Other Fan Fiction / Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ On the run ❯ Wake up ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

“Oi! Turkey brain just what the hell are you doing!” I swear I could hear my voice echo through that stupid humans empty head. God I hated him so much. For three weeks I have had to deal with his stupid cooking, for the love of god the man never cleaned the kitchen. He was always leaving it for when I got up at dusk. And he always just so happened to sleep through my ranting and raving. WELL NOT THIS TIME NO SIREE. HIS ASS WAS GOING TO GET OUT OF MY FUCKING BED THAT HE TOOK OVER AT NIGHT WHILE I WAS DOING THE VAMPIRE THING.
So here I was with an ice-cold bucket of water, as much as I hated him I also knew what it felt like to have a bucket of ice-cold water tossed on you. Try as I might my yelling wasn't getting through to him, so I switched over to the delicious plan b. I tipped the bucket and ran like hell down the hall into the dirty kitchen.
From the bedroom I could hear various shouted words like stupid asshole, and bloodsucking vampire. The only news of his arrival was his heavy footsteps and muttered cursing under his breath. My back was facing towards the hallway so when I turned around after feeling his labored breath on my neck I was completely taken back by his bare chest right in my line of sight.
My graze traveled him up and down taking in his toned chest and the slight v curve that was visible above the waistband on his black boxers that rested wrinkled and loose around his hips. I believe my thoughts were somewhere along the lines of how in the hell a human on the run could still manage to look that damn hot. Well that's what my thoughts were before I noticed just what I was thinking, and then they were, what the hell!
As though reading my thoughts, a smirk grew on that stupid infuriating human's face.
“Oi! I know you're in love with me but could you please refrain yourself from drooling.” Kyle's smirk grew when he saw the infuriated look on my face.
“As if,” Were the first words to come out of my mouth, quickly followed by my oh-so-loveable sarcasm, “I was simply thinking about why the hell you sleep in my bed practically naked and also about how I am now going to have to boil my sheets and bedspread.” As soon as I saw the look on his face I knew my work here was done. Knowing his retort was just going to be filled with curse words, I cut him off.
“Look, now that you're awake you might as well clean up your mess in here.” And I left; my face stretched with a smile and death glares boring into the back of my head, to sit on the couch.
As I sat in the complete darkness I listened to Kyle curse and toss stuff around. It was quiet enjoyable. I was disappointed when I heard Kyle's cursing stop, by my face was soon lit up with a gigantic smile when I heard-
“Oh Kyle,” I called out in my most innocent voice, “did I forget to mention that you left one of the burners on.” I had put my hand over my mouth to stop my laughter from echoing through out the small country house.
All was silent, which was something that worried me greatly. Just when I was about to get up and check on my annoying human roommate a cooling sensation took over my body. It was then that I noticed that I had just been doused in an ice cold bucket of water.
I sat rigid for several minutes and I could hear Kyle's breath hitch as he thought somewhere along the lines that he had gone to far. And indeed he had.
Before I could take control of my instincts I was lunging over the couch, water flying off my body from sheer force. In moments I had him pinned to the ground, holding his struggling arms at his side, his feet and legs resting uselessly under the pressure of my thighs.
There was fear in his eyes, delicious fear. I could hear his heart beating. I could taste his blood rushing under his skin, calling out to the demon in me. The demon I had tried to fight for so long. His neck was so close now just mere inches from my mouth; I haven't feed in so long. Vaguely I could hear his whimpers and pleas as I grazed my teeth over his pulse. My mind lost in its haze could not decipher what Kyle was saying, and I could not stop myself.
I grazed my teeth over his pulse again, only this time tiny drops of blood welled up over the scratch I made. Just when I was about to delve my teeth inside his neck, his word began to make sense.
“Charlie don't, dear god please don't. I'm sorry okay! I'm SORRY! Please don't turn into the monsters I used to kill!” I could hear the emotions in his voice; loathing, hate, but also the want, no need to make this stop. The need to have the old Charlie back, the one who was on the run BECAUSE he wouldn't feed on humans.
My body went rigid for the second time that night. What was I doing! I couldn't feed on Kyle, hell I couldn't even bring myself to feed on a cow! My thoughts stopped when I became aware of his ragged breathing and the rising and falling of his chest, slightly bumping into to my chest when he breathed in.
I was still poised for biting his neck. Worried that my mind was going to go back into its haze I knew I had to get out of the house and quick.