Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ The Hunters ❯ New Beginnings, Starting to End ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Yol'maiza paced around the Bridge back and forth back and forth. She knew there was something about the Guardian, something she just couldn't explain. “It's as if I already knew that soldier personally some how or another, but what the hell is it?”
One of the Footsoldiers left with her turned and asked her what that word “hell” was.
She replied, “It's a word used by those humans, I guess it's used for multiple things. I've heard it referenced as a place, or just a profanity, but those humans' language seem to be rubbing off on me.”
The Footsoldier said nothing afterwards. The door, still blackened around the edges, and jagged from the explosion, left a clear view down the Sacred Hall.
“Fleet Commander, I think your new Guardian is coming.”
“Yup, seems so.” she said.
The Black Ten Guardian, who seemed so very familiar to Yol'maiza, walked down the Sacred Hall as if nothing had ever happened to him. The blood that stained the cloth he was wrapped in was gone, his armor, which was broken and chipped, completely repaired. His eyes no longer filled with the rage and sorrow but rather joy and honor.
“You can leave now little Footsoldier.” Yol'maiza said.
With that the Footsoldier sprinted out the door past his superior.
“Looks like they fixed you up pretty good no doubt.”
“Yes Fleet Commander, they did a quite through job of it. I feel great, better than before, better than ever.”
“I have one question for you,” She paused, “Who are you exactly, what is your name? You seem so familiar to me.”
He looked back at her, her look was a puzzling one. He thought to himself, (I can't tell her who I am; it would only make this tragedy worse. If I were to tell her it'd be heartbreak to her. But if she orders me, then I have to, and she will know if I'm lying or not.)
“Well then, what is it soldier? What's your name?”
“Uh…I uh, don't remember?”
“WHAT? How the hell could you not remember? Huh, I didn't want to do this, but I order you to tell me your name damn it!”
“What's hell and damn it?”
“Ok ok, eh……your brother Ka'maiza, you though he was the only one you had left right?” He said.
“Yes, but what are you getting at?” She asked quickly.
“Eh…well he wasn't…you see he had a brother, twin brother that is.”
“Wait are you telling me you're my older brother too?” Yol'maiza said, she could feel tears pushing from the back of her eyes.
“Well…..yes….I am Ka'maiza's twin and you older brother, Ko'maiza.” The Guardian stood there, teary eyed as his little sister began to shed tears.
“This…this is amazing, I mean I thought I was the only one left of the Maiza family, but now I have another brother. Wait I remember Ka and Ko. I used to love saying your names fast KaKo, it made you two so angry.” She said now crying.
As this great moment was happening to them both, they were interrupted. A Second Sergeant ran down the Sacred Hall, two Titans following him.
“YOL'MAIZA, FLEET COMMANDER! The Genesis Humans have launched a massive assault on the group you brother had sent down to the southern hemisphere of the planet!”
“Ko'maiza, this is a great revelation in my life, and yours I'm sure too, but now we have to turn to this damned war.”
“Understood, Fleet Commander.”
With that they headed off to the monitoring station. There they could see everything happening on Genesis Earth.
“Fleet Commander, what are we going to do?” asked the Second Sergeant.
“Uhg…I'll need some time to think, until then, send support to that group, make sure to send Sans up there too, they'll need them.”
Ko'maiza turned to his sister but didn't say anything but rather though (I'm fairly certain she will live up to your name Ka'maiza, she will lead us just as you did, maybe better, who knows. We are lucky to have yet another Maiza in the Fleet Commander position.)
He smiled slightly and then turned his attention to the screen.
Yol'maiza said “We will not be defeated so easily, we will win this planet; those humans will end up in their hell after we are done.”
He was amazed at her courage and how calm se truly was, he knew the Elders had chosen a great Fleet Commander that would lead them to victory till the day she dies.
Part 2
“So how many of them did my brother send?”
“About two hundred or so Fleet Commander.”
Ko'maiza stared at the monitor thinking (Two hundred? What was he thinking? He should have known that wouldn't be enough!)
Yol'maiza gave a quick sigh and said, “Hmm…well I guess we'll have to send Sans support then, how long will it take to get ten Transporters and ten Obliterators down there?”
One of the monitors, a Sergeant Overseer, replied, “It may take around two to three hours to prepare the Obliterators but the Transporters can be sent immediately.”
“Then hurry up, and get those Obliterators down there as quickly as possible, those two hundred can't hold out forever against that massive force heading their way.” Yol'maiza commanded.
“Yes, understood Fleet Commander.”
“Armada Commander!”
A First Sergeant yelled in a panicky voice, running across the frozen ice land of the south of Genesis Earth.
“What is it, what the hell do you want?”
“We just received a report from the new Fleet Commander. It's not good either. It says that we need to fortify this position within the next two hours or we'll all end up dead! They said a massive GH force is coming this way.”
“What? Why would we need to prepare so? There's nothing in this frozen wasteland, surely those Genesis Humans wouldn't care about this land.” Til'loe said confused but wary. “Well if it's by the Fleet Commander's order then we must, amass the troops in this area quickly.”
Within the next thirty minutes all two hundred of the soldiers, a good portion of them being low Footsoldiers and First Sergeants, amassed around the Armada Commander.
“HUNTERS! We have received a report from Roht'mii. Apparently those bastard Genesis Humans are massing a huge offensive against us. It's only Genesis Humans; they suspect it's too cold here for humans to even survive. We need to fortify this area heavily. We will be getting Sans support within the next two or three hours. Until then we have only one and a half ours to do what we can to stop them from killing us! NOW, on my order, follow your Guardian superior and he or she will lead you to your positions! WE WILL NOT FALL MY HUNTERS! WE WILL NOT FALL!”
And with that the Hunters let out a massive cheer and war cry, and fanned out with their Guardians.
Two hours had passed, and still no Genesis Human offensive. Til'loe wondered to himself (Where the hell could those things be? It's been two hours, the soldier are loosing their luster for battle. If they loose it we won't stand a ch….) He was cut off there. Out of the sky came large fire balls. Signal flares that announced the Genesis Humans' arrival.
The Armada Commander, who head the Nalzh'mii ship, looked over the edge of the crater they were in. “What the…? What kind of Genesis Humans are these? Their armor, bones, their helmets…skull of Hunters. These things are wearing our dead as ARMOR! THIS CAN'T STAND!”
He heard a Genesis Human call out to him. “WHOEVER COMMANDS THIS HUNTER BASE, I DEMAND YOU COME OUT HERE!”
Til'loe wondered why his enemy would seek him out only, maybe it was a trap, maybe it was something else. He wouldn't take any chances, he had six Titans follow him up to the Genesis Human commander.
Til'loe opened to the Genesis Human asking “Who are you, that you think you can wear our dead as your armor? You monsters have disgraced our soldiers, their bones are not meant for this.”
The Genesis Human replied swiftly “And you monsters are no better? You eat our dead, shred them, and desecrate them. Your dead deserve no more respect then what you've given ours you bastard.”
Til'loe asked again “Then who the hell are you?”
“We are the elite of the Genesis Human army. Before donning your dead we were simply know as the Shadow Clan, now we are known as the Bone Heads.”
“Bone heads? Hah…..what kind of name is that? Well I guess you are for thinking you can take us on now aren't you?”
“We'll see you son of a bitch…we'll see.”
Til'loe turned away, he signaled to his Guardians to amass the soldiers behind him now. Now Hunters and Genesis Humans stood only inches away from each other ready for combat. And the first shot was fired. The battle broke out. Til'loe and the Genesis Human Commander went at each other. Genesis Humans and Hunters alike were being torn to shred. Annihilated by gun fire, corpses piled on each other, bloody, smoking from the gun wounds, writhing, twitching, and still moving in some cases. The battle field ran with the black and pinkish blood of both creatures. Genesis Humans impaled on Hunter bayonets threw blood up all over the place, as the Hunters fired to get them off of them. Titans smashing them into the ground, their sheer size overwhelming them. Bones were crunching and breaking under their feet as well. White Death rockets and bullets from the guns flew all over the place. Til'loe and the commander had an open area, firing at each other with their pistols. They both drew blades, and lunged toward each other. Their soldiers fell around them one by one, though more Hunters remained then Bone Heads. Til'loe got a swift slice to the gut, but still remained standing, though his armor was now broken there. As the battle heated more, the Sans Obliterators arrived. They fired their massive guns on the Bone Head reinforcements heading in. Their berserk rage lead them to trample down many Hunters and Genesis Humans trying to get to the reinforcements. Blood splattered all over their great claws. Hunters who were still alive went after the remains of the Genesis Humans. Til'loe had caught the commander off guard. He jabbed his blade through his skull. He tore it out to the left, the blood from the Genesis Human's skull spurted out. Til'loe then gave him a quick X slash to the back. The Genesis Human turned to his killer, let out a sigh, and fell, dead at the Hunter's feet. Blood poured out of the bodies, everywhere. The ice and snow was stained, and the water that was unfrozen turned black with the Hunters' blood. Over patches were mixtures of the colors. Two Sans lay dead over a pile of bodies bleeding profusely from their necks, their brains being shredded open by rocket fire. No Genesis Humans were left standing. Either annihilated, mutilated, bloodied or crippled, no were left standing. All but three Titans remained alive, but the ones that were, were badly beaten and bleeding. Of the two hundred Hunters only eighty nine were left. Bodies littered the area, their expression on their faces left terrible images in the survivors' minds. The remaining Genesis Humans were killed.
A Guardian, whose left hand had been taken off, hobbled over to Til'loe. “Armada Commander, we have won, these Genesis Humans are all dead, we have won this great battle.”
“But at what cost? Only eighty nine of us our left! Those damned Genesis Humans killed so many of my good soldiers.”
“But we won…..now we have nothing to worry about!”
“You believe that, but we have plenty to worry about soon. I will report this to Yol'maiza, and we'll head back to our ships.”
Ko'maiza looked in amazement, “By Mii! They won…..they held off that massive offensive.”
Yol'maiza turned to him, “Yeah, they did win it, they have earned their leave from that damned planet. Evacuate them, have Til'loe brought to me, I wish to speak to him about this victory.”
She looked at the monitor again and though (If those Genesis Humans can put up a fight like this, then only the Three know what could happen to our soldiers next…we need to end this war soon).
Part 3
“So then they only have eighty nine soldiers left?”
“That's what Til'loe has reported to us.”
“Alright then fifteen drop ships could be able to carry them back to us. Send them down immediately!”
“Yes Fleet Commander, it'll be done.”
Til'loe turned to a Guardian trotting across the crater. All the remaining Hunters had regrouped in the small base that was set up in the crater.
“AC Til'loe! I have some great news for you and all of you as well. The Fleet Commander has issued our return to Roht'mii. She also requests your presence when we get aboard!” said the Guardian with great enthusiasm.
Til'loe looked around and saw the expressions on his soldiers. They were filled with both joy and relief, knowing they'd be able to leave the hell hole of a planet they were on.
“What about all the Hunter bodies? Shouldn't they be taken to be buried?” he asked.
“She gave me no word on that sir, but all I know is that we can get off this planet! That's all that really matters right?”
“Ahhg…..I guess so…well these bodies will be destroyed by the Finisher bombs, and besides, I guess since they all died in bloody combat, their souls have already reached the Three. Well then Hunters, as you've all just heard, we're leaving this hell hole! Assemble for the drop ships, know which one you will get on so we can get off this place as soon as possible.” Til'loe said pointing around at his remaining forces.
About and hour and a half passed. The Hunters, bored out of their minds, began to play shooting games. One game was, taking corpses of Genesis Humans and setting them at different intervals. Then they would use a Second Sergeants' rifle, who had invented the little game, to see who could hit each target. About ten Hunters joined in and they fired away. The farthest corpse was posted about 400 yards away from them, but was easily hit by most. Others began to play a soccer type game with the head of a Genesis Human. If they crushed it some how, they'd just pop off another one. Even a few Guardians joined in on the fun. Til'loe himself, a highly respect Armada Commander, joined a game where they'd see how far they could chuck a armless, legless, and headless Genesis Human. Of course a Titan won that game, but didn't be Til'loe by much. Another hour passed, more boredom set in. Eventually many Hunters had sat back to back with each other and fallen asleep.
“WHY HAVEN'T THOSE SHIPS COME YET?” Til'loe yelled out.
Just as he finished, and his Hunters awoke, they saw the ships coming down out of the grey hazed sky. Many of them began to sigh, they had no idea it would take that long.
“ALRIGHT, everyone in a ship now!” We're gettin' off this damned planet!” Til'loe exclaimed.
The Hunters gladly piled on the ships, the Titans being last having to nearly sit on the edges of the ships. And the ships started their ascent; their airlocks began to close up, forcing the Titans on the edge to climb further in. Til'loe's ship was last to take off, he wanted to make sure all his soldiers were accounted for. As the door to drop ship was closing, screams could be heard coming out of no where. Two large blasts rocked the ship, and the one of the pilots screamed “BRACE FOR IMPACT, WE'RE GOING DOWN!”
But no one had time, it was so sudden and unforeseen, the ship impacted the hard ice and exploded. Hunters were thrown left and right by the crash. Til'loe was out cold in the snow.
“Hey, don't get too close to it, it might not be dead.”
Til'loe began to awaken, still dazed from the crash, he couldn't quite move yet, but was able to see two silhouettes standing in front of him.
“Hey I think it's waking up!”
“Get back! It might try to kill you!”
Til'loe lifted his head up and saw two young looking humans standing there in front of him, their stares were blank and filled with fear.
“What? What are humans doing out here? I thought there were none out here. Who are you two, and give me one good reason I shouldn't rip your hearts out.”
The little humans stared at each other then looked back down at the creature.
A young girl stepped forward and said in a rather less confident voice, “I-I am, Marina Fris.” This girl was young, maybe only around the age of 18, but the Hunter knew no better nor cared what her age was.
She motioned to the boy standing behind her to step forward, he talked in the same kind of voice,” I am uh….uh, my name is…Isaac Tyke.” This boy looked no different, probably around the age of 18 as well.
“Are you the ones who fired and took down my ship?”
Marina said, less scared now, but still with some fear in her voice, “N-no great Hunter, we have no weapons, we've been out here for two days, we were separated from a human refugee group who'd escaped a Hunter attack.”
“Hmm…then who shot my SHIP DOWN!?”
“We…we don't know” she said “We saw the explosion and thought it was a Genesis Human ship, and thought if there were any survivors, they could help us.”
Til'loe had regained his strength and was able to stand up. He looked around him. Behind him was the drop ship. It was nothing more than a smoldering pile of metal and glass. Fire still raged in the fuel leaks coming out of what was left of the wings. Nothing was left of the pilots, except for blood and a few scattered parts here and there. The ship had run head on into the ground, killing them instantly. He looked around. A Titan lay dead, both of his legs shredded off in the wreck still oozing blood from the nubs. One of the Guardians, who was cleaning his sword on the trip up, some how managed to impale himself through the chest, tearing out a lung in the process. Two Footsoldiers lay dead in a small fire, parts of their exposed fur lighting and setting their entire bodies slowly on fire, as it burned the protective bandages away. Three more Footsoldiers, their corpses now barely recognizable as Hunters, lay dead next to each other, blood pouring slowly from the wounds. One was thrown across past where Til'loe had been laying had slid down across the ice, leaving a trail of black blood in his wake. Til'loe looked at this scene around him and thought, If any of my Hunters survived, they must be in horrible condition.
As he finished that thought he saw movement. From underneath the dead Titan a Guardian emerged. He stumbled a bit trying to get up, but was able to get his balance. He hobbled over to his superior and stood next to him.
“Til'loe…who are these humans? Are they the ones who shot down the drop ship?”
Til'loe replied,” No, they say they aren't, they say they've been stranded out here for two days now, separated from a refugee group.”
The Guardian stared at the little humans. The young girl and boy looked at each other than up at these giants. They felt dwarfed by their size, even the boy who was about 6'6” felt little.
“Hmm…so what are we going to do with them?” asked the Guardian.
“Hold that thought soldier, I see more movement.”
A pile of snow began to move around, and out came a Titan. Til'loe could tell it was still dazed; it wasn't walking completely straight, but was able to maintain balance. He did a walking jog over to his superiors' side. He, with his already limited intelligence, looked at the little humans, and gave a sadistic grin.
“NO!” Til'loe said, “They are not food for you!”
The Titans respected what Til'loe had said and stood at attention. More movement happened. Out from under a piece of metal a Footsoldier staggered to rise. About ten feet from her, another Footsoldier rose. They two, without hesitation , rushed over to their superior.
Til'loe replied to his Guardians question, “So what we will do with them, Zayl'nexs, is take them with us.”
“What? But, we can't have humans traveling with us!” Zayl'nexs exclaimed.
“It's my decision, and you have to honor what I say, we are taking these two with us, besides, I could use a couple of pets.”
Marina and Isaac looked at each other, and quietly Isaac asked “What do you think he means by that?”
“Alright, it's settled, these humans will tag along with us. Now we need to bring along a few Genesis Human corpses so we can keep our energy up. Carry what you can soldiers!”
With that the five remaining Hunters all fanned out and looked for good corpses. The humans followed Til'loe feeling safer, if you could call it that, with him.
“Well, I know for a fact that there should be a Hunter outpost about 100 miles west of this crater. Ka'maiza told me about it, just incase we needed to get to another outpost. You humans will lead us there, got that?”
Marina and Isaac gave a nod, not wanting to anger this creature they knew could easily kill them with one punch.
“Armada Commander, I need a moment.” one of the Footsoliders said.
“And what would you need it for?”
“My little sister sir…..she didn't survive the crash….”the Footsoldier said a tear coming to her eye.
“Hmmm…fine, but make it quick, we have to get moving soon.”
The young Footsoldier ran across the bodies to one who was still relatively intact. The other Footsoldier followed her.
“Are you going to be ok Ner'way?”
Ner'way turned to her friend, “I just can't believe she'd go this way…I knew the both of us would have died in combat…but a SHIP CRASH!? Why do the Three have to torture me like this?” As she finished her sentence she burst out crying.
“I'm…so sorry for you…I don't know what it's like to loose a sibling to anything. All mine are too young for combat….”
“It's ok Jak'yif, I know, it happens to all Hunters, they die, and they leave loved ones.” Ner'way said, she began to stop crying.
“Come one” Jak'yif said, “We gotta' hurry the others are leaving us behind.
The both picked up the corpses they gathered and sprinted to catch up to the other three Hunters and their new human followers.
“Yol'maiza, the ships have arrived, all but Til'loe's, in fact, we can't get a signal from it.”
Ko'maiza stated, “It must've crashed, but I'm sure Til'loe is still alive.”
Yol'maiza stared blankly at the screen, “I can only hope so, I can't run two ships all at once, and I must speak with him about something, I just hope he's still alive.”
With that, the Hunters in the monitoring room began to try to establish contact.
Ko'maiza thought to himself, There's no way he's dead, I know it He'll be here I'm sure soon enough, soon enough.
Part 4
“Til'loe, I think we should stop for the night and camp out here.” Zayl'nexs said.
“Wait why? We're making great progress across this frozen hell. What's the point of stopping now?”
“Did you forget? We have humans with us, and I don't think they can last much longer, I mean look at them.” he pointing back at the humans. Their walks were slow and every step they took they looked as if they were ready to fall over. Their heads dropped down, and their faces were unseen. They lagged behind the Titan who was at the back of the group.
“Alright, HUNTERS, and my little pets, we'll be setting up a camp here. I want you and Jak'yif to dig a hole so we can get down in it. Titan, I want you to help them with this. Meanwhile Zayl'nexs, you'll be setting up a perimeter for us, the humans and I will go look for something to start even a little fire with. Got me?”
All the Hunters nodded to him.
“Alright then, move out. Now Marina, Isaac, you two come with me like I said and we'll…”
“No need to.” Isaac said pulling out a blowtorch from a bag he had, “we can use this to warm ourselves up for a while.”
“Hmm…ok then, you two stay near me, I'm going to go help them dig that hole.”
“Yeah ok man, I mean…sir?” Marina said in a somewhat frightened voice.
Til'loe and his humans went back to where they other three Hunters were. All four began digging in the snow and dirt to create a pit.
“Send me out here to set up a perimeter. No I'm not cold at all, nope just fine. Uhhg…I tell you if I was in command, we'd not be in this situation, nope, we'd be back on Roht'mii safe and sou….” Zayl'nexs was cut off there. He noticed movement in a small snow embankment. Though night vision for Hunters was fairly good, he couldn't tell what had moved. He took his pistol and sword out, knowing instinctively that something was going to attack him. He heard a loud cracking noise and was knocked back. He looked down at his armor and saw a huge, blackened dent in his russet colored armor. He scrambled up and ran backwards; firing his pistol, back to the other Hunters.
“TIL'LOE! I think we have more Genesis Humans on our hands!”
“Is that what happened to your armor?” Til'loe asked him.
“Yes, I think they stole one of a few of the Second Sergeants' Gods' Rains!”
“Then they'll probably have followed you here. Titan I want you up there with Zayl'nexs, take those Genesis Humans out. The rest of us will stay back here.”
He motioned for the two Hunters to take their positions.
“Ner'way, Jak'yif, stay back here with Marina and Isaac.” he said that, then turned to Isaac and handed him his Hunter pistol, “it's quite simple, just squeeze the trigger, but watch out for the recoil, it's quite strong.”
Til'loe then took his Claimer out and headed over to where Zayl'nexs and the Titan were.
“Man this pistol is heavy! It weighs like ten pounds!”
“Yeah, it just seems heavy to you only because our weapons are much larger” Jak'yif said to him, “I've held human guns before…in fact I broke one once, it was, what you guys call a “shotgun”.”
“You broke a SHOTGUN?” Marina asked very surprised.
“Yeah, it was a really brittle gun really.” Jak'yif said trying to act a bit tough.
“Hunters! Quite! They're coming.” Til'loe said.
Movement was seen in the snow, and the Titan became uneasy. He began to shift his feet, a clear sign that he was frustrated. He then began to move his cannon up and down, which, any Hunter commander would know is not a good sign.
“Til'loe…the Titan's becoming uneasy….and you know what happens when he snaps right?” Zayl'nexs asked in a quite voice.
“Yes I know, we have to let him kill something soon, or we have to take him down….”
Til'loe fired a shot off and the Titan snapped, it let out a loud, almost screeching type sound, and ran forward. Its silhouette could be seen in the dimming horizon. All the two Hunters heard were screams, and saw the Titan slam its foot into the ground. Chunks flew up and blood spurted in a somewhat fountain kind of way. They saw the Titans open hand reach down, and he raised it up. In his clutches was a Genesis Human. He held it there, its legs kicking back and forth. The Titan raised his gun, and with the double bayonet on the end jab it through the Genesis Human's torso. The blades could be seen going through the other side and blood ran off into the cold snow. The Titan wasn't finished thought. It slammed the Genesis Human on the ground face first. It grabbed one of its arms and stepped on its back, and began to pull at it. A loud crack was heard and the Titan tore the Genesis Human in half and held the half it had up in there air, blood oozing from the separation. It lulled the corpse back over to where Til'loe and Zayl 'nexs were crouched down. They looked at each other, then up at the Titan, it looking so triumphant from its victory.
“You know, I find it scarier what these Titans do to things at night than during the day.” Zayl'nexs said.
“Yeah…that was somewhat, too gruesome…”
Isaac looked over at the Hunter Footsoldiers, their eyes transfixed on what just happened. Marina was also locked on this sight.
“That was probably the most terrifying thing I've ever seen.” Marina said.
“Yeah, I've never seen a Titan do anything like that before.” Ner'way replied.
Jak'yif was speechless, his mouth just hung open. The thee Hunters walked back to where the other two and the humans were.
“Well, now that we all have that burned into our memories, I say we continue our work.” Til'loe said trying not to sound frightened or disgusted. They began to dig the hole again, this time the Titan had the Genesis Human's corpse hanging out of his mouth, still bleeding. Til'loe looked over at his humans. They were huddled next to each other, sitting on a patch of dirt with the blowtorch on. He gave a sigh, and prompted Zayl'nexs to come over to him.
“Give me your rank cloth.”
“What? But we need these to show our ranks!”
“Just give me it, those two could use it. And don't worry I'll be giving them mine too.”
Zayl'nexs complied with his commander, and gave him his ranking cloth. Til'loe took his off too. He walked over to Marina and Isaac.
“Here take these things, keep warm with them.”
“Thanks…..uh…what should we call you?” Isaac asked.
“Just call me Til. Til will work fine.”
“Alright then, sounds good….Til.”
He walked back over to Zayl'nexs. All he could do was stare at him.
“You going soft…too soft. You're showing more sympathy to these humans than to that Footsoldier! What's happened to you?”
“Just shut it and dig, we have a long walk ahead of us in the morning.”
“Whatever you say.....Til.”
Til'loe gave Zayl'nexs a glare, but they both went back to work. Til'loe just began to work, but Zayl'nexs stood there and wondered, What is going on with you? Why are these humans so important? Hmm…at this rate, we'll never get out of here alive…..
Part 5
The five Hunters had finished their digging. They dug a sizable hole, about three feet deep and about ten feet across. It was able to fit the two humans, the two footsoldiers, and one of either Til'loe or Zayl'nexs. Til'loe being the good leader he was, decided to sleep next to the Titan who had already collapsed in the snow next to the hole.
“Hey, Marina, Isaac, the hole's done, get in there.” Til'loe ordered them.
With out hesitation they both ran and jumped in, and huddled down next to each other. Ner'way and Jak'yif both sat next to them, back to back, and curled up. Zaly'nexs sat on the edge of the hole and laid down. Meanwhile, Til'loe walked over to where the Titan had fallen asleep, which was about two feet from the hole's edge.
“I hope you don't mind me lying next to you big guy, just need something to block the wind.” Til'loe said in a groggy voice. All the Titan did was let out a grunt, but Til'loe knew it was a Titan's way to say “whatever”.
“Alright, Hunters, have a good night, but make sure to be ready just incase of an attack, we can't be too careful.”
“Yes Armada Commander!” Ner'way and Jak'yif both said. Zayl'nexs just let out a noise to show he actually listened. Til'loe then nodded off.
“Til'loe……hey…Til'loe….wake up.”
Til'loe awoke; he opened his eyes and was nearly blinded.
“AHHH! MY EYES! Ahhg….you could have told me it was bright out!” he exclaimed.
“Sorry Til….I thought you would've known.”
Til'loe looked up and was able to see that Marina was standing over him. He regained his vision fully and was able to see what was going on. The Genesis Earth's sun shone brightly over the barren frozen lands. The snow reflected the light, but the snow also seemed to give off a glow of its own. Ner'way and Jak'yif were standing around, just talking to each other. Isaac still sat in the hole, but, to Til'loe's surprise, Zayl'nexs was talking to him. The Titan still laid there passed out in the snow.
“Hey, time to get up.” Til'loe said and he kicked the Titan in the back. He let out an angry growl, but new better than to disobey and order, so it unwillingly rose.
“Looks like we all made it through the night ok, but I have something itchy on my chest.”
Til'loe unhooked his chest plate and little fox looking creature dropped out.
“What the hell is that?” Jak'yif walked over and asked.
“That? Just a little Xov, kind of like a fox from earth…but not as easily scared.” Marina explained.
“No, actually I was thinking more along the lines of something to eat, my corpse was dragged away by something last night.” he said.
With that Jak'yif picked up the little Vox, and swallowed it whole. Marina just stared at him in disgust. Her eyes began to tear up a little, but she just turned away and walked towards where Isaac and Zayl'nexs were sitting.
“Great job Jak'yif, you insensitive monster.”
“What? I was hungry, what can you do when a meal is sitting right in front of you?”
“Just shut up and go patrol the area before I tear your heart out.”
The Hunters and humans stayed at there little camp site for about another hour before beginning to move again. This time the Titan was ordered to carry Marina while Isaac was carried by Zayl'nexs.
“This is so damn humiliating.” Zayl'nexs said under his breath.
“What was that?” asked Til'loe.
“Nothing….nothing at all.”
Since they already had their bearings, they knew which way to head. They walked along the frozen wasteland, seeing nothing but ice, snow and sometimes a break in the ice where water was present.
“STOP!” Til'loe ordered.
“What, what is it?” asked Ner'way.
Til'loe pointed down the way, and there sitting in the snow, with two tents in there area was a few Genesis Humans.
“Oh perfect…more things to kill!” exclaimed Jak'yif.
“Wait those don't look like regular Genesis Human soldiers.”
“Could it be more of those Bone Head guys?” Jak'yif asked.
“No…these one's have full black armor on…what could they be?”
Zayl'nexs put Isaac on the ground and ran up to see what was going on. He saw these Genesis Humans, dressed in complete black, directly contrasting with the white background. One of them stood up and a long scarf like cape flew forwards with the wind.
“Wait I think I know what these things are,” Isaac said, “Those are the elite guards of the Genesis Human and human capitol. Why are they out here?”
Til'loe continued to stare down the way at them and said, “Hell if I know, all I know is that we have to take them out….now way we're getting past them with out them noticing us.”
“But how will we get close enough to kill them without them killing us?” Ner'way stepped in and asked.
“We just charge them, that's our only real option.”
With that, the Titan came up front, and put Marina down. The Titan was at the head of the pack with the two footsoldiers behind him and Zayl'nexs and Til'loe at the rear.
“Alright, on my count we charge them……one……two….THREE!”
The Hunters sprinted down across the frozen plain. The Titan ran as fast as it could, but the Footsoldiers were able to pull ahead. They panted and grunted as they ran forward. The Genesis Humans had noticed them and began to open fire.
“THEY'VE GOT OUR WEAPONS!” exclaimed Ner'way.
They continued to fire, one having a Gods' Rain rifle. It took a shot, Jak'yif, who had only been on Genesis Earth for the time he was with Til'loe, was hit in the head, taking the top half of his skull off. The momentum he had carried his body forward another good five feet before he collapsed, the black blood spraying across the snow. Ner'way stood there when she saw what had just happened. The others continued on forward but Ner'way just stood and looked at his corpse.
“NER'WAY GET OVER HERE!” Til'loe shouted.
Ner'way turned around, the other Hunters were already right up on the Genesis Humans in hand to hand combat. She sprinted forward. She had her Claimer out, and raised it in the air.
“Til'loe, I think Ner'way's gone berserk!” Zayl'nexs yelled.
Ner'way broke through her two superiors and lunged for the Genesis Human who had the rifle. The Genesis Human tried to fire at her, but was so scared he forgot to reload the gun. She jammed the bayonet of the Claimer into his mouth. It went straight through and out the back of his neck. She held it there for about five seconds before pulling it out and then jamming it into his chest. She slashed left and right, and pulled the bayonet out. She grabbed his chest, and tore it open, exposing his ribs, lungs, heart and everything else inside. She shoved her fist into his rib cage, and broke it open. Blood oozed out of the wound forming a puddle at both their feet. Blood also began to run profusely out of his mouth. She then tore out the Genesis Humans still beating heart. Blood ran out of is, but she wasn't done. She grabbed him by the throat, and shoved his own heart down his neck. After all that, she gave him a kick and then crushed his head in under her foot. Blood went everywhere on the snow. Her hands were stained along with her feet and her armor. The two remaining Genesis Humans were awe struck. Zayl'nexs saw this advantage and sliced both of the Genesis Humans across the waist with his sword, cutting them both in half. All Til'loe could do was stare at what had just happened….he had never seen something that violent happen in his entire life. Ner'way turned around and walked back over the where Jak'yif lay. She knelt down by him, and picked him up. Normally a female Hunter couldn't pick up a male, but somehow she was able to. She laid him back down next to the now horribly mutilated Genesis Human. She began to dig.
“Do you think we should stop her?” Zayl'nexs asked.
“No….she wishes to bury her friend, I say we let her. Besides, we have tents to raid; let's see what we can find in here.” Til'loe said.
Marina, Isaac and the Titan looked at what just happened. The Titan let out a noise, that sounded some what like a “huh” but in a surprised manor. Marina and Isaac were speechless. Isaac thought to himself, Well I know I don't want to piss her off….that poor, poor Genesis Human.
Til'loe and Zayl'nexs went through the tents, while Ner'way just dug and dug. Til'loe came out and said “That was horrifying…even more so than what the Titan did. I just hope we reach that outpost soon enough. May Jak'yif's soul be with the Three now.”
Part 6
“So is she going to be ok?” Isaac asked directing it to Til'loe.
“I can only hope so, we don't need an emotionally crippled soldier on our hands….we'll never make it out of this place alive then. By the way, how much further would you say we have to go?” Til'loe asked.
“Mmm….maybe about another fifty or so miles, and we should be there by night, that is if we move on all day.” Isaac answered.
The Hunters and humans looked over at where Ner'way was. She had already dug the hole, being the rage still in her.
“How is she digging that hole so fast?” Marina asked.
“Well, you see when a Hunter becomes enraged, something happens in their brains. A special type of adrenaline is released making us much stronger, faster, more violent, and well just monstrous. It's said though that in female Hunters the rage builds up even more than in males. She's the first female soldier I've seen become enraged, she exhibited strength and violence even more than a Titan would. That's all there really is to it.” Zayl'nexs explained, and all Marina could do was stand there and watch.
“So should we help her?”
“We really shouldn't, she still enraged…she might try to rip our arms off.” Til'loe said.
Within fifteen minutes Ner'way had dug a whole roughly her height, about nine feet deep. She placed Jak'yif's body in it with his Claimer across him. She stood up and looked down at the grave, and began to fill it again.
“Hey Ner'way! Are you almost ready to move on?” Til'loe shouted.
“Yes…..we can get going now.”
“Alright then, uh…we found some things for you two in the tents so here you go.”
Til'loe and Zayl'nexs handed Marina and Isaac a small radio, a blanket, and a few things of water.
“OH KICKASS A RADIO!” Isaac said in a squeaky voice. He turned it on and to his surprise music was still playing.
“What the hell are you listening too?” Marina asked. The music that was on was an old song from long ago, back during the 1970's. What she could here was:
Blue skies from pain,
Can you tell a green field,
From a cold steal rail,
A smile from a veil,
Do you think you can tell?
“Huh I didn't think they'd play songs from so long ago still. Oh well I still love this song!” Isaac said.
“Ok, focus we gotta' get moving now, we want to reach the outpost by nightfall.” Til'loe told him.
With that the remaining four Hunters and the humans continued on their course. Isaac the entire time had the radio on, listening to music from long times past, all the way back from the 1960's even.
“OH I LOVE THIS SONG MAN!” he shouted again. An old, dark lyric song came on, but the beat was surprising up lifting:
Don't go around to night,
Well it's bound to take your life,
There's a bad moon on the rise.
“WOULD YOU TURN THAT CRAP OFF?” Marin yelled at him.
“No don't I kind of like this human music.” Zayl'nexs said.
They continued on, seeing nothing in their path but snow, ice and water. Nothing but an open barren wasteland. By now, to keep from randomly shooting at things, Zayl'nexs and Isaac were standing next to each other, both doing a sort of dance while walking. By now it was mid afternoon, and the Genesis Earth sun was about mid way down.
“We have to pick up the pace or we'll never make it there.” TIl'loe said in a disgruntled voice, “Titan, take Marina, and Zayl'nexs you have Isaac again, and well start running across the plain.”
Both of the Hunters complied and picked up the humans. They began to run, no sprinting but just a good run. They just ran and ran across the open plain of snow.
“Wow, you guys have been going for a good while now.” Isaac said, “Even in this heavy armor you guys can run for a long time.”
“Yeah, we Hunters are endurance creatures; we've been trained to run for long periods of time with out stopping. Heh, you guys should see us run with out this heavy upper armor, that's the stuff that really weighs us down.” Zayl'nexs said.
“SO HOW FAR HAVE WE COVERED?” Til'loe yelled, thinking his voice was quieted by the rushing wind.
“You don't have to yell Til, but I'd say we've covered a good twenty five miles or so.” Marina said to him.
“Ah man what is this? I love this heavy drum line!” Isaac said. Again Zayl'nexs enjoyed what he heard:
I'm feelin' like a bad boy,
Yes just like a bad boy,
I'm rippin' up a rag doll,
Like throwin' away an old toy
“Where you humans get this music I don't know, but I really like it.” Zayl'nexs said.
“HEY LOOK! THE OUTPOST!” Til'loe yelled with excitement.
Ner'way gave a sigh of relief, but didn't say anything, which she hadn't the entire time.
“Finally now we can rest.” Zayl'nexs said.
“Hold it!” a Hunter First Sergeant said as Til'loe and his Hunters came to the gate, “Who are you, and what do need?”
“What do you mean who am I? I'm Armada Commander Til'loe, and I demand entrance into this outpost.”
“Oh Armada Commander, so sorry, please head right in.”
Til'loe and his Hunters along with the humans headed into the outpost. They looked around and saw Hunters all over the place. Walking around with their guns out, talking, or just guarding something. As they continued down, a Commander came running down towards them.
“TIL'LOE! We got word you might be heading this way, so the Fleet Commander sent us a message, you need to come with me and see Yew'ols, he's the Guardian who runs this outpost.”
“Alright, take me to him then.” With that Til'loe and the others followed the Commander. Zayl'nexs thought to himself, Well finally maybe we can get off this damned planet and get back to Nahlz'mii.
“OH AWESOME! CHEAP TRICK KICKS ASS!” Isaac yelled and many Hunters looked up at him.
Mommy's alright,
Daddy's alright,
They just seem a little weird,
Surrender, SURRENDER!
But don't give yourself away, way, way, AYYY!