Other Fan Fiction ❯ Edna and Harvey: The Breakout~A POV Story ❯ Marcel's Explanation ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Chapter 3: (Marcel's Explanation)

***Babbit's POV***

I glanced at the watch on my wrist. It was still morning and things were looking more and more boring by the second.

"Hey! Heeeeelloooo!" called out the familiar voice through the door.

I glanced at the door, figuring that Edna probably recovered a bit. I guess I could talk, I thought as I opened the window.

"Well, sweetheart," I began, "what is it now?"

"I'd like to know more about mini golf." she asked me.

"Well who doesn't?" I spoke with pride, "Have I already told you that I play in the professional league? Yep!"

After a moment, the patient that I was suppose to keep watch asked, "Tell me more about your club?"

"It's an original "Babbit & Son". Yep. You won't find that in any minigolf outlet at the mall."

"Where'd you get it? Did you steal it? I think this is all very exciting."

How dare she insult my father's club like that. Even if she was a patient, I felt like I wanted to hit her, despite her gender.

Hurt by that remark, I snapped, "Watch your mouth! I have never stolen anything in my life!"

"Where'd you get it, then? Did you carve it from a whale's jawbone?"

"Hah! The whale has yet to be born whose jawbone can compete with the impact of a genuine "Babbit & Son"!"

After a moment, she spoke out, "I give up. Where did you get it?"

Proudly, I told her, "My father made it for me. Geoffrey Frances von Babbit Sr."

That's right, people. I am a junior myself.

"Really?" she asked me.

Just then, I started to remember the memory of my father, smiling proudly while he was dying on his bed. I began tearing up just thinking about it.

I started explaining while whimpering a bit, "As he lay on his death bed, with shaking hands, he handed over his own "Babbit & Son" titanium 7 iron."

I sniffed a bit sadly, continuing, "His lucky club! He told me to use it like he taught me."

I couldn't help but get a bit emotional. As my mother taught me, it was okay to cry in situations. Sometimes, tears and sadness needed to be let out, not let in.

At that moment, I saw Edna's hand waving, as if trying to get my attention.

"Hey Babbit! Why don't you take your daddy's club..." she began calmly, as if to calm me before she began to speak cruelly, in a very loud voice, "AND WHACK IT ACROSS YOUR SKULL?!"

How could she?! And to think I was making some progress with this patient!

I started sniffing as I spoke in anger tears, "Oooh! You're mean! Ooooh! My poor father!"

In anger, I went to the controls of the AC, snapping, "Just you wait! Let's see if you're still laughing...when I turn the AC back on!"

Finally, I angrily slammed the window door and turned off the AC in Edna's cell. That oughta show her a thing or two.

***Edna's POV***

The plan worked. The fan was now off and I could pry it off when I undid the screws and opened the grate earlier.

Because earlier, I had looked at the fan that I saw spinning around as I told Harvey, "That's the last thing a juicy steak gets to see before it's turned into hamburger."

When I looked at the now off fan, I spoke out, "Only this fan stands between me and my freedom."

I grunted, trying to force the fan off a bit. However, it was stuck tight. I really needed a bit of help.

"I think if I apply a little bit of force, I can pry it out of its casing." I continued before turning to Harvey, asking, "Help a lady out here will ya, Harvey?"

Finally, both me and Harvey began pushing the fan off a bit as I grunted, "Aaaaaaand...HEPP!"

With that, the fan was off and I could now crawl into the vent. Freedom, I thought, here I come!

Entering the vent, I started crawling onward to freedom and for hopefully good things.

Just as I was about to pass a vent, I heard a voice speak out, "This Edna is a real challenge, Hulgor."

"That's Dr. Marcel's voice." I spoke in shock quietly to Harvey, "It's coming from beyond this grate."

"Quick!" he told me, "Maybe we can listen in on what they're saying!"

***Marcel's POV***

I glanced out the window, frowning a bit. No matter what I did, I couldn't fully erase her memories and create her anew. There has to be something linking her back to her old memories, but what?

Finally, I glanced at my bodyguard, Hulgor, speaking seriously, "This Edna is a real challenge, Hulgor."

"What do you mean by that, Doctor Marcel?" he asked me.

In annoyance, I glanced back to the guard, telling him, "I'm at the end of my tether. It's been 10 years and she can STILL remember."

"You're afraid she might find out what really happened back then?" he asked with concern.

"Pah!" I scoffed to him, "Nobody will believe her! Who's gonna believe a loonie? The daughter of a convicted murderer."

"So why are you worried?"

"I'm not worried. I just HATE her resistance."

After all, for 10 years, I've been trying to make her a blank state. And yet, she STILL continues to be a pain in the neck.

It was times like this that I had wished that my son was still alive at least. At least he would understand what I was talking about, despite what I did for him.

Finally, I began to leave the room with Hulgor, telling him I was to be in town for a while until lunchtime. That would be when Edna's next electroshock therapy would be.

***Harvey's POV***

We both listened to what the two said. And I couldn't believe what I heard and neither could Edna.

"I can't believe what I'm hearing. My dad, a murderer?" she frowned a bit.

"There's something rotton in the state of Denmark." I spoke, despite this place obviously not part of Denmark.

"Yeah. This Doctor Marcel is hiding something." she explained, "As soon as we're outta here, we'll have to clear the good name of my father."

After a moment, we both looked inside, noticing the entire office bare before she spoke, "Dr. Marcel and Hulgor are gone. Well...here we go again."

That was perfect, I thought as she used the toenail she bit off earlier to unscrew the screws and open the grate.

"I'm starting to get the hang of this." she grinned as she jumped down to the office, clinging me tightly.

When we arrived to the office, Edna noticed a pen and book before taking them, then turning to the wardrobe nearby as Edna spoke, "Hello? Anybody in there?"

"Noooo..." I spoke in a creepy deep voice, mimicking a monster.

Relieved, Edna sighed as she said, "Phew...that's comforting!"

She looked at the diploma nearby, speaking, "That's definitely Dr. Marcel's distinct signature."

It was indeed. If only she could make forged signatures, but I would have to worry about that part later.

We then looked at the trophy case as she said, "One cup for a spelling bee and one for shooting clay discs. How sporting."

We then glanced at a picture of the same boy from before as she said, "It shows a boy who's smiling. I don't know him, but he's starting to annoy me."

She continued looking as she continued with confusion, "A boy studying and...is that supposed to be me? That's strange. There's only one half of me."

She turned to the last photo as she continued, "An old photograph of a boy playing. I think I know him from somewhere."

Finally, Edna noticed the mallet as she took it, speaking in amazement, "A polo mallet!"

The item in question would be useful to us in the future, I thought as we made our way to the door.

However, that guard that was with Marcel earlier entered as he blocked our path.

"Yikes!" she yelped as we backed to a corner.

"Well, if it isn't Miss Edna," the big guy began in sarcasm, "How did you manage to get out of your cell?"

"I possess secret powers!" she explained to him, "One step closer and I'll turn you into a bulldog!!"

"Oh yeah?" he frowned, taking a step closer.

"WOOGA!" I heard her shout.

However, as Edna turned to me, I noticed nothing happened as she happily spoke, "It worked! I didn't know I had it in me!"

Frowning, the mental gorilla as I like to call him angrily snapped, "Quit this nonesense and get over here already! I'll put you back in your cell."

Smirking, I shouted, "Hah! Never!"

"Hah! Never!" she repeated to him.

"You can't hide behind the desk forever." Hulgor said to us.

"We'll see about that!" she told him.

Quickly, Edna held me tight as we ran around in circles with the guy. However, as he went the wrong direction to try to get Edna, my friend got out her mallet, quickly hitting him.

That would teach that guy, I thought as he was knocked out.

With that, Edna opened the cabinet before looking at Hulgor, pondering, "Yes. I should get rid of him. But where to put him?"

She then looked at the closet, smirking, "Ah, I know. The cabinet."

With that, I watched as Edna placed the big guy into the closet, slamming the closet door shut and locking him inside. That would teach him!

At that moment, Edna noticed the newspaper clipping on the glass frame, speaking, "Look at this!"

I glanced as she held me to the picture. What did she find?

"A framed newspaper clip over the mantelpiece? That seems to be important." she pondered. "Now, what is this?"

Carefully, we both looked before my friend noticed something odd. Her eyes widened with shock as she began realizing.

She gasped, yelping, "That's my father right there in the picture!"

I glanced at the words that I began to worry about. From what I could tell, this was what the article said:

"41 year old Mattis Konrad turned himself in to the authorities in the wee hours of today. Even though he readily confessed having murdered an 8-year-old boy whose name had not been referred for matters of privacy, he will face capital punishment. The alleged killer did not name a motive for the slaying.

If the prosecution follows through with the death penalty and it is swiftly applied the single father leaves behind his sole daughter Edna who has been put under custody of Dr. Horatio Marcel, the head of the local asylum for the mentally ill."

My mind began clicking as I secretly began to worry. Something about this date...it was important, but how?

"This article states my father is a murderer!" she said with worry, "That is a horrendous lie!"

She looked more worried, turning me over to the paper as she asked, "This simply has to be a hoax! Do you know anything about it? Can you remember anything?"

I glanced at it for a while. However, nothing was coming. It was as if my memories were being blocked from this specific date...

Sadly, I replied, "Hmmm...that's strange. I can't remember a thing. It's like a black spot on my memory."

"I desperately need to find out what really happened back then. My father is innocent. I'm 100% certain of that."

"First thing's first. We need to escape from here. After that, we'll prove your father's innocence."

Edna slowly nodded in agreement as we both made our way out of the office. And I know one thing: Today was going to be a big change for the both of us.

(End of Chapter 3)