Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ Haunted ❯ The Killings and Hauntings ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 1: The killings and the Hauntings
“Mom? Dad? Where are you?” A girl said into the darkness of her home. She closed the front door and walked through the hallway towards the living room. There was no sound, only dead silence surrounded her. “Mom! Dad!” She called once again, but still there was no answer. “Where are you guys?” She whispered to herself. She had finally arrived at her destination when she saw blood. She looked in confusion at the floor; there was a puddle of blood around her feet. “What the heck?” She said looking around the room, but she couldn't see a thing it was too dark. So she put her hand up against the wall to find the light switch. When she had finally turned on the light she looked around and saw 4 dead bodies around. Two of which were her parents, but the other two she didn't know who they were. She just stood there starring at the dead bodies in shock. She was so in shock that she wasn't aware of her surroundings. A figure was waiting in the shadows a smile upon his face.
Another victim to die with the rest was his thoughts. He gave a small, but silent laugh as he walked around the girl. He stood behind her with a hammer; he knew it would knock her out for an amount of time. He didn't hesitate in striking her with the object, even if she was a young one; he had a job to do and would do it quick. Once the girl was knocked out he quickly got his knife out ready to kill her when, once again, he heard the door open and footsteps approach. It would take him awhile to kill the girl than it did him with the parents so he decided to get out of there as quick as he could.
The owner of the footsteps and the girl's rescuer was her own brother. He had seen the light in the living room and saw the blood clearly. So he knew something was wrong and had to hurry. When he got to the living room he saw his parents and two others just like his sister had, but wasn't as shocked as she had been. He looked around the room to see if the killer was still there, but there was no sign of life in the room. Then when he took a step inside he felt something at his feet, he looked down to see his sister. He picked her up and tried to wake her up, but it was no good. There was blood trickling down the side of her head and he could still hear her breathing. “Thank God she isn't dead yet,” He said breathing a sigh of relief. Still holding his sister in his arms he grabbed the house phone and called 911.
About 10 minutes later the police and ambulance where in front of the house. The police took care of the dead bodies while the doctors took the girl to the hospital to treat her wounds. Her brother stayed behind to answer some of the questions that the police where asking. He couldn't really answer many of them since his mind was too focused on who killed his parents, why did they attack his sister, and if his sister was going to be okay. After about 5 minutest the police stopped asking him questions and let him be. He didn't understand why anyone would kill his parents. They had not done anything to offend anyone, or at least he thought they hadn't. They were good people, he knew that much. After thinking for awhile he left he police at the house and drove off to the hospital to see is sister.
Half an hour later, he was at the entrance of the hospital. He walked into the waiting room and asked the lady at the front desk if anyone with the name, Akira Haiku, had arrived. The lady nodded and gave him the room number of his sister. He walked down the hallway, glancing into the different rooms now and again. He finally arrived at his sister's room. There were a few people outside her room. Two were doctors and the rest were nurses. “Umm… excuse me? I was wondering if this was Akira Haiku's room?” He said approaching the group of people.
“Yes this is her room right here,” one of the nurses said pointing towards the open door. From the open door you could see an empty bed then a curtain. Behind that curtain there was a bed. And instantly Akira's brother knew that she was in that bed.
He slowly walked over to the curtain and pulled in back to reveal the bed that Akira was laying on. She had her eyes closed and a bandage wrapped around her head. He went to the side of her bed and sat down on the nearest chair near. He just shook his head; he couldn't believe that this had happened to her. He blamed himself for her injury because he was suppose to be watching her, but had lost track of her when she had runaway. As he was thinking one of the doctors came in.
“It seems like your sister got hit on the head pretty hard. The police said that they saw a hammer near so they must have been what had hit her. She's going to be asleep for a day or so.” He told her brother. Akira's brother just nodded not even looking at the doctor. The doctor just nodded as well and walked out of the room.
Two days passed by and Akira still hadn't wakened. Her brother had come by to the hospital and had a friend with him. His friend just stood there next to him and looked at his sister. “Dude she got hit by that hammer really hard didn't she?” His friend asked looking at the sulking brother. A few minutes later there was a stirring in the bed. Akira seemed to be waking up. Her brother was just looking at her anxious for her to wake up.
“Akira?” He said looking at her. Akira's eyes slowly opened up. She looked around her with a confused face.
“Kazuki?” She asked looking up at him. Kazuki just nodded with a smile.
“You're finally wake,” He said with a sigh. “I was worried for a minute that you might never wake up again, sis.”
“My head hurts. Where's mom and dad?” She asked not wanting to think that what she had seen two days ago was real. Kazuki hesitated for a minute. He didn't know whether to tell her that they were dead or not. But he had to face the facts and he knew that so did she.
“Akira, it's hard to say this, but they're dead.” Akira just shook her head.
“I didn't want to believe that they were. I thought it was just a bad dream.” She whispered to herself.
“I wish it was a bad dream too, but it's not. Those bodies in the living room were the real thing Aki.” He said. He paused for a minute and looked down at the ground. “They were really mom and dad,” he said almost in a whisper. Akira also looked down at her hands in her lap. Her fingers were playing with a necklace in her hands. She titled her head sideways and looked hard at the necklace.
“Why is there blood on my necklace?” She asked out loud. She had remembered wearing it that day, but had taken it off before she had gotten home. She wondered how blood had gotten on to it. Kazuki took the necklace, carefully, out of her hands and examined it. He also saw blood spots on her necklace.
“I don't remember you wearing it when I found you on the floor in the living room. How did blood get on it?” Kazuki wondered as well. The mystery of the necklace was left undiscovered that day and the day after that.
A week later Akira was aloud to leave the hospital after the police had asked her some questions. They didn't get many answers from her since she was knocked out about 2 minutes after she had found her parents dead on the floor. During that week Akira also returned to her middle school. But when she returned she wasn't greeted with relieved faces, because they actually wished she was dead. They weren't thinking happy thoughts like, “She's alive! That's wonderful!” no their thoughts were like this, “Oh she's alive. Who cares about her? She was probably the one who killed her parents, and just made it look like someone else had done it.” This didn't make Akira any more comfortable in school than before. She tired to continue her studies, but that was kind of hard when you get notes saying:
“Get lost you killer. No one wants you around. And we mean no one!”
“Who do you think you're playing? You killed your parents and those other two. You can't hide it.”
Akira was really getting annoyed by these kinds of notes. She was so annoyed that every time she came home these last few weeks, she threw the notes on the kitchen table at her brother's apartment and left them there. Kazuki would of course see them and just shake his head and throw them out. Akira and Kazuki were both staying in an apartment since they both agreed that they couldn't stand staying in a house that would haunt them with the memories of their parents. So they packed their things and left. And luckily for them Kazuki owned an apartment that he stayed at once in awhile with his friend.
One day Akira had come home from school, once again annoyed because of those stupid notes, and had locked herself in her room. She was sitting on her bed listening to Sum 41Hell song. As she was listening to her music she started to hear someone calling her name. It wasn't like a yelling kind, but like how ghost usually call out in a movie. She had this confused look on her face as she looked around for the source of the sound, but she couldn't tell where it was coming from. The music was loud enough so that she couldn't hear Kazuki, who was at work now, or his friend, Tyler, calling her name. And then she looked at her window and saw that it was sealed shut, so she was very confused at where the sound of her name was coming from.
She tried to ignore the sound at first, but then she heard it again and stood up from her bed. She looked around her room just looked completely confused. Who the heck is calling my name? She thought to herself. When she sat back in her bed and turned on her laptop she started hearing it again. She turned off her cd player and looked around her room once again. She continued to be confused and started to work on her homework, but didn't turn her cd player back on.
Akira-a-a” a ghostly voice called out to her.
“Who the heck is it? What do you want? Stop playing games with me. Who the heck are you?” She said angrily to no one at all.
Don't sound so mean to your father Akira,” A woman's voice called out. Akira just looked around her room in confusion.
“My father? My father's dead.” She said looking around. Then when she looked over at her window she saw two familiar figures. Both were a middle aged man and woman. “Mom? Dad? Is that you?” She asked towards the two. Both figures nodded. “But it can't be. You guys are dead. Unless this is all a joke and if it is, it's a very cruel one.”
Honey this is no joke. Your father and I are really dead. And apparently you and your brother have suffered deeply, but you most of all.” Her mother said giving her a sad look.
“Yeah, I guess you could say that. Everyone at school thinks that I killed you. And that I just tried to kill myself to make it look like someone other than me did it.”
“Don't let those kind of people get to you. Make them see that it wasn't really you.” Her father said.
“It's kind of hard when you get notes everyday saying to get lost and to go die.”
Don't listen to what they have to say. Just remember you know the truth. And whoever believes you is a true friend and to those who don't well they have very bad judgment.” Her mother said. Then suddenly there was a knock on the door.
“Akira! Come on out. Tyler made dinner. Wait on second nevermind stay in there. Since he made dinner he might have-“Kazuki said when he was suddenly interrupted.
“Shut up Kazuki! My food is not poisonous unless you want me to poison you?” Tyler yelled at him.
“Okay okay I believe that you didn't poison the food. But how was I supposed to know that after you're last meal? But you also didn't have to throw a shoe at me for crying out loud!”
“Well sorry that was the only way to shut you up!”
“I'll be right out you two! So you both can shut up now!” Akira yelled back at them from inside her room. She turned back to the figures of her ghost parents. “Sorry mom and dad I got to eat dinner now.” Both parents nodded understanding and disappeared.
A few minutes later Akira came out of her room quietly closing her door. She made her way silently to the dinner table. Both Tyler and Kazuki were still arguing. Kazuki was saying how that the food was poisoned and Tyler was saying otherwise. Akira shook her head and sat down. “Are we going to eat or are you guys going to continue to argue?” She said looking at them. Both of them just looked at her and smiled.
“We can eat.” They both said in unison and began to eat. It was a lovely dinner. Tyler had made chicken and made some steamed vegetables. Kazuki had said it was one of his best meals in awhile and had deserved a hit on the head. Akira just laughed at the two saying that they acted more like a couple then best friends and she got food thrown at her instead. After dinner Akira headed back to her room to finish up her homework and wondered if she would be visited by the ghost of her parents again. But they didn't show. So she would wait until the next night.
Akira's parents visited her every night after the incident. But still no one believed her that she was innocent in killing her parents. The end of the school year was coming to an end and it wasn't ending as well as Akira had hoped for. She knew that the deaths of four people, two being her parents, would follow her to high school and Kazuki was aware of this. So he suggested that for high school that Akira should attend a boarding school either in the country out of the country, it was her choice. He also told her that if she was to attend a boarding school that he would be out of the country for about 2 or 3 years with Tyler and some other people from his work. She thought this over a bit and agreed to go to a boarding school.
The next day after school Kazuki returned home from work with books and pamphlets of boarding schools in the USA, Europe, and Asia (where he knew that people can speak English). For the next week before school ended Akira went through these books and pamphlets checking out what kind of boarding school she should go to. And by the end of that week she had decided to go to a boarding school in Asia. Kazuki sent out an application to the school and they waited for their response.
In about a month, after school had ended, Kazuki and Akira received an acceptance letter from the school. They all packed up their things for the next month. One night while Akira was packing up she heard a gun shot right outside her room. She ran to her window and looked around. She looked down at the street near her home and saw a dead body. She looked in shock then dashed out her room down the stairs right past Tyler and Kazuki, who just looked after her in confusion. Then they suddenly jumped out of their seats and followed her.
All three of them were outside in a few minutes and saw a body on the sidewalk lying motionless. Tyler and Kazuki looked at the body in confusion and shock. Akira on the other hand walked over to the body and examined it. The sound she heard was definitely was gun shot because there was a hole in the chest of the body. Akira unsteadily took out her cell phone and dialed 911. A few minutes later the police were there once again outside Akira's home. They examined the body and the area around asked all three residents about it and got information on the victim.
While all of this was going on Akira walked around her house looking around to see if the shooter was still around, even though she knew it was dangerous. Kazuki noticed her and pulled her back to the clearing holding on to her for dear life. He didn't want to lose someone else from her family. While Kazuki was holding on to her she looked around and saw a ghostly figure, like her parents, except this one looked like the victim. She just looked at the figure in confusion and noticed that the lady also looked confused. She didn't believe she was dead.
Akira tried to break free from Kazuki's grasp and walked over the tree that the lady was standing near. She leaned against it so that no one suspected her or thought she was crazy when she talked. “Confused?” She asked the lady. The lady just looked at Akira with the same confused look.
Why am I dead when I'm standing right here?” She asked very confused. “All I remember is feeling this pain on my head then I heard a gun go off and now I'm here. Dead.”
“Do you know who it was that killed you? Were you able to get a good look at the killer's face at all?” Akira asked wanting some answers. She wanted to know if it was the same person who had killed her parents and who had tried to kill her as well. The lady just shook her head in dismay. Akira looked at the lady and suddenly realized who she was. The lady was an old friend of her parents. “Ms. Henrico?” Akira asked to make sure she was correct. The ghost just looked at her and smiled.
“About time you figured out who I was Akira. I was waiting for you to ask me that.” She said with the smile still on her face. “I didn't think that you would remember me after all these years.”
“It has been a long time, but I still remember you. You really helped me and my brother Kazuki through our tough times when mom and dad weren't home.” Akira said. “It's kinda nice to see you again. Well if only you weren't dead that is.” The ghost named Ms. Henrico nodded and then suddenly disappeared. “Ms. Henrico? Where'd you go?” She asked herself looking around. Then she heard her name being called. She looked over at the group of people and saw her brother calling her to go back inside. She went ahead and followed her brother and Tyler back inside and continued to pack her things. But she had many thoughts on her mind, mainly of who the killer was.