Pokemon Fan Fiction ❯ Just to Satisfy ❯ Tag Along ( Chapter 16 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I do not claim any of the Pokemon characters used in this chapter, because they are all property of Satoshi Tajiri and I haven't stolen the rights from him yet. I bet he has people try that all the time, actually; probably has to have bodyguards and stuff.
Imagine Kitty's surprise when a familiar absol decided to make an unexpected visit to her home early the next morning. She had been lying peacefully enough in bed, enjoying her sleep for as long as she could, when a painful tug on her ear forced her out of her slumber and into the waking world. Grumbling darkly about inconsiderate jerks and needing energy to beat them up, she blinked owlishly up at Blade and managed a faint, “G'mornin'.”
“Hm.” Watching the way her eyelids fluttered closed and her head tipped down to rest on her chest, he nudged her with his foot to prevent her from falling back asleep. “Get up.”
“Ugh. But I dun wanna . . .” Enduring a few more nudges before another tug on her ear made her stir again, she groaned and got to her feet with a sour, “Alright, I'm up. Geez. Ruining my sleep and kicking me . . .” She grumbled darkly as she followed Blade out the door and over to the mailbox, until finally her senses came back to her and she was able to be confused by his presence. “Wait, what the hell are you doing here?”
“Helping,” was his only answer as he rifled through the missions, pulling out a chunk of them and gripping them with his teeth. Walking back into the hut, he ignored her curious gaze as he sorted through the mail to organize what needed to be done that day. Pushing some aside and stacking others into a pile, he eventually picked a few to do and let her examine them-an escort, a rescue and an item delivery, all fairly close to each other in the dark depths of Sinister Woods. He didn't let her dwell on that for long, though, as she had to hurry out of the base after him with the letters in her mouth.
“Where are we going,” she asked him around the mouthful of paper, watching him curiously for the subtle cues Sakura had talked about before; he blinked, flicked his gaze to her, and then returned to staring ahead of him. Uh. What's that mean? For the millionth time that month, she realized how much she missed Sakura when she was gone. She'd be able to figure out what he's thinking, I'm sure.
“To get supplies,” he replied, voice naturally smooth like velvet, concealing whatever emotions he might have been feeling behind a rigid, calm mask. The mystery that surrounded him gave him the advantage in battle, but it also made it difficult for his teammates to understand him whenever he decided to remain silent. Kitty almost envied his ability to hold up a poker face and leave others in the dark as to his thoughts, but she didn't think he could drop it.
Frowning at his strange behavior (What is with everyone being strange nowadays?), she carefully mumbled, “I could've gone by myself, y'know . . .” Surprisingly, he glanced over at her and raised an eyebrow skeptically, making her grow defensive as she defended shrilly, “What? I could too!”
“After waking up late, and only because I forced you up,” he countered calmly, eyebrow and doubt unyielding, “you expect me to believe you could walk from your house to the square and not get into trouble?” He scoffed as his claws clacked against the dry wooden bridge, muttering half to himself, “Right.”
She scowled at his lack of faith in her, arguing, “Hey, I've been a rescuer for a long time, okay? And I've been doing fine, thank you very much.”
“Because Sakura wouldn't let you get into trouble.” Growling at his words, she turned her head away from him childishly, giving a small huff to show her displeasure. “How mature of you. You're really proving your point, you know.”
“Oh, shut up,” she snapped, looking over only to give him a glare before strutting ahead and approaching Kangaskhan with her chin held high. She acquired the items she thought they'd need, scowled when he asked to bring extra provisions, and finally walked away from storage to see what the kecleon brothers had to sell. “I can do this,” she grumbled to the absol when he tried to take over the shopping, and he rolled his eyes as she haggled with the younger brother for a handful of apples.
“How does Sakura deal with you and your moods,” he “mumbled” as they started the relatively short journey towards the woods, earning himself another glare from the fox beside him.
“How does she deal with yours,” she shot back angrily, rolling her eyes when he only snorted at her childish retort. “Seriously, I don't think I'll be able to go through the rest of today without socking you at least once.”
“ “Socking?” ”
“Never mind. Look,” she attempted one last time to get rid of him, “I really don't need to kill one of my teammates while Sakura's gone. Do you know how mad she'd be if she came back to find us one member short?”
“All the more reason for me to tag along,” he answered calmly, “to make sure you don't kill anyone.”
Why do I have the feeling these are just excuses to watch over me while Sakura's gone? He ignored her irritated glower to instead focus on the road ahead of them, and let out a frustrated huff before letting it be. How many times am I going to have to tell people that I can do missions by myself? I saved the freakin' world! What more do you want from me? Reminded of the times the villagers had said she couldn't handle Groudon after Team A.C.T. had been defeated, she wondered if they just underestimated her because of her size. I hate being short.
Theme: Excuses
Lots of dragon-y love (and cookies!),
~DL (“Dragon Lover”)