Onmyou Taisenki Fan Fiction ❯ Onmyou Taisenki: Rebirth ❯ Chapter 6 ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

It had been three days since Riku's grandfather had left for the capital and Riku was beginning to become agitated. Kogenta on the other hand was having a good time without the old geezer around to overshadow the violet-eyed boy. It gave the samurai just the time he needed to see just how much spirit Riku had in his soul and nurture what was there into something stronger. On the day the old codger had left Kogenta had grilled the young man on his skills at defending himself and found at that Riku was more helpless than he had thought.
Riku didn't know how to use any kind of weapon, not even a kitchen knife in the proper way to defend himself. The samurai sighed when he found that out three days ago and from that moment on he spent teaching the young man the basics of fighting. Holding ones body in proper position, concentrating your mental focus on a target, analyzing opponents weaknesses and strengths with himself as a practice doll, holding a weapon the right way, and how to defend. Surprisingly the brown haired boy was a quick learner and master most of his skills in no less than several tries. Kogenta had asked if maybe he had been taught and just forgot but Riku always replied the same way…
“No one has ever taught me how to fight before because grandfather said I would never need to out here. Even though I asked one day how to hold a sword after a traveling mercenary stopped by he always said it was unnecessary to do so.” with that sheepish smile on his face
The warrior tiger really hated the old man when he heard the violet-eyed boy say those words. How stupid could the old codger be to let someone like Riku go unprotected and unprepared for danger? They had been lucky so far that no one passed by with ill intent or else the young man might have been dead by now. Men in this world could be ruthless at times and a young and innocent kid like Riku would be perfect to use and then kill without a second of a thought. After hearing such words it took Kogenta a couple of minutes to calm his anger less he go out, find, and kill the old bastard. Using the anger that he accumulated from Riku's word Kogenta worked even harder to push the brown haired tea maker to his limits.
When it came to weapons Riku seemed to favor a rod more than anything else. The white tiger had made several weapons from materials he found in the forest and let Riku experiment with them on his second day of training. A branch he carved into a long rod, a large chuck of rock the samurai made into a sword and knife, piecing together the left over materials Kogenta was able to make a spear and axe, and lastly the warrior made a makeshift bow with a few arrows. The warrior's claws throbbed in agony at the way he had tortured them with making the earthly weapons but it was worth it to see how well Riku could handle himself when having to fight with a tool in hand.
How they got to the rod would always make the white tiger laugh as he remembered the way the brown haired bow tried to use each item he was presented with. First the rock sword had been perfect at first glance but when Riku tried to swing it he ended up tossing the weapon clear across the plains into the forest. Kogenta realized then that the boy was much stronger than he had guessed earlier.
Next came the knives, which were useable but ended up slipping from Riku's hand when he tried to jab. The stone knives would be flung at the samurai only to be dodged and then sheathed inside of the side of the teahouse.
The spear was up after the last weapon and it fared worse than the sword. Riku could use the stone tipped lance easily and it didn't hamper him in any way but when the young man tried to jump and plunge the weapon into the ground he ended up sending it all the way through the dirt until not even Kogenta could see the wooden handle.
The axe had to be the most embarrassing item for the white tiger to see his charge use because Riku could barely hold the weapon and swing it at the same time. Though the boy was physically strong his body had a lot of growing to do as when he tried to swing the flint weapon the brown haired boy's entire body swung around until Kogenta had to grab his arms and steady him. Once his world settled the violet-eyed boy ended up collapsing from exhaustion at all the twirling he had done and flopped to the ground out cold. The samurai had decided to be kind and let the boy rest for an hour before awakening him to continue on.
The bow and arrow was second to last and it was a battle within itself for Riku to wield. Aiming and firing the wooden arrows was the easy part but the moment the brown haired tea maker let loose one of the shafts it went directly through the target and kept going. Just out of curiosity Kogenta went to find the bolt and he was amazed that it had landed in a tree a mile and a half away. The white tiger had also found a bunch of tracks on the ground but chose not to follow them since were headed in the direction of teahouse, even though he still kept a watchful eye out for…surprise guest.
When the samurai returned he was amazed by the fact that his young student was using the rod he had made with ample grace and dexterity. The boy flowed like water as he swung the staff, the wind swayed in his wake as Riku took sharp stances and jumps while keeping himself balanced, and his body seemed to burn with raw passion as the brown haired boy danced with his weapon in hand. Kogenta was happy that his charge had found his signature weapon even if it was almost evening when he had done so.
At Riku's behest teacher and student sparred until the glowing luminescent rays of dawn settled over the land putting to rest the stars and moon. During the night only the light of the half moon shone down to illuminate onto their field of battle and guided both to test each other. Riku, even for a novice, was magnificent in his form and style as he parried Kogenta's attacks and dodged his assaults. Though the overall technique was rough it had a life all its own and Kogenta found himself impressed by how Riku used his staff with such skill and prowess after touching it only once.
By the time the sun rose on the third day Riku was completely exhausted and he blacked out right in front of Kogenta. The white tiger dropped his own sword as he caught his student and nestled the boy in his furry arms. Looking down with worried ruby eyes Kogenta could say one thing at least…
“He really tries when he needs to.” It was with those words that the white tiger took the young man into the house and settled him onto his futon.
During the three days of training Kogenta had put Riku on a diet of meat, herbs and rice. The samurai had hunted and killed another buck and made sure the violet-eyed boy ate large portions to build up his strength and vigor. He had nothing against rice but it wouldn't be enough when it came down to storing up strength and releasing the energy necessary to fight. Knowing that sooner or later Riku would have to face monsters and maybe even humans in the road he had ahead of them. Kogenta was adamant now about stealing Riku away from here and would do what it took to whisk the young man away. How he would do it hadn't entered into his mind yet but he would cross that bridge as soon as the old codger got back.
It was in the mid morning when Riku had woken up that Kogenta decided that they both needed to bathe since neither had done so. Riku happily agreed and got enough washing utensils for both himself and then white tiger before they set off for the river. Once both had made it to the clear running waters they each stripped and dove into the cold stream. Instantly they shivered at the coldness of the flowing liquid chilling their bodies, Kogenta less so because of his fur acting like a barrier protecting his skin.
Finally use to the temperature Kogenta and Riku began to wash when the white tiger moved up closer to the violet-eyed boy. Riku looked up to see his teacher staring at him with admiration in his eyes.
“Riku, you did good for someone who's never held a weapon before.” Kogenta said with mild pride
“Thanks Kogenta-sama! I feel like I learning a lot from you. I hope I didn't make too many mistakes with the staff like I did all the others.” Riku said with distress as he thought about the trouble he had caused with his other weapons
“No trouble at all. When I was a cub I had to learn the same way you did and I made many more mistakes than you. I one time accidentally tore a hole through the ceiling of my teacher's roof while practicing.” told Kogenta while thinking back to his past
“You where inside while practicing? Wasn't that dangerous?” Riku gaped at the white tiger in astonishment
“The funny thing is I was outside in a field nearby and one of my weapons got away from me and landed on the roof. I went after it but it had made a hole in the structure and fell through before I could reach it in time.” Kogenta laughed as he thought about his teacher's face when he came out with his student's weapon of choice in hand
“What happened after that?” Riku was totally enthralled in the tale he didn't realized that he had edged closer to Kogenta. The white tiger had stopped laughing as he recalled the punishment he had received that day.
“Well, my master was kind of a stickler and made me get on the roof and board up the hole and then made me do laps, push-ups and go without lunch.” Kogenta counted off his punishments on his furry fingers one by one
“Wow, that sounds really hard. Did you at least get to eat dinner?” Riku asked while staring at the staring tiger with concerned violet eyes
Kogenta had to pause as he looked to the young man and really take a look at him. No one had ever asked him that and many had thought he deserved such a punishment in order to aspire to become a great warrior. This was the first time he had ever heard someone worry over his well being even though his teach wasn't a cruel person. Nothing was worth physical and mental torture in his book.
“Yeah, I got to eat dinner and my teacher asked me if I understood why he punished me. I said because I had done wrong. But he corrected me and said he punished me not because I had done wrong but because I had…”
“…not done your best. You didn't exact the control you should have when you possessed already excellent handling on your powers.” Riku answered for the samurai and it startled both of them
“How did you know that?” Kogenta inquired while looking at Riku worriedly
“I think I heard it somewhere before.” The brown haired boy replied while looking at his friend
“Your grandfather…?” Kogenta asked while looking down into the water surrounding them
“No, someone else. I don't remember but I feel like I hear those words from someone much wiser and much more authoritive than my grandfather.” Riku seemed to trail off for a second as he pressed shoulder to shoulder against Kogenta without knowing it
“Riku…let me wash your back for you so we can get out of here before we both freeze.” the white tiger hide the fact that he didn't want the boy to see the befuddled look on his face
Shaking his head Kogenta reached for a washcloth and proceeded to clean his student of the grime of the last few days. Once he was finished with his task Riku took the rag and stroked over the white tiger's back until they were both thoroughly cleaned. Satisfied, the duo got out and dried off before putting on clean clothes and setting off for the teahouse.
Once back Riku saw that he had three customers waiting outside and immediately rushed over to open the teahouse. Kogenta kept in step behind the young man but stayed out of the boy's way as he went about his business. The brown haired youth bowed before the travelers and directed them inside of the small house with himself and Kogenta being the last to enter. As soon as the door shut Riku was preparing the food and took the orders of different teas the wayfarers wanted.
Kogenta had a chance to analyze the strangers and quickly assessed what he could about them. Two men and a woman. One of the men was a traveling bard who came complete with a green tunic and pants, brown boots, a long pale green cape, a fancy hat with a feather on its right and a lute. The instrument was very old and well-crafted and Kogenta could tell that it had seen much use by the wear of the polished wood and the calloused finger of the man. The bard's face was tanned from his exposure to the elements and his body was toned slightly telling of the many adventures he must have experienced. He had a long mane of blond hair trailing his back almost to his waist and sparkling blue eyes that held much mischief. He seemed to be a good-natured person as he smiled to the others and laughed at something that had been said.
The other man in the room was a grade A knight. His face was rugged from years of life having to hold a sword to his chest and his skin was sagging in places where time had done a lot of damage. Black hair hung from his shoulder that was graying a fraction and green eyes seemed to glint just a bit before dimming, as if a fire was begging to be set aflame. The male wore a silver colored mail and silver leggings along with a pair of knight's boots. A sheathed sword rested on his hip and another was strapped to his back. He seemed to be the no nonsense type by the look in his eyes and it was easy to see that very soon his days would be over. That type of man was looking for one last battle to finally have a brief shine before he faded away forever.
The last person was a female mage and she was a sight to behold. He face was pale pink and one could almost say rosy. She wore a traditional mages cloak colored deep red like her hair and eyes. A long red cape hung from her back and a staff was resting on her legs as she sat at one of the tables across from the bard. He demeanor was that of someone who had been taught proper manners early in her life as she spoke quietly and put her hands on her cheeks and turning to the side at something the young bard had said making her blush.
The white tiger could see that these three humans were nothing to be openly worried about but he still kept a watchful eye on the others just in case. The samurai sat by the door and watched the goings on in the small teahouse as Riku fixed the guest their tea and returned to the kitchen to continue boiling the rice. Kogenta was amused when he saw the knight's head turn in his direction before going back to drink his tea and nodded to the human in mutual respect. At least the world hadn't changed that much and warriors stilled used their battled honed senses to scout for danger any even the most calm of situations.
When Riku had served the guest he had fixed and two bowls for himself and Kogenta and nodded for the white tiger to come and eat with him. It was during the meal that the bard and had started to talk to the female mage and pored on some of his charm for her…
“So fair lady, to where do you seek to grace the world with your beauty?” the blond songster said as he ate with grace and elegance
“Charming young sir you are quiet kind. I travel to the capital to see an old friend on business. And what of yourself? To where do your journey?” the red haired female asked shyly
“I too am head for the capital, perhaps we can go together as to keep the other company?” the bard asked while taking hold of one of the magic user's dainty hands in his own rough and calloused ones
“You both better head back from where you came then.” the deep voice of the knight spoke while drinking his tea
“Why do you say that, good sir?” the red mage inquired while looking to the solemn knight
“The capital is going to be under attack come dawn tomorrow and the gates have been closed off so no one can enter or escape. I had just left before the announcement could be made by the palace guards.” the silver armored man said without a hint of remorse
“The capital is going to be attacked tomorrow?” Riku asked in a shout
The three travelers looked to their host with mild surprise but it was the bard who calmly answered the young man.
“Young sir please be at ease. The capital has the finest men and women to guard the city; leagues of mages and warriors who would lay down their lives to insure the safety of its citizens. Please be at ease for I am sure that they will not fail to strike down whatever enemy comes their way.” the golden haired man said with a voice that could charm and angel
“Ha! Don't bet on it. The city might fare against humans but demons with crush them like ants.” the older knight said in an amused voice
“Demons?” it was Kogenta who spoke with mild curiosity at the knight's words
“Seems that an army is heading for the capital from the sea and the navy is fighting them off as we speak.” addressed silver clad warrior to the samurai
“How can you know so much sir?” the female mage asked while seeming mildly impressed and wary
“I as one of the palace guards who was sent out to do reconnaissance. A few others and myself found one of the naval men on a piece of driftwood and brought him t the palace. He gave a full detail of what ha happened.” The human warrior put down his tea and as he thought back to the face of the man who he had spotted floated almost lifelessly in the ocean
“If what you say is true then why has word not been sent to the other kingdom just across the continent. Surely the emperor and empress would asked for aid when it came to times of war?” the bard asked while feeling a little afraid
“It would be pointless. If it really is demons on the verge of attacking then no army could stand against them. I remember seeing a small battalion of hellions attack a nation and watched it fall in the span of a day. This emperor must know that it is futile to try and send men to their deaths for nothing.” Kogenta said with an ominous air as he looked at the young bard
“Kogenta…?” Riku looked to his friend in mild worry as he tried to understand what the samurai was saying
“So then you understand why it would be hopeless to engage them.” the knight said after swallowing a mouthful of rice
“Kind knight I must ask of you, what then should we commoners do if the capital falls? Without the lifeblood of the royalty many would be lost and defenseless against the monsters that rampage the land or bandits and thieves to take what little we have as their own. What are we to do?” the red clad mage asked with a pleading tong
“I don not know the answer to that save this… if one is to live then they must fight to protect what they have. We cannot always rely on another to be there whenever troubles arise or situations become perilous. We must rely on our own strength and look to each other to lend us strength in times of crises and not one man or woman we hold up high on some ceremonial pedestal.” the words of the older man filled the room with a kind of hope that was lost in today's world of kingdom and empires.
The sounds of music coursed through the air and all eyes rested upon the bard who had stood up and gathered his lute in hand and began to strum it. His gentle fingers danced over the polished strings and he held the instrument in a tight but comfortable hold as the golden haired bard played a soothing melody. Soon he began to sing of a time when man fought side by side with another only the bonds of friendship and trust holding each other together. The days of yester year when there was no order or peace and just blood and sword guiding man through the darkness. Times when all that was cherished was defended with heart and spirit and tomorrows looked vague in the least.
Everyone their seemed to be filled with a strange sort of fire as they listened to the tales of the sun filled haired songster. They all thought back to days long ago when they felt the most at peace and the times when they smiled endlessly. As the bard finished his tale everyone finished eating and Riku took up the utensils before cleaning then and making more tea.
“Very well done dear sir. You have a rare gift.” the female magic user implored while clapping he hands
Both Kogenta and the knight nodded as well before thinking about their own journeys with which they must continue. Kogenta remembered now what it was his mission detailed and the reason why he had come to this continent. It all came rushing back as he heard the golden haired bard's tale and with the capital just around the mountainside about to be attacked the white tiger would have to leave. But looking back at the brown haired young man who had taken care of him, feed him, given him shelter, talked with him, and who he had trained it would be near unthinkable to leave the young man alone. Especially if what that man had told him would happen to this continent were to be true.
Looking at Riku Kogenta made up his mind and decided to tell the boy about his decision after the others had left.
“Well if what you say is true then good night then it would be a fool's errand to travel to the capital as it were now. I guess then I had better head for the other kingdom to get what I need.” the female mage said out loud while sighing and slumping her shoulders a fraction
“Fair one please allow me to join you to your destination. I would never forgive myself should anything happen to one such as yourself.” said the bard in a charming voice while placing his lute back onto his shoulders and kneeling before the red mage
“If you plan to head for the kingdom of the Blue Waters the allow me the privilege to travel with you.” spoke the knight as he looked to the two wayfarers
“It would be our pleasure, right sir bard?” the red haired woman asked with a pure smile on her rosy face
“Oh, yes, the more the merrier. Please gallant knight, do travel with us.” the bard bowed his head to hid his irritation at another coming along but kept his tongue in check. The knight made a slight purr in his throat and then slapped a few coins onto the table
“It would be wise to leave as soon as possible.” The knight rose from his seat and headed out of the teahouse without looking back
The other two nodded to each other before placing their own coins onto the table and trailing behind the towering man. Riku watched everyone leave and then went to close the door after his guest. Turning around the young man gathered up the coins and went to place then in his grandfather's bedroom before returning to look at his friend. The face that the white tiger was making gathered Riku's full attention and the brown haired boy walked over and sat down beside Kogenta.
“Is something bothering you Kogenta?” Riku asked
“Riku…I know why I came to this continent. I came here by orders of a certain man to gather intelligence on the state of the three kingdoms. I made it all the way to where you found me on my way to the diamond capital when I was hit in the back of the head by something and passed out. I need to leave here for he palace but I want you to come with me.” Kogenta looked into Riku's violet eyes with his own hardened ruby glare as he tried to make the young boy understand what he was saying
“ko…Kogenta, you want me to come with you? Why?” asked the young tea maker with just a hint of wonder in his voice
“I want you to see more of what this world has to offer and I don't want you to stay here by yourself. If it is true that demons are on their way to attach the capital then it could mean that this entire continent is in danger of being taken over. I don't want something to happen to you but I have to go to the capital as soon as possible. Will you come with me?” the samurai near pleaded with the young man
“I…I…” Riku didn't know what to say to such a request and was at a lost for words. He really wanted to go with his friend and see the world together with the white tiger but he didn't want to disobey his grandfather.
The older man had always told the brown haired boy to stay close to the teahouse and not go too far. He had scolded Riku many a times about wandering off and had instilled in his grandson the fact that nothing but danger and trouble lied beyond the boundaries of the little house on the plains. To go to the capital would be in direct violation of what he had been taught and Riku felt apprehensive about doing so, and yet…
Something about Kogenta's eyes was calling out to him to break free of the original rules and restrictions that had governed most of the young man's life. As if a power he knew nothing of was making his soul cry out to go with the samurai where he may travel. The feeling in his heart warred with the sense of obligation Riku had been instilled with and the young man closed his eyes and thought.
`Go…' a familiar voice said. The single word was murmured in a soothing and almost seductive voice
`Stay…' another voice ordered. Another voice commanded sounding harsh and demanding
`Choose…' one last word spoken with a gentle and caring manner Riku had never heard before
Three voices within his head all telling him what to do but somehow Riku knew that only he could decide what it was he would do. Only he could walk the path before him and only he could make his own way.
“I want…I want…I…want…to go with Kogenta…” the brown haired tea maker said within his mind. Looking at the white tiger the young man nodded his head and stood up.
“I'm going to go with you Kogenta, if that's okay.” the small bit of vigor that the boy had poured into his conviction passed away as he said the last of three words
The samurai smiled a toothy grin and leapt up and patted the young man on his shoulders. Nodding to Riku he instructed the young man of what he would need on his journey and sent him off. Once the brown haired youth was running about trying to get ready Kogenta let his smile fade and looked out the window of the tea house. If what that man had said was true then this continent was going to be in for a Hell storm. He had wasted so much time because of his memory loss but now the warrior knew what he had to do in order to complete his assignment.
Watching Riku gathering this and that together the white tiger also knew that he would protect the youth from the dangers that were sure to come. Even if everyone else on this spit of rock died he would watch out for this boy…he had a feeling that Riku was important. Whether that importance was good or evil he didn't know but Kogenta would guard him with his life. This boy…had a destiny ahead of him…and the white tiger was apart of it…and maybe something even more wondrous…or suicidal…