Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ The Slayer ❯ Memories ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 3: Memories
I looked around slowly, examining what I could see of this dark and dismal place. It was a cell of some sort, and I wasn't alone. Soft breathing could be heard, but I could see no one. Then, a door that couldn't have been seen before opened, revealing a medieval guard.
“Hey!” he yelled, kicking right through me and hitting the other person, who just happened to be right behind me. The person grunted, finally moving. “Get up. `Tis your time to pass on, black magician.” The guard said gruffly. He jingled some keys, then dropped them at my feet, laughing cruelly. “Let us see you lift that with your evil tricks!” he taunted, laughing again and turning around. “Of course, I shall pick them up if you shall admit to your sin.” he said turning.
“Girl,” the person behind me spoke hoarsely. I turned to him, and he continued. “They believe I have killed their king, and though you have been there for a while, I do not believe that you know why you are here. Help me, and you will.” I hesitated, and he added something before I could reply. “I understand that you do not wish to help a monster, but--”
“No! That's not it.” I said quickly. “I…I was just a little startled that you knew I was here and you never said anything.” He laughed softly.
“I shall help you pick those keys up if you will set me free.”
“Deal. Okay, tell me what to do.” I heard the guard behind me spin around sharply.
“What are you mumbling about, madman?” he demanded.
“I have a name, fool. I am known as Elijah.” he retorted as I started at his name. “What is the matter, child?” he whispered in a softer, more playful tone.
“N-nothing.” I replied.
“Are you ready to place those keys in this fool's open palm?” I smirked and nodded. “All right,” he whispered. “Try to take them.” I leaned down, but as I tried to grab them, my hand went right through it. He hissed through his teeth.
“I can't touch them. I'm sorry.” I stated, looking at my hand.
“It cannot be helped. Step aside, child.” I obeyed, and the fallen keys became enveloped in a strange aura, slowly floating up. The guard looked spooked, and shuddered in fear. I watched on in wonder as the right key went into the lock and released him. “I wonder if he's the same Elijah that I met before.” I thought. The prisoner, Elijah, stood to his full height, and turned to me. Long straight black hair, brown eyes, and medieval clothing. “Yep, that's Elijah.” I confirmed mentally.
“It is a pleasure to meet you.” he said, bowing slightly.
“Same to you.” I replied nodding. He looked slightly puzzled, when you remembered that they didn't talk like that back then. “Oh. Sorry, I'm not from around here, and I guess I talk weirdly in comparison to you guys. Anyway, as for names, I'm--” He cut me off by covering my mouth.
“That is enough. You needn't introduce yourself for now, but please excuse me. I must go now.” he said, walking out of the cell. Only then did I notice that he had black wings.
“A fallen…” I whispered, noting that they were bound with a strange material that had red marks on it. I caught up to them both, and walked beside Elijah. He looked over at me while the guard kept giving us weird glances. I smiled softly at Elijah, then looked back sadly at his wings, which could not be stretched to their full length or even be moved at all for that matter.
“What's that material?” I asked.
“It's rope that cannot be burned, cut, or moved.” he replied.
“And those symbols?”
“That's what gives it those powers. They were drawn in royal blood, because that's who I'm supposed to have killed.”
“How vampyric.” I commented, noting how serious his gaze was at first. It softened as his thoughts wandered.
“Why do you stay? A woman should not have to see this.”
“Oh, come on. What can they do that I haven't heard of? Torture you? Nail your hands to a cross and rub your mouth with vinegar whenever you ask for water? Please. I know so many methods of torture, it's not even funny. Believe me, it's nothing I haven't seen.” I assured him, sealing it with a confident look. He seemed surprised. “Hey, what are friends for, right?”
“In your case, you're my friend until you betray me. When you suffer, I will suffer. Everything you do, I follow right behind you. That is my definition of a true friend.” He looks at the floor.
“Thank you.”
“Don't worry about it.” And all three of us walked on into a strange and awesome future, wondering what would happen.