Pokemon Fan Fiction ❯ 50_Themes ❯ Theme #19: Chaos ( Chapter 19 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Title: Not What She Expected
Author: Shadow/Phantomness
Pairing: Championshipping (Lance x Red
Fandom: Pokémon
Theme: #19, Chaos

Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: Pokemon belongs to Nintendo and Shogakukan Comics. This non-profit, non-copyright infringing fanfiction belongs to me under international copyright laws and taking it is plagiarism. Thank you. *Phantomness bows*
Notes: <> for telepathy, ** for thoughts, italics if a pokemon talks. Pokemon Special/Adventures-verse
Warnings: Fanon AU, Het, OOCness, established relationship, BDSM, PWP
Red let Aeroy out of his ball. “Aeroy, you can find Lance, right?”
The Aerodactyl stretched his wings, nodding and showing his fangs.
“Then let's go!” He clambered onto Aeroy's back. As he flew onward, he soon spotted a familiar redhead, busily trying to Hyper Beam a blonde and her yellow rat.
A surge of anger filled him. “Aeroy, let's help!”
His Pokemon tensed, before firing a Hyper Beam of his own. Yellow and Pikachu were completely blindsided.
Confused, she looked up, seeing Red and his Aeroy. Pika shivered, knowing that he was in trouble.
“What did you do that for,” She yelled, getting up from where the blast had slammed her into the ground.
Master Red!
Red jumped down, landing in front of them. "What are you doing with my Pika, Yellow?"
“He came to me for help after you were frozen!” The blonde was confused.
Then he should have brought you straight to Mount Moon!” He was looking at Pika expectantly. As expected, the Pokemon looked sheepish. They had just wandered around Kanto for months. Did he even care about his mission?
“Pika... Why are you fighting Lance?” The boy stopped short. * Can't call her Lance-chan, not in front of Yellow... * He held out the Poke Ball. “Return…”
No, this couldn't happen! He dodged the beam quickly, sparking his cheeks. He had to protect Yellow!
“Aeroy,” Red frowned. With a growl, the Flying-type buried his former teammate with a Rock Slide attack, dealing heavy damage.
He tried to recall his Pokemon again. This time, Pika couldn't move.
Enraged, Red turned to Yellow. “How dare you turn my Pokemon against me?”
“I didn't do anything!” She had been searching for him until the Elite Four had started butting in everywhere!
He glared. “To attack Lance is to attack me!”
“Did Agatha brainwash you too?” She looked worried. “Oh no!”
No wonder he was acting so irrationally!
There was no way he would want her to stop fighting Lance normally! Well, once she knocked him out he would be returned to normal!
Red dodged as she charged him. Omanyte and Graveler lunged forwards as she released them. He did a neat back flip, and landed on Ptera.
By now, Lance had recovered. Dragonite hit Yellow with a Thunderwave, paralyzing her.
She steered herself away from the edge of her volcano and dismounted from the flying Pokemon.
“Hi Lance! I missed you!” The black-haired teen was grinning.
She arched an eyebrow. “I take it that the discussion with Agatha and Lorelei went poorly.”
Red nodded. “If they wanted to recruit me, they should have just visited!” He hugged her. “I hate it that Pika is so fickle…”
Gently, she hugged him back. “Are you injured?” Pointing out that the many Pikachu he had met over the course of lifetimes all tended to be mercurial in temperament would be rubbing salt in the wound.
“No more than usual, and that's easily taken care of, Lance-chan.”
With a nod, she began to concentrate Viridian's Power to heal him. He cuddled as she healed him.
Yellow's eyes were wide. What was going on here? The mother's Power didn't work on humans, did it?
After a moment, she pulled away. “Are you feeling better now?”
“Very much so,” He pulled her back, into a kiss.
“Red,” She protested slightly, but couldn't help feeling the familiar burn of arousal. “That girl is still watching us.”
“What about it? She thinks I'm brainwashed,” He gave her a suggestive grin. “Command me, Master…” Her husband whispered coyly, trying not to giggle.
Lance began to smile, as she fondled him between the legs for a moment.
< You like the idea, ne? > He teased.
< Quite… > she gripped his stiffening prick.
He mewled. Red giggled mentally, trying to keep the illusion up.
“Whatever shall I do with you?” His wife considered. Evidently, he still had an exhibitionist streak, didn't he? The girl smirked. This, she could use...
After all, it was time to make Yellow see how much of a failure she was.
Lance stroked him a bit harder, before unzipping his jeans. He moaned pitifully.
“You are my toy, Red.” She hissed. * Darling, I do enjoy these games so much. *
“Yes Master, I am nothing but your toy…” He attempted to keep his voice monotone, but without much success.
She got off humiliating her husband like this, and nothing made him cum harder. He enjoyed submitting to her.
Yellow wanted to cry, to scream, to kill Lance and save her Red. This could not be happening! She was the one on the right side so she should win and get the guy!
“Are you wet, bitch?” She hissed.
“Y-yes…” He admitted. His boxers were soaked. Yellow had practically told them they could play in front of her, and it had been a long time since their last encounter. He was definitely ready!
“What are bitches supposed to do?” His wife asked. * If you want to play rough, then we might as well go all the way. *
Fortunately, she had made preparations, though she had assumed those would be after the battle.
“Umm…” Red gulped. “Bitches are for breeding…”
Exactly…” Lance smirked darkly. She unzipped her pants, as a twelve-inch cyberskin dildo flopped out. This was one of the special ones that could ejaculate with fake cum.
He licked his lips. * Oh, I like the way this is going! *
“Open your mouth wide, slut,” She told her husband.
< Yay! > Red very happily obeyed. He began to suck on the toy. After a few minutes, he felt her shove it down his throat.
He stilled for a moment, trying not to choke. Gimlet-eyed, the movement did not go unnoticed. She stopped, letting him adjust to the size.
He relaxed seconds later and began to suck on it again. Soon, fluid began oozing out. It was vanilla cream!
< Yummy! >
Vanilla Cream was good, just not as good as Lance. He loved the taste of her pussy juice, or her cum when she was a boy. It didn't matter which it was.
< You should refill it with your own juice when it's empty... > the teen suggested, as he continued to slurp on his treat.
“Drink it all up,” She commanded. “This is all you're good for, whore!”
Red nodded.
Yellow did not want to watch this. It was homosexual rape! Poor Red! She just became more determined to kill Lance.
It was up to her to save him! Now, if only her body would move.
* Move, move, move! *
Alas, she was still paralyzed, and could only watch in horror. But! It looked like... Red liked it? No! She was imagining things!
Lance grinned widely. “Are you my cum-slut?”
A dark sex flush covered his body, evident as she ripped his clothes off. She slowly let her eyes trail down her husband's body.
The black-haired boyish-looking Trainer spread his legs.
* Please don't stop… *
< Adorable kitten… > her smirk darkened. Her spouse could hardly wait, and the scream that sounded as she pushed inside was one of pleasure, because he came seconds afterward.
* He likes it! *
Red was hers, to use as often as she liked. While she would defer to him outside of the bedroom, he loved being dominated in it. He purred, unable to help it.
She rode him fast and hard, before pulling out and spurting all over his chest and face. What seemed like gallons of juice drenched him.
Groggily, the man blinked for a few minutes, coming down from his high. Then he licked his lips. Yes, it was hers this time.
* Awesome! * He set about cleaning himself.
Aghast, Yellow watched him lick up every drop of liquid he could get. That was when Lance pulled off Red's glove and showered her a plain wedding-band on his finger. Without further ado, the Dragon Master tossed the blonde into the volcano, and grinned at her husband.
The Lolita saw a pair of matching rings before she died.
“Darling,” She bent down and kissed him. “Was it good for you?”
“Yes Lance-chan.” Red spent a few more minutes enjoying her taste, before grinning. “We should go home now.”
“Very well,” His wife agreed demurely. “Let's…”
End Fic
Completed 3/29/09
Edited 11/3/09
Yes, Red and Lance are married. The age of adulthood in the Pokemon World is ten or eleven, so it's not illegal. And while Lance isn't really cross-dressing, she is wearing a strap-on *cough* so Yellow's confusion makes sense.
24/7/365 is used in BDSM ads to denote a full-time Master/slave relationship. I guess this case doesn't completely qualify, but maybe there are times where Red lets his wife have complete control. Whee!