Pokemon Fan Fiction ❯ 50_Themes ❯ Theme #18: Reaching ( Chapter 18 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Title: Runaway
Authors: Nephitari Champion and Shadow/Phantomness
Pairing: Championshipping (Lance x Red
Fandom: Pokémon
Theme: #
18, Reaching
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: Pokemon belongs to Satoshi Tajiri, Nintendo and Shogakukan Comics. This non-profit, non-copyright infringing fanfiction belongs to me under international copyright laws and taking it is plagiarism. Thank you. *Phantomness bows*
Notes: <> for telepathy, ** for thoughts, italics if a pokemon talks. Pokemon Special/Adventures-verse with Game-verse inferences
Warnings: AU Divergence after Book 7, ignores the GSC manga and other manga chapters, fanon, het, incorrect gender pronouns, Character bashing and possible Out-of-Character actions
Lance's eyes were mere slits as she communicated with the lead Gyarados. < It's Team Rocket, isn't it? >
The Pokemon nodded.
The Dragon Master nodded. < You must leave. > She had a niggling feeling of being watched, but ignored it. They were not worth her time.
If worst came to worst, well, her Dragonair could take care of the problem.
When the news had began broadcasting reports of rampaging Pokemon, Red decided that he had to do something.
He crept to the lakeside to observe. His eyes widened when he noticed that the Gyarados had all begun flying away.
Red goggled for a second, before he decided that was good. Now he had to take care of Team Rocket. He spotted an Executive and several Grunts nearby. They also saw him, and angrily released Zubat and the like.
“Aeroy, I choose you!” Red smirked, releasing his Aerodactyl.
He hopped on Aeroy's back as the battle began. Lance smiled, and slipped away. His duty was done.
Ptera would keep watch for him. Mount Silver was dangerous, but no one would bother him here.
The Pallet Trainer's adrenaline was pumping. He won easily, and left them tied up while he called the police.
Then he took off. This detour had kept him longer than he had anticipated. Red knew that he had to do something, as his wrists and ankles were still weak from Lorelei's ice. He had heard of healing springs in Mount Silver...
He rubbed his wrists. “Ouch…”
He looked around. “She said she would meet me here.”
“Red!” Yellow ran out of the bushes and hugged him.
Her arms had snapped his wrists against his sides. “Ow! Yellow, be careful! You know I haven't fully recovered from Lorelei's attack yet…”
She grinned. “Come on,” She began leading him towards the springs.
* Did she hear what I said at all? *
Fortunately, Lance was long gone.
Red finally found a spring. He took off his gloves and dipped his hands inside. He was kind of skeptical about the whole thing, but he needed his wrists fully functional if he was going to stay a Trainer.
He checked his wrists. They felt a tiny bit better.
He didn't know what to think. “Yellow? Can you leave me alone for a while?”
The girl pouted. “Why?”
“I-I don't really think this is the strongest spring.”
Red put his gloves back on and began to walk the way they had been going for a while. Yellow passed out about twenty minutes later. She was too weak to endure.
The boy looked back and snorted. “She is too weak to keep going. Why did I ask her to come with me?”
Should he leave her?
He did not remember actually asking her to come with him, and she was slowing him down. Yellow was not a true Trainer, anyway.
Red left Pikachu to guard her. Pika liked Yellow more, anyway. Then he kept walking.
Then he let Aeroy out so that he wouldn't have to reach for a Poke ball if danger showed up.
“Did I ever hint that I liked Yellow, Aeroy?” Red looked up at his flying Pokemon. He did not think so, but…
Aeroy shrugged. You mentioned living with her.
“That was because I was excited!”
And you were always nice.
“Just because I'm nice to her does not mean I like her that way. I didn't even know she was a girl when we met this time. And, I'm nice to almost everyone, Aeroy!"
The dragon shut up.
Great, he had put his foot in his mouth again. He sighed and hugged the flyer. “I'm sorry, I didn't mean to sound harsh.”
After some more walking, they reached another spring.
Red tested it. This time, his wrists tingled.
He slipped out of his clothes and into the spring. He was feeling better already. The black-haired teen happily closed his eyes.
After soaking for about an hour, his wrists were feeling better, but it would probably take a few days for him to heal completely. That was all right. He climbed out of the spring and made camp.
Danger prickled along his spine. The Trainer abruptly felt as though he weren't alone. Red looked around. “Who's there?”
There was no reply. He did not let his guard down. Training was dangerous in and of itself. Maybe he should attack?
“Aeroy, Supersonic,” He commanded.
The dragon Pokemon nodded, but was distracted when a different set of sound waves blasted back towards them.
Red looked. “Do it again. I don't want to hurt anyone.”
The grass rustled as another Aerodactyl poked her head out of the grass. Her body was covered in severe burns.
The Trainer gasped and began to approach her slowly. “Are you all right?”
Ptera bared her fangs at him. Lance stalked out, before glaring at Red.
“Did you come here to finish us off, Champion?” She hissed.
“No. Not at all! I came for the springs.” Red pulled out a Burn Heal and began applying it.
Lance watched him with narrowed eyes, before she nodded stiffly.
He worked slowly. “If I had wanted to hurt you, I would have used an attack other then Supersonic.”
“Very well,” The voice was quiet, when he finished with Ptera.
Red backed away, smiling. “I think your quest was a noble one.” He turned to Lance. “And, truthfully, I'm inclined to agree with you as two of my Pokemon… were tortured by Team Rocket.”
Golden eyes met ruby, gauging him. Was this another trick?
Red touched two Poke Balls, the ones containing Vee and Gyara. There was nothing but truth in those ruby eyes.
“I see,” Lance said. She gathered Ptera up and turned to leave.
“Why are you leaving?” He asked.
“I have nothing more to say to you.”
“I see,” He kept his eyes on the other Trainer. “I don't think you should just give up on what you want.”
“Brave words, Champion,” Lance said quietly. “A pity you neglected to join our side when we offered you the chance.”
“Would I be Champion if I gave up? No! And I don't think you should give up either, Lance!”
“You know nothing about me,” She hissed.
“So what if you hit a bump! You should keep trying!” Red glared. “Are you really that weak, Lance?”
She stormed off, not saying any more. How dare Red try to patronize her? He was a fool, just as all his side was. His pretty words were nothing but lies meant to draw her in. And she would not submit to that naïve, idealistic boy.
The redhead did not look back once. Red felt frustrated. Something was screaming at him, but...
There was an insane gleam in the Dragon Master's eyes as she surveyed the still-sleeping Yellow and the Pikachu guarding her. “Let's end this farce,” She told the mouse.
Pika nodded.
Brilliant lightning split the sky.
Pika was amazed at how fast the human could move. She had a sword she had conjured from somewhere, and was deflecting his attacks with amazing accuracy.
Yellow blinked. Lance had never used anything like this at Cerise...
She ran forwards, but tripped over a tree root just as Lance flourished the blade. Pika gave a wail of terror as a cage of electricity clamped down on him. It wouldn't budge!
Red knew something was up. He had seen the light show and hopped on Aeroy, heading down the mountain as fast as he could.
He watched from the air. If he helped Pika, then Lance would think him a hypocrite. For some reason, that was simply unacceptable.
Why did he care?
His mind was telling him to get the hell out of there, but his heart was tugging him in the direction. Had he suddenly developed a crush? No way! That was stupid, especially since she was their enemy!
A smirk curved Lance's lips as she turned to Yellow.
Yellow glared. Then she saw Aeroy. Thank goodness her hero had arrived. “Red, I need your help! He's attacking me!”
“No,” He said quietly.
The blonde panicked. Those eyes were crazy!
Red walked over to Pika's prison, watching Lance the whole time.
Lance placed the point of the sword against Yellow's heart, and chanted. Red couldn't understand a word, but the blonde girl began to scream.
“The Mother's Gift is no longer yours…”
At this point, he really didn't care.
Lance closed her eyes and then pressed the tip of the blade against her own chest, before it dissolved.
Red blinked. What just happened?
The Elite Trainer gave him a cool glance, before she stood. “Apparently you are not as foolish as I anticipated.”
Red smiled. “I still think you gave up too easily.” He shrugged and headed back to his campsite.
Lance shook her head and flew off. * You know nothing. *
She ought to leave. This blasted child was a stumbling block in her plans. Even if she had nothing, she still had her dragons, and she would protect them, even if she had lost the wild Pokemon.
He was such a self-righteous glory-hound, a shining hero, just like the rest of them. The only reason she did not kill him straight out was because he had spared her Ptera, nothing more.
He had stopped just out of sight and waited for Lance to leave. “Pika…”
The rodent sparked his cheeks. Why didn't you stop him? You could have killed him! I know you could have won!
“Think about it Pika. Lance wants to protect the wild Pokemon... But not only that, she wants to make sure that trained Pokemon like you aren't abused. Why stop that? Why allow humans to pollute rivers, streams, and the ocean and raze forests? Lance wants to stop all that.”
He deserves to die!
Pika struggled against his bindings. Yellow will free all the Pokemon! We need to help her! The Elite Four are all evil!
“Yellow is dead, Pika. She was going to let the humans stay, if nothing is done then, return. Just because Lugia managed to heal part of the environment does not mean it will last forever…”
Red recalled his Pikachu with a frown.
Meanwhile, on another part of the mountain, another conversation was taking place. This one was no less serious.
Master, Ptera nudged her. Are you all right?
“I'm only exhausted... calling the Sacred Sword always takes energy.” She reassured her Pokemon.
The Aerodactyl nodded. Why don't you go back to the springs?
“I don not wish to see him again.”
Why not?
“You know very well why not.” Lance said sharply. “He is nothing but trouble.”
Ptera shook her head.
She stroked her Pokemon's crest. “It is better this way.”
“You can go visit Aeroy, darling. I will be all right.”
Ptera did not want to leave her Master alone. Still, she missed Aeroy.
I'll be back soon. She promised. The other dragons would take care of her, right? Right! Nonetheless, it seemed unfair that she could visit her Mate and Master...
Ptera sighed. Humans always had to complicate things, didn't they? Even if Guardians were part-Pokemon, they were nonetheless, prone to irrational behavior.
She found Aeroy outside of Red's campsite. His eyes lit up when he saw her. Red was soaking in the spring again.
Aeroy and Ptera cuddled.
The Pallet Trainer noticed. They were awfully cute together. It was nice that Aeroy could find a Mate, even if she belonged to an opponent Trainer.
He wondered why Lance wasn't with his Aerodactyl. Red kind of wanted to see Lance again. He… He wanted to help him.
The Pallet Trainer was a nice person at heart, after all. He absentmindedly rubbed his wrists. They weren't healing as fast as he had hoped, but... He would try to be patient.
A week passed and they still weren't healed. “What's wrong? Why won't my wrists heal?”
Aeroy looked at Ptera. Can't your Master help him?
She can, simply because Red has a trace of magic in his blood. However, she does not wish to entangle herself further in humanity's affairs.
Aeroy frowned. I'll talk to her.
Ptera nodded.
Red was still sleeping the next morning, when Lance quietly walked into his tent. The Dragon Master knelt down next to him and gently traced his wrists. Pale blue power seeped from her fingertips.
He quieted in his sleep, and small smile appeared on his face.
Lance got up and nodded to Aeroy. “Take care of him.”
Why won't you stay, Dragon Master?
“He does not need me any longer.”
Why do you think that? He will always need you. You are his Mate!
“Aeroy, please don't say any more,” Lance said. She swept her cloak around herself and faded away. * They do not know anything. Red most certainly does not need me. He has his own path to follow. It shall never intersect with mine again. As for Mates… what folly! Can his Pokemon not see that his heart belongs to that blonde? They are blinder than I anticipated. Disgusting… *
The boy tensed in his sleep. He slowly struggled awake, finding that the pain in his wrists was gone. However, he did not feel very safe anymore. Now that he was healed, he should go home, right?
So why was he still thinking about Lance?
“Ptera, will you take me to see him?” That seemed to be the only way he would be able to see the other Trainer.
She looked uncertain. Master doesn't want to see you, Red.
“Eh?” Red goggled at her. “What do you mean?”
You are enemies...
“I want to help him.” He said. He was not sure how or when he had realized that Lance was female, but he could ponder it later.
That doesn't matter. Master doesn't want to see you ever again.
Red stared at Ptera in disbelief. He began to shake his head. No… “NO!!!”
She frowned. Just what was going through his mind? He had been an inconvenient presence this entire time.
The Trainer fell to his knees, his eyes dilated. He was hardly coherent at that point. He did not know why, but it felt as though someone had ripped his heart out of his chest. It made no sense. He did not even like Lance!
Aeroy nudged him. Master...
Red was unresponsive.
The two fossil dragons looked at each other, before they picked Red up and flew him to the nearest Pokemon Center. He was shivering.
Nurse Joy tucked Red into bed, and gave him hot milk with honey to drink, but he wouldn't touch it.
It's not that bad. Aeroy tried to convince him. You were only acquaintances, nothing more.
He shook his head.
Red just closed his eyes. The Aerodactyl frowned. Ptera sighed and took off. She had better tell Lance about this.
He was asleep when Lance returned, unwillingly. The Dragon Master studied him. What was wrong this time?
Even underneath the blankets, he was pale and still shivering.
She felt his forehead, which was hot. They had interrupted her training for a simple cold? This was the last time she was making one of these trips. Lance began to croon, softly. She placed her hands on Red's shoulders, calling up Viridian's Power.
He slowly stopped shivering. The last wisp of pale blue energy faded away.
The Champion opened his eyes slightly. * Why is she here? I thought she didn't want to see me again. *
“Ptera, tell Aeroy he needs to take better care of himself.” Lance moved to the window. “And that he should go home and enjoy his life. He is going to grow up and marry Yellow and everything will be perfect.”
His Aerodactyl nodded.
She opened the window and jumped down.
It was not until he felt his cheeks getting wet that Red realized he had started to cry, like a stupid little girl in a romance novel. “Why…”
Why what?
“Why... Is she doing this?”
Doing what?
He sniffled. For some reason, he was thinking of Lance as a girl. Or maybe he had felt the slightest hint of cleavage while she held him. It was definitely maternal, if not girly. “Why won't she stay with me? What is her reason?”
The two dragons looked at each other.
“Why is she leaving me alone?”
Why do you want her to stay, Red? Master Lance doesn't like people...
“I don't know why. I just do.” He breathed. “I just feel like I've lost something, something important...” More tears fell. “I feel lost now.”
Ptera looked sadly at him.
Red closed his eyes.
I am sorry. The female Aerodactyl said. She looked at Aeroy, and silent communication passed between them. He nodded.
Then, Ptera took off, heading after her Master.
“I'm sorry,” Lance told her dragon.
We all make our choices, and my choice is to stay with you, even if I never see him again. She promised.
“He won't find me again.” She vowed. “After all, I'm not his Mate any longer. And I will be free, because he cannot betray me if I never fell in love with him in the first place. Won't that be wonderful?”
No, he would never, ever fall in love with her.
Slowly, the woman began to smile.
“I win.”
End Fic
Started 1/27/08
Completed 1/28/08
Edited 10/7/09
Lance has issues. She seriously has issues. She stays away from Red because she doesn't want Red to love her (though you could blame Slut! Ash for the problem, since they are technically reincarnations, albeit imperfect ones), but Red instinctively recognizes his Mate even without his memories. This can be beneficial when Lance is feeling in need of love, but not so useful when she's trying to stay as far away from Red as possible since he obviously wants to go sleep around with a bunch of other people. Self-flagellation and all that…
Yes, Ashton Ketchum is always committing adultery (often with Gary or Paul) in my fanfics. He just isn't straight or monogamous. There are examples all over my web page…
Even in canon, Lance has a martyr complex, yes he does! I'm quite sure of it.