Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ The Slayer ❯ Breakfast With a Stranger ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 2: Breakfast With a Stranger
The next morning, I woke up on a soft couch. I sat up hurriedly, looking around and trying to identify my location. Then I remembered parts of last night, and relaxed a little. The boy came in, and gave me time to study his features. He had shoulder-length black hair, and brown eyes that were half-hidden by his bangs. He was wearing a sleeveless black shirt, and khaki pants with no shoes. He had really pale skin, too.
“So, how'd you sleep?” he asked me. I snapped out of it and replied with a quiet `okay'. He nodded and disappeared into another room for a moment, then returned with some clothes.
“Thanks.” I said, suddenly very conscious that my shirt was ripped. I took them from him, and hid my small blush.
“They're boy's clothes, but they're all I've got. Sorry.”
“Don't worry about it. I'm grateful that you even let me stay here for the night.” I replied.
“There's a bathroom down the hall. I hope you like pancakes.” I stifled a small giggle as I headed down the dimly lit corridor. I entered the long bathroom, and took a long, hot bath. As soon as the smell of food reached me, however, I got out and dressed. I tiptoed out, and poked my head around the corner, only to have a piece of pancake stuffed into my mouth. I froze for a moment, then realized what had happened, and swallowed.
“Mmm.” I commented.
“My name's Elijah.” he said, flipping another pancake onto a plate. Picking the two up, he strolled into a dining room; me following close behind like a puppy. He put the two plates on opposite sides of the table, and took a seat. I sat down as well, taking the fork and waiting for him. He looked at me, and I stared back. I blinked several times, then cut a piece of my pancake without looking; stabbing it with my fork, I lifted it up and stuffed it into his mouth. I smirked triumphantly.
“Payback.” I said to his surprised face. He smiled, and began eating, as did I. Those pancakes were really good! We never spoke as we ate, but it was a comfortable silence, though the very air seemed energetic and exciting, as if it were waiting for us to finish so something remarkable could happen.
I tried to take my dishes to the kitchen after I was done, but he took them out of my hands before I could.
“Go sit in the living room. I'll be there in a minute, so have your story prepared.” He said with that quiet voice of his. I obeyed, thinking it was the least I could do in return for his kindness. “Well, let's see here…” I thought to myself. “Last night I came home from studying for a big test at my friend's. Mother told me to turn around; she had that troubled look on her face like she had when my older sister, Anne, was going through one of her fazes. I was wearing my favorite black out fit…my only black outfit. I complied, confused, and she ran a hand over my upper-back. That's all it took for her to completely lose it. She ripped my left sleeve, and threw me into the entrance hall. I didn't know she was that strong, but maybe it was just the adrenaline rush. Then we started arguing, and she disowned me and pushed me out the front door. I fell down, and then Elijah came and saved me. That's how I ended up here.” I concluded to myself, suddenly flashing back to reality when I realized that Elijah was sitting next to me with his hand on my shoulder.
“So that's what happened…” he said, trailing off.
“Huh?” I said that out loud?” I asked, flustered. I had planned on leaving the disowning part out so that I could go without him worrying that I wouldn't have a place to stay or something.
“There's something I need to show you.” He stated, getting up and taking my hand. He smiled softly, and I saw the true sincerity in his eyes, shaded though they were. “Don't worry. It'll only take a minute.” I was confused, but followed along anyway to an unknown and unexplored place.
The apartment was oddly large, so I was busy looking everywhere as Elijah gently guided me towards the place. I hardly expected what I saw when he opened the door, however, and gasped audibly. There were pictures of my family all around the room; my mother walking down the street, her cell phone glued to her ear; my father in his car, apparently waiting at a traffic light; my sister chatting with her friends at the mall, and…
“Mine has something on it.” I said about to step forward; Elijah stopped me, but I still stared at my picture on the wall. A red circle was drawn around the left side of my chest, about where my heart should be, and my face was scratched out. “Why am I scratched out?” I asked, noting that the picture was me at school, and this guy obviously had been stalking me and my family.
“I added that last night so that they wouldn't find you. If I hadn't scratched your face out, you would've been killed.” Elijah explained. I turned to him.
“Who's `they'?” He faced me directly.
“First, let me show you something.” He said, putting his middle and index fingers on each of my temples; and slowly, slowly, a vision materialized.