Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ J.I.N.0.1 ❯ J.I.N. ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Warnings: lemon, BDSM, non-con, futuristic, PWP.

Disclaimer: The characters are mine biatches. I wish I also owned the Earth, but I don’t, so I guess you can do with it as you will... the setting is in no means unique, so I suppose you can have that too.

J.I.N.0.1. 0.4.

~By Sweetdeily.

By the time that Suzume left his bed for the shower, it was well past twelve and he was sticky and sore all over. He sighed as he stepped into the warm fog of the shower and the water washed away both his worries about his thoughts. Although it was more likely that the excessive treatment of the two ‘borgs had done more for his worries. But the shower was a place for relaxing as well as thinking, and Suzume Akishita was thinking now. He had to go into the office. And he had to see Kotohori Murasaki. The thought itself brought a warm heat to his face that had nothing to do with embarrassment. What the hell had Kotohori gotten him into?

Both the JINs had been seriously messed with by Kotohori- who, as far as Suzume knew, wasn’t the best programmer in the world. Although; if Suzume’s assumption was correct, all Kotohori did was fix the two JIN’s primary objective to be unalterably set as pleasing and protecting Suzume. It didn’t take the world’s best programmer to do that. Especially if he got to the freshly installed operating system. The ‘borgs were partially human, partially machine. Their human components, their brain, skin and a few other organs were grown in vats, and then they would be chipped up and put together in the labs. Suzume could build a ‘borg from scratch, although he had never been involved in the transference of an old ‘borg into a new body; he could have done it, but Suzume wasn’t interested in keeping old men alive. He wanted to create life. He enjoyed the feeling of fathering new life, not prolonging the eventuality of death.

“What is going on?” He wondered aloud, pressing the switch to activate the automatic shampoo process. Kotohori was a little paranoid; but he specialized in upgrades that were... shady at best. He was well paid and had his own department; which Suzume had never seen on any official reports; or... at all. Where the money came from or where it went were best left to those who wanted to deal in such things. Suzume had made several basic spec ‘borgs for ‘internal use’ that he’d assumed were for Kotohori’s sort of projects. But how did Kotohori convince a ‘borg of his crazy conspiracy theory about Suzume’s life being in danger? The CEO wanted to kill him so that he couldn’t talk about JIN’s illegal upgrades. What was so special about the upgrades then? Suzume hadn’t seen anything that really made him-

“Oh my god.” The thought struck him like a wrecking ball and he quickly shifted, turning off the shower and stepping out to hit the monitor next to the shower, accessing his work computer from the bathroom. It took him a moment to pass the remote access security scan and then he had a list of JIN’s upgrades in front of him, quietly ignoring an email from Otoya about the car accident. Suzume scrolled down to the modifications, and there, in simple, plain letters was something worth killing over. It seemed so innocent on the screen. Nothing that could cause a ruckus. Strands of coding or syntax were removed during the modification phase all the time.


The towel around his waist hit the floor and Suzume held a hand over his mouth, feeling sick. What had the CEO done? What was that strand of code? It had to be something incredibly important; something worth killing over if this was indeed what the modification upgrade issue was. But what? Suzume was frustrated, irritated and downright annoyed at all this secrecy. The coding at that stage was very basic, was it one of Jin’s sub-routines, or perhaps a note about how his cybernetics functioned?

“Suzume? Are you done sulking in the shower; I’ve made breakfast.” Jin’s voice called out.

Suzume flinched and looked to the closed bathroom door. What the hell was he going to say to the ‘borg? JIN-zero-one wouldn’t answer him, would he? Or maybe he didn’t want to know, did he have the right question to ask, or even the right modification? Jin’d had several done to him, but nothing so extreme to kill over. A few muscle enhancements, a larger penis (which Suzume did admit himself, was a welcome addition, even if the cocky ‘borg thought it could fit places it really shouldn’t have any business fitting!) and a couple of stealth, black-ops enhancements. Most of it was bio-work, things that would make the human part of Jin work in better sync with his robotic self. But what, what was it? Akishita felt sick to his stomach. Something really terrible? Something worth... worth killing him over? The thoughts were making him nauseas. Very nauseas.

He made it to the toilet before he was sick.

The door opened while he was retching.

“Suzume?” A hand touched Suzume’s back and the doctor flinched, scurrying on his hands and knees away from the ‘borg behind him.

JIN-zero-one followed him and gently touched the Doctor’s forehead. “What’s wrong, little Suzume?”

“You... I... oh god, what have I done?” Suzume clutched his aching stomach; his eyes were watering a little, probably from the vomiting. He’d very rarely found himself worrying to the point of nausea. He had a weak constitution at best, something small and delicate about his person that was supposed to be endearing. Right now it was just irritating.

“Well, we had sex all morning. And I know you didn’t fake any orgasms.” Jin answered.

Zero-three appeared in the doorway, zipping up a pair of jeans over a plain black shirt. “No, he was accessing the modification records.”

JIN-zero-one’s face became solemn and he turned back to Suzume. “So you realized why Kawashita would want you dead?”

“Have... you...” Suzume’s mouth couldn’t even form the question.

“Have I, what Doctor Akishita?” Jin shifted and pulled Akishita to him, arms closing around the doctor’s shoulders, hard. It was a forceful, strong hug.

Suzume tried to form words beyond the incoherent babbling of his thoughts. What was it, how could he fix it, what should he do if it was something so morally unethical that he should report it to the CRA (cyborg regulation authority)? His mind buzzed, and he felt ill. But, strangely, with Jin hugging him close and the smell of sweat and eggs hanging around the ‘borg, he felt strangely at ease. Funny considering that the cyborg was the most dangerous thing in the room.

Jin’s hands came up on either side of Suzume’s flushed face and he moved the doctor’s face so he could kiss Suzume’s forehead. “You are mine.”

A wellspring of emotions rocked inside of the Doctor at Jin’s beautiful confession. He was flushed with both elation and fear that he could barely think. Staring at Jin’s honest expression from so close, he knew that the ‘borg spoke the truth. And he felt wanted, needed and powerful. The adrenaline of the thoughts running through his head was a rush that caught his breath in his throat before he could even exhale. He was confused as well because it was totally illogical of him to let Jin calm him down the ‘borg was capable of... well, very bad things with leather, he knew that much. But there was something in Jin’s eyes that spoke simply ‘trust me, believe in me, and everything you want will be yours’ It was a beautiful lie.

Suzume went to look away when Jin pulled him into a kiss. The doctor groaned and pulled back strongly. “Eww, that’s disgusting Jin! I’ve been regurgitating.”

“You were looking a little doubtful for a minute there.” Jin spoke, standing and helping Suzume to his feet as well. “I want you even when you have been vomiting, or if you were covered in shit, old, mouldy or partially brain-dead.”

“Okay, you’ve ruined the moment now.” Suzume hissed; going to the sink and pulling out a tooth-brush with a savagery he didn’t usually possess- he was smiling despite himself. The two Jin’s chuckled darkly; the sound wasn’t quite lined-up right, but it was like an eerie echo of each other. Like, Akishita reflected, a pair of twins. Evil twins.


They didn’t get out the door until almost two, because the two Jin’s couldn’t decide which car to drive, let alone who got to drive it. In the end, Suzume had left them to their bickering and picked his least favourite car, the yellow Ferrari import. He slipped in the driver’s seat and before he could leave the pair of shouting ‘borgs behind, they had stubbornly got in as well. For once, it seemed that they were going to allow him to drive. A sort of peace settled over Suzume then, as with neither ‘borg driving, the car would not be in danger of death or explosion or anything else that followed in the JIN’s wake.

He glanced across at the JIN in the passenger seat and was mildly surprised to find that it was Zero-three not Zero-one. He had expected the older cyborg to pull some sort of rank on the younger one, but evidentially whatever arguments they should have been having with each other were mute. Suzume tried not to smile at that. Jin was so possessive, how on earth had two of him managed to come to some sort of agreement with so little property damage?

“Suzume?” Zero-three was looking at Suzume looking at him and with a start, the doctor realized that he had been staring at the third unit and smiling to himself.

“Nothing. Sorry. Dazing off.” The doctor spoke smoothly, turning his head to look back at the road, his face flushed with embarrassment.

“You are tense. Is it because we will be seeing Doctor Kotohori soon?” Jin-zero-one asked from the backseat.

Suzume felt himself grow tense at this question. As though to prove the point. “I’m not tense because we’ll be seeing that paranoid, obsessive, overbearing-“

“Seeing Kotohori will be like seeing one’s father, I suppose.” Jin-zero-one mused.

“Yes, that analogy works quite well. As Suzume creates us, like a woman’s womb, Kotohori’s seeds have shaped us into something sharper.” Zero-three agreed.

Suzume really, really, really didn’t like that imagery. “That is a terrible analogy. First, creating ‘borgs is nothing like actual human birthing.” He wouldn’t work with cyborgs if he felt that the two were connected, human births were messy and involved babies. Suzume hated babies. Well, sort of; they needed diapers, they couldn’t control their bladder, they didn’t talk, just gargle and they pulled on hair that was attached to people and- “Really, making a ‘borg is more like creating a machine. A clean, well run machine.” One that doesn’t poop in a nappy. Or drool.

“But we have human elements, and even still; you are creating life. It is like a woman’s birth of a baby.”

“I am not your mother.” Suzume retorted to that.

“Well- in an analogical sense-“

“I am not a woman, and I didn’t give birth to you. Some nice doctor down in the foetus growth departments grew you in a vat. He’s your analogy’s mother. Not me. I create life, shape it and install all your basic learning functions into your already made brain.”

“Which is what a mother does.” Zero-three responded. Zero-one nodded sagely from the back.

Suzume’s knuckles whitened on the steering wheel and his jaw tightened. He was going to kill JIN. Utterly destroy the idiot until nothing remained but tiny bits of shoes. “I am NOT your mother. This conversation is over. Kotohori will agree with me on this one, trust me.” After all, Kotohori was anti-breeding. He believed that the act of a man and a woman giving birth was about as charming as chopped up body parts. Suzume had tended to agree to a certain extent; after all, it was generally a natural process.

“Of course he will agree; you have Murasaki wrapped around your little finger, like any good mother would tame the father. One, would you say that Murasaki is like the classic salary man and that Suzume is like a housewife?” Zero-three asked.

Suzume’s brain began to writhe in anger until Zero-one touched the doctor’s shoulder and responded. “No. Suzume is mine. I don’t care if Kotohori thinks of us as children between him and Suzume, we were made to be with Suzume-“ “No you weren’t-“ Suzume blurted in, but Zero-one continued like he hadn’t heard the doctor. “-and that makes us the stay-at-home-husband and Suzume the salary man.”

“Hmm, I don’t like that analogy as much.” Zero-three responded.

“I think it bears less incestuous tones to it.” Zero-one added, as though that alone was good enough for him. Which was probably true.

They got to the ASUKA corporation building without Suzume attempting to pull the steering wheel off and beat the ‘borgs to death with it, but only barely.

Suzume parked in his usual spot and was about to get out of the car when Zero-three grabbed him and shoved his head down below the car window. Suzume’s vision swam with the sudden smack into the arm-rest his forehead endured, but just as his brain stopped swimming, a hail of gunfire broke across the car. The bullets whizzed through the air; shattering the glass windows of the little Ferrari in a wave of sounds. The steady rata-tat-tat of automatic gunfire sounded like a hailstorm of resounding thunderclaps. Bullets shredded the paintjob of the vehicle and whizzed through the weaker spots of the interior. And then the onslaught paused and the silence was so loud that Suzume swore he could hear his own heartbeat pounding a million miles an hour, adrenaline pumping through his body in a wave of fear. His mouth moved around a choice swear, but he didn’t have time for that, because Zero-three was shoving him down; pressing Suzume to fold his small body into the foot well. His shoulders scraped across the panels and his knees protested the tight restriction of his small-balled movements, but he got a decent way into the huddled little ball that Zero-three was shoving him into.

The sound of a gun reloading filled the nauseatingly quiet car park only to be interrupted by the back door of the Ferrari being kicked open from the inside. Zero-one left the car in a graceful, elegant roll, his body shifting from prone to moving in the amount of time it took Suzume to blink.

The guns blared to life again, and Suzume’s world was covered in darkness as JIN-zero-three pressed his body over Suzume’s. He could smell the soap Zero-three had used and the fabric of the cyborg’s shirt touched against Suzume’s hands, it was hard to breathe down here, and the ‘borg was cutting off his fresh-air supply. Suzume was too terrified to say something, he was too scared to even think. And then, of all things, Suzume Akishita’s cellphone went off. He would have jumped about a foot in the air if he weren’t cramped down into a tight place with a super-strong android draped over him, as it was, Suzume’s fingers immediately went to the buzzing phone, his hands grasped the phone like he was trying to strangle the noise out of it, but then his brain remembered how to stop the vibrating and screeching.

“Hello?” Suzume’s voice was a surprised gasp, even for him.

“Put JIN-zero-three on, Akishita.” It was a man’s voice on the other end, muffled and deep.

“What?” Another round of gunfire sounded out, pinging against the car and Suzume had a fleeting, sickening feeling of horror as he wondered what JIN-zero-one was doing.

“Zero-three, NOW!” The voice commanded. Suzume yelped and wriggled his hand toward the cyborg on top of him.

“Jin, it is for you.”

Zero-three frowned and took the phone from Suzume, pressing it to his ear. “Oh it’s you. Yes, yes I had noticed that. Well Zero-one can–oh. Yes, of course. No, he’s fine. Of course he’s fine, he’s with us. No. No that’s.... alright, I’ll take care of it.”

The conversation was over so quickly that Suzume fumbled in catching his phone, he pressed it to his ear. “What the fuck is going on here and who-“ the phone went dead before he could even finish speaking. Son of a bitch.

Zero-three was moving, he glanced down at Suzume. “Stay there; don’t move, no matter what, okay?”

Suzume nodded dumbly and watched as the second Jin quietly opened the driver’s side door and scrambled out, keeping his body low to the seats and then the ground as he moved on his fingers and his elbows for a little while. The doctor couldn’t have moved if he’d wanted to, his body felt like he was frozen with fear. He’d never been in such a terrifying situation in his whole life. Compared to being stuck in an elevator for twenty minutes, this was something his therapist would have a field-day with.

And then a scream broke over the din of the gunfire, and then a second scream and the firing stopped. Something sickly and metallic cracked and the lot went silent again save for the frantic beating in Suzume’s chest.

“Suzume?” A face appeared above the driver’s side-door and Suzume felt a leaden weight lift from his shoulders as he looked up and saw JIN-zero-one standing over him.

“Jin.” His voice flushed with relief as he spoke that name, and Jin knelt by the little hole that Suzume had been pushed into.

“You’re safe. I am relieved. We have taken care of the gunmen. Reprogrammed house robots from the look of it.” Jin hit the button to make the drivers seat move backwards and sudden feeling rushed to Suzume’s legs. The Doctor stumbled as he scrambled to get out, finding that Jin caught him with ease.

“What the fuck is going on, here?” Suzume hissed, trying not to let his terror show in his trembling hands by waving them around to indicate the latest tragedy in this slaughter of his cars. Jin wrapped his arms around Suzume, hugging the doctor tightly. And then Suzume’s phone rang again.

“What?” Suzume hissed out viciously, as he answered the device.

“Is that Zero-one standing next to you? Put him on, please Akishita.” It was the man’s voice again.

“What? No! Not until I get some fucking answers.”

“Suzume, I forgot how foul your mouth can get when you are angry.” Now the caller was amused.

“Kotohori...” Suzume’s fingers tightened so much that something in his cell phone cracked. “You son of a-“ Jin grabbed the cell phone from Suzume’s slowly cracking grasp and turned away before the finishing words could get to the man on the other end.

“Doctor Kotohori, you must stop antagonising Suzume. I will not accept any one else teasing him except me.” Jin was looking at Suzume when he spoke and the man felt colour rushing up his neck.

Suzume moved to speak again, but Jin held up a hand, calling for some mediocre of patience from the good doctor. His hands balled into fists, Suzume gave him the moment on the phone, he turned his head, looking for Zero-three.

JIN-Zero-three was leaning over three bodies, one of his hands was bloody and as Suzume watched, the ‘borg thrust his fingers through the chest of one of the robots, his fingers passing through the machine’s chest as though it were made of paper. The perfect killing machine had to be both strong and smart. Something that robots had one of but not the other. It seemed they had been lined up, focused on the car. Zero-three must have snuck around from the back, using the other cars as cover. Robotics were only as good as they were programmed to be. It was limiting and for that reason, Suzume had chosen cybernetics as his field of expertise. Cyborgs could evolve, think for themselves and move outside of programs and parameters into emotions and feelings. Robots could be programmed until the sun came down, but at the end of the day, their emotional levels were simply not there. They had no ghost, no soul. These robots, made by DAIFU Industries, the largest leader in Robotics and second largest in cybernetics (ASUKA boasted the leader in cybernetics) had once been made as house-maids it seemed. They were all of a standard model, blonde, pretty and not too smart. Ideal for cleaning, cooking and pleasure; definitely not the ideal assassination robot.

“Why are those robots wearing the DAIFU logo?” Suzume asked, noting the military rifles that Zero-three had pulled off the bodies and the DAIFU uniform that each robot wore. He moved closer for a better look, eyes widening. He had never seen such a brutal death before. Oh, when Zero-one had disposed of Zero-two, that had been messy, but certainly, nothing like this. There was resistance here. A fight for survival. It was... primal.

“Because they were DAIFU robots.”

“But DAIFU is a rival to ASUKA corporation, why would-“ he stopped himself from saying ‘the CEO’- he didn’t believe this stupid conspiracy theory of Kotohori’s. Although that savage denial was already wavering as Suzume stared down at the robot assassin corpses in front of him. A sliver of glass fell of his shoulder as Suzume shifted his weight. “-the people trying to kill me hire DAIFU robots?”

Zero-three gave Suzume a strange look then, as though he thought that the doctor was either naive or stupid. He didn’t bother replying.

“You’re kidding, right? You seriously think this is an elaborate attempt to kill me and have it look like an accident, or, to blame it on someone else?”

“Suzume, we have to get to Kotohori, now. The building has been infiltrated.” Jin-zero-one spoke, hanging up the phone and grabbing Suzume’s upper arm, marching him toward the lifts.

“Wait, what?” Suzume asked, his feet almost skipping off the ground as they walked. Zero-three finished doing whatever he was doing to the robots and stood back up, quickly moving toward them both.

“If DAIFU Industries has taken the building, we should get out of here now, my main objective is Suzume’s safety and happiness.” Zero-three interrupted, stopping Zero-one as he stood between them and the lift.

“As is mine. But Suzume will not approve of us leaving without the answers he wants from Kotohori. You and I do not know the full extent of what is going on behind the scenes- Kotohori does.”

“I say it is too dangerous.” Zero-three hissed. “Suzume could be taken by the DAIFU insertion team. They are no doubt aware that I am in the building already, so they believe Suzume is here too- the only surprise we have is that there are two of us, not just one.”

“Your points are valid, but DAIFU cyborgs are no match for either of us. We can get in, secure Kotohori and leave before the building is destroyed or he is killed. I do not want to take the chance that DAIFU’s intelligence points to Kotohori as their target- if he dies, you know what will happen to Suzume.”

“Damn you, One, Suzume shouldn’t come in with us, at the very least; it’s too dangerous. All it takes is a stray bullet that we can’t catch or a grenade and he could die. I won’t allow this risk to him.”

“Then we are at an impasse, because I won’t leave Suzume on his own in the parking garage. There are too many variables.” Zero-one crossed his arms over his chest, making a cut on his upper arm bleed a little as the wound reopened.

“Okay, both of you stop it. This is insane. There is no way a secret DAIFU team would have taken down ASUKA’s main labs without some sort of huge riot and buildings exploding! We have internal defences that would have stopped anyone without proper registration!” Suzume begged them to see reason here. ASUKA had its own defences, stuff that Suzume was sure was just as illegal and terrible as robots programmed to kill. And they were the best in the industry.

Both ‘borgs levelled Suzume with another one of those ‘I can’t believe he is so naive’ frowns and turned to one another. “If one of us stays with Suzume, the other can extract Kotohori.”

“Agreed, but deciding who stays and who goes will be harder said than done.”

“I have had the longer time adjusting to my body, so I will find Kotohori.” Zero-one spoke.

Zero-three blinked in surprise before he finally nodded his ascent. “Very well. I will protect Suzume from anything that might happen down here.”

JIN-zero-one levelled JIN-zero-three with a very serious expression then. “You had better not fail.”

“If I fail it will be with my death. Suzume is mine. Mine to protect, mine to own.”

“I’m the only non-borg in this room and I’m the one who belongs to you two?” Suzume interrupted with an incredulous snort.

The Jin’s smiled conspiratorially and Zero-One stepped into Suzume’s space, his hand around the doctor’s lap pulling them closer so he could give Suzume a long, deep kiss. Suzume’s breath was stolen in an instant as Jin thrust his tongue against Suzume’s, body crushing Suzume to him. “I will be back soon. And you will smile for me, and laugh and I will have all the things that you desire. Believe in me, Suzume. Trust in me.”

And with that, JIN-Zero-one stepped into the lift and was gone, one of the semi-automatic rifles in his hand. Zero-three frowned, motioning Suzume to come with him to one of the company cars parked near the garage entrance. “I think he did that just so he could butter you up. Smooth asshole.”

Suzume shook his head. “You are both insufferable. And damnit, that idiot took my cellphone!”

“What did you need it for?”

“I was going to call the police.” Suzume spoke with a sigh. Yes, naive, but hey, he had to think of something.

“That’s probably a good idea anyway. Perhaps there will be one in the company car? They will forgive us for using it on this occasion, I hope.” JIN-zero-three opened the door to the limo and motioned Suzume to get in. The doctor didn’t need to be told twice, he stepped into the limo and crawled over the synthetic leather seats, going for the little compartment of goodies that the company cars had. JIN-zero-three stayed outside, keeping watch, his attention on the lifts and the entrance to the car park. it was a tough location to try and defend, and in five minutes, it was going to get a lot tougher.

Suzume found the phone and quickly dialled the emergency number. But instead of police, he found he had been patched through to the security offices downtown. The security offices that often had strange repair bills, or so Akishita had heard. Whatever, they were ASUKA corp verification and that was good enough for him. He didn’t think telling the operator that there was a conspiracy to kill him would be a smart idea, so he settled for what the JIN’s had said; there were DAIFU robots in ASUKA corp’s main building and his cyborgs suspected that there was an insertion team inside as well. And then Akishita was assured that the problem was already being dealt with and that he and his cyborgs should stay clear of the building.

“Ne, JIN, what does it mean when the security office says that the problem is already being dealt with?” Akishita asked as he hung up the phone, feeling vaguely confused and even more disorientated after his cryptic conversation there.

“It means that the security office has already dispatched a team, and they are most likely already in the building. This is good news, Suzume.” Jin assured him.

Suzume frowned, but nodded anyway.

The sound of something metal hitting the ground caught Suzume’s attention and he turned, seeing a small blue canister rolling quickly down the ramp to the parking garage, Jin yelled something, but before Suzume could get back into the limo, the canister exploded, filling the car park with a noxious gas in around two seconds. Zero-three managed to push Suzume back into the car, but not before the doctor had gotten a lungful of whatever had been in the smoke. Suzume’s last image was the slamming door as he fell weightlessly against the seat of the car, and the distant sound of what was unmistakably a tank rolling down the ramp to the parking garage. And then Suzume’s eyes rolled back into his head and the world faded to gray, then black and then nothingness.

~ To Be Continued...

Sweet notes: ugh, I hate this chapter the way some people hate cancer. I had to re-write it twice. And I wasn’t happy, no matter what I did to it. But I finally got some time to myself tonight, and managed to finish the last.... uh... few pages. There was a fun, unexpected twist half-way through the chapter, in which I might have had some better ideas for non-con. I’m really desperate for a beta for JIN, so if you know someone, or you yourself are able to, drop me an email at sweetdeily@gmail.com cause I could do with someone to look over it for typos and grammar and Sweet’s Weird Sentence Structure Habit (tm). Anyway, I will now get cracking on the next chapter before people threaten to devour my soul for any delays. Heh.