Pokemon Fan Fiction / Pokemon Fan Fiction ❯ Jess' pokemon journey ❯ Chapter 4

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
"crap i screwed this up!" Exclaimed the exasperated teen clutching her head in her hands. The forest around her quieted momentairly before resuming its symphony of life. Everything had been going perfectly, she had entered the forest without incident, gotten past the ill-tempered sparrow without incidient, and finally located her target. That was when her problems began... Jess glared accusingly at the hatchling, who stared back with wide, soul-full eyes. Its short pinkish fur was silky and soft to the touch, and its long, slender tail topped with a ball of somesort. Jess heaved a sigh and gave into its sapphire eyes, and cute cat-like face.

"Mew." it cheeped happily as she held it close to her body. "mewmew?" The cat-pokemon queried. The teen stroked her newfound friend gently enjoying the feel of his fur agains her hand. After a few moments of this action she upstarted, shouldered her pack, checked Gyarados' pokeball and set off toward the exit of the forest.

"No matter how cute you are, how much i want to keep you, or how badly i screwed up, you do not belong to me and i must return you." Jess tried to harden her voice, but after gazing into the small cat's sapphire orbs her voice cracked and tears threatened to spill from her eyes at the mear thought of leaving the side of this beautiful defenseless creature. The kitten-sized Pokemon melwed gently again, and licked her with his smooth tongue. The teen slowed her pace and came to a stop, cradling the kitten to her breasts and nuzzling it gently. Then resumed her stroll toward the exit, the tiny kitten purring contentedly in her arms, she was halted, however, by a young boy who lept from the bushes.

"Fight me!" He called freeing a caterpie from its pokeball.

"Please! I don't have time!" Pleaded the teen.

"You have pokemon with you so make time!" Shouted the bug-catcher, startling the kitten in her arms into tears. That got her blood pumping almost as much as when that ass of a trainer Gary nearly fainted her Gyarados.

"You jerk you woke him up!" Jess all-but-screamed startling the tiny Mew to silence as he watched his 'mother.' Seeing her anger, he brislted, and leapt from her arms, landing on all fours upon the leafy earth, his tiny hackles bristled and tiny ivory fangs were bared at the catarpillar. Mew didn't even come to half the size of the catarpiller, which caused the bug-catcher to burst out laughing.

"Come on Caterpie! we can take this runt!" The boy ordered his Pokemon to do a full-bodied tackle to the poor infant, who could do nothing but stand and watch with horror as the green bug flew through the air toward him.

Sorry it was so short, i promise to post another one soon!