Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ A Second Chance ❯ A Forgotten Friend ( Chapter 7 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Author’s Note: I’m very sorry about the huge delay in releasing this chapter. I’ve been dealing with tons of problems before getting ready to move. I’ve had to deal with my work and school issues. Since I’m a college student and I work around 30-35 hours a week, I’m sure you can understand what I’ve been going through lately. All so, I’m not just a writer, I do video editing as well. I’m really sorry and I’ll try to make it up to everyone.

Chapter 7 “A Forgotten Friend”

The classroom is filled with the echo of the teacher preaching the days boring lesson to the class. Ryan is up in the corner in his usual spot with Jean next to him scribbling on a piece of paper, which she then slips under Ryan’s textbook. Of course Ryan didn’t even notice until a hard jab from Jeans elbow slammed into his arm.

“Owe! What was that for?!” Ryan yelled as he stood up totally forgetting about where he was. The whole class turned to face him and stared with a few snickers and quiet laughs in the background.

“RYAN! Sit down and pay attention! I don’t want anymore interruptions today, understand?” Exclaimed his teacher with a keen voice.

Ryan instantly bowed in an apologizing manner and sat down. The preaching continued from the teacher as Ryan looked over at Jean angrily. She was pointing down at the edge of the paper showing beneath his book. He pulled it out and read it in his mind.

Your as post to pick her up from the hospital after school today right? I was wondering if you wanted me to go clothes shopping with you two. After all I think it would be a bit weird for her to go alone with you.”

He instantly shifted his head upwards and blushed after realizing the truth behind her words. The fact that he was helping someone he didn’t even know shop for the necessities of clothing is extremely embarrassing, not to mention the fact that she may need help changing. Turning the paper over, he began scribbling words of his own on the piece of paper and moved it back towards Jean who opened it and began reading in her mind.

“Thanks for reminding me, I forgot that I’d have to buy her clothes. Yes, I’d like very much for you to come please if you don’t mind.”

After the message was read she looked up over at Ryan and smiled. That alone was enough to signal an “OK”. The day moved on slowly since Ryan only had one thing on his mind. The fact that today, she was going to leave the hospital and be living with him for who knows how long. Ryan never really sat down and thought about how all this was going to affect his life. He sighed and slowly drifted into a state of consciousness known as “Half-asleep”.

“Ryan… Ryaaannnn… RYYANN!”

Ryan instantly lifts his head off the desk and looks over at Jean who was shaking her head sighing. The school bell was ringing signaling the end of class and people were exiting the room.

“Woohoo class is over, LETS GO,” said Ryan as he grabbed Jeans hand and took off out the room and down the hallways practically dragging her with him.

“Hey, slow down!” Jean was stumbling behind him but still managing to keep up some how. “Geez, he gets this excited over her? I’ve never seen him this excited about anything before.” Jean forced his hand off hers. “Settle down we will get there soon enough I’m not going to run the whole way there stupid.”

“Tch… fine,” answered Ryan as they proceeded down the street on the sidewalk towards the hospital.

“So uhh… You really like this girl huh… I mean she’s all you ever talk about or think about these days.”

“Well it wasn’t that way at first but for some reason I just feel different around her. When I’m with her I feel calm, and… and… serene… that’s half of the reason I named her serenity. It’s not just that though, it’s like… hmmm… It’s that feeling you get when you just know everything will work out some how or piece together.”

“I see… I guess,” said Jean while looking down at the road in front of her, somewhat bothered by what Ryan had said. “So… How… How do you feel when you’re around me then?”

Ryan turned his head over to look at her holding his briefcase over his shoulder completely dumbfounded by her words. She was looking down at the ground in front of her sulking while she walked beside him. Finally it hit Ryan like a ton of bricks. He hadn’t been spending much time lately with his best childhood friend. It’s as if he had almost completely shut her out of his life the past few weeks.

“Say uhhh… How about we go out and get some food first eh? We got plenty of time, it’s not like we have to be there right away right? That new club in the new part of town finally opened. How about it?”

She instantly lifted her head up and stared into his eyes, her eyes were sparkly and glittering proving the joy brought forth by his words. With her confidence instantly repaired she responded in a cheerful voice, “Ok, lets go!”

The two of them took off running towards the city and stopped at a small crowd of people lined up to get into a building that looked entirely new. Sparkly color changing lights were gleaming out of the windows. Dance music was pouring into the crowds ears, dimming out all the talking. Occasional puffs of artificial smoke swayed out of the small openings of the windows and the main entrance.

“The line isn’t very long since we just got out of school; we should be able to get right in!” Said Jean eagerly. “You go wait in line, I’m going to come back with some drinks. Be right back!”

Ryan leaned against the wall in line. The music blaring and still drowning out the voices in the crowd. Looking down at his watch he noticed it was only four p.m. which left plenty of time for fun. He figured he would pick her up at around eight. Removing his glance from the watch and resting his head against the wall with his eyes closed, he suddenly remembered that he still had to buy clothes for her.

“Well at least today is Friday. We can go clothes shopping on Saturday and Jean can come too.”

A pleasing lime aroma tingled his senses as he opened his eyes to see Jean waving a margarita in his face.

“How did you know that was my favorite drink?!”

“I know a lot about you, you’d be surprised!” Jean grabbed Ryan’s free left arm with her right. Her left was occupying a strawberry daiquiri. They were next in line to enter the club, the next moment two people left meant it was ok for them to enter.

“Say… You think we look like a couple to everyone else like this?”

Ryan looked over down at Jean shocked and blushing somewhat. He had jumped slightly from her words making Jean laugh quietly. Upon entering the doors, the lights, music, smoke, and dancing became a reality. Everyone was cutting loose and letting their bodies go wild. Without hesitation Jean dragged Ryan on the dance floor and together they danced their hearts out for quite some time. The music had a groovy beat and light show on the dance floor seemed to enhance the music all the more. There was no way one could contain themselves on the dance floor in this club. The day past by menacingly as they danced and drank at the bar, then danced some more.

It was now dark outside, more dark then Ryan had expected it to be upon exiting. He was holding Jean in his arms who was completely drunk and passed out. Her arms were around his neck, supporting her upper body slightly. Positioning his arm just right he was able to quick glance his watch reading seven-thirty p.m.

“Damn it, spent a lot more time in their then I wanted too.”

“But we had a lot of fun thought right?” Answered Jean slowly, stopping periodically cause of hiccups.

“Oh, you’re awake. Yeah it was the most fun I’ve had in a while.”

“Carrying a drunk girl home I see... What a fine gentlemen… you’re turning out to be.”

“Don’t start, your embarrassing me again. I’m doing it cause were good friends that’s all.”

“Just… … friends… huh…” Her words barely managing to escape her mouth as she fell asleep again in Ryan’s arms as he gazed down at her.

Proceeding down the murky road, the street lights flickering occasionally. The housing district she lived in soon came into view. Ryan was growing very tired from carrying her such a long distance. Barely managing to make it up the stairs to her apartment door his arms began giving out on him. He leaned her against the wall in a sitting position as he punched in the electronic code for the apartment door. Staggering all the way to her bed, he nearly fell beside it. It took all the rest of his energy just to lay her gently down on to the bed without waking her. The watch now read eight-fifteen.

“That’s not good… I better hurry…”

Ryan exited the door and the housing district back onto the main road. “The hospital closes its doors at nine… That leaves forty minutes to get there now.”

“All right! HERE I GO!”

Words can not describe how fast Ryan took off down the street towards the hospital. His energy seemed to be running off of an unending source now. He new that she had been waiting for him all day and he wasn’t about to give up for that reason. The legs beneath him were moving with minds of their own. Nothing was going to stop him now.
“I’m coming serenity, I’m sorry! Just wait for me a little longer!”

To Be Continued…