Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ The Slayer ❯ Hell ( Chapter 8 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 8: Hell
I woke slowly, my memories and body slow and lethargic. I blinked multiple times, getting the sleep out of them, and then examined my surroundings. The room I was in was completely black, not like any of the rooms that Elijah had taken me to. Soon, a female fallen walked into the room. She had curly black hair, blue eyes, and a very sad expression. I stared up at her beautifully pale face as she floated towards me in her black and navy blue evening gown. Her black wings unfolded perfectly, and I realized how beautiful they were. They were feathers, and they curved in, unlike the boys', whose curved out. I stared in wonder from my position of kneeling on the floor. She looked down at me, and offered her hand.
“Welcome to the Underworld of the Cursed, otherwise known as Hell.” she greeted in a whisper. Her tone was so depressing, it almost made me want to take a knife and cut myself right there.
“W-where? Hell?” I asked, confused. She nodded.
“You died because someone poisoned your food.” An immediate image of Elijah popped into my head, and I started to bristle with rage.
“Do not blame the Fallen One. It was not his fault that you are here.” she defended gently.
“Then who's fault is it?” I started, grinding my teeth. She sighed, and walked up to me, putting either hand on the side of my head, sitting before me on her knees and looking me straight in the eye. Her eyes dilated, and the blue became a very deep purple.
“Allow me to show you.” Abruptly, a picture was burned into my mind. It showed Elijah's face, half in light, and half in dark. The half in light was innocent and pure, the Elijah I knew. The half in dark was cold and calm, the one that killed the queen and prince. Beside him on the light was an angel with blond hair and a gentle smile. On the side with darkness, there was the Fallen, Spite. I tore away from her, putting my hand to my forehead and trying to stop the show of pictures that now flooded my mind. Elijah killing humans, priests, children, women, and helpless people, and Spite helping him out every step of the way. I covered my mouth with my other hand, tears beginning to fill my eyes.
“No…” I muttered. “It can't be…” I breathing heavily, stifling my sobs as the messenger Spite's words echoed in my head. “You are destined to do great things…” The girl put a hand on my shoulder, and I turned to look at her with watery eyes. She was calm, but looked hopelessly sad. It was only then that I saw the scabs on her wrist, lines where she had cut herself repeatedly.
“It gets very depressing over here.” she explained, seeing my gaze. I immediately switched my line of vision to the floor.
“Sorry. I don't mean to be rude. Thank you for showing me the truth.” She nodded in response.
“I am Grief. It is an honor to meet you.”
“Pleasure.” I replied shortly, following her out of the dark room. I was immediately met with a backhand across the face. I stopped, and looked at my attacker. It was a guy, but I hadn't met him before. Blond hair, blue eyes, very familiar-looking…
“Vengeance,” Grief started, only to be slammed into the wall by the other Fallen.
“Shut up, Grief. I have a right to hit this one. She got my son killed.” My eyes widened.
“So that's why you look so familiar! You're that one vampire's father, right?” He glared daggers at me, and was about to hit me again, when he was interrupted.
“Now, now Vengeance. We wouldn't want the Lord to be angered with you because you damaged his new toy, now would we?” Spite, who had appeared out of nowhere, stated smoothly; his expression was different from last time, now mocking and cruel. The other Fallen whirled around, his wings flaring out. A low hiss escaped from his lips, but I hardly noticed since I was studying his appearance more closely. His wings were black, of course, but they were scaly and bat-like. “Hmm. I wonder why?” I thought sarcastically. Spite smirked, and the other Fallen, Vengeance, growled menacingly, spinning back around.
“We'll finish this later, Little One.” he almost snarled.
“Yes we will, Batty.” I replied coolly. He pushed past me, slamming me into the wall as he passed. Spite sauntered over, helping Grief to her feet and motioning for us to follow. The entire time, I glared at the messenger's back, still not forgiving him for killing me.
“Listen. I have known Chaos a lot longer than you have. It was his job to kill you, but for some odd reason he got attached and didn't go through with it. So I did.” he explained, reading my thoughts. I moved my gaze to the floor, wishing I could burn holes in it, and shivering slightly. “It sure is cold in Hell.” I thought, rubbing my arms as we walked through some double doors.
“Ah. There you are. I was wondering what had happened to the newest addition to my collection.” a strangely familiar voice rang out. I froze, recognizing it immediately. His picture flashed in my mind, and I felt eyes on me. “Oh. It's her. The would-be Tamer of Angels.” the strange angel said, looking my way. His blue eyes were more piercing than before, and his hair wasn't long anymore. It was short, and added an odd but attractive air to him. The angel motioned for me to come forward, but I didn't move, still studying him closely and weighing whether or not I should obey. He smirked, and beat his wings once with enough force to set him on his feet. He walked over to me.
“My, my. You are a fighter, aren't you?” he asked mildly, his sapphire eyes boring into mine.
“I figured you must get pretty bored with everyone always following your orders without thinking twice.” I replied smoothly. He stood up straight, laughing.
“Yes, she will do. Follow me, love.” he said, motioning with two fingers. “Or would you rather be handed over to Gabriel, otherwise known as Vengeance?” I thought about it for a mili-second, then followed after him, making sure to keep my distance. His step was sure and smooth, almost too controlled, while mine was quiet and cautious. “You know why you're here, so I won't have to explain anything.” he started. “You will obey me at all times, or you will be punished. Your job is simply to scream; that's not too hard, is it?”
“Actually, in some cases it is. If I'm being beaten especially.” I replied coolly. I probably wasn't afraid of him anymore because of arrogance, but that never really seemed to bother me; nor did it bother me that he was Lucifer (correction: the one and only Satan). Odd, yes, but that's the way it was.
He stopped, and in turn I walked to his side and looked over at him, an adorable smile tugging at my lips. He looked over at me with a half-astonished, half-angry look, and I couldn't hide my smile any longer. His face darkened in retaliation, and I knew he was going to torture me to the point of death (or… re-death) at the very least.
“You're such a fool.” he spat maliciously, his wings flaring up as the white one turned black. His hair got long again and went straight, and his eyes flashed red. I, despite knowing that he was going to kill me, felt no fear and just smiled. Again. He grew several feet, and I randomly just blew on him. He froze in confusion.
“Chill, dude.” I said, imitating a surfer. “Just go with the flow.” He bristled again, and blew up, throwing me against the wall and grabbing my hair, dragging me down the now-red tinted hall. It was kind of cool, actually. I was singing weird songs the whole way just to annoy him, too, which didn't help much. He kept slamming me down on the ground in an attempt to punish me, but I just sang louder to cover up my screams of pain. Eventually, we reached a door on a gray wall that for some reason had not been tainted. “Satan” threw open the door and flung me in, slamming the door behind me. “Bye!” I called after him stupidly; it never occurred to me that the stupid door could be sound-proof.
I sat down, resting my back and head on the wall behind me and wondering how I was going to get out of here and back to Earth. Then, my eyes snapped open, and an immediate thought came into my head as a growl emanated from the suffocating darkness. “Not again…”