Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ The Slayer ❯ Exile ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 1: Exile
“But mother!” I cried in protest. My butterfly birthmark had just been discovered, and my parents were furious.
“You bear the cursed mark, child! You will be the end of us all!” she yelled in reply, pointing at long ringed finger at my exposed left shoulder. Tears were streaming down my face, but I got up, facing her.
“Does this mean that you no longer love me, your own child?” I asked in despair.
“You are no child of mine!” she raved, pushing me out the front door and into the rain. I stumbled, and then fell, surprised that she had done such a thing. I got onto all fours, slowly, but collapsed into tears. I had just been kicked out of my own home, and I had no one to turn to. I could get all of my money out of the bank, nut that would require me to go back inside and get my credit cards, and my mother would call the cops on me. So, I lay there, crying.
In the middle of my hopelessness, however, a warm hand touched the shoulder where my shirt had been ripped away. I looked up, only to see a boy.
“Hey,” he said softly. His voice was so quiet, and yet I heard him over the pounding rain. “Are you okay?” Mute with grief at losing my last friend, I shook my head, accidentally letting out a sob. He leaned over me, gently taking me into his arms and lifting me from the ground. “Come on. You can stay at my place.” He helped me to my feet, and got me to walk. I followed trustingly, leaning heavily on him and slipping several times. It took me until we were about halfway there to realize: I didn't know anything about this guy. I stopped walking, and pushed at him.
“Let go.” I insisted weakly. He didn't, not replying as he guided me along anyway. We took a turn into an abandoned apartment complex, and about a thousand things that could happen jumped into my head. He picked me up gently.
“I live on the top floor. You'd wear yourself out if you walked.” He explained. Now I was even more afraid as I counted the floors. After, I was puzzled. Even if he were the most energetic person in the world, wouldn't he wear himself out this way as well? I looked up at him, and suddenly felt very sleepy. Just before I nodded off, I heard a great whooshing, and felt a great rushing of air.