Original Poetry Fan Fiction ❯ As I wait ❯ Chapter 1

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

As I wait
In front of the door
To your heart
No matter what you do
No sin is worse
The people who sin
Deserves to go to Hell
But I love you so much
I was willing to die
Torment was strong
But my love
Is ever so stronger
Spit at me, deride my dignity
Whip me until you see bones
Blood red, warm liquid pours
Mock me, curse me, cuss me
Ask if I will become a worldly king
I kept my silence
How can I strike back
If I love you so much?
Force me to carry my cross
Place I will die on
Shove me, push and thrash
I continue to not strike
You have great value
More precious than all of the gold
Sapphires and rubies of the world
My blood spills as you hammer
My feet to the cross
Screaming in pain
My anguish for your lost soul
My hands nailed to the wood
Not once, did I strike
Then you raised me
On the Calvary hillside
Raising me up as King of Jews
My thorny crown given
My cross is heaved
My arms are stretched wide
My lungs long for air
I lift my chest up,
The weight of the nails pounds
As I steal what breath I can
I will forever knock on your door
To your heart, you have gifts
Personality and the soul
No matter how you are now
I still want you
I love you so much
My blood shed for your sins
For your relationship
With God!