Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ Legends Academy ❯ Mel-lon ( Chapter 13 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Begin chapter 13~
Chuko looked away quickly.
"No reason." She said as she stroked her hair.
"Are you sure?" Asked Artemis.
"Positive." She answered.
"Then how come you're blushing?" Asked Angel. Silence followed. "Exactly."
"Come on. Now you HAVE to tell us what's going on." Said Artemis.
Chuko sighed. "Okay, well the truth is, I'm just happy that someone finally appreciates me for once." She answered. Artemis quirked an eyebrow. "What? I'm serious! It's just a magic thing." She added when they still looked confused. They 'ah'-ed.
"So, what do you guys want to do?" Asked Chuko. Artemis and Angel shrugged.
"Wanna go back and eat with the boys?" Asked Artemis.
"Sure." Said Angel and Chuko. As they walked down the hallway, they saw a familiar figure coming towards them.
"Genevieve, hi!" Said Artemis.
"Hello Artemis, Angel and Chuko." Said the French girl. "Where are you going?"
"We're going back to eat with the boys." Said Angel. "Why?"
"Because I was going to go outside and eat." She said, holding up a hot dog. "Care to join me?" The three looked at each other and followed Genevieve.
"So, how long have you been here?" Asked Artemis.
"A couple of days. Not very long at all. And you?"
"Same." Artemis looked behind her to see Angel and Chuko walking a few steps behind. Genevieve followed Artemis' gaze. Then she stopped and turned around.
"Where did you get that dress?! It is beautiful!" Said Genevieve.
"Chuko gave it to me. I don't really own-," Started Angel.
"Chuko, where did you get it? I have never seen anything like it!" For a second Chuko didn't answer.
"I-I made it." She said softly.
"You what?" Asked Genevieve in amazement. "It s magnificent! I would love it if you could make one for me."
"Sure. Do you want me to do it now?" She asked.
"How long does it take you to make it?" Asked Artemis.
"Oh not long. A few minutes tops." The other girls looked bewildered. "Do you have any old dresses?"
"Yes, come to my room." Said Genevieve, as she walked the other way down the hall.
"Guess we aren't gonna meet the guys." Said Artemis.
"You guys go ahead. I'm gonna go with the boys." Said Angel as she walked towards the Dining Hall. Suddenly she stopped, looking down at the fabric in her arms. "On second thought, maybe I should put this away first..." She muttered as she changed directions to our room.
"Okay, I guess it's just you me and Genevieve." Said Artemis. Chuko nodded.
"Where's Genevieve?" Asked Chuko.
"I don't know." Both of the girls walked a bit more but couldn't see Genevieve. "Where is she?"
"Right here."
Both of the girls screamed and turned quickly. Genevieve was laughing on the floor.
"You should've seen your faces!" She laughed.
"Yes, it's very funny." Said Artemis sarcastically.
"Absolutely hilarious." Chuko agreed.
A loud rumbling sound was heard. All heads turned to Artemis's stomach. "Uh...Sorry, I'm hungry. I guess I'll go eat with the guys." She said, blushing slightly.
Artemis hurried off, turning the last corner when...
"Oompf!" Artemis ran headlong into something very hard and warm. Two other warm things were grabbing her arms, holding her up.
"Hey, you okay?" Mark asked, gently letting to of her arms.
"Yeah, fine. Wait, are you already done eating?" Artemis asked.
"No, I just wasn't hungry. Come on, though, according to your stomach, you're starved." He said, taking her hand and leading her the rest of the way. Artemis blushed slightly at his kind touch.
Everyone, save for Genevieve and Chuko, who were still working on the dress, finished their meal and decided to head outside. Riku sounded very excited about some cave beneath the castle.
"Are you sure this wonderful cave even exists?" Sly asked, peeved, as everyone trudged through ankle-deep water.
"Yes!" Riku suddenly shouted. Everyone jumped.
"Okay, okay, you don't have to yell." Sly complained. "I believe you, alright?"
"No, you idiot, look!" Riku said, pointing to a large rock. Well, one of them. They were on the other side of the castle, at the bottom of a large, steep slope. This slope was made entirely of rocks, so Riku pointing at one of them made him look, frankly, like an idiot.
"So?" Just about everyone asked.
"SO?" Riku asked, somehow incredulous. "This is the entrance! Now we just need the password..." He trailed off, probably thinking.
"Hmm...This may seem unbearably cliché, but I think I know the password." Angel said.
Artemis stifled a giggle as Angel said that. If Angel started speaking Elfish, Artemis may just burst out laughing.
"Mel-lon." Angel said.
The rock moved. Not a nudge, either. It rolled over three times, despite the uneven shape. A large hole was behind it. The water inside was glowing a pale blue. Yes, glowing.
Artemis did as she thought. She laughed so loud that the echo hurt her ears. Everyone stared at her. "What? It's not like you guys haven't ever seen The Lord of the Rings, right?"
"The Lord of the Rings?" Mark asked. "What the heck is that?"
Artemis hung her head. "Oh. My. God."
"I feel your pain." Angel said, patting her shoulder.