Pokemon Fan Fiction / Pokemon Fan Fiction ❯ Mystiscia ❯ Prologue

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]



In a time not so long ago we lived in an enchanted world of elegant palaces and grand parties. The year was nineteen-hundred-and-sixteen, and my son, Nicholas, was the Czar of Imperial Kanto.

Lorelei entered the palace ballroom through the back, and sat at the throne highest up. She looked at the dance floor, at a girl in a blue dress trimmed with gold. The girl's long red hair was down, and she was wearing a matching blue headdress (just like in the movie ^_~).

We were celebrating the four-hundredth year of our family legacy

" Hello Darling!" Lorelei waved at the red head, who smiled and made a face at her grandmother. She pranced around a tall man in a white uniform, who picked her up and swung her around in circles.

"Oh, papa!" She giggled. Her father put her down, and she laughed.

And on that night, no star burned brighter that of our sweet Mystiscia, my youngest granddaughter. (pronounced Mist-i-sh-ia)

Mystiscia ran up the red-carpeted stairs to her grandmother.

She begged me not to go to Goldenrod, so I had a special gift made for her to make the separation easier, for both of us.

Lorelei handed Mystiscia a gold Pokéball with red designs. "For me? Is it a Pokéball?" The little girl asked, holding it up to the light.

Lorelei takes the pendant of a necklace, inserts it into the side of the box and winds it up. It's a Music Box.
Mystiscia gasped. "It plays our lullaby." She said through her hands.

"You can play it at night, before you go to sleep, and pretend that it's me singing to you." The grandmother said. "On the wind, cross the sea, hear this song and remember." She sang.

"Soon you'll be…home with me, once upon a December." The two finished

Lorelei handed her granddaughter the gold necklace. "Read what it says."

They never noticed the black-haired boy who snuck in.

Mystiscia looked at the small pendant, crossing her eyes to see it better.

"Ash! You belong in the kitchen." A woman with brown hair ordered, looking sharply at the boy

"Yes, mum." He whispered, and left.

"Together . . . In Goldenrod. Really? Oh grandmama! Mmhh!" She hugged her grandmother, who laughed.

But we would never be together in Goldenrod, for a dark shadow had fallen on the house of the Waterflowers. His name was Giovanni. We thought he was a holy man but he was a fraud, power-mad and dangerous.

A man in a black suit walked in, making the whole room fill with terror.

"How dare you return to the palace." The Czar said, standing in front of Giovanni.

"But I am your confidant!" The older man said with a smirk.

"Confidant! Ha! You are a traitor! Get out!" The emperor ordered, thrusting his hand out.

"You think you can banish the great Giovanni?! By the unholy powers vested in me, I banish you! With a curse! You and your family will die within the fortnight!" Gasps were heard around the room. "I will not rest until I see the end of the Waterflower line! Forever!" He took his glowing Reliquary and pointed it at the ceiling. The chandelier with 400 engraved on it fell to the ground.

Consumed by his anger for Nicholas and his family, he sold his soul for the power to destroy them.

Giovanni is standing in front of a big green pillar of light. It sucks everything from his body then green Reliquary appears and when he takes it, his clothes and skin comes back to him.

"Go… and fulfill you dark purpose. Seal the fate of the czar and his family." He waved his hand, and little green bats fly out of it.

From that moment on the spark of unhappiness in our country was fanned into a flame.

The royal family ran down the halls of the palace, old coats around them and bags in their arms.

"Hurry children!" Nicholas said, trying to get his five children to run faster.

"My music box!" Mystiscia said with a gasp. She turned around and ran back to her room, but the revolutionaries had entered the palace and were making their way up to the living quarters at that moment.

"Mystiscia, come back! Come back! Mystiscia!" Lorelei shouted after her granddaughter. The old woman ran down the halls, after the little girl.

Mystiscia grabbed her gold secret music box. Lorelei reached the large room, and, startled by the noises in the hall, closed the door. Ash spied in on the 2 royals as they turned to leave.

"Mystiscia! Please hurry!" She whispered across the room. The girl ran over to Lorelei, and they coward in fear.

Ash opened the secret passage in the room, and dashed through. "This way! Out the servant's quarters!" He said, pushing them through the wall, then closed it, staying in the room. But, again, Mystiscia dropped her music box.

"My Music Box!" She whined through the wall.

"Go!" Ash hissed, locking the hidden compartment.

"Men! In here!" A deep voice from the hall said. He quickly opened the door and many men came through. They looked at Ash, and one stepped forward.

"Where are they, boy? We heard women." He said gruffly.

Ash, instead of answering, threw a vase at the soldier. The solider responds by hitting Ash on the head with the butt of his gun. Ash dropped to the ground with a 'thud', right next to the music box.

Lorelei and Mystiscia made it through the small quarters, and were running across the frozen river. "Oh, grandmama!" Mystiscia said as she tripped.

"Keep up with me darling!" Lorelei said, pulling her up.

Giovanni saw the two from the bridge, and jumped off it, onto the frozen river. He grabbed the downed red head's foot, and pulled her towards him.

"Giovanni!" Lorelei gasped.

"Oh you'll never escape me child! Never!" He said while pulling the poor girl's foot.

Mystiscia kicked the ice under Giovanni, causing it to crack more, it cracked when he landed on it. The ice broke, and Giovanni fell into it.

"No!" He screamed as the current pulled him under.

The two got to a train station, and chased after a train that just started off. Lorelei grabbed onto the back and got on. "Misty, grab my hand." She ordered to Mystiscia, who was still chasing the ever-increasing train.

Their hands met. "Don't let go." Mystiscia said, tears coming to her eyes.

The youth's hand slipped from the old woman's, and the red head fell to the ground, hitting the tracks with her head. "Misty! Misty!" The grandmother shouted, trying to get off the train. But her servants who had gotten on the train before her held her back. (Misty's Lorelei's nickname for Mystiscia.)

So many lives were destroyed that night. What had always been was now gone. And my Mystiscia, my beloved grandchild, I never saw her again.


A/N- Ok, that's the prologue to my Anastasia story…I like writing stories based on movies….and if you liked Forever After, I think you'll like this one…. I'm thinking of putting the songs from the movie in, but changing them to fit my needs. I know in my other parody story, I changed a lot, but in this one, it's easier to keep the Czar and the original plot line. I know in my other story I changed around things, and I may do that here, but I doubt it. I'm sticking to the script ^_~. Please-tell me if I should continue. I think it's really kool cuz, well, I wrote it and I love the movie Anastasia, and, well, please review! Oh, I'm still working on the next chapter to Forever After, I'm hoping to finish it tonight, or tomorrow…..so….expect it soon!!!!

P.S.- I don't own Pokémon or Anastasia, even though I'd love to, I don't, okiday?