Pokemon Fan Fiction / Pokemon Fan Fiction ❯ Forest Of Silverveil ❯ Soren Knew my Father ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Soren Knew my Father!!!
“Ifghar get your lazy butt over here!” Soren yelled.
“Ezylryb, this will be your right hand man or should I say pokemon. Soren continued.
“I am sending you and Ifghar out with a small army of 500 pokemon to
fight Gylfie.” said Soren.
“How many pokemon do we have altogether?” asked Ezylryb.
“About 100,000.” Soren said with sorrow in his voice.
“Holy smokes” that is a lot Ezylryb gasped.
“We had 150,000 before Gylfie and his stupid army of dumb fire-type pokemon slaughtered them in a sneak attack.”
“Man that's a lot of dead pokemon.” Ezylryb laughed.
“Shut up you idiot! That was some of my very best men. You are just like
your father.” Soren yelled.
“My father?...just then a tear came to Ezylryb as he remembered his father. Then all hell broke loose and he started crying a river and calling out to his Father. “Oh, Dad, Dad, Dad….” cried Ezylryb.
“Settle down son.” Soren was trying to be nice.
Wait, you said I was like my father did you know him?
“I don't know if your dad ever told you this, but he was a scuba diver many years ago. Your father was swimming one day when he ran out of air and I rescued him and brought him here. He stayed here for 5 years then left. That is how I know your Father.” Soren finished.
“It's getting dark.” Soren said.
“Let's turn in for the night. I have a room in my castle that I think you will enjoy.” Soren offered.
Ezylryb screamed. “You live in a castle! I love castles! Yipeee!!