Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ The Slayer ❯ Going Back ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 5: Going Back
“You,” Elijah whispered, holding the dagger closer. “Are you armed?”
“N-no. Elijah—“
“Quiet. Only speak when I ask a question, child.” he snapped. I didn't move, deciding not to provoke or disobey the one with my life in his hands. “What are you?”
“What? I'm a human.”
“Humans don't wear those clothes, and would never be able to stand after looking straight at the prince's eyes.” he replied, starting to cut my throat.
“Does any kind of creature bleed aside from humans?” I asked, remembering how the other two turned to ash.
“Only vampires turn to ash, child.”
“Well, I promise I'm human. I don't know how else I can prove it, but I assure you I am.” I said in a slightly panicky voice. He sighed, and moved the blade away.
“You are not from here. Why did you release me? I could have killed you.” I spun around, glaring at him angrily for scaring and cutting me.
“Well, for one: I did not know you were going to try to kill me!!! Two: I felt indebted to you because you helped me in the future where I come from.” I yelled, leaning up close to his face angrily. He leaned back slightly, but still kept his cold composure. “That's why!” I spun back around, whacking him in the face with my ponytail.
“The future? How far?” he asked in a sadder, gentler tone. I started slightly, realizing what I'd just said. “Oh no.” I thought. “He probably really wants to go home, and if I tell him that he won't be able to for a few more centuries…”
“It's a secret.” I lied, hiding my regret but keeping a slight edge to my voice. Then, I sighed, feeling bad for being cold to him like that. “But I can tell you that it's not too far.” He stared at me for a while as if contemplating something, but then gave me a small flash of a sad smile before returning to his cold disposition.
“You must return to your time.” He said, striding back towards the dungeons swiftly as his short swords disappeared. I ran, catching up, and had to trot in order to stay right beside him. He took no notice that this wasn't my normal speed, and went into the cell we'd been in when I first came here. He looked over at me, making sure I was there, and pushed me back gently, careful not to touch my chest. As soon as I was back behind his wings, which were now spread, he concentrated, summoning something shiny that I couldn't see.
“Stay behind me and out of sight. If any of these creatures see you, they will come through, and that is definitely not what we want.” he ordered. “Is someone waiting for you to return?”
“Uh…you, I guess.” He nodded, and began. I couldn't see what he was doing or understand his words, but it sounded really cool. I itched with curiosity at what he was doing, but held myself back, for fear of something bad happening. Several times, the light that was shining on the walls would change in color or brightness, but I still held myself back; that was, until he started talking in English with somebody on the other side.
“Ah, Elijah. Ready to come home?” the strange voice asked. He stiffened slightly, and kept his wings over me.
“Not yet, Milord. I still have a few more to exterminate.” Elijah replied smoothly.
“Why are your wings spread? Didn't they tie you up?” the voice asked. “I didn't know they talked like that these days…” I thought.
“One was foolish enough to set me free.” he answered.
“Why am I hearing thoughts that aren't yours, Elijah?” he asked. I tensed, but didn't move my feet or arms. “There's a human in there with you, isn't there…?” he asked, making it sound more like a mild accusation.
“One that needs my help.” Elijah replied, obviously lying.
“The human sees through you. He'll start running in a moment.” I took a step back, ignoring the fact that he just called me a boy, and was about to start running, when Elijah grabbed my wrist.
“It's not going anywhere.” he assured the man. I accidentally got a look over his shoulder at the being, and saw that it was another angel with one black wing and one white. Long black curly hair, startling blue eyes, and pale skin were all the characteristics I caught. He was beautiful, and I almost started blushing right there on the spot. He began laughing maliciously, and I knew that he'd heard all I'd thought.
“A girl, huh? Oh Elijah, I never knew you were this cruel.” He said, amused. I cursed myself for thinking that, getting the strangest feeling that I shouldn't have done it. “I'll see you when you finish, Elijah. `Till next time, love.” His voice cut off as the light changed to a different color, and I shuddered. Elijah said nothing as he continued looking for my time. When he found it, he stayed still for a while, as if waiting for something. I heard voices in the background, but made no move to speak or step around him. I heard a door close, and someone sigh.
“Oh, she's ready, huh?” Elijah of the present said. “Well then, just send her on through.”
Elijah of the past stepped to the side so I could pass him, but I caught his arm.
“Talk to him. He's the one you know.” he snapped, cutting me off short.
“But… Thanks, Elijah.” I said, stepping through the portal and going back to my own time.
“Sorry. I used to be like that.” Present-Elijah said, shrugging sheepishly.
“Don't worry. But, I have a question: While we were there, you started talking to this guy. I don't know who he was, but—“ he cut me off, covering my mouth with his hand.
“Don't talk about him, he'll find us and destroy us both. Just know, that, yes, you are in no danger and, yes, he believes you to be dead.” he promised. I nodded.
“Now then,” I said, changing the subject. “On to more pressing matters. First off, where are your wings?” He turned around, revealing the bound wings that I hadn't seen before. “And why didn't I see them before?”
“Because I didn't want you to. You would've yelled `monster' and ran out of the house. Believe me, I know it's true. I read your reaction when you fell asleep.” he explained. I nodded in understanding.
“Why were you killing vampires? Aren't they supposed to be evil? Why are your wings bound? Aren't Fallens supposed to be evil too? Where did those daggers come from? How long have you been on Earth? Why did you stalk my family? Why'd you circle me? What's Hea—“ he covered my mouth again to get me to stop, smirking at my curiosity.
“If you keep that up, someone might end up cutting your tongue out.” My eyes widened slightly. “Now, for your questions… I was killing vampires because I want to go back to Heaven, and I feel that what I did was wrong. No, they're not all evil, despite what common folklore says. Someone managed to bind them again after you left in the past, and don't worry, it very loose, so I can still fly. Yes, the Fallen are sinners, but maybe only one or two are truly evil, one of which everyone knows the name of. His name is never to be said in this house. Do you understand?” he said in a serious tone. I nodded. “About the daggers, I'll show you later. And I didn't stalk your family. I only got those pictures so I could figure out which of you was to be chosen to kill off all the evil in the world. I circled your left shoulder blade, because that's where the mark is. That mark separates you from every other human and family member. It is your destiny to stop the domino effect that your direct ancestor, Eve, started by eating from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil.” he said seriously. I stared at him for a minute, waiting for someone to shout “You've been Punked!” or “Ha ha! Good job, Elijah, you really had her fooled!”, but it never came.
“What?” I said oh-so-intelligently. He nodded.
“Yes, you're meant to destroy the undead, all the evil ones, at least. I'll get the good ones, in case your morals get in the way. Now then, as for the daggers…” he held up his hand, and a sharp dagger became visible. He grasped the razor-sharp blade, and handed it to me, hilt-first. I took it gently, almost as if I didn't want to hurt it, and examined it closely. “Now, tell me. What do you notice about this dagger that would set it apart from all the others?” I stared at it for a while, entranced by how shiny it was.
“These really light markings on it.” You say, looking at the strangely similar markings. You take a quick glance at his wings again, and notice that they're not strapped together, but rather, just tied, almost like the rope was a shackle for his wings. The same red symbols were on this one.
“Drawn in a friend's blood 100 years ago.” he explained, reading my mind.
“And another thing. How is it that you can read my mind? I thought that was a vampire thing.” He laughed.
“No, a vampire's power controls the mind. Remember what the prince did to you?”
“Oh yeah… But then, they only have one power?”
“One unique power. We can all send telepathic messages, but only vampires can control minds, only fallen can read minds, and only werewolves can locate them.”
“Whoa, whoa whoa. Hang on a sec. Werewolves?”
“Yes, werewolves exist, too. The human race isn't as ignorant as we'd like them to be, but they're still stupid.” I frowned at the insult. “Don't give me that look, but also. We must hide your name. Another thing that all of your enemies can do is kill and torture with just a name. You must not tell anyone your name, not even me.” I nodded, knowing that if he knew my name, another fallen could read his mind and get to me that way.
“Okay, so… How do you kill them?” He smirked. “No wait let me guess. Crucifix, right?” I asked sarcastically. He laughed, and I joined in.
“Oh, foolish humans, brainwashing each other to make them believe that they're protected.” he laughed, slowly going back to his serious tone. “No, crucifixes don't help unless they've been blessed by a priest. To kill vampires, aim for cutting off their head, slicing their fangs out, or stabbing them through the heart with a holy blade like this one.” he said, inclining his head to show that he meant the one I was holding.
“Okay, fangs. How can I go for that, and why does it kill them?” I asked, making sure that I knew exactly what I was dealing with, and wasn't confused at all.
“If you're good or angry enough, you can weaken them by cutting off their limbs. They grow back, but it does take a while; and while they're on the ground, you can cut out their fangs. They'll starve without them, and they make good trophies. If you get enough, you can make a necklace out of them, too.” he explained.
“But can't they use a knife?”
“Yes, but even if they do, they won't survive long because of the hostility of their kind.”
“ `Hostility'?” I asked.
“Most vampires are very violent, cruel creatures. When they fight, they bare their fangs like any other creature of darkness, but they can't do that if they have none to bear. If one accidentally did, then he would be killed. The others would know that he'd been bested by a human, and would take advantage of his weakness,” he expounded.
“That's horrible. I would never do that.” I said, surprised at the lack of sympathy among their kind. I'd always viewed vampires as a sort of majestic creature that knew no bounds except their own honor. Elijah laughed, having obviously read my thoughts.
“Believe me: you'll want to if one ever bests or angers you. But don't worry. I'll try to keep the first one from happening.” he said. I yawned, looking out the window and noting that it looked like late afternoon. He followed my gaze, and then went on to another topic, taking the blade away.
“And, yes, they do come out mainly at night, but only because it's more convenient. If they hunted in broad daylight, they would be seen all the time. They usually hang out in clubs, so we'll have none of that. No going out at night without me. Not until I deem you ready.”
“Aye-aye, Captain.” I said, giving him a salute. He smirked, shook his head, and got up.
“Well then, I'll show you your new room.” He said, walking away. I got up, following close behind. When he finally opened the door and let me in, I gasped in horror at what was inside.