Original Poetry Fan Fiction ❯ Poems ❯ The Most Beautiful Love of All ( Chapter 21 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

The Most Beautiful Love of All

Though the time is now rough,
I will not give up.
They cannot keep me away saying 'that's enough',
My love remains and I will not be kept shut.

Whispers, quick in the night,
I reach my hand out to you.
This I promise, I will win this fight,
Remember that I love you too.

Dry your tears,
Grief will not help us this time.
Though distance is our only fear,
We'll have to be strong and go on with this so-called 'crime'.

We did nothing,
Only show each other our love.
Obviously they think it was something,
But oh well, our love is as pure as a dove.

I cannot sleep at night,
Knowing that you're alone.
These tears creep down blurring my sight,
It's only a matter of time until I get my phone.

I keep my rage and hate for them in,
How dare they take my happiness away again.
Love outside of the Damned, to them, is a sin,
I can't have love or a true friend.

If they keep us away,
I will tell you the plan in my head.
You will try to stop me, for you will dismay,
Or the other plan when they sleep in their cold bed.

All I desire is just to hear your voice,
To know that we still have a talk.
That is our only choice,
Then, after our wait, we can finally be together and walk.

Waiting...a hard thing to do,
But it will be beautiful if we do wait.
Then the ones we hate won't have a clue,
That, my dearest, is our beautiful fate.

In my heart, i'm holding you close,
Whispering the love I have for you.
Telling you you're the one I want the most,
And what I want in the future for us to do.

Marriage. Family. Forever,
A boundless love between you and I.
I love you now and forever, and i'll fight to stay together,
Outside of you, I don't care who i'd hurt or lie.

For you, I will harm anyone who makes a threat,
Together, you and I, that's all that matters to me.
Just as long as I stay in your arms where i'm meant,
And as long as you, too, are happy.

Just wait this out with me,
Know that i'm doing everything I can.
On the day we leave, we'll never be lonely,
And we'll get married and love openly, our original plan.

Please, for me Tony, don't forget,
No matter what, i'll fight for you.
I love you, I knew that since the day we met,
Other girl's love are untrue, only mine is purely true.

Don't allow for me to be alone again.