Pokemon Fan Fiction / Pokemon Fan Fiction ❯ Jess' pokemon journey ❯ Chapter 1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: The only character in this story I own is Jess…I think…
Anyway, this is my second fanfic, I haven't been watching the latest episodes of the anime and so these characters may be slighty ooc…sorry>< Anyways I'm only going to post the next chapter if you really want me to, so REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW, only if you LIKE LIKE LIKE kay?
Jess awoke suddenly from a forgotten nightmare; sweat beginning to bead upon her brow. Her muscles were sore from her training session the previous day, and her heart was pounding in her ears. That meant nothing though; she pushed the sheets off her sweating form and glared around her room. She stretched and grabbed her clothes for the day, opening the door to the hall, as to sneak into the bathroom.
Immediately she was aware that a note was pinned to her door, and she inwardly groaned. Her father was in another of his moods, which would only fuel her haste. She raced into the bathroom at a breakneck speed and cleaned herself in the same manner. Throwing her selected clothes over herself without hesitating to dry she grabbed her Poke-belt and jogged to the kitchen, reaching into the knife drawer as silently as possible, stealing the large sum of money her father kept hidden there, Jess then preceded to the back door, knowing perfectly well her father was waiting in the living room for her.
Praying that her brother had oiled the hinges as he had been told, she slowly opened the white door; unfortunately the gods seemed to be with someone else at that moment, seeing as the old hinges protested quite loudly.
“Jess!” Snapped her father almost immediately after the noise, the young teen winced visibly, dreading whatever he would have her do this day. Her wet hair dripped slightly in response to her quick reaction to her fathers voice.
“Sir?” She questioned trying desperately to hide the Poke belt with only one Pokeball in it behind her back. She feigned innocence fairly well as her father, a tall man of about forty with a baldhead and squinted eyes, approached her. He was heavily built but not muscular, and he smelt of stale ale. He was once a general in the Japanese army, but now he was reduced to an abusive father who did nothing but command his two children to do ridiculous things all day.
Well, one more than the other, she thought sadly as he raised his arm to strike the disobedient child before him.
“What do you think you are doing?” His angry question caused her heart to flutter slightly. She tilted her head faintly to the side, knowing that if she were to get away with this without a new collection of bruises she would have to play this game like she meant it.
“I was going to collect a new scrub-brush for the bathroom sir. The present one is not acceptable.” She stated bowing her head and hoping, praying, to any god that would listen that her father was in a charitable mood today. Apparently one of the gods hurt her plea this time, seeing as her father merely nodded lowering the offending hand.
“As you were then.” He folded his arms behind his back and strutted off, she smirked inwardly, her father wouldn't even be able to tell she hadn't cleaned the bathroom, seeing as she had done that same chore last night and he was normally too drunk to think too deeply on anything other than bothering her anyways.
She smirked even wider on the inside, her Magikarp had finally evolved into Gyarados, and was able to defend her. She needed not to stick around here any longer. She was going far, far away where her asshole of a father would never think to look for her.
She would have to buy more Pokeballs with her fathers stolen money though, seeing as she didn't have any more than the one she had found shortly before capturing her friend Magikarp, or rather Gyarados now. Steadfast to her thoughts she began to walk with reason towards the awaiting forest, there she would escape her cruel brother and evil father leaving the two to their own devices. Gyarados shifted his Pokeball uneasily, he knew that she was making her escape, and was anticipating the display of his strength when she finally found another trainer to challenge.
“We are lucky father didn't know about you.” She stated stroking the Pokeball fondly, “otherwise he would have taken you away, claiming the reason that I am too weak to keep such a fierce Pokemon.” The Pokeball at her hip shuddered angrily as if to say `let them try to separate us!' Jess chuckled and changed course to pick up the pack she had left in the bushes beyond the house property. She strung the pack over her shoulder after deposing the money within a secretive pocket.
“Well Gyarados, we're off to Vermillion City to buy Pokeballs.” She stated optimistically as she began to stroll thoughtfully in the direction of the City where she was supposedly going to be buying a toilet scrubber.
“Ah Jess I never thought I'd see you here! I didn't even know you had a Pokemon!” Exclaimed Mark, the Poke-mart keeper, she smiled shyly at him.
“Please Mark don't tell my father I came in here.” She stated, he only looked confusedly at her, he had seen her father, but not the same side she was exposed to, in public her father acted like any other loving single parent. “I'm going to surprise him with something,” she added quickly not wanting him to grow suspicious. He grinned wolfishly down at her as he grabbed the fifteen great balls she had asked for. She thanked and paid.
Making her way to the nearest watercourse she glanced around, apprehensive at first as to who may see her with such a great Pokemon. She then shrugged it off, its not like she was going to be back with her father any time soon anyways right? Throwing Gyarados' Pokeball in the air he emerged, materializing from a bright white light in the large river. He roared his pleasure at being in the cool liquid, drawing much unwanted attention, and waited for his trainer to mount him.
She did so hastily, grabbing onto the large spike emitting from his back. She held on tightly as her good friend and partner started off, attracting stares as he allowed the current to take them towards Pewter city. Her father would surely know of this before the night, she leaned her head against Gyarados' back no matter, it wasn't like even if he did catch up to her, he could actually do anything about it with Gyarados around. Jess stroked his scales, enjoying the feel of his hard moist scales under her fingers, the great serpent began to purr, a most un-serpent-like thing for him to do. The river carried the two past the Vermillion City GYM and through Mt. moon, Gyarados slithered on shore near the Pewter city Poke center about four hours later, slightly dehydrated from keeping his head and neck above water all that time. She allowed Gyarados a few moments to dive his deepest and drink the cleanest water for himself, before she took a sip of the topmost layer of water, thanking whatever gods made her escape go so easily.
“Do you feel well enough to challenge the GYM leader?” She questioned to her serpent, the snakelike creature that was Gyarados regarded her a moment then replied with a curt nod of the head. Jess recalled him and turned towards the giant building that was the Pewter City Gym. Hardening her resolve she hoped that she didn't screw up, as she drew nearer to the Gym she noticed a small group of people, one of which was wearing a Pikachu on his head. The girl approached them as they turned toward her; she gulped then bowed her head. “Excuse me, but I was wondering, who the leader of this Gym was…” she stated diffidently. The darker colored boy with a green and orange vest and slitted eyes took her hand in his.
“I am the leader of this GYM and you are the most beautiful young woman I have ever seen.” No sooner had he uttered those words the redheaded girl beside him grabbed his ear and hauled him into the Gym. Jess stood there blinking at them confusedly for a few moments, then slowly followed suit.
“I wish to challenge you then, please.” She stated in a slightly bolder voice, but it was still obvious that she was unfamiliar with the game plan of an actual trainer battle. Brock straightened himself at the opposite end of the room, which was decorated as a rock cave. He now had a serious expression across his face, and in his hand was a Pokeball.
“Well then, I cannot deny a challenger.” He stated throwing a Pokeball onto the field. An enormous Onix emerged from it in a flash, and it roared, trying to intimidate the Pokemon she had not yet released. She took a steadying breath and closed her fingers around her Pokeball; bringing it to her lips to whisper words of praise she placed a kiss on the white center before throwing it onto the field.
“Don't let me down!” She whispered, as her Gyarados emerged with a roar mightier than the Onix could even dream to muster. The fanged water serpent snarled at the toothless rock serpent, lashing its fanned tail and lifting the two antenna like things on either side of its face. Shivering in anticipation Jess failed to notice Misty and Ash's awed looks when she had sent out her loyal Pokemon.
“Onix use your bind!” Ordered Brock, Jess almost panicked before remembering her type advantage.
“Gyarados recoil and use your Water Gun!” She countered almost too late, Gyarados complied, escaping the coils of the large Onix, and hosing it down quickly, causing it to faint. Almost as soon as the large gray snakelike rock creature hit the ground he was recalled and replaced with a Crobat. She knew she had no type advantage over this, and so reverted to physical force.
“Useyourbiteattackandmakesureitcan'tbiteback!” She said all in one breath, causing both a fit of vertigo from her and instant compliance from her partner, who was smart enough not to let go once his jaws were around the Crobats underbelly. The bat put up a shrieking struggle, but once Gyarados started to tighten his jaws it went the same way as the Onix. Brock quickly sent out his Gravler whom was overcome with a Water Gun just as its rock ally had been. Gyarados roared his victory, as Jess stood dumbfounded before finally glomping Gyarados, who gently returned the embrace with his tail.
“Ohmygoshgyaradosican'tbeleivewediditi'msoproudofyouiloveyo u!” She squealed earning a chuckle from Misty and Ash, Brock just sweat-dropped preparing to give this girl a boulder badge. `Why is it the children always seem to want to challenge me? And worse, why is it that they always seem to beat me?' He sweat-dropped even bigger as he sighed inwardly, maintaining his serious façade as he handed the girl the boulder badge. She then went from hugging the huge serpent in a tight embrace to holding Brock in a tight embrace as she chanted the same “thankyouthankouthankyouthankyou” to him. Brock blushed as a goofy smile began to spread across his face, but catching a glare from both Misty and Gyarados, quickly put a stop to anything he would have said about the unexpected, but certainly not unwanted hold. Jess released Brock and smiled up at him, pinning the badge on the inside of her Kimono she bowed to Brock, Misty, and Ash before leaving the Gym.
She left the Gym with a big goofy smile plastered on her face, not noticing when she waltzed by a pair of suspicious-looking people in dark overcoats. They stared at her greedily, having witnessed her earlier victory against the Gym leader.
“The boss would forgive us for sure if we recruited her.” Stated the purple haired man; the red haired woman slapped him over the back of the head.
“We don't need to recruit her, all we need to do is steal that precious Gyarados right out from under her nose!” She hissed glaring at her obviously stupid companion.
“Well, Jessie, I don't know if you've actually noticed but…” James started twiddling his fingers nervously, “we're not very good at stealing things…” He put his hands behind his head in a nervously uncertain gesture. Jessie let out a sight of exasperation.
“I know what you mean, let's try your plan first, then if that fails we'll send Meowth to take the Gyarados while she's asleep.” Jessie quickly plotted out how they would go about recruiting such a powerful opponent. “Of course we'll have to talk with the boss first.” Stated Jessie uncertainly. Both the Rocket members had grave looks as they reached for the transmitter they carried with them. Jessie handed it to James who fumbled with it before trying to hand it back, only to have it shoved into his chest. “Make. The. Call.” Ordered Jessie, putting up her scariest face. James smiled nervously as he opened the transmitter and dialed his boss' number.
There was a moment of complete silence as the screen remained blank, and then Giovanni appeared, wearing his usual glare. “What do you idiots want?! I am very busy!” The rockets cowered under their masters scolding but quickly tightened their resolve.
“Giovanni, sir…we have been following the twerps with the Pikachu and extremely powerful other Pokemon…when a girl came by and defeated all of the Gym leaders Pokemon with just one Gyarados. We know that no new members of Team Rocket can be recruited without consent of the boss, so we're calling you to get your consent.” Giovanni was silent for a moment, staring somewhere to the side, he then returned his glare to them.
“I will have to see what this girl is like in battle.” Growled Giovanni, “quickly, show me.” He barked causing them to almost drop the transmitter. As fast as their legs would carry them they ran after the girl, and finally caught up to the still smiling teenager.
“YOU!” They shouted causing her to jump a little in surprise, she flew around and gazed upon the two figures dressed in overcoats. “WE CHALLENGE YOU TO A POKEMON BATTLE!” they shouted each throwing a Pokeball into the air, Jess flinched as the Arbok and Wheezing exploded from their containers. She knew that her Gyarados was still ready and rearing to prove himself, and would not allow even a duo such as these poisonous fiends to stop him. She threw his Pokeball up and out he came, the serpent was almost black in the sunlight, his lightly colored mouth and ivory fangs gleaming as he let out a battle cry.
“Gyarados Tackle the Arbok and Bite the Wheezing.” Gyardos complied all but burying the Arbok and practically swallowing the Wheezing, he shook the poisonous sphere in his jaws before throwing it back at its master, the Arbok and Wheezing were both down as well as the purple haired stranger. The new Pokemon trainer jumped into the air in celebration. “Alright! Great job Gyarados, return!” She shouted recalling the great serpent that was also celebrating. The two rocket members returned their fainted Pokemon as they received the OK from Giovanni to recruit this girl.
“CONGRATULATIONS!” They shouted in unison, “you have achieved a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity! You have been given the chance to join TEAM ROCKET!” James was throwing sakura blossoms in celebration of this `momentous' event. Jess sweat-dropped unsure as to what she should say or do.
“What's Team Rocket?” She questioned tilting her head to the side in the traditional confused puppy sign. The two Rocket members smirked and held up a finger.
“We're glad you asked that!” They stated again in unison.
“Team rocket is a group dedecated entirely to collecting rare and valuable pokemon!” A meowth interrupted.
“AW! ITS SO CUTE!” She exclaimed running up to the cat and stroking its ears causing him to purr and the other two rocket members to sweat-drop. She soon caught hold of herself and straightened up staring at the two rocket members. “Before I answer, I would like to better understand this Team Rocket.” She glared at the two before her, but inwardly she was both excited and curious, this Team Rocket would likely take her even further away from her father! Gyarados twitched in his Pokeball and she gazed down at it seemingly worried. “Gyarados wants to know if there are any waterways near where this group of people stay.” She stated finally, causing the Pokeball to stop struggling immediately. The two rocket members assured her that the river ran right by the Gym in which the team stayed.
“Then what are we waiting for, I'd love to check it out if it's in a Gym.” She stated. “But first things first, we've got to let Gyarados get a quick check up at the Pokemon Center.” She stated trotting toward the building with the red roof. Nurse joy quickly got Gyarados in and out, likely fearing the temper of such an immense and powerful beast, or perhaps just fearing the way Gyarados was glaring at her. Either way within the next twenty minutes she was sailing on Gyarados' back once more while the two Rocket members and their Meowth flew in an air balloon. Gyarados roared in anticipation every now and then, picking up pace as the river grew larger and began to slow down. Gyarados let out another call even louder than the last few as the roof of an obvious Gym came into view, the suddenness of the call and loudness startled more than just the Pidgey and Spearow who now flew away from the river, it caused tons of men and a few women dressed in black to rush out of the Gym. Gyarados called again, purposely trying to draw attention to himself.
“Gyarados!” She chided angrily causing the Serpent to lower his head a bit in apology as he pulled onto the shore and allowed her to dismount. She glared at her attention-seeking serpent before returning him to his Pokeball, she then tried to seek out Jessie and James through the mass of men who were now staring at her like she was a scrap of meat, and they were a pride of lions. She was relieved when Jessie and James finally pushed their way through the crowd, reaching her. The young woman smiled at both of them and motioned for them to lead the way, the crowd followed them back into the Gym, thinking that they were going to be stealing that very rare and likely very powerful Gyarados from her. Jess glanced nervously at all the people here; perhaps it wasn't a good idea to join these people, since she didn't do to well with too many other people working with her. Gyarados seemed to sense her nervousness and twitched reassuringly within his Pokeball. She smiled inwardly but was forced to keep a steely outside since her insides seemed like they were going to burst at any moment now. She took a deep breath as a door that obviously belonged to the Boss Giovanni came into her line of sight, and struggled to hold onto her consciousness as her heart seemed to hammer at her ribs.
End chappie 1