Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ Angels and Demons ❯ His Thoughts ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

A/N: Do I need to say it? Review please!!!!!
Dramuela watched Dante from the shadows as he unclenched his fists. She walked over to where Amber lay in the grass. She knew Dante had used his mind control on her. She didn't understand why he didn't just kill her. That would have been much quicker and taken less energy.
She sighed. She would never understand Dante's thoughts. She stared at Amber. “Can I eat her now?” she asked, her voice cold and blunt.
Dante glanced at her, his gaze cold. “No,” he said flatly. He walked to Amber and knelt next to her. He brushed her hair from her face. She was very beautiful for a human.
“What are you doing?” Dramuela asked coldly. She hid the jealously from her voice, but it permeated her aura.
Dante let his gaze slide from her back to Amber. He could feel her angry thoughts, just as he had felt Amber's fearful ones. He thought about what he had felt in her aura. Just before she fainted, the name she whispered had inspired great love, but also deep pain, as well as a torrent of other emotions. Thoughts of him had swirled, too, in her unshielded mind.
“She seemed to know me,” he said suddenly, his voice casual. “I wish to know why. Perhaps…”
Dramuela quirked an eyebrow, showing her curiosity. “Perhaps what?”
“Perhaps she knew me before,” he said, staring at her. His voice softened to a whisper. “Before I was reborn.”
Dramuela laughed softly. “You were nothing but a peasant destined to die when Mother transformed you,” she said, scoffing at him. “She gave you power. Why do you want to remember your former life?”
Dante smirked. “You make it sound so easy,” he said softly. “This giving and taking life. But things are not always as black and white as we want to believe. Having power is an awesome gift, but I'm lonely. I want to find some one who knew me. I don't want to be lonely. Not any more. If this is what having power means, then I don't want it.”
Dramuela sneered. “Well spoken,” she said coldly. She turned. “Then I'll leave you to satisfy your fancies.” She walked away, heading back to the crypt where she slept.
Dante watched her go, then shifted his gaze back to Amber. He knew Dramuela thought he was crazy. Perhaps he was. But she would always only see the reason his Blood Mother changed him. She would always see the immense power she had given him, and never the loneliness and the pain he felt daily. As he gazed at Amber, he felt a thrill of hope. A strange, magnetic attraction drew him to her, one he knew the magic in his veins affected. He knew there was a reason he had been drawn to this place, and he was certain she held the key to finding it.
As he looked at her, he admired the curves and soft angles of her face. Her skin looked soft and he wondered how it would feel beneath his fingertips. He was surprised at this thought. He smiled softly. He seemed to harbor odd feelings for this girl. Ones that seemed to pre-exist. He decided to give in to these strange feelings, against his better judgment. He slowly reached out and touched her cheek.
A sudden burning sensation shot through his fingers, traveling up his arm and into his chest. He snatched his hand away, as if she were fire. He sneered at his hand, still feeling the electricity. “What was that?” he whispered to himself. He looked at her, feeling her thoughts begin to shift toward wakening.
She stirred softly, so barely that, had he not been looking for it, he would have missed it. Her eyes opened slowly, and she turned toward him, sensing his presence. Her hazel eyes traveled up to meet his green ones. She sat up slowly.
“Dante?” she whispered. A familiar light came to her eyes. She seemed as if she had known him for a long time, and she was simply seeing him again after a long time apart.
He fell back in the grass, leaning back on his hands. He felt silly, staring at her. It was against his nature to behave in such a manner. “Yes, Milady,” he said. She was so beautiful, it made him feel weak.
“What happened?” she asked, her voice soft.
He shook his head, his silver hair whisping around his face. “I do not know, Milady,” he said, finding himself slightly at a loss for words. He knew that was a lie, but those were the only words that came to mind. He didn't want to tell her that he too, was a vampire. Not yet, any way.
“Amber,” she whispered, smiling softly. “Call me Amber.” She didn't understand it, but she knew that they had known each other all along. She felt at peace suddenly around him.
He nodded dumbly. He wondered why she suddenly felt so at ease around him, when, minutes ago, she had been panicking.
She stared at him contemplatively. “I understand now,” she said softly. “You're lost. You came to me for help.”
He tilted his head, feeling shocked. “How did you know?” he breathed.
“My dreams,” she said. “They make sense now.” She was calm, and she thought it weird how serene she felt. She felt as if she had truly known him.
Dante looked away. The magic in his blood must have taken her pain away. That must have been the burning he felt. He could not suppress a growl. The magic had a mind of its own.
Amber watched him. “Are you okay?” she asked quietly.
He nodded. “You said you dreamed of me,” he said, changing the topic. “You've dreamt of me before?”
Amber nodded. “I didn't know it was you,” she said. “And you never told me your name.” She let her gaze falter. “You always seemed so lost and confused. But now I understand.”
Dante stood suddenly.
Amber stared at him, amazed at his grace and agility in his fluid movements.
“You should get going,” he said suddenly. “Someone is coming, looking for you.” His demeanor was icy, almost as if he was offended or hiding something. It was the polar opposite of the emotions she had just seen.
“How do you know?” she asked.
“I hear him,” Dante said, his electric green eyes shifting to meet hers. “And I smell him. He's still a little ways off, but he's calling for you.”
Confusion crossed Amber's face. “He?” she asked.
Dante was silent for a moment, letting his eyes travel into the distance. “His servant call him Master Griffin,” he said. He turned his piercing eyes back to her.
Amber thought a moment, then her eye widened in fear. “The Baron?” she asked, standing quickly.
“Ah, so you know him,” Dante said, turning his noble head. His silver hair fell over his shoulder. “I must go.” His eyes fell to the ground.
Amber thought quickly. She didn't want the Baron to find her. She knew for sure he would be angry with her, and she didn't want him to think her childish. She suddenly dreaded facing him. She caught Dante's arm as he turned away. “Don't go,” she said quickly. She felt him tense, his muscles like iron beneath her fingers.
“I must,” he said, his back to her. “They are at the gate. They will be here soon, and they cannot see me.” He heard the begging in her voice, and it shook him to the core, but he knew he couldn't stay.
“Please,” Amber begged in a whisper.
Dante turned on her, growling. He couldn't control his anger at this persistent little wench. Most accepted his word, though usually because they weren't given another option. “I assume you know what I am, as it appears you are not ignorant,” he bit out angrily. “This world is not fit for me to be strutting around openly. Men are not ready to face their demons.” He sighed deeply, closing his eyes. “I am a vampire. Do you seriously believe they would accept me? I am different enough that they would fear me, and rightfully so, but that puts both of us in harms' way. Besides, you don't know me. You don't know that I was gracious in sparing your life tonight, as well as the lives of those coming for you.” He turned, his expression again stoic. “Though its hardly skin off my back seeing as you're human and I'm not.”
Amber stepped back, letting her hand fall to her side. “I see,” she said, hiding the hurt in her aura. She turned to go. “I will be back, Dante.” Then she turned and was gone.
Dante stood there a long moment. She was so beautiful, and he had spoken so harshly to her. He shook his head, ridding himself of the guilt. He blew his silver bangs from his eyes. He had to make her leave. He had needed to say something that would make her go, even at the risk of her never returning. Humans were dangerous to him, and he should not have let that one leave alive. He and Dramuela were at risk of being found.
But the magic caused his blood to tingle. He knew she was safe. She would be back. She was too curious. And, as far as he could tell, she admired him. He smiled to himself. She would be back.
He frowned suddenly. It was fine with him if she returned, for he was curious about her as well. He wanted to know why his blood burned when he touched her and why he could not control the magic around her. He also wondered why her thoughts had been so plain to him. And why she'd asked him to stay with her.
He walked toward his crypt, pausing at the graves she had been visiting. “Lord Ladislas,” he said. He blinked, a face suddenly coming to mind. He jumped, looking around. Had he known this Ladislas in his former life?
Amber walked to where Aato stood. She could clearly see the Baron and two others coming up the road now. She climbed onto Aato, realizing, once more, than she was not properly dressed for a meeting with the Baron. She only wore a night gown and the thin robe over it. Her feet were bare.
She sighed, turning Aato. Oh well.
“Milady,” the Baron called as he approached. At first, he seemed genuinely concerned, but then he noticed her meager dress.
Amber saw that Aaryn was one of the men riding with him.
“Milady,” he said, sliding from his horse. His voice was soft and relieved, unlike the Baron's, who had been commanding. “We were worried about you. Rupert nearly had a heart attack when he realized you were gone.”
Amber bowed her head. “I'm sorry,” she said quietly. “I just couldn't sleep.” She turned to glance at the cemetery. “I needed to come see them.”
Aaryn nodded, his eye softening in understanding. “I know,” he said quietly.
The Baron suddenly spoke up. “As much fun as it is to play Prince Charming and come find you, I would advise you to stay home after dark,” he said. His voice was commanding and proud, and it shattered the atmosphere. “You don't know who could be hiding out here, waiting to rob you or hurt you.
And I know many people would be devastated if something happened to you.” He gazed at her, his expression unreadable.
Amber nodded. “I'm tired,” she said quietly, suddenly feeling very exhausted. She petted Aato. “Let's go home.”
That night Amber was finally able to sleep peacefully. When she woke, it was well into the morning. She vaguely wondered why no one had come to wake her, but she was thankful for the extra rest.
She slowly dragged herself out of bed, her thoughts turning to Dante. She was blown away that he was the man from her dreams, and she was startled at his resemblance to Gavin. The more she considered him, the more she longed to see him once more and to speak with him. She knew she was going to visit him again tonight.
But then it occurred to her what she was thinking about. He was a vampire. He had saved her from Dramuela, but he had also told her that he should not have. Would he let her come near again, or was she risking her life for her curiosity? She sighed. There was only one way to find out.
A thoughtful smile crossed her lips as her thoughts shifted. He looked so much like Gavin. Was that why she was so fascinated with this other-worldly being?
A frown creased her lips. What was it she was hoping to find? The truth about Gavin, perhaps? Her frown deepened. Why was her heart still pining for Gavin?
She walked to her bureau, running her fingers through her hair. She thought about her father. She missed him terribly, but the ache she had felt in her chest was gone. She realized that it had vanished last night after she woke next to Dante. She realized that the entire time she had been near him, she hadn't felt alone or afraid or depressed. In fact, she had felt quite content. She began to wonder; did he sense her feelings? Her anguish?
She knew, being a supernatural being, his senses were heightened. Had he been able to smell her fear? Had he sensed the tension in her body? Had he heard her heart pounding in her chest? Had he seen the way she blushed when he spoke to her and touched her?
She stared at her reflection in the mirror. Gavin had had that effect on her. He always knew exactly what to say to make her smile or laugh, and he used to tell her that he liked it when she blushed. He said it made her look more beautiful, and it made her eyes sparkle.
She felt a sudden ache deep in her heart. She had been so happy with him; happier than she had been since the passing of her mother. She knew she was still deeply in love with him. She wished she knew what had happened to him. She thought back to when he had first left. Her father had inquired about Gavin with the court, and found out almost a year later that a young man named Gavin had been among King Richard's troops. But he had disappeared as the army neared the unknown lands in the East and Jerusalem. No trace of him could be found. The knights, highly cynical, were sure he had been among the deserters, saying that war was no place for a boy or weakling. But Ladislas thought otherwise. He never told Amber right out, but he implied that he believed Gavin to be dead.
Amber stood and dressed quickly. She sighed, leaving her thoughts of Gavin and Dante at the door. She walked down the stairs to the kitchen, where she greeted Darbus, the household cook.
“Good morning, Milady,” he said cheerfully, a smile on his face.
“Good morning Darbus,” Amber said quietly, with a soft smile. Her morning always started this way.
Darbus' face fell. He could see the sadness creeping into her hazel eyes already this morning. It pained all the servants to see their lady so sad. They all longed for the day when she would be happy again, but until then they did all they could to please her.
“Are you hungry?” Darbus asked, turning away, hiding the hurt.
Amber watched him put food onto a plate. “A little,” she said.
He turned back to her, handing her the plate. “There you are,” he said with a satisfied smile.
Amber took the plate. She walked to a nearby counter and set it down, out of Darbus' way. She began to nibble thoughtfully at her toast. “Darbus,” she said quietly.
He looked up at her from the pot he was scrubbing. He grey eyes grew concerned at the look on her face. “Yes, Milady?” he said. “Is everything alright?”
She nodded. “The Baron is coming for supper,” she said, her face troubled.
Darbus grimaced. “Ah,” he said, relieved slightly. He shook his head.
“He says it's to check on me,” she said, looking at Darbus. “But I think his visit is for more selfish reasons.”
Darbus nodded. “Aye,” he agreed. “That man is a sly one. I would advise you to be careful around him.”
Amber nodded, a grim smile coming to her face. “He talked to me last night,” she said. “He asked me to consider marrying. He said that way I wouldn't be lonely any more.” She gave a little laugh. “I don't know what makes him think he knows the cure to my loneliness.”
Darbus was silent and thoughtful. “Perhaps marriage would be a good thing for you,” he suggested.
Amber looked at him sharply. “What are you saying?” she asked.
“Well,” Darbus said, unsure. “Maybe having a man around to handle things would make life easier.” He saw her incredulous look. “I'm only thinking of your best interest, Milady.”
She finished her food and picked up her plate. She handed it to him with a wry smile. “I'll show you, Darbus,” she said. Her voice had taken on a challenging, yet playful tone. “I can do anything around here that a man could do.” She turned and walked to the door. She heard Darbus chuckle. “And I can do it twice as good, too,” she tossed over her shoulder.
Darbus chuckled, shaking his head. She really was something else. Perhaps she was right.