Other Fan Fiction ❯ Wishing on Angels ❯ Chapter 1

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Wishing on Angels
Sebastian Connor was having a shitty ass Christmas indeed, the shittiest in his 27 years of living. Well, Christmas season, he still had over a couple days or so left to screw it up even more. He had left all the presents he had spend the year purchasing, carefully picking each present out for every member in his extremely large family in the trunk of one of the crappiest cabby's he had. He did this of course because he hadn't counted on the large ice storm the night before which had in turn made him late for the last flight to his home town before Christmas.
Sebastian now found himself solemnly sitting on a snow covered bench, his pants soaked through to his skin. Of course not only did he lose his presents and miss his flight but in all the hustle and bustle of the airport some shit had swiped his luggage leaving him with only his extremely small carry on which only contained a extra pair of socks, boxers and one shirt, a book, a map of the area, wallet and his passport.
He sighed. He had given up on Christmas this year. Now he had to hitch a ride back to his shitty apartment, and spend it all alone. Sebastian hung his head in his hands and closed his eyes. His shaggy brown hair surrounded his head.
Soft footsteps alerted him to a fellow person walking in his lonely direction. He opened his eyes to see the white of the snow glare back and an extremely small pair of shoes in his line of vision. He raised his head up to look at the person standing in front of him. She was pretty, the woman standing in his way. She couldn't have been much younger then himself, her silky looking brown hair was tied back with a brightly printed toque on top her head. Wearing a black winter coat, dark wash jeans and from what he could tell, black cowboy boots donned her feet. She stared back at him with concerned brown eyes. Her skin was flushed and cheeks pink due to the cold air but her lips were pulled back into a sweet smile.
As soon as he made eye contact with her she tilted her head to the side and leaned forwards towards him, the dimples on her face widened. “Whattcha doing out here all by yourself?”
Sebastian shrugged and leaned back against the bench. “I'm wondering why you care.”
The woman obviously didn't like his answer as her smile faded into a slight frown. “I was just asking, God. Men! Always have to take defense don't ya?”
“Look lady I've just had the shittiest day ever and I'm trying to wallow in my misery but you're not letting me.”
“Well then buddy I guess I'll take my offer and leave you jackass,” and with that snap she spun around on her heels and stormed off the way she came. Damn she totally made him fell like…what was it she called him…ah yes. A jackass. Right.
Sebastian quickly jumped up, grabbed the backpack he was using and ran off after her. “Hey wait. Lady wait!” he yelled after her. She either didn't hear him over the wind…or she was ignoring him. He finally ran past her and stood right in her way. It wasn't until he had her stopped that he realized he didn't know what to say.
“Well? What to you want now?” she snapped while crossing her arms. He looked at her again and could just see the fire in her eyes.
Sebastian rubbed the back of his neck and ran his hand through his hair before he asked “What did you mean offer?” She drew back at his question and he could have shot himself in the foot for asking that. “Look sorry I didn't mean anything by it but…”
She laughed. He stopped mid sentence his mouth still hung open listing to her laugh. Damn he hated to sound clichéic but her laugh sounded like little bells. Maybe it was the cold getting to him.
She waved off his look and put a gloved hand to her mouth. She pulled it away a moment later and the bright smile was back on her face. “Sorry but I just had to laugh. I didn't mean anything by it,” she let out a single chuckle and held out her small hand. “I'm called Noel.”
Sebastian stared at her hand for a second and smiled. “Sebastian,” he said has he gripped her hand in his.
“Well then Sebastian why are you so angry at the happiest time of the year,” she made a face before adding “well excluding in-laws, shopping, working, the cold weather and many other things.”
“Yeah, well the many other things have prevented me from visiting my family and this is the only time of the year I get to go.”
Noel suddenly grabbed his hand and pulled it and him along with her, down the small sidewalk in the park. The walked together slowly, the crunch of their feet in the snow becoming the loudest noise around. “How bad do you want to go home Sebastian?”
He paused for a minute, not letting her hand go. “Very much so. Why?”
“Because I have a car and a lot of extra time, feel up for a road trip?”
Sebastian shook his head in disbelief. This woman -Noel he reminded himself- a stranger to him was offering him a ride home. During his time of though Noel pulled her hand from his, thinking he was rejecting her offer. It wasn't until she started to walk away again that Sebastian came back to reality.
“Wait, Noel,” she paused and waited for him. “I think I just might take you up on your offer.”
Noel tilted her head and smiled “Alright lets go.”
He laughed. “Just like that huh?”
“Yep, just like that. My car's just a block walk away,” she started off towards the east side of the park. Sebastian ran up behind her and walked silently beside her.
“So Sebastian, where are we heading,” Noel piped in as the two crossed the road together, heading towards a lot of vehicles.
“We're heading to my home town, a small place up in northern Ontario. Everyone knows everyone and I'm pretty much the only person who left town and I'm missing it,” Sebastian trailed off in thought of his home. He didn't even notice himself getting in the car nor Noel speeding off in some random direction.
Damn, did he miss his home town. The small northern town was surrounded with trees, nature. Very few homes far apart, many farms, small shops they even had a general store. Family owned businesses and fruit stands everywhere. When he went to school he could remember his graduating class being under 30 students. Yeah he was a small town boy, a family kinda guy. Sebastian frowned. Yeah family…his mother would be disappointed he hadn't brought his fiancé- ex that is- to Christmas. It was the one time of the year that was the most important to the Connor household.
“Hey Bas, north right?” Noel made him jump back into the small blue neon. He turned to look at her and nodded. Noel had taken her large black coat off to reveal her extremely small figure. Sebastian recalled how small her stature had been as they walked side by side. Her shirt was a plain solid red vest with a black long sleeve shirt underneath. At her neckline he noticed a hint of gold glistening in the fast fading sunlight. Noel has also taken her hat off, although he had to admit the odd knit toque fit her well but with it off he noticed something he hadn't before.
“It has red in it,” he mused.
Noel turned took her eyes off the road for a moment before returning. “What was that Bas?”
“Oh, I meant to say that your hair has red in it,” he said still looking at the woman's profile in the sun. What seemed to be a dull brown under the hat turned out to be a very red-y brown, looking as though she had a halo of fire surrounding her as the strands picked up the fading light.
Noel flicked a runaway hair from her ponytail back over her shoulder and tugged the corners of her lips back. “Yeah I have my mom's hair. She was a red head but in this damned weather it doesn't shine as hers did. Nah right now it looks more like my dad's.”
“No, it looks nice right now,” damn he felt retarded right now.
“Thanks, it's been a while since anyone has complimented me.”
“Now that can't be true.”
He watched as the corner of her mouth tugged down. “Unfortunately it is.”
Sebastian decided to leave it at that. He turned his head again to the window and leaned against the cool glass.
* * *
Noel looked the right to see her passenger leaning against the glass fast asleep. Poor guy needed a nap. She vividly recalled the first time she saw him over 3 hours ago. The image of him staring up at her from the snow covered bunch was burned into her mind. Noel had no idea what possessed her to walk over to him but she was glad she had listened to her feet.
Damn she was so glad she had stopped, he was her perfect Christmas distraction.
“How long?” moaned the man to her right. She saw him raise his head and rub at his forehead, and stretch as much as he could in such a small car.
“Only a couple hours, you wanna stop soon?”
“Yeah, Timmies sounds good.”
Noel saw Sebastian leaned his head back against the seat and looked back out the window. The scenery had changed a lot since the last time he was awake watched. The tall buildings of the city disappeared into very flat fields Flat was the best word she could come up with right now. Flat was her life. Noel knew flat. Flat was everything, and she was finally leaving.
“So Noel where you from?”
“Here actually and I'm so glad to pass this by.”
“Ah, that feeling huh?”
Noel drummed her fingers on the wheel and bit at her lip. Damn the silence.
“Sebastian, what's your family like?”
He turned and shrugged his large shoulders “Normal I guess, why?”
“I have a thing against long silent pauses, so any form of talking would make me quite grateful.”
“Well, I guess you and my mother have something in common. She absolutely hates silence and if no one else is talking then she has her mouth running a mile a minute. She always told us the only reason not to speak was if we had food in our mouth, and well if you have mom's food in ya' then your defiantly not talking. The woman is an amazing cook, let me tell you. And you can always tell if she likes you by how much she feeds you.”
“She doesn't! You're joking right?” Noel laughed and it really shocked her to hear him let out a great laugh that shook his large body beside her.
“Yeah and her cooking isn't something to shake a finger at. She can fully step up to her boast. My mom's a damn great cook. You just have to try her Christmas cookies, or …ah man her gravy is so mouth watering.”
“Well she'd have to be a good cook to feed your apatite.”
“Well actually you haven't seen anything until you see my two younger brothers have an eating contest. It's like pigs at a trough. I'll try and keep them from pigging out while you're there.”
“You mean you want me to stay?” she glanced over at him. His deep brown eyes started back at her.
“Of course. You're driving me like a day and a half car ride away up north into the cold, into a different country and for a total stranger. The least I can do is put you up for a couple days. You can stay for how ever long you want, unless you don't want to of course.”
Noel shook her head “No of course not, I'd love to stay and meet your family.”
Sebastian slapped his knee in an old time fashion and nearly yelled, “Well then glad to hear. You'll love them I'm sure.”
“I'm sure I will too.”
* * *
Sebastian yelped as he pulled the large double-double from his mouth. Yes a double-double, even Noel had to laugh when he ordered his coffee along with her large black and 40 timbits
“Hot eh,” she said before the girlie giggle came again as she saw him poke at his swollen lip.
“Of course, damn coffee.”
“I told you to wait but no,” she smile widened as he scowled and waved it off as she leaned back into the hard plastic Timmies chair.
The two had stopped about half an hour ago and Sebastian fondly recalled back to the conversation the two had, had in the car. He had gone one for nearly two hours talking to Noel and telling her stories about his family which she seemed to be quite interested in, but she herself hardly said anything about her own family. All that Sebastian recalled her slipping in was she had lived somewhere flat apparently (although in Canada and the U.S there were very many `flat' places) and that she had moved away from her family to live in the city around New Jersey.
Sebastian stared down into his creamy coloured liquid and wondered why she had ended up in that park that day and that in turn returned his mind to the question as to why she had even though of helping him by driving him home. It was during the process of his deep thought that he felt something soft touch the side of his face and travel to his ear. Sebastian jumped back and away from the feeling, and was still in shock as he felt a searing heat hitting his thigh. He looked down at his now coffee-covered pants and then turned to look up at Noel who had her hand over hr mouth yet still opening and closing like a goldfish.
“Oh my god Bas, I'm so sorry!” she said as she quickly gave him the napkins on the table. “Ah! Sorry I just wanted to put a piece of hair back. I swear that was it!”
Sebastian barely heard her apologies as he frantically wiped at his only pair of pants trying to clean them with the useless napkins. He let out a defeated sigh and excused himself quietly and nearly ran to the washroom.
As he walked into the two stalled room Sebastian was relived to find he was the only one in the small room and alone to deal with the stain.
He walked over to the sink and helplessly tried to clean it as he remembered back to the reason for the spill. She had touched his face. Come to think about it, Noel really hadn't made any physical contact with him- or anyone- since he had met her. And of course no one had made contact with him like that since…. Sebastian felt a full body shiver as he closed his eyes to the image of her. No, he could never compare Noel to her, that evil woman.
Emily Erikson was a `perfect' catch. Great job, smart, beautiful, cultured, and she love him…apparently. He had dated her for two years, and then pulled out that ring one memorable summer evening. He was supposed to take her home for this Christmas with his family, the first grant it. She had refused to go before, although her real reasons never appeared until he left her. She didn't like his family, which to him was his life. That was strike one, strike two was the fact she had cheated on him numerous times while they were dating and engaged. He had enough. Never in the Connor family had anyone had a divorce and Sebastian wanted to keep the streak running. He had the final call from Emily this morning, before Noel found him. He smiled to himself in the mirror, he was glad for such a beautiful distraction.
* * *
Noel sat in the stupid plastic chair looking into the empty coffee cup in her hands. He had left about 10 minutes ago and still hadn't come back. Damn her need to keep hair in place, to have some control of perfection. It was a bad habit of hers, taming people's hair randomly. She must have really startled him to create such a response.
She looked back to the hallway once more hoping his large frame would appear in the doorway. Nope, nothing. Noel returned to the tan coloured table, then her watch, then the small wall clock, then the hallway, table, watch, clock, hallway. She had completed the cycle several times before Sebastian strode through the hallway and headed in her direction. She could only stare at him as he reached across the table to grab his jacket. Once he placed it back on himself he looked down at her. His wide brown eyes locked onto hers, his disheveled dark brown hair sprouted what ever which way from his head. He had changed his shirt during his time away, the new shirt was a light cream coloured fisherman's sweater which fit snuggly over his large body.
“You ready to go?” he quickly spouted out.
Noel just nodded her head and quickly followed Sebastian out of the restaurant and back into her small car. She had sat back in her seat and started the car, and then she turned to face him again.
“I'm so sorry about all that,” she whispered.
He just smiled his huge smile before waving his hand. “Just forget it. I was the one who jumped, right? And besides that I hate these pair of jeans anyways so no worse for wear. Now let's blow this pop stand!”
Noel giggled. “Does anyone say that anymore?”
She pulled out of the parking lot and back onto the road as he shrugged. “I dunno but it made you laugh right?”
“Yeah I guess it did thanks.”
“That what friends so Noel, that's what we do.”
* * *
“I'm so sorry officer, really. The last speed sign I saw was 80 I swear. I never saw a 50 sign anywhere!” Noel was nearly in tears as she explained her speeding. Sebastian yet again was partaking in one male past-time, sleeping. She looked up at the older officer who seemed to be debating internally.
“Alright Missy, just know this'll be the last warning you get, you hear me?”
She nodded frantically as she felt her mascara run down her cheek. “Of course officer, I'll never do it again, swear it! But I really mean it when I said I couldn't-“
“Now now lassie, some teens might have just covered it up. They've been doing that a lot lately. Now you go and have a good day mam,” he handed Noel back her cards and information and tilted his hat to her, walking back to the flashing car.
“Man I'm glad I didn't have my water proof on,” Noel commented as she pulled down the driver's mirror to fix herself again.
“Nice performance there Noel, had any practice?” Sebastian sat up and chuckled at the black lines running down her face.
“No but a friend of mine pulled that a couple times when she started to drive, and let's just say that she liked to drive really fast. And I thought I might as well try it out. And we're you really asleep?”
He shook his head, brown hair flying all over. “Nah but I didn't want to be questioned and you sounded like you were doing fine with him there, although I almost started to laugh when you cried. And I bet that if I tried that out on him it wouldn't work that good, he might have actually made me get out.”
“Yeah I believe it. Plus you look to macho to cry.”
“Thanks, that's what all us men want to hear. Plus my brothers usually call me the wussy one.”
“They're all younger right?”
“Yeah, I'm the oldest. That's why my name starts with `S'. Every oldest Connor starts with `s', all the way back.”
“Speaking of your family how much longer do you think?”
“Maybe another day's drive including sleep, unless you'd be willing to let me drive we'd get there sooner.”
“If you don't mind of course.”
“What driving? No problem, just tell me when you want to sleep.”
With that they fell silent once again. He returned to staring out the window at the changing scenery and she cranked up the radio.
* * *
“Good God I can't believe I'm back already.” Sebastian sighed. The scene before him stretched until it reached a point, the entire road was tree lined on either side until you hit `downtown', the general store included. Yes it was small, but he loved it.
“It's beautiful Bas what were you talking about! It's quaint not small. And the air is so fresh here!” Noel had switched a while ago but only after he promised not to hit anything.
“Sure it's beautiful but it's pathetically small with large families.”
“Aw but I've always wanted to visit something like this! It's like stepping into a postcard.”
He quickly looked over at her and smirked. “You're pullin' my leg ain't you?”
“Maybe just a little but it does look relaxing.”
“Well make that you're mantra while you're here to keep yourself sane after you meet my family.”
“You're kidding me! If they're anything like you said they are then I'll love them just fine.”
“Well you always have the trusty car as your getaway.”
“Very funny Bas but you can't get rid of me that easily.”
“Can't help but try right?”
“Har de har har Mr.,” Noel sighed, leaning against the armrest and rested her head against the window. The view rolling past her really was beautiful. All the trees were bare in the winter months with the exception of the many evergreens that sat on the lawns, all were coloured in the Christmas spirit. All the houses were different, yet with their own unique look. Everything looked quaint as they continued down the road for a while longer, until they hit the center of the town. A small little booth was on the one side with tourist information, in the center of town was a large Christmas tree, a few shops heading east and west lined the street. But Sebastian kept the car heading north through town and out until they turned right onto a smaller road. Noel spotted a few houses with a couple acres between them all, until she felt the car turn once more onto a dirt road. The house she saw approaching her was one of beauty. All the trees were lit brightly. Lights outlined the old fashioned farmhouse and barn that was off to the side, perfect white wooden fences off the side of the barn. Several cars were parked in the large concrete area in front of the 3 car garage.
“Well we're here. I know it's not much but its home sweet home. And I'm guessing mom has everyone over for dinner tonight.”
“Four younger brother's right?”
“Yep, and two of them have wives, one has a girlfriend and the other says he's staying single for the rest of his life.”
“And you?”
“And me what?” he pulled the keys out of the ignition after parking next to a new black jimmy covered in mud.
“Is there girl waiting for you at the door?”
“Did I mention any?”
“Well no, but us women never know with you guys.”
“No, no I don't,” he quickly threw the keys on her lap and bolted out, slamming the door behind him. The sudden burst of what seemed to be anger threw Noel off, he had never seemed to have any potential for aggression Sebastian was just not an angry man. The door suddenly opened and Sebastian stood on the other side. Noel popped out of the car and followed him up the few steps to the beautify crafted wooden door.
Noel stood beside Sebastian as he stared at the door, waiting for something. He sighed then went to grasp the golden knob, but someone beat him to it. The door was swung open and a small woman stood in the doorway. The woman lunged herself at Sebastian, holding him into as much of a hug as she could with her short arms around his larger body. She was shorter then Noel's 5'4 stature with a head of frizzy bright red hair. Her bright blue eyes were shocking to Noel in contrast to the red. She was dressed plainly with a well-worn apron covering the front of her dark green sweater and the black pants, no make-up covered her face. The look on her face was that of pure joyfulness as she hugged Noel's new friend, Sebastian in return leaned down and gave the woman a slight kiss on the cheek. The woman finally let Sebastian go and stood back in the doorway, but this time her gaze shifted from Sebastian to Noel, and back. She finally let out a squeal and lunged herself at Noel.
“Ah love it's good to have you back home! Ah your brothers have missed you so much, and your father is a mess without you to talk to,” she said with extreme animation with her hands. She pulled on Noel's hands and led her into the front entrance, Sebastian followed behind. The house was as stunning inside as it was out. The hall was decorated with passion. It must have taken forever to have done.
Loud voices could be heard from the back of the house and they seemed to be coming closer. The petite woman led the two into a great room then to the back of the house and into a magazine picture of a kitchen. Seven people stood or sat around the large island in the middle of the kitchen laughing. Three women sat on bar stools with two left empty.
The youngest one had to be in her early twenties with long dirt blonde hair tied back in a plain loose black dress she was shorter then the other two but all were taller than Noel her grey-blue eyes fit the classic blonde look. The other two looked to be the same age but still younger then Noel. The closest one had curly dark brown hair left to its own accord. She wore a jean skirt and a tight dark blue turtleneck, the woman beside her had lighter straight brown hair pulled into a braid. She was clothed in a black t-shirt and jeans, a few specks of what seemed to be straw were in her hair, the man standing behind her picked at them then was slapped away. Both looked Sebastian with their dark brown eyes.
All the men in the room on the other hand looked similar, Sebastian included. The men were all shorter then her companion, three had shades of brown like Sebastian but the one standing by the blonde had more reddish hair.
“Oi Bas, you're home at last!” the red-haired one yelled over the crowd of people.
Sebastian pushed past Noel to give the man a quick brother embrace. The others all walked over to greet the missing family member. Even the women came over and pulled him down for a hug. Noel stood in the door way and watched as everyone greeted him.
“Hey guys, oh good god it's great to be home,” Sebastian tried to pull himself away from the group with a failed attempt. His family members all huddled around him shouting out random questions until he noticed Noel standing by herself. He quickly cut them off and motioned to Noel.
“And everyone, Noel. Noel, well this is everyone,” he took the shock of his family to wedge his way out of the crowd, walking over to Noel and throwing an arm around her shoulder.
“She's the reason that I actually showed up for Christmas.”
Noel laughed, “Yeah he'd probably still be sitting butt deep in snow in the middle of the park.”
“Well now pull up a chair Noel, we saved one for Bas, but he can stand,” the straight haired one said as she pulled back the seat beside her. Sebastian snorted at the comment. Noel waked past the guys and sat in the seat, smiling at the other women sitting around the island, across from her Sebastian's mother took the other seat.
“Hey how about the men leave us women alone and go help your father and brother out in the garage,” the older woman shooed her sons out the door.
Sebastian leaned down to Noel before he left with his brothers. “I'll be back soon okay? None of them are that vicious, but I'd watch out for the one over there,” he pointed over to the curly brown haired one “she's nasty.” He ducked as a box of tissues was whipped at his head.
“Oi! Not true stupid.”
He laughed then ran out the door as she picked up the box again ready to throw it at him.
“That kid,” she muttered.
“So, Noel right,” the dark haired one asked, Noel nodded, “I'm Bridget, Kam's wife, and the one across from you is Alexis, Mark's wife and the one next to you is Sadie, she is dating the baby of the family Charlie and I guess you know this is Sebastian's mother Gwen Connor.”
“Nice to meet everyone,” Noel said politely, she decided that she liked the Connor family so far.
“It's really good to meet you, Sebastian's been talking about you for forever, going on about your job at the firm and how you two met that day. Wasn't it two years ago? Right and this is the first Christmas you've been to,” Mrs. Connor spoke quickly and straight to the point.
Noel shot her eye brow up in confusion and was met with equal gazes as her pause continued. “No, actually I just met Bas a couple days ago. I found him sitting in the park with a wet butt from the snow.”
“Wait,” Sadie spoke in a quite high pitched voice, “you haven't' known Sebastian for a couple years.”
“Well didn't she just say that?” Bridget pointed out.
Mrs. Connor leaned back into her chair looking puzzled. “So you only met Sebastian a few days ago?”
“Yeah I was walking in the park and he looked miserable, I asked what happened. He told me he couldn't go home for Christmas and well, I never really had that tight of a bond with my own family so I just knew I had to help him get back to his. Plus I wanted to get out of the city and up here is just far enough for me,” Noel looked down at her clasped hands to avoid the direct stares from the other females.
“So did he tell you about his fiancé?” Alexis asked.
Noel shook her head. Man she wished Sebastian would come save her from his family and to give a piece of her mind. And fiancé? What else hadn't he told her?
“No he never even said about dating, of course I prefer not to pry into people's lives but he did talk about all of you- good things of course, but still no nothing about a fiancé.”
“Damn I thought maybe we'd finally have some dirt on the witch. She made him miss last Christmas for a freaking cocktail party- and of course Sebastian hates that stuff and anyone that deserves him should respect his need to see his family.” Mrs. Connor spoke harshly about the other woman. Noel could almost see her holding back a disgusted spit.
“Yeah, when he was dating her he seemed so depressed when we talked to him. Kam was so worried he almost caught a flight down to the states to see what was wrong. Of course Sebastian talked him out of it, but you all know how he sounded right?” Bridget questioned.
A unanimous agreement circled the table. “Nah, he seems a lot happier now. Guess you do him good Noel. So how was the trip?” Alexis smiled back at Noel.
* * *
“So Sebastian how's your law firm girlfriend,” Mark punched his brothers shoulder as the two of them leaned against the workbench drinking a beer. They group all laughed but fell silent at Sebastian's expression.
“Nah guys, she left,” he kicked at the floor and looked at his shoe. He couldn't face his brothers, all of them were younger but three were already farther then him commitment wise. He couldn't stomach the thought that something might be wrong with him.
“No way, why'd she leave?” Gavin- the second youngest Connor asked.
“I actually caught her cheating but I'm glad it happened before we actually tied the knot.”
“Yeah I guess, but man. That really sucks, I'm sorry to hear that,” Kam lifted his beer in recognition.
“Thanks but I'm kinda glad we did break it off, after she left I realized she really held me back I guess you could say,” Sebastian took a drink and looked at his silent father sitting on the lone stool.
“Well now she isn't with you I think all of us want to say, that man she really made you miserable. I'm kinda glad she didn't stay with you,” Charlie said.
“Yeah, but that Noel girl seems pretty darn nice. I think she'd be a keeper. If Sebastian doesn't want her I'd keep her,” Gavin smirked at the idea but was quickly punched by his elder brother.
“Noel seems to be a nice woman with a good head on her shoulders by the sound of it,” Sterling Connor quietly spoke. The head of the Connor family was a hard working man who was forced to be retired from his job. He was a quiet man and a man of very few words. But he was a man who was easily respected by his family and all people in the community.
“Yeah she's real nice. I just can't believe she even thought about offering a stranger a ride.”
“How did you two meet up?” Mark asked.
“Well I was kinda out of it. Emily just called that morning to say it was over for sure, she handed me back my ring so I thought I should clear my head. I took a walk in the park and sat on a bench. I swear I must have sat there for like a couple hours. She walked up and just asked if I wanted a ride somewhere, then followed by a two day car ride for the two of us.”
“So where she from, she got a boyfriend?” Gavin joked.
“Nah, she never really said anything. All she said was she lived somewhere in the states, no mention of anyone. She never even really talked about her family. But she did say they weren't very close,” Sebastian looked to each of his brothers and thought about Noel himself. He was right. She never said she had anyone waiting for her but why? She was a perfectly fine woman, nice, cheerful and defiantly nice to look at. He smiled to himself as he thought of her laughing in the car again, she always laughed. Always found the good things. She embodied the Christmas spirit. Guess her name fit her well.
“So anyways, you should have seen this car man! I so would have bid on it but Bee gave me the scariest look-,”Mark continued on without Sebastian listening.
* * *
Noel laughed at Bridget's story of her having to practically pull Kam away from this ugly car during the auction last week. She failed her arms around retelling the event while stopping the production a cake batter. The girls had all started to bake their own special dishes for the upcoming dinner on Christmas Eve and morning. Noel held her sides as she felt her stomach grumble reminding her she hadn't eaten since noon that day. The two of them had apparently just missed dinner and she was starving. Gwen heard the noise over the laughter in the room and smiled at her.
“Hungry dear? I think we have some leftovers if you don't mind.”
Noel nodded. “Yes please I haven't eaten in forever. Juts tell me where everything is, I don't want to take you from your cooking it looks amazing by the way.”
Gwen gave Noel directions across the spacious kitchen and quickly Noel was sitting back at the island surrounded by the other Connor women with a nice plate of roast and potatoes drowned in gravy was sitting in front of her.
“Man those smell good wish I could cook like that,” Noel said after taking a heavenly bite into the food and taking in the aroma of all the food.
“I know I thought that when I first dated Mark and came over for dinner. But once you marry into the family you like gain and new cooking talent or something. Next year you can try something and just watch it comes out perfect,” Alexis joked as she turned the massive pro oven on to pre-heat for the banana bread she had ready.
“I don't know if I'll be here next year. I mean it's great here but I think Bas will find someone else.”
“Don't you like my son?” Gwen stopped hands from rolling the dough.
“I do yeah, but it depends if he asks me to come again,” Noel pointed out.
“Nah we'll invite you ourselves. But you have to give us your number or email or something. We like you too much not to talk to again. I mean with all this bonding going on here,” Bridget nudged Noel's arm with her elbow.
“Yeah so where do you live Noel, in the States right?” Sadie inquired.
“Yeah, I have an apartment in New Jersey but I just quit my job and am looking for a new place.”
“Move here!” Alexis squealed. “I'd have another shopping buddy, and I must admit I love your style of clothing.”
Noel looked down at her plain jeans and tight black long sleeved shirt, yep just as plain as all her other clothes. “I don't know. I'd love it here but it would be a little weird.”
“Nonsense,” Gwen snorted. “You'd be great here. You'd love it and we'd love you.”
“Thanks,” Noel looked down into her plate. The statement hadn't reached Noel's ears in years. Her family was never close, her parents split and she left when she was 18. She never had any grandparents, no aunts or uncles or cousins, even after she moved Noel never received and emails or phone calls from her family. Yet in the last four hours she had more of a family feeling then she had had her entire life. Why did she want to leave again? Yeah that's right, this wasn't her family, and she didn't know how to have a real family. Plus really, she had only known their family member for less then 72 hours how can they just welcome her in with open arms?
* * *
Sebastian settled down into the large leather couch to watch the classic `It's a Wonderful Life' with his family. Man he missed this. He hadn't been able to go to his families Christmas and it had killed him. Beside him Noel actually sat squished between himself and Gavin silently watching the old black and white movie. It felt right he decided to have her there with his family. The guys had come back into the kitchen to an array of heavenly smells. The Connor women and Noel sat drinking coffee surrounded by cooling desserts for the next two feasts, each man ran to greet their respective women, and him included, walked behind Noel's chair and comfortably rested his arms around her shoulders. She made no move to stop him but continued her coffee shop story to the rest of his family. They stayed in the kitchen until 9, when they left to continue Connor tradition.
He felt her sigh and lean closer into him, resting her head on his upper arm. He couldn't help it. He pulled the classic arm move. Sebastian looked across the room to see his mother smile at him. Yeah, it was amazing to be home, and Noel man she was what he wanted Emily to be. But Noel was Noel. He barely knew the first thing about her, he didn't know about her family, didn't know her favorite colour or food. How can he say she was perfect here, with him? But she was. Everyone loved her. His father included. To have his father say she was good, man no one could image what a compliment that was. If only she would actually stay here, with him.
* * *
Noel leaned her head on Sebastian's arm then shortly felt his arm wrap around her shoulder. It felt so right. She had never felt so right, so loved. Just sitting there watching to movie with his family was euphoric. In that moment she felt that she never wanted to leave. But she had to, eventually. She didn't want to impose on this tight knit family. She didn't know how to act in a real family. She was family impaired. She sighed and looked around the room at the couples sitting together on all pieces of furniture. All snuggled up together. The love here was tangible. Noel knew she'd miss it.
* * *
“Night Noel,” Sebastian stood leaning in the doorway of the spare bedroom, Noel was standing just inside trying to talk him out of making her stay.
“Fine, I'll stay,” she pouted. “Nigh Bas,” she walked forward and quickly yet soundly kissed him. She pulled away, smiled coyly and closed the door on him. He stared at the off white door for a minute before striding off to his old room. He changed into his boxers and shirt then lay down in his bed. He couldn't sleep. Sebastian stared off out the window to see the familiar sight of the back hills, the pasture they kept the couple horses they had was empty. He continued looking out the window, long past 1 o'clock, then 2, he missed 3 but he caught when the clock turned 4. It started snowing around 4:30 and that's all he could remember before he finally fell asleep.
* * *
“Oi Noel you coming down for breakfast?” Sebastian tapped on her bedroom door. When he tapped it the door swung open to reveal a cleanly made bed and no indications Noel was ever there. Sebastian turned and ran down the stairs, hopping over the rail at the end of run outside. Everyone's car was there indicating everyone had driven back for breakfast but her little blue neon wasn't in the driveway. Crap, he turned then ran into the kitchen. Everyone but his father was sitting down for breakfast. They all turned to look at him standing in the doorway.
“Has anyone seen Noel?” he all but shouted out.
Everyone gave their own negative answer and he turned to the entrance way, putting on his boots and grabbing the keys to his truck. He had to find her. He couldn't let her leave without saying goodbye. No he couldn't leave her at all. He didn't care then whether or not he knew everything about her, he just knew that she belonged there with them. His family, she needed to be there on the couch with him next year watching that movie, and she needed to be sitting beside him at the Christmas dinner. He never knew that anything could make this time of the year most fulfilling for him until he met her.
Sebastian sped down the road and into the main town, driving down all the streets then finally heading out of town, back down the way they had arrived. He drove until it was dark. He had to stop, but he didn't want to. He had only thought all day about the little things, about what it would be like without her there. Damn he didn't even have her number. He slowly drove back home, defeated until morning when he would truly pack up and leave to find her. He had to. It was near seven before Sebastian pulled his black truck back up into the long drive way and drove as slow as he could, prolonging the time he had to think about what he would say to his family. How to explain he needed to find her. They had all liked her right? They would understand.
Sebastian put the truck in park and slowly stepped out of it, heading into the house via the garage. As soon as he stepped foot in the garage foot his jaw dropped. Noel's little blue car sat on blocks with his father underneath it working away as he usually did. Sebastian couldn't move but his father noticed he had come in and rolled out from under the car.
“She's inside son. Next time I think you'd better hold your horses if you know what I mean.”
Sebastian nodded and ran inside. He heard her voice from the kitchen. He turned right and skidded to a stop in the doorway, she was there, again. He saw here there in all her glory. Her hair tied back and shirt pushed up to her elbows. She wore a new shirt that was spotted with flour. She stopped talking and ran towards him. Noel jumped up and latched herself around his neck. Suddenly she kissed him once again but this time he didn't let her leave so fast.
“You were gone,” he stated.
She nodded. “Yeah, I went to get some Timmie's. I didn't want to bug anyone when I went to get coffee so I went out to get it, but my car stalled and I had to walk around until I found a phonebook. I didn't know this but apparently you can get lost in a town with no stoplights.”
He just laughed and rested his forehead against hers. “So you didn't actually leave?”
“Nope, I'm harder to get rid of then that, especially with such good hospitality. And you're mom promised to show me how to make a pie. I couldn't miss out on that now could I?” she laughed then grew silent when she looked upon his face.
“You were worried I left weren't you?”
“Yeah, yeah I really was. I never knew I could miss someone like I missed you. It nearly killed me when I thought you left.”
“So I guess I can't actually leave, can I?”
“Nope, never you're here to stay.”
“Well good, I didn't know how I could ever leave anyways,” Noel smiled up at him.
They broke apart when a door slammed signaling Sterling Connor had entered. The whole room looked at the man who silently smiled and nodded towards Sebastian and Noel. Everyone cheered. Noel let go of Sebastian and they pulled apart.
“I guess they want you to stay too.”
“Lucky me, eh?” Sebastian leaned down for another kiss and Noel knew just then that she finally had a real family. And she couldn't be happier.