Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ The Slayer ❯ A New Location (And an Update ^.^) ( Chapter 9 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter Nine: A New Location, and an “Old Friend”
They were circling: I could hear their footsteps around me. Cautiously, I got into a kneeling position, one knee against the ground, one bent. I perked my ears, listening for the number. Two. “Are they the same ones from last time?” I wondered to myself. A whooshing sound reached my ears, and the footsteps became four. “And they can fly. Wonderful. Just wonderful. No weapons, no shoes (dammit,) and no jacket. I've got nothing. Okay, just think. What can I do against them?” I pondered, the adrenalin rush starting to kick in. “Oh no,” I thought as all sound stopped for a split second. “I can't do anything.” Both of them charged at the same times, letting out two vicious barks. I pushed myself to my feet and ran at the door, with was starting to let in a little light.
I ran right into Spite as he opened the door, knocking him down. The hounds flew out over us, and landed on the other side, spinning around and snarling. I got off the shocked Fallen, and started down the hallway. “There is no way I'm going back in that room.” I thought as I ran, skidding past Luci-Satan and running down another hallway. The hounds were hot on my heels, howling in excitement at the rare chase. Then, I got an idea. I stopped in the middle of the hallway, and allowed them to pass me. Then, I jumped on the closest one's back, grabbing hold of his ears to make sure I didn't fall off. He snarled in rage, and bucked, trying to get me off.
“Oi!” I cried, holding on for dear life as the other stared in confusion. “Hey, stop! Stop! AS THE TAMER OF ANGELS, I ORDER YOU TO SUBMIT, FOOLISH HOUND!!!!” I boomed, making them both freeze in shock. I was sweating and cold, but then, the amazing happened. “You are destined to do great things…” They obeyed. Both of them. The hound I was on stopped bucking, and the other came up beside us, no longer snarling, but rather… waiting for orders. “Sweet.” I thought, smirking.
“Let's go, boys. To Lucifer's throne room.” They started walking, the unoccupied hound taking the lead, until yet another Fallen showed up. He was around 6'0, and had black hair and no wings that I could see. “Halt,” I ordered the hounds. The Fallen stared at us emotionlessly, and then turned, signaling for us to follow. He showed two black folded up wings, but, oddly enough, wore all white as if he were still pure or something. He led us to a pair of huge double doors, and pushed them open.
“Ah. Thank you, Void, that will be all.” I recognized the dismissing voice as that of Vengeance, and bristled, setting the Hellhounds on guard as well. The Fallen's scaly wings still flared out, trying to intimidate me, but I was unafraid, having two Hounds on my side. He smirked. “Hounds, come.” He ordered.
“Stay,” I countered as they began to move. They looked from him to me, and then sat down again. I slid off the one, but stayed close by, in case I needed a ride in the near future. Then, an almost angry Spite walked in.
“Come.” He said in the most commanding voice I'd ever heard. The dogs snapped out of it, and trotted quickly over to Spite, who was glaring and pointing at the ground. Another white feather fell out of his wings, and his green eyes became lined with red. “You are never to ride the Hellhounds again. Do you understand me, Little Girl?”
“Yes, Spite. I understand.” I replied warily, watching him and Vengeance very closely. Spite sighed.
“Good. Now go back into that room, and maybe the Lord won't kill us.” I thought about it for a moment, and then remembered my earlier vow. I narrowed my eyes at him, smiling mischievously.
“I've got a better idea,” I started.
“No,” they both said at the same time, reading my thoughts. Spite walked up and grabbed my upper arm again.
“Vengeance, you can torture her when you get permission from the Lord, but right now, she needs to be in the room that he assigned her. Take the dogs and go.” Spite ordered Vengeance's blood-thirsty look. I walked behind him, waiting for the right moment to run, but he stopped half-way there, turning around and looking me in the eye. He wrapped two arms around my waist, and I stared up at him in confusion. “If anyone asks, you brainwashed me as the Tamer.” he said, looking up and taking off. His silver wings shimmered slightly, and then we were back on Earth, flying over the Big Ben clock tower. I cried out, and grabbed on to him, not trusting him to hold me up. He laughed at my fear, and landed smoothly in an alley. “Alright. From here on out, you're on your own. Just know that you need to stay here if you want to live. Vengeance will search you out the moment you get back to the U.S.” I nodded, and he smirked, then becoming thoughtful. “Although, if you want, you can just go to this address.” He materialized a piece of paper, handing it to me. “That's where Lilly, Chaos' girl, lives. She'll give you a hand if you mention that you're being hunted by us.” I nodded, and he pat my head one last time before flying up into the air and disappearing once more. I stared up at the spot where he'd been, shielding my eyes from the rays of the sun, and then looked down at the paper, deciding to follow his advice.
I arrived at her door a few hours later, knocking nervously and fidgeting, worried that this girl, Lilly, might not like me and might turn me away. A twenty-year-old woman answered the door, looking very resigned with the world around her.
“Can I help you?” she asked, her old eyes not suiting the young body they were trapped in.
“I-I'm in trouble with the Fallen,” I stumbled out. Her eyes lit up with shock for a moment, and then went back to their former resignation. “And I need a place to stay. I have no money, and I can't force you to help me, but I was told—“
“By whom?”
“By whom were you told that I would help you?” she specified, having a more commanding tone than I would've thought for one so small.
“B…by…” I looked down at my feet.
“By another Fallen? Asa?” she asked, never raising her tone, though it still pierced the skin. I nodded solemnly. “Then why should I believe that you are in trouble?” I looked up at her, determined.
“I know it won't help if I only talk, but according to Elijah—“
“Elijah? You mean Chaos?” Her eyes were wide, and she looked to be close to fainting. I thought for a moment.
“Yes. I do believe that that's what Spite called him.” I said thoughtfully.
“Go on. Tell me what he said, though it is most likely a lie.” she almost spat. “Whoa.” I thought. “Someone's been scorned…”
“Well, according to Elijah, Spite, and Luc-Sa--their lord, I am the Tamer of Angels.” I said; she leaned against the doorframe, her blue eyes now animated and calculating.
“The `Tamer of Angels', huh?” She laughed. “That is by far the most creative line so far. Why did Chaos send you? To confuse me? To send me a message? Why?” she asked cruelly, leaning forward with a twistedly sarcastic smile gracing her small features. My eyes filled with tears, though why I wasn't sure.
Chaos didn't send me! Spite killed me when Elijah couldn't, and then helped me escape and took me here. He told me to come to this address, and said that you would help me!!!! If you're not going to do it, then just say so!!!!!” I yelled, clenching my eyes shut and making a huge scene. She stared at me in shock, and then her expression softened.
“Well, if you're that determined, then come on in.” she said, backing up and opening the door more widely. I looked down at her, surprised, and then entered the small house. The living room was covered in copies of the Bible and vampire novels and biographies. They covered the floor, the table, and even the couch. On that couch, however, was the most beautiful angel I'd ever seen. Well, the only angel I'd ever seen. He looked up from his Hebrew Bible, and smiled in greeting.
“Hello again, Lilly.”
“Hello, Alexis.” Lilly replied, seeming somewhat startled. The angel looked familiar, with light hair but tan skin and strange purple eyes.
“Gabriel wanted me to tell you that she really is the Tamer of Angels, and that you shouldn't so hard on her. She's been through a lot in the past few days, including death.” the angel smiled sadly, and then it hit me. “He's…” He looked at me, and put a finger to his lips as if to say “Don't tell Lilly.” I nodded, and his smile widened. Lilly, who was about 5' (tops,) nodded. Alexis flashed a very bright smile, and then disappeared in a flash of light. Lilly kept her head down and her eyes concealed, and then sat down on the couch, marking the angel's place with a fallen feather. I sat down in the recliner, and immediately started asking questions.
“Who are you, really? Why was that angel here? Why does he have a girl's name? Did Gabriel really send that message? How are you related to E—“
“If you keep asking so many questions, then someone's going to cut your tongue out.” she interjected, sitting up straight and staring at me. “I am really the girl that Chaos raped thirteen years ago to the day,” My eyes widened. “…Elijah?” I thought. “And that angel, Alexis, was here to deliver that message, don't you listen? And it's not a girl's name. In Russia, where it originated, it was a boy's name. It means `to protect or defend.' And, yes, Gabriel really sent that message. Understand?” I nodded mutely, trying not to think of how similar she was to Elijah. They both did the same thing when I was about to ask something about their personal past. “I have to wonder…” I thought, drifting back to her first answer. “if Elijah and Chaos are two different people. And if they are, are they trapped in one body? Could that be what Grief's slide-show meant?” I pondered for a while, eventually deciding to leave it. “Well, whatever it means, I'm going to have to get stronger. Then, I'm going back to America. Where the demons dwell and growl impatiently. They are eager to be killed.”