka to Shinji.
""I'm just thinking that's it's been a month since the last angel and....""

""Shinji-kun, I do agree it's been a lengthy amount of time since the last angel attack,
but we are all trained and ready for the next angel."" replied Rei mentally.

""Yeah, Rei is right, Baka! We are ready, and you shouldn't be so worried,
we're all here to back each other up.""
Asuka reminded Shinji of an earlier promise he made them agree to
just after the defeat of the last angel.

""Your right Asuka-chan. Thanks for reminding me.""
(He smiled at his girlfriend as she smiled back.)

Then an announcement was made;

"Touji Suzahara, please report to the Principal's office immediately!"
was the announcement made on the school intercom system.

"What, I didn't to anything,... well at least that I can remember?!" said a startled Touji scratching his head.

"Maybe it's Hikari's dad wanting you for doing something ... naughty?"
stated an ecchi thinking Kensuke.

WHAPP! The sound came a split second later as Class Rep. Hikari Horaki
finishes the swing she took to smack Kensuke's head.

"Way to go Hi-ka-ri!" said a now deperting Touji. He waved,
winked at her and went out the door, his destiny.

As the class settled down after what became known as the "Horaki Counter-measure",
Rei mentally called the other 2 pilots.

""Asuka, Shinji-kun, I am ... worried. I sense that ... very soon ... we will be dealing with
....a different sort of angel.""

Ever since some of these new attributes manifested themselves; Shinji,
and Asuka trusted Rei's ... premonitions. So they answered:

""What do you sense, Rei?"" asked Asuka.

""How is this angel ...different ?"" asked Shinji

Rei answered. ""This angel will use ... something familiar to attack us.
I cannot see what, I just know that I feel ... a closeness to it.""

Both Pilots looked at each other concerned then back to Rei.

""We'll just have to be on our toes when this angel comes!""
replied a confident Asuka.

""Keep us up to date Rei-chan, tell us as soon as your feel anything, alright?""
asked a now worried Shinji

""I will Shinji-kun."" Just as she finished the bell rang to dismiss the class.
Their mental conversation had lasted the time from lunch until the school dismissal bell.
The three pilots were amazed that time had flown by during their telepathic conversation.

On their walk home, Asuka holding his right hand,
Rei walking beside him on his left,
Shinji made a suggestion.

"Rei, can you keep the time during our telepathic conversations?"

"Yes, ...I can do that."

"Good, if we take too long and draw attention to ourselves, please remind us of the time,
OK Rei-chan?" asked Shinji.

"She said she'd do it my baka!" replied a slightly irritated Asuka.

"Ok, so what do you want for dinner, it's my night to cook?" Changing the subject.
said Shinji.

"A Taco salad would be adequate." said Rei.

Asuka and Shinji stopped as Rei walked on for a few feet until she noticed she was alone.
She turned around to face them . They had stunned looks.
It took a few more seconds until Asuka spoke up.

"Where did you get that ...suggestion, Rei?"

"I .. have been checking out ...cook books for vegetarians ... from the library,"
answered Rei in her normal quiet and monotone voice.
Both of the pilots had gotten use to Rei's speaking abilities
so when what Rei said trickled in, they really reacted.

"O..k..! Will we need to stop at the grocers?" asked Shinji.

"Other than the taco chips, no, I have everything else," replied Rei.

"Ok, we'll swing by the store and I'll prepare the rest tonight," stated Shinji.

That night after dinner, in which Misato saw the type of dinner they were going to have
and made up an excuse to not be there (She hated Veggies!), the three pilots went to bed.

As through the last month, the pilots shared their dreams. Rei was the most interested since
she didn't dream before the link was established. But now Asuka and Shinji were going to share
in one of Rei's Dreams. One that showed a possible future.

All three EVAs were down and what looked like a black huminoid shape caused all of them to be rendered powerless.

"Implement the dummy plug system," was heard in the Commander's unmistakable voice.

All three EVAs then got up charged the humanoid angel and simply started to tear it apart and devoured it.
With Unit-01 finishing the butchering of the angel by swallowing the Core, then it turned into an entry plug
and as the pilots looked on in horror, they saw an arm and a leg fall out of the crushed plug.

All three pilots immediately woke up. Shinji and Asuka held each other tight,
and a few seconds later a frightened Rei joined them. All three pilots shook with nervousness, and sweat.

"What the hell was that?" asked a shaky Asuka.

"One of my premonitions," answered Rei in a quiet voice.

"Ok, we know something is up with this angel," Shinji shook his head and continued, "Did you see the shape of the angel?"

Rei answered, "Yes, it seemed very much like it was shaped like an ..."

"...EVA," answered Asuka.

All three pilots looked at each other.
They looked at the digital clock on Shinji night stand. 4:45am!
All got up and started to get ready for school,
knowing they wouldn't want to go back to sleep now.

Later that day, the Klaxon went off and they pilots were off to Nerv.
After their briefing, they headed to their EVAs. Unit-03 was the Angel.
It fit the vision they saw in their shared dream, and it scared them now knowing
that they will see the future angels before they met them in battle.
But what scared them now was since this was an EVA, then there was a living pilot
within the possesed biomechanoid.
Then the scenario started to occur. First Asuka fell to the black EVA,
then Rei who screamed in pain as her arm was infected by the angel possessed EVA.
Finally Shinji and the angel engaged in a valiant struggle.
But Shinji's guilt of harming another person started to win out.
After what seemed like the end for all, Commander Gendo Ikari had a heated and desperate conversation
with his son. After Gendo got fed up with Shinji's indecision, he shouted out an order.

"Implement the dummy plug system!"

Then Shinji felt all the controls suddenly stop and go off on their own. He wasn't in control of his EVA.

"No, no! What have you done father! WHAT HAVE YOU DONE!" shouted a now angry Shinji.

Shinji then tried to open a telepathic link to Rei and Asuka.
Asuka was knocked out and so couldn't answer, Rei was semi-conscious and
was in pain from the battle.

""Rei-chan, can you hear me?"" called out Shinji desperately.

""Ah, ... is that, ... Shinji ... Kun?"" answered a bewildered and pain ridden Rei.

""My father, ...the commander has taken control of my EVA. What can I do Rei,
can you tell me please?""

"" I, ... can only tell you, ... to search for me there, .... in your EVA, ...
with your mind, ... and take control.""

She mentally shouted the last two words before her link to Shinji was broken as she fell unconcious.

""Rei? Rei? Where are you? WHERE ARE YOU!!!"" shouted Shinji mentally.

""What did she mean, search for her here, and take control. Of it. Of what?""

Then he did just what she said as he was seeing his EVA start to tear Unit-03, the 13th angel apart.
He desperately tried to reach Rei within the entry plug and was desperately taxing his telepahic faculties.
Then he saw a sight that put horror in his heart, the Unit's entry plug containing the unconcious pilot
was in his EVA's hands. He knew that his father was controlling Unit-01, and he knew somehow
that he would crush the plug to prove his control over the EVA,... and his son.

"NNNNNNOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!" Shiniji shouted as he letout a telepathic scream as well as the audio one everyone heard.
As the EVA's hand began to close it stopped.

The Commander was shocked! Maya Ibuki taking the place of Dr. Akagi who was at the Masuchiro site
was back from getting Rei and Asuka to the infimary and was also shocked,
then a wry smile came on her, as she was seeing the monitor
showing Shinji's mental read outs and those of the Dummy plug system.

They were in sync!

"What happened?" bellowed the now upset Commander, "Bring the Dummy plug system back online!"

"We can't sir!" said a flustered Kensuke Aida who had also seen the pattern that Ritsuko had seen.

Kensuke was just sitting there beside her, awe struck.
Until he also noticed the readings of the pilot and the Dummy plug system.

"Hey they're in sync!" he said in a surpirsed tone.

"What is?" asked the Commander

"The Dummy plug system has the same brainwith pattern as the pilot," said a now amused Lt. Ibuki.

The Commander stared in a brief look of disbelief then said,

"Close down the Dummy plug system, and transport the remaning EVA's back to the Geofront."
He then turned to the sub-commander, "I leave you to this task."

"Very well." was all the sub-commander said as Gendo Ikari left the Command centre.

Shinji was stupified. He felt Rei, there behind him, yet it wasn't Rei.
He also felt an emptiness there, like an empty bag holding nothing.
This feeling gave him a shiver as he felt the system turn off and he disengaged from it.
He felt better knowing that he had accomplished the fact that his EVA didn't crush Unit-03's entry plug.
He had saved the pilot from a certain maiming, even death.
But what greeted him was not a feeling of satisfaction, but a look of dread then anger.
The rescue crews picked up Touji Suzahara out of the plug as Shinji watched in silence.
He didn't yell, nor scream. He just started planning to see how he was going
to take revenge at the tormentor of his life, Gendo Ikari, his father, and head of NERV.
He was going to bide his time and wait for an opportunity to get his revenge on him,
not just for putting Touji in danger, but for what happened to Rei and Asuka.

""You just wait father, I will get you. Sooner or later I'll get you for this!"" Shinji screamed telepathically.
While physically opening and closing his hands.

What will Shinji do to take out his revenge on his father? Will Rei and Asuka be all right?
And will Shinji learn Rei's other secrets? Will this cause a rift between him and Rei?
And what happens when the 14th and 15th angels team up against the EVAs?
See you next time in Chapter #10: Convergence and Consequences

Yes, there will be a battle with 2 angels for the price of one. And tell you what I'm going to do.
I'll have Unit-04 make a special appearence when Touji needs it the most! Bub-Bye!