Other Fan Fiction ❯ A Push in the Right Direction ❯ Chapter 10

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
A Push in the Right Direction: Case X

Mystery 56: Food

The table was full of food, most of it being for Yako since Yukari ate like a normal human being, and some would even say she ate little. As soon as the restaurant had come into view, the conversation took a turn from mysteries to food and now Yako was enjoying that food. Suspiciously, there was still no sign of Neuro. Between bites, Yako finally asked, "what was that about a mystery?"

Yukari had waited patiently for Yako to bring it up again and she began narrating the situation, "maybe you've heard of this before, there's a jewel thief who has stolen many gems, however, the accusations against this thief have been dropped a few days after the jewels were taken. As for the jewels, they were said to have been donated to charity, but no one knows to which charity. The media found this odd and came up with a variety of theories, such as blackmail and threats. Many believe the jewel thief kept the gems and threatened the previous owners into dropping the charges and claiming the jewels had been donated to explain why they were no longer in their possession. Those theories were never proven and thus remained as rumors and speculations."

Yako paused for a moment, swallowed a bite and replied, "I heard about it. Wasn't that the same jewel thief that was accused of murder recently?"

"Falsely accused," Yukari corrected. "It would be very troublesome if people became convinced, it would be quite hard for the thief to earn forgiveness then. A jewel can be returned, but how would a murder be made up for?"

Yako nearly chocked on her food as she thought of something, then spoke in a hushed whisper, "you don't know that jewel thief, do you?"

Yukari grinned mischievously and leaned across the table, hiding behind the mountains of food and plates. "As a matter of fact, I do."

Yako's eyes went wide, "it's the same mystery Neuro mentioned, I could solve it for him and give him the surprise. I'll call him as soon as I know who the culprit is and give him a nice meal," she smiled at the idea, her expression changing from surprised to hopeful.

"I guess you could say this is like cooking for your boyfriend," Yukari agreed. "If Neuro knows about the mystery you'll have to solve it fast if you're going to surprise him by solving it first. I can tell you for certain that the murderer is not the jewel thief, the identity of the jewel thief is not something you need to figure out," she glanced around to make sure no one was eavesdropping, confirming they were all absorbed in their own conversations and meals, "I will tell you the answer to that. What you need to figure out is who the murderer is and prove it."

"It might be difficult to defend a criminal who is already guilty of robbery," Yako mused, "but I can also see why that person would be the perfect target for a false accusation. What can you tell me about the crime scenes?"

"The crimes scenes have been varied, I can't seem to find a connection between them, but maybe you'll be able to see something I can't, detective Katsuragi." Yukari was as cheerful as ever, it was clear she was looking forward to this investigation. "There was a mansion, a museum and a bank, though the thief had stolen valuables from other places, including things other than jewels, those three stolen jewels have received the most press coverage, thus the thief became known as a jewel thief. One of them was not taken by the same thief, who is more of a cat burglar then a jewel only thief. Those three locations showed no signs of a forced entry, as it is common for this burglar, yet bodies were found on each one. The victims were a maid at the mansion and security guards at the museum and bank."

Yako continued eating and analyzing the case simultaneously. "Were there any witnesses or security?"

"None," Yukari replied, "the maid was found dead the next day by the butler, the two owners of the mansion, a brother and sister, and another maid were the only ones there that night and they claim they didn't see or hear anything."

Yako nodded and looked thoughtful in a very detective fashion, "a likely story." Witnesses were often rare during the start of a case but increased towards the end when everyone wanted their own version of the story to be heard.

"As for the other two locations, the security system was disabled for both the museum and bank and the bodies were found by other security guards. However, in the case of the mansion, where they also had a very good security system, it was damaged, which is odd for this thief who comes and goes without a trace," Yukari explained.

"I see; then the thief didn't steal from the mansion. It was a copy cat, but that still doesn't explain the other two crime scenes," Yako mused. "How was the murder committed?"

"A stab wound for all of them, the weapons were priced jeweled daggers made of gold with rubies, sapphires and emeralds decorating the handles of each one respectively. Ironically, the thief had previously stolen those three daggers, though the charges were dropped and the lost daggers were claimed to have been donated to an unknown charity," Yukari explained.

Yako paused in her eating with a thoughtful expression, "very incriminating. Are you sure the thief isn't the murderer?" Then she continued eating.

"I'm positive," Yukari assured. "There is also another detail, the thief had previously stolen a jewel owned by the man living in the mansion and it was his twin sister's priced family heirloom jewel which was taken the night of the murder, the equivalent of her brother's previously stolen and consecutively donated treasure."

"Maybe if I do some research, I'll come up with something. There are a lot of incriminating connections. If you're sure the thief is not the murderer, then I'll figure out who is." Yako paused, taking a deep breath and lowering her voice even more, "do you think you could arrange it for me to interview the thief?"

"No problem," Yukari grinned, "how about we go see the thief after you're done with this meal. You see, it's imperative that we solve this mystery before tomorrow. Because of all the attention the media has been giving this matter, the sister from the mansion, the owner of the museum and the president of the bank have been called to a press conference. If the burglar's reputation is further stained by those murder accusations, it would be practically impossible to clean."

"Why is that so important? I mean, the real culprit should be caught, but why does it matter that the burglar's reputation is damaged? Isn't it damaged already?" Yako asked.

"It is, but not by murder. Items can be returned, thus robberies are easier to forgive. Someone with a history of murder who commits a robbery is harder to forgive than a burglar comminting the same robbery, with no accusations of ever taking a life before. The possibility of forgiveness is a key element," Yukari emphasized. "Now, should we get some desert and be on our way? There are many things we must uncover tonight after you're done interviewing the cat burglar."

Yako was filled with determination, this would be a challenge, but if she could solve the mystery, she could give Neuro a meal. It was the meal he had been so set on getting and she would prove she was capable of solving a mystery on her own, right after she was done with dessert.

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After they left the restaurant, Yako suggested that they stop at the police station, she found Sasazuka working the night shift, going over several reports at his desk, "excuse me, Sasazuka..."

Sasazuka looked up to find an unexpected visitor, it wasn't strange for Yako to visit the police station, but the hour was odd since she rarely conducted her investigations at night, save for some special occasions. "It's unusual to see you here at this time, are you working late on a case? I see you have someone different with you."

"Hi Mr. Sasazuka!" Yukari greeted cheerfully, "I'm Yukari, this little genius' cousin and I'll be her assistant for this case!"

"I see," Sasazuka waited expectantly for Yako to explain the purpose of her visit.

Yako smiled at the compliment, letting out a light giggle of amusement for Yukari's constant cheer, despite the situation. She cleared her throat and looked serious. "I'm investigating the murders linked to a certain jewel thief."

"I should have seen that coming," Sasazuka opened a drawer on his desk and took out a folder. He trusted Yako with the police documents despite what other officers might say if they knew. "You must have heard about the press conference tomorrow. I have a feeling this case is more complicated than it looks, so I'll be keeping an eye on the press conference in case someone slips and an accomplice can be found. I compiled all the information we have at the station to prepare for my own investigation. I suppose this is no time to get competitive, I'll make you a copy of these documents; destroy them when you're done studying them. As for you," he looked at Yukari.

"I didn't see anything," Yukari assured.

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With a copy of the police documents, Yako and Yukari went off to meet the thief. Yako looked over the documents in the car, trying to think about details that may lead to clues.

"We're here," Yukari announced, parking her car in her own garage.

"This is your house, is the thief here?" Yako asked in surprise.

"Oh yes," Yukari gave her another mischievous smile. Yako put all the papers back in the folder and followed Yukari inside the house. Her cousin turned the lights on and sat at the living room along with Yako, there was no one else there. "Angie said he had something to do so it's just us on this mission, I didn't really tell him about it, but I'm sure he'll understand. It's good, because this way Neuro will enjoy his mystery even more; knowing Angie had no part in solving it. We're alike in that sense; without us, our men would starve."

Yako was quite puzzled by the turn the conversation took. There was no one else there except her cousin and herself, and now Yukari was talking about feeding Neuro and Angelus. "What does Angelus eat?"

"Forgiveness," Yukari revealed, "just as the dark energy of a plan concocted by a criminal mind is full of nutrients for Neuro, Angie feeds on the positive energy and sense of relief that comes from forgiving. Searching for people who are about to be forgiven is difficult, Angie can smell it, but those occasions don't always fill him up. Plus while crimes continue to increase, forgiveness has become rare. Angie has to feed in the human world, he doesn't feed on kindness, generosity, peace, sweetness, friendship, or such things abundant in his home, he feeds on forgiveness, but there must be something to be forgiven. That's how I ended up creating situations for him to feed on."

"You're the thief!" Yako concluded. "There was no blackmail or threats, the reason the jewels were said to be given to charity and the charges dropped was because you were forgiven and kept them!"

"That's right," Yukari grinned, "I've always had the ability to charm my way through difficult situations. I always return what I steal, but end up receiving it back as a present. My apology convinces the owners that the satisfaction of doing a good deed is more precious than what I took from them. In the rare occasion it doesn't work, Angie reveals himself and seeing such an angelical hottie is enough to inspire forgiveness."

"Is that why Angelus chouse you, because you can get away with getting into trouble and out of it?" Yako theorized.

"Maybe, or maybe it's because I'm a virtuous person," Yukari replied, "no offense Yako-darling, but I don't posses your gluttony."

"None taken," Yako was used to this by now.

"I'm a cheerful person so wrath checks out," Yukari continued, "I like to share so I'm not greedy either."

"Speaking of sharing, were any of the jewelry you gave me stolen?" Yako had to ask.

"Of course not, I wouldn't want to incriminate you, I bought all the presents I gave you with the money I got from selling the donated goods in the black market. I assure you, the cash was perfectly washed," Yukari's smile never faded.

"The black market?"

"Oh yes, you see, I'm like a modern day Robin Hood. I steal from the rich, earn their forgiveness and teach them kindness while I'm at it, then I give to the poor," Yukari explained.

"I guess I am kind of poor," Yako mused, she did spend a lot of money on food, so she knew she would never be rich, but she didn't mind, at least she enjoyed what she earned working as a detective.

"I'm always looking for new targets in my Robin Hood service to society so I'm not lazy either and I've never really felt envy," Yukari added.

"Maybe because you look like a super model, you can get anything you want and you literally have an angel taking care of you?" Yako logically concluded.

Yukari looked thoughtful, "I suppose that could have something to do with it. I may be a little bit proud, but I'm more proud of other people than I am of myself so it's okay. I'm especially proud of you."

"You are?"

"Or course, that's why I like to give you presents!"

"You're too kind to me, really," Yako sighed, "I wish I had something to give you."

"You're helping me with this mystery so I can keep my good name as a cat burglar from being stained by an unforgivable crime and my Angie won't have to go hungry. I'm very grateful for your help."

"I'll do my best!" Yako declared.

"Let's see, that makes six... Oh yes, I have no lustful temptation for other men what so ever since I got married. My darling husband is the only man for me. He's so handsome and sweet and kind and-"

"You're married?!" Yako exclaimed in surprise.

"Of course I am; Angie was very strict about that. Why are you so surprised, didn't you think something must be going on since Angie and I live together? At first he insisted on sleeping outside until we were married, even if we were engaged. The neighbors thought I was throwing him out and questioned my sanity rejecting such a wonderful man. It was troublesome for them to gossip, so I talked him into sleeping on the couch until we got married. You went to my wedding, remember? Look, there you are," Yukari pointed at a series framed pictures on the wall that Yako had completely missed since she was focused on the police files and Yukari's revelations.

Yako hadn't seen any pictures like that in the Paris house, though Yukari had mentioned it was new and she had not had time to make it too homey yet. One of the pictures showed a younger Yako in a sky blue dress, the attire of the bridesmaids, at a table during the reception, stuffing her face. "I remember!" Yako suddenly exclaimed, it was before she met Neuro. "A delivery came with cake flavors for me to try and give my opinions. I was so focus on that, I agreed to be a bridesmaid, but didn't know what was going on most of the time. When the wedding came, I was surprised to find my suggestion was followed and all the cakes were made. I was so distracted by them I missed the entire event happening right in front of me. I was standing right there, but couldn't stop looking at the cakes. In the end, I didn't even know which relative got married. I'm sorry; I should have been paying attention! I can't believe I didn't realize Angelus was your husband."

"No worries," Yukari chirped, "Angie doesn't like public displays of affection, he finds it improper, but he's actually very loving. Now, are you ready to solve the mystery?"

"Yes, no more distractions," Yako nodded and focused on the case. "I'll be as perceptive as Neuro and solve this mystery!"

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Mystery 57: Clues

Sitting in Yukari's living room with her, Yako studied the police files. "According to this, the mansion murder happened first, but you weren't there," Yako established. "The victim was a maid named Nai, the cause of death a single stab wound through the heart, the time of death was estimated to have happened at midnight, no signs of a struggle were found and the murder weapon was left in her body. Nai was twenty years old, of a small constitution. She was described as a cheerful person with no reason to commit suicide. Furthermore, the position of the body made that possibility unlikely. I deduce that the victim was already unconscious when the murder occurred, even if she had no signs of being hit with a blunt object and no physical conditions that could cause her to faint. This must be the explanation to the lack of struggle and the fact no one heard any screams or calls for help. The murder occurred on the location where she was found, according to the evidence and blood at the scene, she was not moved after death."

Yukari nodded, taking in the information Yako reviewed.

Yako continued, "there had been several incidents involving the theft of jewels before, including against the lord of the Kyasha mansion, Yoroshii Kyasha, so predictably, the lady, his sister, Chuugi Kyasha, could have been next. As for the other murder cases, the thief was, I mean you, were there at the scene, right? Can you tell me about it?"

Yukari looked over the other two files, "according to the time of death in this information, just after midnight, the murder occurred as I was leaving the scene. In both occasions I used a high tech jamming signal to have the cameras loop over the last image recorded; I picked the locks and let myself in. I have equipment to amplify sounds so I can hear anyone approaching and avoid them, this is all human technology; I don't cheat with anything supernatural," Yukari spoke with a hint of pride. "Now that I think about it, there was something odd about both the museum and the bank. The guards were too easy to avoid, so easy I wondered if they were any guards there or if my equipment was failing. I didn't hear any footsteps but my own for the most part, though I did catch a suspicious sound at the museum, it was like snoring."

"Snoring..." Yako began to form a theory, "there must have been a sleeping guard there, maybe the guards were sleeping at the bank too, but they didn't snore." She shook her head, "it's too early to jump to conclusions, but we may be on to something. What happened as you were fleeing the scene, anything unusual?"

"I need to be blamed for the crimes in order to be forgiven, so I can't let the guards be taken as suspects. They say I come and go without a trace not because I don't make my precense known, but rather because I don't break anything. The locks are picked, and the cameras are jammed, not broken. However, I do announce my presence as I leave. I find a silent alarm, all those places have them these days, activate it, then make my escape. It was then that I detected faint but fast footsteps, but they weren't even heading towards me so I got out of there without problems. The jamming signal goes out of range as I move away, so that would leave the culprit with a few minutes to go in and out undetected," Yukari narrated.

"The culprit knew were to find the victims. The alarms are mentioned in the police reports too. Silent alarms were triggered in the museum and bank shortly before the time of the murders, but the security system was damaged in the mansion so no alarms were triggered." Yako then made a possible connection, "the mansion was the culprit's first attempt to frame you so the culprit wasn't too familiar with your methods then and made the hasty mistake of creating a difference in the pattern by damaging the security system. After that, the culprit must have used the silent alarm as a cue to commit the murders assuming the security system had been somehow disabled in the other locations. In the third occurrence, the same thing as the second happened. This was an inside job, it's the only explanation. Though the security system was damaged in the mansion, the doors were not forced and since we know it wasn't because of the lock picking thief, it must have been someone who had access to the mansion. Who could also have access to the other two places? The murders are too similar; I think the culprit is the same."

"You've already narrowed it down!" Yukari cheered.

"I need to know more about those involved in the case, I can't figure out who the culprit is with only your testimony and the police files. If I interview the people involved, I know I can come up with something, but there's no time. Background research will have to be enough. Let's go back to the police station again, maybe we can come up with something there," Yako decided.

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At the police station, Sasazuka was at work reviewing his files and putting reports together when Yako and Yukari returned. He had several cups of coffee by then and the rush of caffeine made him more alert to the presence of visitors than he had been before. "Don't tell me you've already solved it."

"Not yet, but I'm pretty sure it was an inside job, the thief is not the murderer," Yako declared.

"I thought there might be an accomplice, but you're saying there's no connection between the murderer and the thief?" Sasazuka wouldn't eliminate the possibility so quickly.

"That's right, the thief was framed and had no part in the murder, the thief was not in the mansion when the murder occurred, the pattern doesn't fit, the thief wouldn't have damaged the security system," Yako presented some key points without revealing Yukari's secret. "If we find out who stole the mansion's jewel or where it's hidden, we can use that to lead us to the culprit, or even better, if we find a connection in the suspects' backgrounds we can find the culprit by elimination, there are some key points the culprit has to match."

"I take it this means you want us to work together? I'll admit I was filing my own little report, trying to beat you at solving a mystery, but it will be for the best if we work as a team this time," Sasazuka agreed.

"Wouldn't it be great to announce the culprit before the press conference tomorrow?" Yukari casually reminded Yako of the importance of solving the case quickly.

"That's ambitious," Sasazuka commented.

Yako was full of determination, "but not impossible. Do you have information about the backgrounds of the people living in the mansion and the people who worked at the museum and bank? Is there one who is connected to all three places?"

"I see where this is going, interestingly, there are several connections," Sasazuka revealed. "I can't find any motive for any of these people to commit the murders, but I'll show you what I have so far." Sasazuka began to describe each suspect and their connections to each other and the three crime scenes. "The owner of the museum is the one I suspect the most. It was strange that he dropped the charges related to the stolen jewel and forfeited the chance to obtain compensation from the insurance. It is rumored that the jewel was acquired through illegal means from the black market."

Yako shook her head, "it's not him, someone who forgives like that is not likely to commit murder," you can't feed an angel and a demon one after another, it would take time for a person to shift in such a way and the amount of time that had passed was not enough.

"Don't you find it suspicious? Forgiving a robbery without a reasonable explanation? Are you saying it's just a change of heart? There has to be more to it then that," Sasazuka insisted.

Yukari thought about Yako's conclusion, it had to be true, those who had served to provide Angelus with a meal in the past couldn't be the culprit, so that eliminated three suspects. "I agree with Yako, so that means those who forgave the thief, the owner of the museum, Shuppin, the president of the bank, Ginkou, and the man from the mansion, Yoroshii, are not suspects."

"It makes no sense to eliminate suspects just like that. If anything those are the most likely suspects," Sasazuka insisted.

"We'll agree to disagree," Yako suggested. "Even if we reach different conclusions, what's important is that we actually reach conclusions. Then it's just a matter of seeing which one is true. If we know the answer, we only need to match it with the proof."

"Isn't that backwards?" Sasazuka didn't understand; this was an odd way to solve a crime.

"It's instinct," Yako left it at that, though it was more than instinct, she knew things she couldn't explain to Sasazuka.

"Alright, let's leave it at that, then who would your suspects be?" Sasazuka inquired.

"The people who were in the mansion, the butler, Adauchi, the lady, Chuugi, and the other maid, Hikiai," Yako replied. "I need to know their connections with the museum and the bank."

"The Kyasha siblings from the mansion, Yoroshii and Chuugi, have bank accounts at the bank that was robbed and Chuugi is dating the president, Ginkou, who had a family jewel he kept there stolen. The museum owner, Shuppin was a friend of the Kyasha family and was planning to auction the jewel on display in his museum before it was stolen, it is said Chuugi wanted to buy it to add it to the Kyasha collection," Sasazuka revealed.

"That's it, she's the culprit!" Yako determined. "Adauchi, the butler and the other maid, Hikiai, have no connections with the museum and the bank right?"

"No, but to accuse Lady Kyasha so boldly... We have no proof against her and there are other suspects who are thought to have ties to the black market. More importantly, Chuugi has Yoroshii, Adauchi and Hikiai as alibis. I still think Shuppin is the biggest suspect, for an accomplice that is, he too had valuables in the bank and was often a guest at the mansion; he could have stolen a spare key. As for the culprit, that would be the jewel thief, it was the jewel thief and the museum owner," Sasazuka concluded. "That explains the sleeping guards."

"The sleeping guards?" Yako inquired.

"Yes, the guards at the museum and bank were asleep, the security video shows them becoming dizzy and sitting down on the floor, or losing their balance and falling. The image stays still, then it suddenly changes to the murder scene, the cameras were jammed. No sleeping powder or anything similar was found at the scene and because those details couldn't be explained by science, they were underestimated," Sasazuka explained. "This is my theory, the thief is also the murderer and the museum owner really is involved with the black market and worked as an accomplice. If I'm going to follow your idea and solve the case backwards, all I need to do is prove my theory."

"I guess we'll have to agree to disagree again. If the police searches the mansion, I'm sure they'll find the explanation to the sleeping guards. It also makes sense about the maid who was killed; she must have been put to sleep as well. The culprit, Chuugi, chouse to kill Nai because she was small and easy to move, she must have fallen asleep normally on her own bed, not raising suspicion, and moved to the crime scene in the main living room while she slept. In the museum and bank the guards had been working for several hours since their shift started so everyone else had already left when they fell asleep. Do you have access to security videos from the time their shifts began that evening?" Yako inquired.

"Yes," Sasazuka showed them the videos.

Yako watched intently in fast forward then suddenly pressed pause. "This proves the culprit visited the crimes scenes on the days the murders were committed, she suspiciously carried a basket each time."

"I already looked into that, those were cookies and the guards did eat them, but so did other people who remained unaffected," Sasazuka paused, "wait... the glasses of tea, they are different, I see it now, they all drank tea and ate cookies, it happened in areas caught on video, the office and the hall, but the glasses used by the guards had no decorations, yet the others did..." He shook his head, "no, this is just a crazy theory, only a coincidence."

"That's the answer; the cookies caused the guards to fall into a deep sleep and the tea on the decorated glasses was the antidote, the others had regular tea as a cover up. If you search the mansion you'll find the recipe for what was used for sure. Using cookies for evil is a terrible crime!" Yako realized she was going off topic and getting excited about food, so she stopped.

"We could get a search warrant and do an interrogation, but these theories of yours and the way you disregard the most obvious suspects, I can't make sense of it. Besides, what are you going to do about the alibis?" Sasazuka reminded.

"When I interview the Kyasha siblings, I'll know the answer," Yako assured.

Sasazuka was still unconvinced, but he somehow gave Yako the benefit of the doubt and the unlikely possibility that she was right. "If in the end everything turns out to be the way you say it is, I'll have to admit you're a true genius."

"It's nothing really," Yako smiled, happy that she was able to solve the case, though she still had to confirm her theory. It was skipping that step that made her fail to solve the car case. This time she would use her ability to read people to her advantage. Plus she had information Sasazuka did not have and she saw things from a perspective most humans were completely unaware of.

"Wait a minute," Yukari spoke, "a search warrant and interrogation? We don't have time for that, the press conference is tomorrow, the truth must be known before then!"

"Why the rush? There's no way we can solve this case tonight, we can't gather the evidence this quickly and even if we did, it would take time to analyze everything and organize what we've discussed here well enough to present it," Sasazuka voiced.

"We don't need proof if we have a confession, that will be enough, I'm certain the culprit will confess." Both Sasazuka and Yukari were surprised by Yako's confidence, but to her it was the most predictable thing in the world by now. Neuro was interested in this case so the scent of mystery must have been strong. When Neuro figured out the mystery and Yako pointed out the culprit, explaining her analysis, the culprit ended up confessing, it had happened many times before. Yako would interview the main suspect and if she wasn't the culprit, she would interview the others and find the culprit, then when she accused the culprit, there would be a confession, she was counting on it.

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Mystery 58: Source

When Adauchi opened the door to the mansion to find Yako and Yukari, he did not look surprised. "We were expecting you," he led them to a room where Chuugi and Hikiai were waiting, but they weren't the only ones in the large elegant living room. Neuro and Angelus were there as well, with the first sneezing at a steady rhythm. This explained why Yako was expected, her so called assistant was already there.

"You poor dear," the Hikiai spoke to Neuro as Yako came in, "I can't believe the detective is making you work even if you have such a terrible cold."

Yako decided not to acknowledge the comment she knew she was meant to overhear, everyone already thought she was mean to Neuro and she knew clearing her name would be practically impossible. "I'm here to point out the culprit," Yako cut to the chase and everyone looked unsurprised.

"Of course, your assistant has already delivered your message and revealed who the culprit is," Chuugi spoke sadly.

Yako was caught off guard, Neuro had pointed out a culprit already, yet there they were, as if the mystery wasn't over. "The culprit is," Yako looked at the woman she suspected, she didn't look like a murderer and this wasn't just an act, she looked sincere, yet the evidence pointed towards her. Yako wondered just what Neuro found as proof and how he got to whatever conclusion he had communicated. She also wondered why Angelus was there, perhaps it was because of the case's connection to Yukari, but did he tag along with Neuro during the entire investigation or did he just arrive? "According to the proof that was found, it all points towards the one committing the murder being you," Yako pointed at Chuugi. "However, one thing doesn't fit; the alibis."

"Maybe sensei would like to take some time to deliberate," with that announcement and a sneeze, Neuro dragged Yako out of the room, closing the door.

"Neuro, why are you here? Did you point out the culprit in my name?" Yako asked.

"Yes, no doubt about it, Chuugi Kyasha is the one who committed the murders, I even found the recipe for the sleep inducing chemical added to the cookies she gave the guards at the museum and bank, along with the recipe for the antidote she hid in the tea, in a diary in her room, written in her own handwriting. Yet somehow, there's no mystery to be consumed from her. She confessed and there was nothing, this is a puzzle within a puzzle. Why, if she is the culprit, can't I consume this mystery?" Neuro looked at Yako with intensity, "the origin of a mystery is the one behind it, she is the culprit, but I still can't unlock the mystery to savor it. The explanation must lie in the nature of the human mind, her confession is true, she did it; we know that much."

Yako looked thoughtful; then suddenly her eyes brightened with the arrival of an idea. "I know what to do, the key is in the alibis, the alibis are false; Chuugi does have the authority to keep Hikiai and Adauchi quiet, but what of her brother Yoroshii? He wouldn't keep quiet about a murder. If he's not an accomplice he must be the victim." In a previous case, fear was used to keep the victim in a room flooded with poison; a life was forfeited from the fear of losing that very life. In the past, it was also proven that people would go far, even as far as hurting others, to save the one who is most important to them.

"I thought so; Yoroshii is suspiciously absent from our little reunion. Chuugi mentioned he's here in this mansion, but he's bedridden and can't join us and she doesn't want anyone going near his room," Neuro revealed. "She could have gotten rid of him, but if she did, then that leads back to where this second puzzle started, if she is the culprit, why can't I consume the mystery?"

"Because it didn't originate in her mind," Yako concluded, "she committed the murders, that much is true; but she's not the murderer, she's the murder weapon!"

Neuro grinned with hungry anticipation, "your evolution might be useful after all. What a rare treat, it's a mystery within a mystery, a case where finding the culprit only leads to another mystery to solve."

"I know exactly what to do to know who the mastermind behind all this is," Yako returned to the room where everyone was waiting. She looked serious and determined for a moment, then her expression changed so somewhat pained and silly, "I'm hungry, can I borrow the kitchen? I really want freshly baked cookies!"

All those present stared at her, sure she was called the piggish detective, but this was too much. "How could you think of cookies at a time like this?" Chuugi questioned, "I confess, I killed those people, just have me arrested and get it over with."

"I can't do that on an empty stomach and I want cookies!" Yako insisted.

"Let us give the detective what she wants," Hikiai suggested.

"Thank you, I want them to be freshly baked so let's go make them. Will you two help me?" Yako smiled sweetly at Hikiai and Adauchi.

xoxox xox xoxox

Yukari and Angelus remained in the living room, guarding the culprit, white Neuro went along with the group on kitchen duty, despite Hikiai protesting that someone with such a terrible cold shouldn't be allowed in the kitchen. "I'll just watch from the door so I may witness sensei's amazing culinary skills without getting in the way."

"Very well, I suppose that will do," Hikiai started getting the ingredients ready.

"Do you always cook for the family?" Yako innocently inquired.

"Yes, I do, I've always liked cooking, ever since I was little," Hikiai replied.

"Sometimes people know what they're destined to do with their lives and sometimes that changes later on. I planned to become a chef, but instead became a detective," Yako recalled that one's profession and background can be key to solving a mystery, even if it is something from the past.

"I always thought about owning a restaurant and I'm not giving up, I'm saving up for it," Hikiai revealed.

"What about you?" Yako curiously asked Adauchi.

"I'm too old for dreams like that," the butler replied solemnly.

"You must have had them and I don't think you should ever give them up," Yako insisted.

Hikiai paused, looking gloomy, then determined, she glanced at Yako meaningfully and casually commented, "what about your dream of being a medicine researcher?"

The atmosphere turned tense and Neuro sneezed; then left the door, away from the kitchen, moving so the others couldn't hear his conversation with the cause of his returning allergy. "What are you doing here feather duster?" Neuro was rather enjoying taking a break from the extreme allergies; his nose felt better when Angelus was in a different area of the mansion, behind a closed door.

"Confirming that it is in fact Yako who is figuring this out, I'm not sure what she's trying to do, but she's the one deliberating, in her own special way," Angelus replied.

"So what?" Neuro sneezed on him. "I have it figured out, if the lady is the murder weapon more so than the murderer, then the murderer must be the one who thought of the plan that she carried out, the one with the knowledge needed to come up with the sleeping cookies recipe."

"Yako is doing the work so she will get the credit," Angelus smiled sweetly.

This annoyed Neuro greatly, it was a fine time Yako picked to evolve and go off to solve a mystery without his help. "Not if I point out the real culprit first!" Footsteps were heard as the kitchen crew headed back to the living room, having left the cookies in the oven to bake. Then from the living room a sudden exclamation of "the culprit is you!" was heard and Neuro's chance to point out the mastermind behind the mystery before Yako did was lost.

Neuro and Angelus hurried to join the group, in the fancy large living room, there were Yako, Yukari, Chuugi, Hikiai, Adauchi and now Neuro and Angelus. Yako was pointing at Adauchi. "Using Yoroshii as a hostage, you forced Chuugi to commit murder, you poisoned him didn't you? You threatened not to make an antidote if she didn't do as you said, setting everything up to make sure she was found guilty if your plans were discovered. Framed the jewel thief to make this terrible situation last longer. If you were arrested, Chuugi feared there would be no one capable of making an antidote for her brother, so you had to remain here; she was sacrificing herself to save him." Yako then looked at Hikiai, "you knew but feared for the hostage as well."

"Please stop!" Chuugi yelled, "don't throw out such accusations, just take me into justice, no one else!"

"Justice knows only one truth, though you have committed serious crimes, you didn't do it out of malice, you did it for your brother and it must have been terribly painful. To cause all this pain..." Yako looked at the butler, "I can't forgive you!"

Adauchi laughed insanely, "there are things in life that cannot be forgiven, such as what their father did! I won't deny it any longer; I was the genius behind the sleeping chemical. I can control how many hours it will be before it takes effect and it leaves no traces in the body."

"What are you talking about?" Chuugi yelled, "what did my father ever do to you?"

"He stole my research long ago, before you two spoiled brats were born. I invented a great medicine and he stole it and became rich off it. Then he died before I could make something better, something that surpassed the amazing work that was stolen from me and proved that I was the true genius. All that's left for me is vengeance, to kill one of that man's brats and let the other rot in jail to stain the family name forever!" The butler went over the edge, taking the appearance of a mad scientist with a while lab coat and black rubber gloves. "Only I have the antidote for this in my body, the rest of you will die!" He took a smoke bomb from his pocket, threw it and the room was filled with thick grayish-purple poisonous gas.

"So you were the one hiding my meal," Neuro's head changed to his true form under the cover of the smoke, "Itadakimasu!"

"This will take care of the gas, one of the 777 tools of Heaven, good spray," Angelus held a can of air freshener, with cloud designs on it. The poisonous gas was neutralized and everyone was out of danger, plus the room was left smelling fresh and clean. The only one who didn't like the scent was Neuro, whose allergy became worse. "I apologize for the inconvenience," Angelus received a glare from Neuro, followed by a fit of sneezes.

xoxox xox xoxox

Sasazuka, who was wide awake in his caffeine rush, and a very sleepy Ishigaki, arrived in police cars. Sasazuka wondered if Yako had really solved the mystery by now, if not, then he would interrogate the suspects and get to the bottom of it before the press conference, he would be ambitious like she was. The first rays of the sun were shining in the horizon and Ishigaki was complaining about why today's shift had to begin so early.

The door was opened by the piggish detective herself, who led Sasazuka and Ishigaki inside to make the necessary arrests. Adauchi and Chuugi were taken away. Yoroshii, who received some assistance from Angelus and was fully healed, promised he would get his sister out of the trouble she got into for his sake.

After the police was gone... "Is there a way to get my sister out of trouble? I was ill and didn't know what was happening, I didn't realize the true cause of my illness was poison, the doctors couldn't detect it and my sister went through so much. Mr. Angel, we meet again, could you help me?"

Yukari replied before Angelus could, "if your sister is sentenced and bribery doesn't free her, then I'll break her out of jail myself!"

"Is that alright?" The man looked at Angelus, whose identity he had kept a secret from everyone else, save those who were clearly already aware of it.

Angelus looked thoughtful for a moment then replied, "it is clear Chuugi has repented and only my boss has the right to judge."

"There, you see? There's a loop hole for almost anything," Yukari cheered, "go ahead and bend the human law, if it's for a good cause, then it's okay. I do it too as a modern day Robin Hood. Get those bribes going; I think it will work, but if it doesn't I'm up for a jail break so you just let me know."

xoxox xox xoxox

After leaving the mansion, reunited at the detective office too early for Godai to be there, Angelus awarded Yako the promised price, though it had been Neuro trying to earn it. "Since you solved this mystery completely and cleared the name of the Robin Hood known as a jewel thief by identifying the true culprit behind the murders and uncovering the mastermind who set it all up, you will receive the payment I offered to Neuro."

"So that's why you two were there together, you hired Neuro," Yako concluded.

"Yes, the payment was that I would be his slave and follow all his orders for a full day. Now that payment is yours, would you like for me to cook for you all day?" Angelus asked.

Yako's face brightened, her expression filled with joy, "yes!"

"Stupid slave and your stupid evolution," Neuro grumbled. "I solved the mystery too and I would have pointed out the other culprit first if the feather duster hadn't distracted me," he sneezed. "In fact, I would have figured it all out before you even got there, I was about to conduct an interrogation when you arrived. If I haven't been delayed by Sai, I would have been in the mansion earlier and by the time you got there, my interrogation would be over and I would have had my meal."

Yako was surprised by the mention of her half-brother, "Sai? What happened to him? Is he alright? Did you two fight? You didn't hurt him, right?"

"Your master is fine, so nice of you to ask," Neuro growled then sneezed again. "Sai and I fought on some rooftops when I was on my way to the mansion, that's all."

"I kept my identity hidden and pretended to be human, Neuro didn't want any help anyway," Angelus added, "in the end Sai became frustrated because Neuro kept sneezing on him and decided they would fight another time."

"No one asked you," Neuro sneezed on Angelus.

Yako and Yukari giggled and the detective tried to look on the bright side, "everything turned out well in the end, the case was solved, the thief wasn't accused of murder, Neuro got his meal and I will have a 24 hour banquet, everybody's happy, right?"

Neuro gripped Yako's neck and shook her, "you still have a lot to learn when it comes to properly serving your master," he sneezed, "go away feather duster or I might just have to destroy you."

"My apologies," Angelus bowed, "I will be leaving now, thank you for all your help. Yako, I will start cooking immediately, come to our house to eat when you're ready."

"See you later!" Yukari was as always, cheerful. The cat burglar, who called herself that because she wore cute kitty ears as part of her thief costume, and the angel, who was a bit on the gluttonous side for an angel, left the office, where a couple even stranger than them flirted in their own weird way.

To be Continued

Disclaimer, I don't own Majin Tantei Nogami Neuro. I made references to some of the past cases in the anime on Mystery 58; episode 14 when they go to the hot springs, the HAL episodes 18/19 and episode 11 about the actress. I used Japanese words for the names of the OCs in this case, which were linked to their roles: Nai (dead), yoroshii (good), kyasha (luxury), chuugi (loyalty), adauchi (vengeance), hikiai (witness), shuppin (display) and ginkou (bank).