Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ The Slayer ❯ Training with Elijah ( Chapter 7 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 7: Training with Elijah
“Yes.” Elijah replied to my thoughts, walking in with food. “He's alive and he hates you. We'll save him for later or last. He's gotten stronger since we last met.”
“But—didn't you kill him?” I asked, confused. He laughed at my ignorance.
“There is no way to really kill a vampire. Just destroy their current forms. They'll come back eventually, fangs and all. They are really immortals.” he told me. I gaped at him, dumbfounded.
“That's bad though, isn't it? I mean, if I can't really kill them, then won't they come back and try to kill me?” I asked, my eyes wide with slight panic. He laughed softly.
“It takes time.” he replied, sitting on the bed. “Now eat. We have to get up early in the morning.” I looked at him, puzzled, causing him to snicker. He took a long glance at me, and smirked. “You really don't know. Well then, you'll have to wait until morning.” He said, getting up and walking out the door.
“Aw! That's not fair Elijah!” I cried, getting up and grabbing his right wing. He paused to look back at me with a dangerous smirk before ripping his wing from my grip and walking out the door. I didn't even try to stop him; I was frozen with fear. That look brought scary thoughts to my mind, and though they were unwelcome, they made themselves at home and nested right in the front. I couldn't push the frightening image of Elijah's merciless and cold eyes from only a few hours before. I shuddered, deciding to eat and go to bed; I had a feeling it was going to be a long day tomorrow.
I woke up the next morning to someone shaking me.
“Five more minutes, Mom…” I muttered, prying the person's fingers off of my shoulder. I heard someone sigh, and leave the room, allowing me to drift back to sleep.
Suddenly, freezing cold water was all over me, and I sprung from the bed, slapping the person that did it. Elijah's head snapped to the left; I stiffened, realizing who that was. “Oops.” I thought. He turned his head back to look over his shoulder at me with an unreadable expression.
“Oops.” he agreed, spinning and coming an inch from slapping me before stopping. I had winced out of reflex, but hadn't managed a block. He sighed. “We have a long way to go.”
I followed him out of the room for a small breakfast, and then got dressed for another day. Apparently, Elijah was pretty good at measuring the size of a girl just by looking, and had gone out during the night to get me some clothes. I had some flexible navy blue pants, and a loose gray T-shirt. I met him by the door in my tennis shoes, my hair tied back in a high ponytail. He nodded, and I noted that his wings hadn't disappeared. He laughed, having obviously read my thoughts.
“Oh, you're so amusing, child.” he said, shaking his head. “No one will see my wings if I don't want them to. And since it's one less person to hide them from, I'm letting you see them. I don't want to use up any more energy than necessary.” he explained, looking back at me. I nodded in understanding, and followed close behind, noting that it was around dawn. He stopped at the stairs, thinking for a moment, and grinned evilly, making me wary. “Our first lesson today, is on your speed. You'll need to be fast if you want to survive when it comes to slaying.” My face fell. “Oh no…” I thought forebodingly. His smile grew at my dread.
“Oh yes.” he voiced. “Here is your assignment. You must be able to beat me going down the stairs.” he said. I narrowed my eyes suspiciously.
“The catch being…?”
“I have wings, and you don't.” My mouth opened involuntarily. “It's hopeless.” I thought automatically, earning a bop on the head from Elijah. “Don't think that. You can if you try.”
“Yeah right. I can't even win a flippin' race at my school.” I said, folding my arms across my chest. He pulled them free and looked me straight in the eye.
“Try.” he ordered. I sighed in defeat, knowing that I wasn't going to be able to talk my way out of this. “That's right, you won't.” he agreed to my thoughts. I twitched. “If I win, you can't read my mind anymore.” I thought. “Agreed.” he replied, and took off. I ran down the first flight of stairs, and noticed he was ahead. “Oh, forget that plan!” I thought in exasperation, hopping on the rail and sliding down, while jumping down the next two flights. I managed to only fall behind one floor, but he still beat me. I slumped over.
“Nooo!” I wailed in defeat, hearing laughter in the background. I looked up to see Elijah laughing his head off. As soon as he saw me watching, however, he regained his composure and grabbed my hand, pulling me away from the apartments and into the nearly empty streets.
“Oh boy! More running!” I cried sarcastically, having to run in order to keep up with him.
“How long can you hold this speed?” he whispered, though his lips never moved. “Not very long.” I thought, knowing that he was reading my thoughts. He kept the same speed for about thirty seconds before I started to slow. “If you can still walk after this, I'll be very angry with you.” He said to me, once again never moving his lips. “What is he, a ventriloquist?!” I thought, confused. He smirked, and continued running. “Run faster.” he ordered. I obeyed, giving it my all.
About ten minutes later, we stopped; I was almost gasping for breath as my legs collapsed. To keep myself from falling, I stopped breathing momentarily and grabbed Elijah's pale arm. He didn't move as I pulled myself up, trying to steady my weary legs. They quivered, and gave out again under my weight. Elijah nodded in approval.
“Good. You should be tired.” he said, picking me up and carrying me over to a tree, placing me under it. Only then did I realize that we'd reached a forest.
“Oh dear. What torture techniques are we going to try now?” I asked sarcastically, fearing what he had in mind next.
“Well, first, we're going to do a mortal work-out while we wait for your legs to recover.” I groaned inwardly. “They're called `iron-crosses'.”
“I know those. You lay on your back, keeping your feet 6 inches off the ground, and put your hands behind your head. Then, you lift your head up, and put your right elbow to your left knee for the count of four. Next you switch over to the other side, and so on.” I explained, preparing myself for death. Despite how simple they sounded, they were really hard. I “died” after doing just ten of them. Elijah laughed at my thoughts.
“Well, then you're most certainly going to die today.” The words “Oh no.” echoed in my head. “We're going to do 20 and hold for the count of two, increasing in number every day or so.” I gasped as if I were dying.
“No…” I breathed, dreading it to the fullest. He smiled sadistically, and squatted down.
“Or, I could just pummel you until you either pass out or start obeying.” I could actually feel my eyes widen, and I got into position. He smiled, realizing his power over me, and began. “One.” Something distracted him, and I stayed in position, barely breathing. “Two.” I knew that this was just one, but I had a feeling that this was going to be a killer-workout. “Two…Two.” I knew that he was intentionally slowing down just to torture me, and that was almost enough to make me want to stop. “Three.” A girl ran past, and he started looking her up and down, holding for several minutes.
“At this rate, we'll be lucky if it's not dark when we finish.” I said, snapping him back to reality. He gave me a mild look.
“Two.” he said, laughing at my struggle. “Four.” A man and two dogs ran past, people now beginning their morning jogs. He stared after them for a while. “Two.”
“Damn.” I muttered under my breath. “This is gonna kill me.”
“Oh no. I won't let it go that far. I might torture you into insanity, but not enough to—“
“Just count!” I yelled, my abs screaming for a break. He sighed.
“Fine. Five…Two.” Another girl ran past, and this time he stared after her even longer. “Six.” he said.
“I hate you, Elijah.” He ignored my comment.
“Two. Seven…Two.” I was on the verge of crying out in pain, but knew inwardly that I would never give him that satisfaction.
“I'm going to die.” I almost moaned.
“Eight…” he trailed off, looking at something very interesting off in the distance. “Well would you look at that? Jenny Carson finally had her baby.”
“Two. Nine…Two.” I exhaled audibly, trying hard not to scream. “Ten…Two. Eleven… Well, I'll be. The poor thing's father died the same day that the child was born.” I almost yelled at him, but he beat me to it. “Two. Twelve…”
“Permission to give up, sir?”
“Denied. Two. Thirteen.” he replied. I held my breath for a long time, and we sat there for a long, LONG time. “…Two.” I released my breath. “Fourteen…Two. Fifteen…” Yet another girl passed by. “Two.” he said after a long while. “Sixteen…Two.” I waited for a while, using the hope that this would be over soon to fuel me forward. “Seventeen…Two. Eighteen…” He looked over and waved at a passer-by. “Two.”
“I'm dying…” I groaned.
“Nineteen…Two. Twenty…” A whole group of girls passed by us, and I almost cried.
“Nooo….” I moaned as he stared back at all of them, watching like the perv that he was…is…whatever.
“Two.” I dropped, completely exhausted.
“Good night.” I said, rolling away from him and curling up to sleep. He picked me up.
“Not unless you never want to eat again.” My eyes shot open.
“You wouldn't dare.”
“Wouldn't I?” he challenged. We stayed there for a while while I turned this thought over in my head. I sighed.
“What do you want me to do?” He grinned evilly.
“I want you to know that there's hot food waiting for you back at my apartment.” My eyes widened, and I was up and out of his arms in half a heartbeat. I shot down the street, and nearly flew up the stairs, tripping and stumbling but still moving. I wrenched open the door, and ran to the table, finding a hamburger and French fries just waiting for me. I took a huge bite out of it, and noted the funny taste. “Uh-oh.” I thought. “It's poisoned.”