Petite Princess Yucie Fan Fiction ❯ 30 Kisses: Arc and Yucie ❯ One Weakness ( Chapter 12 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Title: “One Weakness”
Author: Wish Wielder
Pairing: Arc/Yucie
Fandom: Puchi Puri Yucie
Theme: #16 (invincible; unrivaled)
Disclaimer: “Puchi Puri Yucie” and all respective properties are © Gainax/Yucie Committee. Meg “tN!!” D. (Wish Wielder) does not, has never, nor will ever own “Puchi Puri Yucie.”

“One Weakness”

Yucie had no weaknesses. To Arc, she was absolutely perfect. She was beautiful, she was kind, she was determined, and she had a heart bigger than anyone else he knew. Even better, she was his. Well…not yet, but she would be, very soon. Really, the only thing that didn’t link them was the wedding formalities, but they’d come in time.
A small smile curved his lips as he looked down the hill at her, where she was practicing her swordplay with Gurenda. She was holding her own fairly well, and he would even go as far as saying she was winning. Her face was turned in a look of extreme concentration, and he could see the sweat rolling down her brow. Gurenda was putting up quite the fight, but he knew she’d beat her. Yucie had gotten much better with her sword since the last time he had watched her, and it seemed that Gurenda just couldn’t keep up.
His smile grew slightly as he watched the friends fight. Even if she was a master swordswoman, that wasn’t what made her so invincible. Her heart was her biggest strength, as she had shown many times. She cared so much about people; she was willing to give everything to keep the people she loved safe. He had seen that much when she had become the Platina Princess.
When his mother had told him what had happened to Yucie and her friends, he had been glad Yucie’s memories had been erased. He knew it would be better that way, if she couldn’t remember her friends. They weren’t going to come back, and he knew remembering them would only bring her pain. That was something he would never wish upon her. Yet when Cube had mentioned Gurenda, and he had seen the confusion that flickered across her face, he knew he had been wrong. That had only been strengthened as he continued to watch her and see the pained feeling that seemed to drape her like a cloak. She was lost, he knew, and it was killing her. When he had found her at the concert hall, and she had broken down on him, he swore that he would do whatever he could to help her regain those memories. Remembering and hurting would be better than hurting and having no idea why.
When she had found them, he had been surprised to see the affect the memories had on her. Instead of depressing her, like he thought they would, they had encouraged her. They had invoked that determined spirit that she was infamous for. She had sworn to Magazerent that she would find a way to revive her friends, no matter what. Why? Because they were her friends. Because she loved them.
Even when Magazerent told her it was impossible, she refused to give up. And, as unlikely as it seemed, she found a way. With her uncanny ability to care about every person she met, she had healed Magazerent’s broken heart, and she had found her friends. He didn’t remember what happened between the time they left the Magical World and the time he awoke to find Yucie sobbing in the arms of her friends, and he didn’t really care. All he knew was Yucie was happy again, and everything seemed fixed - because of her. Because of that determined spirit and unbelievable heart that fueled everything she did.
It was no surprise she had become the Platina Princess.
He sat up, grinning as Yucie delivered the winning blow. She began jumping up and down, cheering her victory. Gurenda was sprawled on the ground, panting. It wasn’t long before Gurenda was yelling at Yucie to be quiet, telling her that she had just been lucky. He shook his head, chuckling at her antics. She didn’t look it, but she was the only person he knew who would never, ever loose.
“Oi, Yucie!” he called. “Can we go now?”
“Hai!” she called back, waving at him. She bid farewell to Gurenda before running up the hill, completely ignoring Gurenda’s shouts and demands for a rematch. When she reached him, she grabbed his hands, pulling him up. He laughed and stood, once again shaking his head at how ‘Yucie’ she was being. He gave her a look, shaking his head as ruffled her hair, before he began walking down the path.
“Oi!” she cried indignantly, running to catch up with him. “What was that for, huh?”
“Nothing, Forehead,” he said, grinning at her. She frowned at him, her confusion leaking into her eyes. He smiled and shrugged. “Just thinking about how much you’ve grown.”
“Wha…?” she asked, still as confused as before. He waved it off.
“Never mind,” he said. She nudged him, glaring.
“Tell me!” she whined. He sighed.
“Fine, fine,” he said. “It just occurred to me that you have absolutely no weaknesses, that’s all. You can’t even be beaten in a swordfight anymore! Kind of unfair, don’t you think? There’s no way I could ever play dirty against you.”
“You’re wrong, Arc,” she said. She took his hands in her own, spinning around to face him. “I have one very big weakness.”
“Oh? And that would be?” he asked, giving her a somewhat defeated look. She giggled before she stood on her toes, placing her mouth next to his ear.
“You,” she whispered before she leaned back, giving him a quick kiss before she pushed him back and ran off down the road, laughing hysterically. His grin returned as he shook his head and chased after her. He didn’t think she would ever stop surprising him.


Just something that popped into my head while watching a PPY AMV somebody made (if you want the link, note me and I’ll send it to you). Gah…it’s awesome! One of the best I’ve seen yet, and it’s not just ‘cause it’s PPY. ;P Anyway, in the video the person put in a clip of Yucie’s little speech to Magazerent, and that inspired this.
Hope y’all like! I have no idea when I’m gonna get the next one out…state tests start Thursday, and I was sick three days last week (meaning: got tons of makeup work). -wince-

Comments and constructive criticism welcomed. Please, don’t flame. If you can’t say your CC without flaming, don’t bother. Flames will be used to fuel Az’s bonfire for the yummy s’mores.