Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ Monkey Wrench ❯ On a Leash ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

4:30 p.m. EST
Milford, DE
The naked man lay heavily breathing on his side, head cradled in his hands, a fine sheen of perspiration glistening in the fire light. Rolling onto all fours, he quickly stood up, pulling his robe from a nearby chair.
Clearing his mind of the wolf's instinctual pathways, he remembers again that time is running out. With each day that goes by, is another step toward the feral road and one less day of blessed human reasoning.
Ah, but soon now, he would have his greatest wish. All had gone according to plan and if things continued, he would be cured by the end of the month. How long he had been preparing for this moment? For so long it felt as if he had been born with such a burdensome quest.
More than once, he had been tempted to give up, simply seek the feral path rather than fighting for an alternate route every step of the way. It had been most fortunate to have found his quarry still existed, for there had been many years in fear of chasing a ghost.
Exhausted, he carefully laid his head on the sofa's velvety cushions, seeking the comforting contact of soft fabric on skin. Just as he closed his eyes, he thought about the future, and how for the first time in countless years, there was a chance at true freedom, and the prospect of a life outside the wolf skin.
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4:30 p.m. EST
Elijah's Island, DE
Uig's Hunt Farm
Dear Diary,
OMG, today was so cool! I got to see HIM, and even though Marcia says he didn't notice me waving, I totally think he saw me. She's just jealous cuz he blew her off when she asked him to help her with her math homework.
Like duh, I'm sure HE has time to spend with stupid Marcia on her algebra problems, I mean HELLO, he's Beta Guard. Like he would even want some mega geek like her anyway, she doesn't even know his birthday! I wish I had never said anything to her in the first place.
Its okay, Marcia's just got a crush, nothing like my deep love. Won't be long now, soon, I'll be doing more than waving to him from afar, A LOT MORE.
Oh yeah, and that kid that I'm supposed to be keeping track of is here now.
I don't know why it's so important that I made sure he made it through the transformation but believe it or not he did. Now I gotta go call the Boss and give him an update. Geeze, he's such a tightass. Still, he's pretty hot though, not as hot as HIM, but that's impossible.
Hope the Boss hurries up and gets what I need from those magicians of his. I can't wait much longer.
Loves and Hugs,
The future Mrs. Campbell
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6:30 p.m. EST
Elijah's Island, DE
Uig's Hunt Farm
Two hours after my uncharacteristic blow up, along with a shower, freshly cleaned contacts, and some new clothes provided by Nurse Loretta, I found myself coming to a most unpleasant conclusion…I had overreacted. I had conducted myself in a manner that I usually find abhorrent in other people and reveled in it. What the hell was wrong with me? My only excuse was major blood loss, crusty contacts, and my newfound relation to teen wolf.
With my stomach rumbling, probably having a reaction to both lack of food and having to wear a pair of jeans that was just this side of acid washed, I headed toward what I hoped was the kitchen courtesy of Loretta's directions.
After coming up the stairs and making a few wrong turns, I finally came across the kitchen doors. Idly thinking to myself how I was going to apologize to my brother and Gage for acting like such a drama queen, I wasn't prepared for the deathly silence and the curious stares of over fifty werewolves as I opened the kitchen doors.
Feeling a bit like I'd just crashed the party, I froze in place, with my left palm still holding out the door in front of me and right leg petrified in mid-step. I felt like a deer in headlights and considering the genetic makeup of the room's population, the prey/predator relationship wasn't too far off.
Quickly scanning the tables in a throwback to my high school days, I looked for anybody I knew, Seth, Gage, Dom, Loretta or even the maid whom I'd just now nicknamed Fifi. Unfortunately, none of the above was present and I was left scampering to an empty table in the back. All eyes followed me and there were a number of noses sniffing along with them.
Settling into my seat, I realized all too soon that not only was there no obvious food display or method of obtaining said food, but I had also just made a most conspicuous entrance sans any knowledge of how to acquire necessary sustenance.
Just as I was about to curse my own stupidity for not questioning Loretta further and making assumptions about the nature of kitchens in a house the size of Indianapolis, a girl with an obviously fake winter tan and bleached blonde hair carrying a can of diet coke sauntered over. She had flat topaz gold eyes, those startling werewolf eyes that I was beginning to notice on all of them.
I smiled weakly as she pulled out a nearby chair and introduced herself as Meghan. This could have been the chick who found my brother, but I figured with the werewolf population numbering in the hundreds, there could be more than a one Meghan.
I figured I'd wait for her to say something, since I was obviously “the sister.” This whole ordeal could go either way, but she was being friendly so I went against my judgmental nature and decided to be nice, despite the fact she was drinking diet and looked like Trailer Park Barbie.
“Hi, I'm Theryn. I was told by Loretta this was the kitchen. Do you know were I can find some dinner?” I asked, stomach roiling in affirmation.
Meghan stared at me and blinked slowly with a pensive look on her face and I fought not to repeat myself.
Then her face lit up and she answered, “Oh sure, just follow me. This is like, the dining room, the kitchen is back here.”
Walking into the kitchen, Meghan asked me if like, a turkey sandwich was like, okay, in addition to giggling and playing with her belly button ring. Considering the fact that I was about to start eating my own hand, I responded most enthusiastically in agreement and accepted a like, turkey sandwich, hoping fervently that it was an actual turkey sandwich. I also deducted about five years of her age, nobody over twenty five can possibly talk like that.
Still no mention of Seth; this must be a different Meghan. Judging from how swift this one seemed to be, I actually wasn't too surprised. Having the presence of mind to identify the bite and bring a wounded teenager here seemed far beyond the scope of this one's mental capacity.
Bringing my sandwich back to a near empty dining room, Meghan in tow, I discovered some new additions to my table, including my favorite mob boss in training, Dom, local alpha, Gage, and newly minted lupinara, Seth. In addition, were Bruno, Vinnie, and another guy I didn't recognize, but he was sitting stoically at attention, if one could do such a thing. Wasn't I suddenly the popular one?
Meghan made a little squeaky “EEP” sound and bounded over to the table, fluttering her blue mascara clad eyelashes at the new guy while practically knocking me over in her haste. I looked behind me for the fire and upon finding none, immediately decided that my foray into being non-judgmental was not only disagreeable to my nature but ultimately unrewarding.
Giving the once over to the assembled crowd, I pulled out my chair and awaited whatever news had produced such a turnout of what I was beginning to discover was the Uig pack's top dogs… er, wolves.
Just as I was internally debating the rules of etiquette for eating in front of an audience versus fending off starvation, Gage threaded his fingers together and leaned onto the table looking genuinely contrite.
“Theryn, glad to see you calmed down and have had a chance to get cleaned up and settled in. Sorry to interrupt your dinner but this is important and it couldn't wait,” said Gage. “While you were busy Seth contacted your parents and will be leaving in a few hours to head home and pack his things.”
I quickly looked at my brother and asked him what was going on. Why would he be packing his things, surely Mom and Dad were going to be surprised but they weren't going to disown him over this.
“Your brother can't live with your parents anymore or go to his old school, he's going to be living here now, with the pack, where we can help him adjust to his lupine urges and introduce him to our customs,” replied Gage.
“You're acting like he's had a brain transplant along with a blood transfusion. Seth's still the same person, turning furry on demand isn't going to change that. I understand guiding him through the `change' but making him live here? Our parents won't allow it,” I countered.
“Actually, they are, and it wouldn't matter anyway. I want to stay, you think I can just go back to the way things were? I'm going to be a freaking' wolf Theryn and until I get the change under control, I can't be around you guys. What if I were to attack one of you, or change at school? I've got to stay here,” Seth argued.
Considering this was said with a great deal more passion than anything I've ever heard out of my younger sibling I decided to take it to heart. Plus, he was right; I was flying off the handle again and not thinking things through. Reminding myself that I had planned to apologize for my earlier outburst, I nodded in understanding and mumbled an apology to both Seth and Gage.
Both men looked surprised by this, especially Seth, since he knows how rarely I ever admit to being wrong. After accepting my attempt at conciliation, Gage excused himself and motioning to Bruno, Vinnie and Seth, he got up to leave, heading for my parents' house. I was very glad I was not part of that entourage.
Meghan was still fawning all over the new guy, who looked like he would rather be dipped balls first in battery acid. Dom wrinkled his nose in distaste and gave her a blatantly dismissing look. She didn't take the hint until the new guy cut his eyes at her and made a growling sound.
Now I had heard Dom growl last night but this was different. It was like the difference between a Chihuahua's yips and a Boxer's rumbling bark. You could practically see this guy's hackles standing up.
If she missed Dom's none too subtle suggestions, she didn't mistake this last warning as an invitation to leave. Meghan ducked her head like a scolded child, (and I mentally deducted another five years off her age) quickly made an about face, and scurried out of room like the hounds of hell were on her heels, or perhaps just one hell hound from the looks of things.
Raising my eyebrows I looked at the new guy with newfound curiosity. After my glowing reception from the other werewolves earlier, I had sort of glossed over any new faces, thinking it a waste of time to try to get to know so many people. This little display had me taking a second glance.
New guy had a well muscled body covered in black clothing that screamed “bodyguard.” Similar to Bruno and Vinnie but something about his eyes made you re-evaluate that distinction, he just looked too damn smart.
He held himself with an air of military authority, like he was used to having people answer to him, but also answering to a few as well. His wheat blonde hair in a short crew cut, no facial hair, and a quiet stoicism further reinforced the military impression. He was not as tall as Gage, but then again who was, but he was taller than Dom. He also had deep violet eyes, like Liz Taylor was supposed to have had, the color of dark amethysts. The two of them sitting together at the table looked like they were getting ready to play good cop/bad cop and I couldn't figure out which one was which.
Dom cleared his throat, after cutting a look of gratitude towards the other man. I guess Dom had wanted to avoid a scene with Meghan, oops, too late for that one.
“Theryn, this is Rowan,” said Dom, gesturing at the new guy. “We are here to talk about something that might be a bit unpleasant for you; after all you have been through. I so hope there won't be any complications.”
Okay, so clearly Gage had decided that discretion was not the better part of valor and blabbed to Dom about my vengeance driven soliloquy this afternoon. Also, Rowan looked just a little bit antsy, like he was really hoping I wouldn't cause a scene and he'd be expected to do something about it. No worries bud, I'm fresh out of emotional outbursts.
“No, I can't see why there would be. What's up?” I asked.
“Please understand this is a precarious position we find ourselves in. As you are aware, humans and Weres have not kept mixed company in quite some time and the fact that you have not only seen this pack's main stronghold, but have identified the alpha and others in the compound, puts us in an ethical and strategic dilemma,” Dom stated in his silky tenor.
I simply nodded, waiting for Dom to continue, knowing he would go through Peter to get to Paul, as usual.
“This of course could not have been prevented, with your brother's situation necessitating your physical presence here, however now that he is safe and under the pack's care, we need to address some concerns with you.”
Again, I nodded, wondering if this was going to take much longer.
“To make a long list of issues short, you need protection because of certain information you are now privy to and the situation with Nikolai. Rowan will be your guardian. He will shadow you at work, at school, at home, wherever. You may believe this is overkill, however I assure you, the Uig pack has its enemies and if anyone were to find out you had gotten into our headquarters, or that your brother had survived a turning, you would be at risk and believe me, our enemies are formidable. Not to mention the threat posed by Nikolai's interest in your family.”
I stared at Dom, mouth agape, with nothing running through my mind except, “No freaking' way in hell am I going to have some guy shadowing me at every turn. Enemies or no enemies, I refuse to have to some leashed werewolf playing Secret Service Agent just so you guys can keep tabs on me and my classified `information.' I'll just lose him in the nearest crowd anyway.” This was exactly what came out of my mouth in exactly the same antagonistic tone I had running through my mind.
No sooner had I finished my tirade, when I heard that warning growl from Rowan again. Apparently, my outburst that I had not too long ago professed to being fresh out of, incited him to speak for the first time.
“You will be followed by me whenever I feel it is necessary and you will not complain. You WILL NOT go anywhere I have not previously approved and you WILL NOT attempt to `lose me' because I am a werewolf, I can SMELL where you are. You will obey my commands and follow my orders until I have notified you to the contrary.” Rowan ordered in a voice like crushed gravel.
I could see we were going to get along swimmingly.
“The hell I am,” I answered in anger. “Look, I'm going to go downstairs, grab my things from Loretta and go home. No more werewolves, no more blood transfusions, and no more domineering assholes ordering me to do thy bidding. As for what I know about you, don't worry, I can forget real fast, and why would I want to rat you out? My brother's going to be staying with you guys now, would I want him to be in danger? I don't think so. I'm safe from Nikolai, he isn't interested in me, if he was, I'd be the one growing a tail not Seth.”
Dom's eyes were starting to get real shifty and I was starting to worry about my current position as the lone human in a werewolf den, werewolves that could shift at will. This did not bode well for my “up yours” speech, it kind of loses its zing when dealing with two guys who could kill me in T minus three seconds.
With that sudden realization, I lurched out of my chair, and strode out of the dining room, heading toward the basement/hospital area where I had last seen Loretta with my personal affects. Leaving those two in a fury of righteous indignation was indeed sweet and I was proud of my ability to stand up for myself in the face of what was turning out to be most unpleasant circumstances, yet I was deeply regretting one thing.
I'd left my sandwich sitting on the table and it would have taken away beaucoup coolness points if I had turned around to retrieve it. Damn it, I was pissed off and hungry, a combination fit to make me ready to battle some overbearing werewolves, even if it meant certain death. I promised myself I was not going to be “guarded” like some kind of helpless damsel.
I owned a gun, I live in a gated apartment complex, I lock all my windows and doors, there's no way I was going to let Rowan's heavy-handed pronouncements come to fruition.
So help me God, I was driving home with nary a werewolf in sight.