Pretty Cure Fan Fiction ❯ A Mirror Darkly ❯ Chapter 6

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

No one felt like celebrating the victory. Even though no one had been hurt, the afternoon had been a long one. Slowly, the girls just filed back into the inn, collecting their keys from the front desk and stretching out. Regina was the only one with any kind of energy at all. She looked up to see Nagisa staring at them, with a slightly hollow look in her eyes. "Geez, you look like you've just seen a ghost. You okay?"

"I am, but Gemini's not doing so well. Put her up in your room to sleep it off like she wa-" Nagisa trailed off as Regina flew up the stairs. Literally. "Don't fly in the inn!" she shouted after, before rubbing her forehead. "Great, covering this up is gonna be fun. But that's for later."

Makoto blinked. "Where's she going?"

Nagisa waved it off. "Gemini said something about Regina being able to use the Commune."

Makoto suddenly pasted on the biggest fake smile she could. "Mana, I think it's best to leave them to it. Want to join me in the private bath?"

"Eh?" Mana suddenly found herself being dragged off in the direction of the hot springs.

Hikari found herself chuckling. "Guess what they say about a good fight is true for some people. Still, I'm sure they'll be responsible. Shall we relax for a few hours before dinner?" Everyone stared at her. "What?"

"Makopi!" Mana shouted inidgnantly. "If you're trying to keep this a secret, you've just done a terrible job!"


Mana's voice went into a deadpan. "You just dragged me through the change room, into the private bath, slammed the door loudly, and all in our day clothes."


Mana shook her head. "Well, we're here, what is it?"

"Mana...have you noticed something off about Gemini?" Mana just narrowed her eyes. "...okay, dumb question. But...I mean, you're the one to ask, right?"

"Makopi, just tell me already."

"I think Gemini's a Jikochuu."

Mana blinked several times in utter bewilderment. As declarations went this one was. . . well, it wasn't quite out of sync with the rest of her life the past two days, but it was well into bizarre territory. "Makoto Kenzaki, let me get this straight. After telling me you could see where Gemini was just like me..."


The sudden declaration cutting her off managed to shock Mana into a reaction. "Why would she do all this if she's a Jikochuu?"

Makoto sighed. "I don't think she knows. It's mostly Regina's behavior. She's very protective, even against things that she really shouldn't be."

Mana thought about it for a moment, eyes looking down at the floor. "And the last straw was that Regina can't heal humans or turn Jikochuu back..."

"...but she can heal Gemini." Makoto confirmed.

Mana thought about it for a moment. "No, that's not the only explanation, or even the most likely one." Makoto opened her mouth to voice a protest, but Mana ploughed on through. "She's just using Regina's Jikochuu powers. It makes sense that her magic would be a little like that. Regina. . . it's really hard to explain, but remember how ours was when she first decided to be my friend?"

Makoto narrowed her eyes. "I remember she tried to blow up the school, sealed Rikka's mouth shut for several hours and only narrowly missed her nose, and then decided to kill everyone who had the slightest demand on your time."

Mana blushed slightly. "Yeah, that was a bit of a learning experience for everyone. But the point is, she wasn't doing it to hurt you."

Makoto stared incredulously. "Mana, of course she was trying to hurt us!"

"No." Mana said firmly. "She was trying to help me. She just didn't care who got hurt in the process until I made her care."

"Are you sure?" Makoto paused. "I guess it kinda makes sense, but it seems like you're splitting hairs awfully fine."

"I'm sure. And I'm sure it's the same thing." Mana said. "She's just being overprotective because Gemini's been hurt, badly."

"I'd still like to have a little more than guesses."

Mana thought for a moment. "Okay, let's go ask Regina. Quietly."

"NO!" Mana's hair flew back out of its' ponytail at the force of Regina's shout. "GEMINI IS FINE! THERE IS NOTHING WRONG WITH HER! DO YOU UNDERSTAND!? NOTHING!" The Jikochuu princess stormed off, barely remembering to keep her feet on the ground in the public space, but each footfall resounding through the whole inn.

"Okay, that was not normal." Mana conceded. "What do we do?"

"We should tell her," Makoto said quietly, guiltily.

Mana frowned. "Does it matter?"

"Wouldn't you want to know?"

"Know what?" Gemini asked from a spot right behind the pair.

Mana jumped up about five feet straight. "Nothing. Something about a boy Rikka likes."

"Huh. Thought she was as straight as I am." Gemini shrugged. "I'll keep that in mind. Well, whatever helps you girls out. I'm gonna go to the baths again before dinner."

Mana nodded. "Good idea. We just came from there."

Gemini smirked over her shoulder. "I know, everyone was talking about it. None of my business, though. Just remember to smile for the cameras." Mana found herself spluttering as her counterpart sauntered off.

Makoto let out a breath she hadn't known she was holding. "How the heck did she miss that tantrum?"

"I don't think she did." Mana sighed as she was brought back to the real issue. "She's just ignoring it. And...I'm not sure I'd want to know or not."


"I'm really not. First, what can we tell her? That Regina's hiding something? I mean, it's Regina, she's probably hiding a few things. Second, well, so what if she's..." Mana searched for a word that wouldn't be insulting, but lamely found herself settling on "...different?"

"It could mean she's just based on your other self, or something," Makoto pointed out. "She has a right to know if she's real or not."

"She's real." Mana said firmly. "Whatever she is, she's Gemini. Everything else is details."

Regina slammed her fist into the wall of her room. "Damn. They've figured it out. I have to hurry this up."

A knock at the door interrupted that train of thought. "Hey, kid, can I come in?" She froze for a moment before realizing it was Nagisa. "We need to have a quick chat."

"...all right."

Nagisa opened the door, closed it behind her, and pointedly locked it. "Three things. One, gonna tell me what the shouting was about?"

" I have to?"

Nagisa thought about it for a moment. "Does it have any direct effect on what we're going about doing?"

Regina thought quickly "...only one. Gemini's Precure powers come from me, so what do you think happens if one of your attacks hits her?"

Nagisa shrugged. "Okay, I'll buy that. Probably won't kill her, but it's bound to be a bad day all around." She noted Regina's wince at that, but chose not to say anything further. "Two, how's your power level? I've been paying attention to what's been going on on this side, and frankly you don't seem to pack the punch your counterpart does. You're making up for it, but. . . well, what do you need?"

Regina winced again. "I need. . . something. Something nice. It's so hard, trying to be a good person when you need to take things and be jealous just to keep going."

"So you've found a balance that lets you function, but you're almost more human than Youkai in some ways." Nagisa frowned. "Here." Regina stared as Nagisa took off her jacket, revealing a shoulder holster and . . .

"A pistol?" Regina blinked. "I'd rather not. I shouldn't."

Nagisa chuckled and pulled it out. Regina noted the large barrel with fascination. Were she more familiar, she'd recognize the barrel as being more suited to a shotgun. "Latest model, I don't think even the police have these yet. Only holds three rounds. If you'd prefer I can have Honoka bring up a shotgun and some more ammo."

Regina shook her head. "Ma'am," the Jikochuu girl took in a deep breath to buy a moment to think. "I shouldn't kill. I don't know what would happen to me."

"Stun rounds." Nagisa clarified. "Not one-hundred-percent, but as long as you hit you'll at least stop a human for a few moments."

"...that could work," Regina conceded. "Yeah, bring the shotgun. Those should work on Precure too."

Nagisa winced. "We can hope."

Regina mumbled out an apology before looking up. "What was the third thing?"

"What do you think the enemy's game plan is going to be?" Nagisa asked, seriously. "I mean the Jikochuu on this side."

"Ira was here. Not the brightest bulb, but he knows how to save his own skin. If he was the only one, we've got a day, maybe more before he lets it slip. If more of them were involved, they'll attack tomorrow morning, and won't let up."

Nagisa frowned. "And it's too late to abort now. Honoka's finished. We're just packing it up to fly it here. It's too big for the bookshelves or Setsuna, and Honoka was going on and on about 'unstable compounds.'"

"Shit!" Nagisa winced at the sudden swear-word. "That thing's based on YTF magitech. 'Unstable' usually rhymes with 'explosive.'"

Nagisa went pale. "I'm sure Honoka and Sebastian have taken precautions..."

"Beautiful. Just beautiful." Regina groaned. "And it's just Ace right now. Five minutes. . . can you do anything with that?"

"I think so." Nagisa pulled out a tablet. "It'll depend, but. . . yeah, I know who to hand this plan off to."

Regina nodded. "Good. Don't tell the others until we're gone, then get back to Tokyo as fast as possible."

"Will do, kid."

Yuri stood in the middle of a clearing in the woods. The summer had been unnaturally warm, and even though it was almost mid-morning she was sweating in the shade. Tsubomi was with her as well, looking at some diagrams on a tablet provided by Honoka before they'd left. "Hey, Tsubomi, you done?" she asked, taking a drink out of her water bottle.

"Almost!" Tsubomi confirmed. "I think we can proceed, I just sent off a message to Honoka and Sebastian. These plants here are kind of uncommon, I was asking if we could make adjustments so the generator won't be blasting over them."


The tablet beeped, and a quick glance confirmed "No. Honoka doesn't want to deviate from the schematics on the off chance the positioning is important."

"Well, people are going to have to use this thing without a test run," Yuri pointed out. "Besides, they'll be here any minute and the portal can only be open for a few hours. This is no time to be making last-minute changes."

"I know, I know…" Tsubomi looked like she wanted to elaborate, but the sound of a helicopter coming up cut her off. "It's them!"

They dutifully backed out of the clearing, and the helicopter appeared overhead. Hanging underneath was a wire-frame structure with a number of satelite dishes hanging off of it. Wires, Jacob's ladders, and a number of things Yuri didn't care to guess at had been left dangling. The dubious device was lowered into place, the cable holding it released, and then a rope ladder lowered and Honoka climbed down into the clearing, a helmet on her head and Mepple on her shoulder. A quick wave sent the helicopter off, and once it was at a safe distance she removed the helmet and put on her glasses. "All right, looks good. Sebastian's rented a spot to put it down. He'll fetch the others and be here shortly."

Yuri nodded. "The generator isn't quite here yet, but Nagisa said she'd bring it up. We should be ready to go at noon."

"Excellent. I'm eager to see if it works!" Both girls stared at her. "Well, I can hardly test it in Tokyo, can I?"

Everyone was assembled. Those with any technical inclination at all were looking over the setup, but it wouldn't be long before they gave it a shot. Mana bit her lip, suddenly realizing what that bit about giving a speech really meant.

In movies it was all dramatic gestures and inspired confidence. But would just be passing the time. Keeping everyone from losing their nerve. "Guys!" Everyone stopped milling about. "I've...we've never done anything like this before. I know we don't know what to expect, but we've got to be ready for it.

"We won't be alone. Gemini and Regina have an extensive list of people who have left the YTF. People with the power to fight back. We just need to find them and show them the way.

"Once we have that, we'll need to do something that everyone on the other side says is impossible - find a way into the YTF, and get their deepest, darkest secrets. The people they hurt in the name of their 'security.' And we will.

"We will. Because if we don't, they'll come to us, make our world like theirs. Afraid. Well, I'm not afraid of them. They're just bullies, and the only way to beat a bully is to stand up to them."

Nagisa stepped up. "We still have a few minutes. This is going to be dangerous, so if you have a message for your families, in case you don't come back. . . "

Everyone nodded, and one by one most walked up and handed them to her. Some on flash sticks, a few on their soon-to-be-useless cell phones. Nagisa nodded. "Very well, Honoka?"

"We're ready."

There were no dramatic calls for transformation, simply a flash of light, and when it subsided there were Precure where ordinary girls and women had been a moment before. Without a word, Blossom, Marine, Sunshine, Moonlight, and Peace took up positions around the portal.

Tsubomi spoke. "Heartcatch Mirage. One more time, we call on your power to help us save this world." The music box appeared, floating serenely over the portal. It opened of its' own accord, and energy gently flowed from its' center in a fountain into the four girls who were attuned to it, empowering them, their skirts flowing out into long dresses. Each pointed a finger solemnly at a point on the device, and it began to glow. A swirl of light appeared, looking like a soft blue whirlpool that stretched ever-so-slowly from the edges to the center.

Peace stepped up nervously. "Precure...Peace THUNDER!" Her lightning strike hit the top of the portal, and arcs of energy started to form all over the makeshift contraption's surface, lightning arcing all around...and then the image formed, of a large clearing and the woods off in the distance. The sound of a generator started.

Gemini nodded. "It's working." There was no elation. "Everyone who's going, GO!"

Honoka shouted. "You have one hour before the portal overloads! I'll open another one at the base of Tokyo Tower in one week!"

"Got it!" Heart gave a thumbs up as eleven Precure and one youkai stepped through.

The scene on the other side was chaos. Gemini was first on her feet, spinning about at the sudden noise, only to swiftly go pale.

It wasn't just the sight of the trees surrounding the clearing having been chopped down, although that was certainly part of it. Nor was it the row after row of neat, canvas tents, easily large enough to constitute a base of some kind. The dark green camouflage coloring of everything was closer, but not quite right.

Instead it was the people. The taller ones, maybe comprising three quarters of the group that she could see, were obvious JSDF ground forces soldiers. Young, fresh-faced, and many (though, oddly, not most) with a rifle slung over their shoulders. She met the eyes of one older gentleman, and they both stared at each other in shock for several moments.

Regina, along with Heart and her friends, were the next to land, and almost as quickly assessed the situation. Gemini, however, was pinned in place by the sight of the girls. Precure. Artificial Precure. Almost fifty of them. And they were already shaking off their surprise and going for the small heart pendants around their necks. "Oh SHIT!"

Bloom, Egret, Windy, and Bright came through and stared at the declaration while Gemini was bringing her sword around. "They found us! Run for it!"

Regina stood protectively in front of Dream and Moonlight, the last to arrive. She brought her new toy up, an assault shotgun. She held it in place for a moment, then realized that people were running past her. "What are you doing!?"

Heart glanced over her shoulder. "It's only fifty of them, right? We'll be fine!"

Gemini turned the air around her blue with her cussing at that statement. "Heart, you idiot! Get out of here!"

A voice called out that stalled everyone in their tracks. "Cure Heart. That's not a name I've heard in awhile…" The crowd in the camp parted, and she was standing there. Black leather miniskirt with a lace trim, low-cut bodice of the same material, silver bracers on her wrists, and light blue hair allowed to flow wild and free. "But it's all the same to me what you choose to call yourself," she said coldly, before she took in the situation. "Two?" She stared at Heart. When she spoke, it was with something akin to disbelief, hope, and dread all in one "...Mana?"

Mana blinked at the reaction. "Cure Rune?"

"The portal. You're…" Rune shook it off, shouting commands to the back. "Leave those two to me. Take Rosetta alive!" She glanced coldly around. "I'm sorry. I don't recognize anyone else. I can't vouch for you. If you surrender now, you won't be . . . " her eyes landed on Shiny Luminous. "Oh fuck me! The Destroyer!"

Luminous' jaw dropped at that declaration. "What? What did you say?!"

"Kill her!" Rune called. "Before she awakens! I don't know how she got here, but KILL HER!"

Heart had heard enough. "Love Heart Arrow!" Rune stopped dead in her tracks as the duplicates of the people she knew pulled out. . . something. "It looks like you've lost your love as well…"

"...we're done with silly catchphrases," Rune snarled. "What the hell do you think you're doing, leaving THAT alive!?" The two charged at each other, Rune being a fraction of a second faster, a punch flying out that Heart was only barely able to block, but holding off the other Cure easily enough. "It can destroy everything!"

"I'll thank you to refer to Luminous as a person!" Heart replied, punctuating it with a kick that landed on Rune's ribs. Rune winced and took a step back.

"You're Mana." Rune conceded. "You're really Mana." Then her amazment slowly turned to anger. "What are you doing, listening to that. . . that thing? That thing that stole you from me?"

Mana winced at the change in tone. "You did that yourself."

Rune's eyes widened, and then she screamed with terror and fury, black and white energy coiling up around her body.

Luminous jumped into the air, narrowly avoiding the small blasts of fire and ice that flowed around her at Rune's command. She landed and found herself having to jump again right away when more energy seemed to be aimed at her. She stared and realized that, whatever had spooked Rune, it didn't seem to have affected the Artificial Cures as strongly.

They were just going to follow the order.

They're humans! Why are they doing this?! Luminous braced herself for the impact, summoning her barrier. Unfortunately, four force bolts collided against it at once, and shattered it. She cried out in pain as she took the hits and fell to the ground. ...should I not have come?

Still more magical fire was starting to come at her, and there was no way her barrier could stop that much - it wasn't the greatest of her powers. She struggled for a moment to stand, but it looked like she was about to die. Nagisa...Honoka….I'm sorry.

Of course, there was a Precure present for whom her barrier was not her weakest power "Rosetta Reflection!" The Artificials spent several moments beating on the barrier, before one of the white-clad ones called out "Hold fire! We have to take Rosetta alive, remember! Greens!"

Luminous managed to stand up just in time for one of the green Artificals to run around the barrier. She punted the poor girl wildly, which didn't seem to cause too much damage but literally sent her flying over the horizon. The display didn't stop them, though, and soon she was being overwhelmed by the remaining nineteen. While Rosetta tried to stay close in the chaos, it was clear the Greens were pushing them bodily apart so that the others would have a clear shot.

"But I'm not done yet…."

Diamond and Sword circled around the camp, amazed that they were being ignored to focus on Luminous. Diamond had returned Rosetta's nervous nod and took advantage of the situation to get around.

She glanced at Sword. "...this is it."

Sword nodded grimly. "...if you can't…"

Diamond shook her head. "...I will."

"I don't think so." A third voice, an older gentleman, said calmly. A small click followed. "Please don't move, ladies. This pistol is loaded with special depleted uranium rounds. Heavy, short range, but designed specifically to deal with girls like you."

Diamond raised her hands and turned around, regarding the man. "Sorry, I don't know how I'm supposed to tell your rank…."

"General." He said. "Now, I really do apologize girls, but I'm afraid I have my orders. There's a war on, and all that."

Sword's eyes narrowed. "A war you're starting."

"Not that one, although you are doing a rather deplorable job. Someone needs to step in." The General said quietly. He flicked his pistol to the side. "Now, if you'll just quietly step along, we'll get in my van and my driver can take us back to town."

"And if we refuse?" Diamond asked, eyes narrowed.

He just shrugged. "Then I shoot you."

Sword didn't hesitate, slamming her foot into his groin 'gently' before spinning the gun out of his hand. The gun went off suddenly, missing both girls and firing into the crowd before Sword got it out of his hands and reversed it. "On the ground, now!"

Diamond's eyes were wide. "How . . . how did you. . . ?"

"It's just like a knife," Sword shrugged. "He said it was short-ranged, what could it have hit?"

Moonlight found herself back-to-back with Bloom and Bright. They were surrounded, maybe twenty of the energy-wielders distracted by just the three of them. "So, what do you think of these Artificial Precure so far?" she asked mildly.

Bright was somewhat cool, glancing them over with disdain. "They should have brought more."

"It does seem rather strange," Moonlight conceded. "Looks like about five for each of us."

"Oh, right, you're here too." Bloom grinned. "For a moment I thought you wanted to see what I could do."

Moonlight shook her head. "Don't get cocky."

With that, they struck. Moonlight herself decided to focus on physical strikes, efficiently bringing them down in a single blow to a vital point to try to avoid wasting energy. The boasting had seemed pointlessly childish to her - she knew better than the others what a moment's carelessness could cost.

She glanced over her shoulder to see Bloom going for a fancy acrobatic jump that would leave her vulnerable. A moment later a shot rang out, and her enhanced senses detected a slight wave of pressure like a thrown knife (or charged playing card) moments after it had happened.

Bright screamed. Bloom's eyes widened as she saw several droplets of blood in the air. She fell to the ground in an awkward heap.

It had been so long since Windy could just cut loose like this. She had long since lost the power to fly without her Cure powers, and there really wasn't much call for random transformations. Egret leaping over the crowds to draw fire was also glorious.

She knew she would have to deal with it eventually. She toned down her magical strikes, those were still people behind those colorful masks. But for the moment, it almost felt like she could enjoy herself again.

Egret was with her as well - Egret couldn't really fly per se, but her aerial acrobatics and high leaps were almost good enough. The pair of veterans gave each other a thumbs-up and prepared to fire another volley.

Suddenly, her vision was interrupted by a pair of black angel wings flapping dangerously close to her face. The sound of metal impacting metal was far too close. She looked up into Gemini's worried expression. "Don't worry about the Cures, the soldiers are the real threat here."

"What?" Egret called out, only to hear a gunshot. Windy stared at the sudden appearance of blood coming from her friend's stomach.

"NO!" Windy screamed and flew to catch Egret, who was falling from the sky. She tried to pick up speed, Gemini folding in her wings and diving even faster...but not fast enough.

Egret landed on the ground, curled up next to Cure Bloom, and tried desperately to ignore the pain and stand.

Cure Dream had been fighting her way through the Greens to try to get to the back row, but her powers had never really been as physical as some of the others. And her magic wasn't designed to work on humans. She wasn't really sure what would happen if she tried that.

The end result was that she was rapidly tripped and tossed at high speed into a very large tent. In a way, it was almost peaceful, right up until her head impacted against something really hard and knocked her silly for a few moments. When she recovered her senses and looked up, she could feel the blood drain from her face as she was able to comprehend what she was seeing.

She was face-to-knee with Cure Peace's power armor. And its' eyes had taken on an eerie yellow glow in the dim light of the tent.

"Oh, wow!" However, the squeaky, over-excited voice coming from the death machine's external speakers choked off the expletive Dream was sure she'd have uttered otherwise. "You're Cure Dream, right!? I never thought I'd really meet you, being . . . well, Nightmare and all..." Dream winced at the mention, and was about to interject, but the girl went prattling on. "Can I get your autograph? Only I left my book back in Tokyo, so I'd have to go a really long way. I hope you don't mind!"

Dream grinned. "Not at all! Please, take your time!"

Peace started dancing in excitement, a really odd sight given the face that she was in a mecha. For a moment, Dream dared to hope that something that silly had worked, before the robot stopped, turned, and stared at her. "...saaay...are you one of those mirror-Precure? Because Nightmare...yeah, I bet you are."

Dream slowly gulped. "...uhm...yes."

"Oh! Well, I'd still like your autograph, but I guess we don't have time for that before I have to blow you up."

Dream paled even further. Dear kami, she's insane. Slowly, Dream took a couple of steps back. "Now, Yayoi, you don't have to do that. . . "

"Oh, you're surrendering? Good. Didn't really wanna." Peace's 'head' cocked' "...or are you just going to beg for me to let you go?"

Dream winced. "Uhm, I was thinking more along the lines of a negotiated settlement."

"Not my job!" Peace grinned. "I'm really sorry about that, but work's work."

Dream winced. "Wait, you don't like your job?"

"Are you kidding? Most of the time it's awesome!" Peace started dancing again. "I get to beat up the bad guys who are trying to destroy the world just like in all the old manga! And when I'm off, they let me outside the Quarantine Zone to paint! I can't take the armor of course, but it's perfectly safe!" Dream found her attention being drawn to some beautiful landscapes hanging in the corner to dry. She didn't know art, but they looked good to her eye. She almost missed it when Peace began to mutter "'s safe..."

Dream nodded. "We're not here to hurt you."

Peace stopped cold at that. ". . . . I. . . . yeah, I know you aren't, but you're going to anyway. So . . . I'm sorry, but it's surrender, or. . . " Dream's eyes widened as the mech's miniguns began to spin with a decidedly ominous hum.

Heart heard the gunshot go off, but she really didn't have time to contemplate it. Each of Rune's punches was charged with magic and an unholy fury. But even worse was the eyes. Heart could see that it was Rikka's face, but there seemed to be nothing left of the friend Mana had known since she could remember anything.

And even worse was the accusation. "How dare you! I was the only one who could see what that thing was doing to us! I was trying to save them!" Heart found herself being pummeled as first one fist, then another slipped past her guard. "Mana, you're so kind!" A punch to her solar plexus expelled the air from her lungs. "I don't blame you for being taken in by those monsters! I! Really! Don't!" The last was punctuated in particular by a vicious throw into the ground. Finally, Rune's immediate fury seemed expended and she looked down at Heart. ". . . even when I heard about the Dimensional Search initiative and what it had found, I never thought I'd see you again like this."

Heart finally caught her breath. "Rikka..."

"No...please." Rune shed a single tear, wiping it out of her eyes. "You didn't listen to me the first time. Please, at least listen now."

"We don't have time."

"You'll make time." Rune said simply, before she took a deep breath. "This world isn't like the one you left at all. I don't know what they told you, but the rules are different here. They have been for years. I can already tell you're stronger than Mana was when. . . when things happened. Those bow things, they amplify your powers? We don't get those here." Rune whispered. "We don't have a choice. We have to get our power how we can, and that usually is just numbers." Mana winced at the implication. ". . . helpful, sweet Mana," the girl above her continued, growing wistful. "Maybe you actually have the strength to stand up to the monsters, make them behave. But she didn't. She was losing herself. Lost herself, in the end. Gemini is just another monster..."

"She's...she's a person." Heart stubbornly tried to get to her feet as she spoke, gasping for breath.

Rune's fist hit the top of her skull, knocking her back to the ground. "Gemini is wanted in Kanto prefecture alone on two dozen counts of aggravated assault, inciting a riot, and looting almost ten million yen in goods from a department store after a typhoon!" Mana's eyes widened at the news while Rune grinned viciously. "Didn't think they told you that part. She's a known associate of the Yakuza. She beats up the occasional monster, sure. But she's just a pale shadow of what Mana should be, when she's not operating on the level of a superpowered thug."

No...I don't believe it... Mana forced herself to stand, and this time Rune allowed her to. "You're twisting the truth around, and you know it. She's living alone in these mountains, with no one supporting her but her friends and no legal avenue to get things. Of course she turned to crime, it's only natural." It was Rune's turn now to stare in disbelief. "They're alone. . . until now. I won't leave just because they got desperate enough to do some things that you don't think are right. Especially when I can't say I wouldn't do the same."

Rune stared in disbelief. "You would never, never be so. . . so. . . "

"Desperate? So hungry and lonely I'd do anything?" Heart shook her head. "I've never been in that position, and neither have you. But people who have been in a bad spot like that. . . they have been known to do far worse. They need help Rune. They need their friend back."

"I'm not their friend!" Rune screeched. "Aida Mana is dead! Oh, sure, she's still shuffling about, but it's a mockery of everything you were! Why can't you see that?!"

"I see what you want me to see," Heart sighed, raising up an arm to block the next punch. "I'm just not believing it."

The sound of the gunshot and Egret falling from the sky had re-energized the main body of the Precure. Luminous was continually being pushed back by her desire not to hurt these girls. She drew out her Heart Baton, but simply could not get enough room to use it without a punch or a kick or a magical blast or a tree branch or something forcing her to move again.

And worse yet, she was forced to note that the camp's soldiers, who hadn't been expecting a whole bunch of magical girls to materialize in the middle of their camp, had finally managed to get their equipment from wherever it had been stowed for travel and were starting to aim rifles at her. She gulped, also realizing that they weren't aiming at anyone else.

In desperation, she threw up her shield, but that quickly took a pounding and was shattered by still more magic. She tried to leap to a clearer spot, but quickly realized that was a bad idea when the gunfire started - her shield barely deflecting it, and she landed awkwardly.

Luminous tried to stand, but her ankle had twisted and she needed a few moments to recover. Moments the Artificial Precure standing over her obviously weren't willing to give. She closed her eyes, waiting for the inevitable.

"Precure Diamond Shower!" The cry from Cure Diamond was the sweetest sound Luminous had ever heard, or so she thought at that moment, when the Artificials who had been about to finish her were frozen to the spot.

Luminous dared to open her eyes and look around...but she wasn't able to stand, and the soldiers were still focused on her, looking for a clear shot through their Precure allies. "Diamond! Look out!" Several troops had drawn a bead on the blue Cure.

"Precure Rosetta Reflection!" The gunshots came moments too late, a much stronger barrier of yellow energy surrounding the three while Cure Rosetta landed in front of her to provide even more protection. Rosetta looked over her shoulder. "Luminous, are you all right?"

Luminous nodded. "I twisted my ankle a bit, but it'll be fine in a moment." Shakily, she got to her feet while the gunfire continued to pound away at their defense. Rosetta was grinning, but it came across to Luminous as a bit forced. "Are you all right?"

"This isn't much." Rosetta said. "Take the time you need, although it'd be really helpful if you could do whatever it is you were trying to do when I drop the barrier."

Gemini landed in front of the wounded Cures, spreading her wings out and low as a shield. Everyone instinctively backed away from the black-and-purple aura that suddenly surrounded her. "You know, I've been patient with you girls…" The aura started to channel into her weapon, the white light being replaced from the bottom slowly to the top. "You think you're doing the right thing. But now it ends. Surrender and run. NOW!"

A jet of flame singed several of Gemini's feathers in answer.

"Okay," Gemini sounded, for just a moment, defeated. She brought her weapon up. Her next words were filled with a kind of self-loathing dread. "I'll kill all of you in one shot." She braced herself and brought the weapon back. "Gemini….."

A hand wrapped around her wrist, and Gemini looked back at Moonlight, shocked. "What are you doing?"

"We don't have to kill them, just hold them off." She glanced back. "Bright! Windy! Get your friends back through the portal, now!"

Egret was on her knees, trying to painfully stand. "I...I can see this through…"

"You need us…" Bloom was doing a bit better, but not much.

Gemini shook her head. "Go."

They nodded, as Moonlight pulled out her Tact. "I've never used this on humans before, but Blossom has. Let's see how well they fight after...this." The pointed it at a number of Artificials who had started to circle around Gemini's protection. A 'flower' of silver light appeared with no incantation, and washed over the girls. Which was suddenly an apt description, because on top of their blissful expressions, the magical powers behind their costumes seemed to be disrupted, first leaving them naked (although hidden by the light of their magic) and then in a wide variety of well-tailored street clothes.

Gemini stared at the reversal, then at Moonlight, and grinned. "All right. Cut loose, Moonlight. I'll just kill anyone who's too stubborn to take the hint."

Moonlight glared at the cavalier remark, but pointed her tact at the next group….

Dream scrambled over a tank to try to buy herself a moment of cover, screaming and covering her ears at the sound of bullets impacting against the armor behind her.

"This is so disappointing!" Peace shouted over the din. "I used to really look up to you you know!"

Dream stuck her head out briefly. "I'm sorry I'm not used to fighting a girl who thinks miniguns are a good conversation starter!" She quickly yanked herself back when the bullets focused on her and crept over to the other side of the tank.

"Would it hurt you to come out and face me like a real hero?" Peace asked, spraying down the tank some more.

"..uh, yes?"

Peace seemed to pause to consider this for a moment, but just then the weapons started to spin down. "...aww, out of ammo." Dream grinned, until suddenly the tank she was standing just behind developed a hole the size of her head through the middle with a deafening thud.

She ducked and ran out and under a different tank, crawling between the treads in an effort to make it look like she'd broken and ran.

Peace slowly stalked along, each impact of her feet audible over the distant sounds of the main fight. "Oh Dreeeaaaam. I know you're still here! You wouldn't run out on me, would you?" Dream gulped, very desperately wishing she could, when suddenly the vehicle over her was gently lifted out of the way. "Oh, there you are!" Dream's eyes widened, and the rails of the railgun extended from Peace's other hand. An aperture opened in it to reveal the next round. "But Hide and Seek isn't much fun…"

"How about a water fight?" A new voice said calmly. "Precure Espoir Shower!" Cure Berry's magical attack, this time enhanced by a blue wand, splashed over Peace's hand. Literally, flowing into the powered armor's internals.

Time seemed to stop for a moment, and then Peace laughed. "Seriously? That was your plan? You didn't think we could build a mecha that was waterproof?" She continued to laugh for a minute. "Oh, and I've charged the capacitors. Oh well. Goodbye, Miss Dream."

Sparks flew from the railgun arm...but something was wrong. The electricity arced backwards, up into the arm and armor. "AHHHHHH!" Peace's scream wasn't one of pain, but sheer panic as the mecha's head popped off and she was sent flailing into the atmosphere.

"She really does run at the first sign of trouble." Berry noted in astonishment. Dream couldn't quite help but agree.

Heart and Rune broke from another exchange of blows, panting with the exertion. Rune looked up. "Mana," she tried again. "...why? Why do you believe those two over me?"

Heart shook her head. "Rune, you've brought up some good questions, and I'm not just dismissing that. But try to look at it from my point of view. Regina's been . . . well, not a perfect model of polite behavior, but both versions of her are trying." She shook her head. "The facts we could check with Gemini worked out, and what you're saying doesn't." Rune paled as Heart glared. "And last time I checked, Gemini wasn't looking to attack my home town!"

Rune snarled. "What do you expect us to do Mana!?" she screamed. "You're too kind! We're too powerful! Cure Black and Cure White nearly destroyed our world with that attitude! Not the city! The world! We can't have that kind of threat out there!"

Heart winced. "So come with us. Don't just shout at me. We can discuss this, but I'm not going to let you intimidate me."

"You brought the Destroyer with you." Rune shook her head. "I can't agree to that when you insist on negotiating with a time bomb standing next to us."

Heart looked down. "Then we can't talk. I won't tell her to leave."

"I can't let her leave. She has to die."

Heart's head snapped back up. "That's what I'm talking about. There's always another way!"

Rune looked up herself. "Not here. Not now."

A flash of silver flew between the pair, and Rune's eyes widened as she saw what was taking advantage of the hole created by Moonlight's latest attack. Bright and Windy were carrying the injured Bloom and Egret back towards the portal, pursued by the Artificial Cures. Rune looked to Heart. "I see now. That was your plan. You've lost, Cure Heart. Hand over the Destroyer and I'll let the rest of you go home. I'll…" she looked for a moment as if she were ripping out her own heart. "...take Regina and Gemini with you, and I promise our world will never bother you again."

Heart's glare could have melted steel. "You can't keep that promise."

"I have more power than you think. Just take the deal, before I change my mind. Please!" Rune's voice cracked. "If you don't. . . Mana, you died once already this way. Doesn't that bother you?"

". . . what?" Heart stopped in confusion, lowering her guard. "Rune, Gemini's over there."

"THAT ISN'T YOU!" Rune snapped. "Stop saying it is! Stop saying that!"

"..." Heart's arms came back up into a defensive position again. "Rikka, what happened to you?"

Rune screamed back. "If you won't listen, I'll just start killing your friends until you do!" A large ice crystal formed between her hands, and she threw it at the Cures who were approaching from the direction of the main camp.

"Rosetta Wall!" Rosetta and Luminous landed between them, throwing up their barriers in response to defend them. Sword came next, leaping out of the sky, but Rune was ready for this and grabbed her by the leg, tossing her away.

"Twinkle Diamond!" Diamond landed directly behind Rune, throwing her own frozen energy blast at her counterpart.

Rune turned to block it with a wall of ice, then stared at her counterpart. "...even...even you?"

Diamond stared in utter disbelief. "I heard….who or what are you?"

"Please. You worry about Mana too! I know you do!" Rune's body was trembling. "Tell her!"

"If course I worry," Diamond confirmed "but Mana just wants to help. I try to take care of her as best I can…"

Rune looked like she was about to speak, but movement out of the corner of her eye caught her attention. The escaping Cures had reached the portal, and were jumping through. Rune sagged, backing away a bit.

Dream and Berry landed right behind her. Dream shook her head. "...are you all right?" she asked the suddenly shaking Rune.

"...why?" Rune asked, looking up at the older Cure. "...why did you have to be good people? You were supposed to be monsters…"

Dream shook her head. "No one's all bad. We just need to understand each other."

Rune shoved the pair out of the way and started running back towards the crowd of Artificials, ignoring even as she passed Gemini and Moonlight.

Gemini landed next to Heart. "...what did you say to her?"

Heart shook her head. "Not now…" She looked to the mob of masked magical girls.

Sword rejoined the group, looking on with cold determination "...we need to finish this."

Everyone on the other side was showing signs of nervousness at the turn of events on the other side. Tsubomi wringing her hands nervously, Itsuki playing with her hair, and even Erika was chewing on her blouse. Nagisa stared at the scene visible through the portal. "This is unbelievable!"

Honoka made a small noise of agreement, hands flying over the small laptop serving as the portal's control device. "Bad news, the portal's not going to last much longer. Five minutes at most."

"What? We said we'd give them an hour!" Yayoi was the surprise response. "We don't know, maybe they can turn it around, but if they can't…"

Nagisa spun around to stare in disbelief at Honoka. "They need more time! This is going to hell!"

Honoka's reply was an uncharacteristically nasty "There isn't much more I can do, agent! We had to take some shortcuts to get it done this fast..."

Sebastian worked on a component that was sparking. "I'm attempting to bypass."

Honoka shook her head. "No good. Try to get them back here, we'll make another attempt in a week."

Nagisa looked back up at the fight. The remaining girls were being surrounded in a semi-circle again, and it looked like the injured would barely make it. "...Mepple. Mipple." The two faeries looked up from their spots, startled. "We're going through."

Honoka nearly dropped the laptop. "Nagisa! You're supposed to be in charge here!"

"Tsubomi!" the woman shouted. "Take over."

"...We're really doing this-mepo?" one of the faeries asked, slightly nervously.

"Yeah, Mepple." Nagisa sighed. "Oh well, it should probably always have been us from the start."

"I didn't really want to leave Hikari behind anyway-mipo!"

Honoka nodded. "All right. Mai and the others should just make it. Sebastian, take over the laptop."

Nagisa stood in front of the portal and took her old partner's hand.


Heart glanced around at the semi-circle of opponents around them, and glanced at Moonlight nervously as the last remaining veteran. "Not good."

"No. I can disable them, but they just keep shaking it off and transforming right back. . . "

Gemini glanced around. "Hope Regina got away. . . . " No such luck. One of the Whites held up a semi-conscious Regina over the heads of the rest of the crowd, a hand up against her head in a threatening gesture.

Gemini lowered her sword. "Let her go."

The White smirked. "You're not in any position to be making demands, Gemini. Drop all your weapons, magic wands, and any other tricks you might be holding onto." Gemini hesitated for a moment, and the White squeezed Regina's neck, eliciting a sharp yelp of pain from the girl. The talismans couldn't hit the ground fast enough after that. "Good. Kill them."

Heart's eyes widened. "WHAT?!"

"You really think we're going to let you live to fight another day? Blossom might trust you, but she's not here," the Artificial explained patiently. "So, well, time to -" her words were cut off by a flare of light from the portal, blinding everyone.

Every one of the natives, the Artificials, soldiers, Gemini, and Regina stopped and stared at the two women who had appeared.

One at 175 centimeters, clad in a black miniskirt that didn't so much emphasize the amount of skin shown as the powerful muscle of her legs under a pair of shorts. A thin pink sash with a heart buckle, the traditional ribbon tied across her chest, and a pair of thin, armored shoulder-pads advertised that she was a Precure, but no one present had ever seen one who could be defined firmly as a woman rather than a girl, aside from their leaders. Long, fingerless gloves, leg-warmers with more of the traditional heart ribbons, and a pair of heavy brown leather boots completed her clothing. Slim, she still somehow radiated power and an intimidating strength that seemed to shake the ground slightly with every step. "Emissary of Light, Cure Black." The self-introduction sent a wave of terror through all the natives who heard it.

Her companion was similarly dressed, but not quite identical. In white with blue ribbons, she was notably shorter at only 170 centimeters. She seemed even thinner, her minidress billowing around her to give an impression of butterfly wings. Her long hair was done up in a pigtail with ribbon. She moved with a grace and elegance that seemed ready to take off into flight at a moment's notice. "Emissary of Light, Cure White."

The second announcement sent the whole group into action. Regina was dropped to the ground like a sack of potatoes, soldiers swung up their guns, and the Artificial Precure charged down the pair. There was no semblance of discipline or sanity, just an unruly mob filled with a mix of fear, anger, and desire for glory.

Black moved first, plowing into the Artificials just ahead of the gunfire. It couldn't be said to be pretty, every time she landed a blow it knocked down three of the girls, using their bodies as cover against the more dangerous shots from the soldiers.

White was second, dancing around the gunshots sent in her direction. It seemed every time someone got her in their sights, she suddenly wasn't there anymore, a little to the left or right, but with a determined expression. When the soldiers realized they were just putting their own girls at risk, the gunfire stopped and the few Artificials who weren't getting beaten into the ground by Black moved towards her. White didn't even hesitate, knocking each down with her own momentum seemingly with a touch.

Barely twenty seconds later, it seemed to be over, Cure Black reaching the captured group first. "You girls okay?" There was a stunned nod of assent from each, and she grinned. "Good. Change of plans, obviously…"

White landed next to them. "Well, I'll say one thing for this side…" The Artificial Precure started to stand, barely recovering. "...they don't give up easily."

Black gave her partners an easy grin. "Luminous? Let's send them packing. Everyone else stand back…"

The Artificials massed up for one final charge, magic and physical force being employed towards the invaders. But when they heard the voices ring out, they stopped as a seemingly impossible amount of energy gathered.

"Extreme…" Black and White said together, holding hands.

"LUMINARIO!" Hikari added.

The JSDF camp ceased to exist a moment later.

Heart stared at the scar left in the earth in the attack's wake. "...did you…?"

White shook her head. "We toned it down a bit. Actually a lot. They'll probably land in the bay in Sapporo in a few minutes."

Bloom groaned and rolled onto her side, holding the gauze that Sebastian had provided her up to the hole in her stomach. "Dammit..." She felt someone do the same to her back and looked into Windy's eyes gratefully, before giving the butler a glance.

Sebastian shook his head. "You are a very lucky young woman. Without your powers, I would expect a full recovery. As it is, we probably won't need to call the hospital."

Bloom looked over at Egret, trying to sit up and finding it easier. "Mai..."

"I'm...better than you anyway." Egret was sitting up as well. Bright had a firm grip on her shoulders, peering into her eyes and taking her pulse, but Egret pushed her gently aside to try to talk more freely. "Feels like something really rung my bell, but I'll be all right..."

Bloom nodded. "Open the portal back up. We're still in this."

Tsubomi shook her head. "Miss Misumi was very clear, I'm in charge and even if we could open the portal I'm not sending you back there in your condition."

"Why would she put you in charge?" Bloom asked.

Itsuki shook her head. "Probably because she's not acting like she's got something to prove. Bloom, you're gonna be out of action for the better part of a day. Has the bleeding stopped?"

Bloom sagged back into Windy's arms "I'm fine..." she insisted again.

"Even if I believed you. . . " Tsubomi began to try to explain, but she was cut off by Egret.

"...sorry Bloom. You can't see it from where you are, but the portal's toast." She shook her head. "No one's getting to the other side that way."

Bloom forced herself to turn over, struggling against Windy's grip. The portal wasn't just toast, but the various bits of wire appeared to actually be on fire, there were dangerous sparks coming off the generator, there was a plume of acrid smoke pouring from a point in mid-air that was once a doorway to another dimension, and she wasn't quite sure but she thought she could hear ominous chanting coming from somwhere. "...just to be sure, can anyone else hear something?" A number of shaking heads came as a relief. "Okay, we still have the key?"

Erika grinned. "Yeah, I gave it to Yayoi."

Bright looked up from where she had been quietly checking Egret over for worse injury. "Has . . . anybody seen Yayoi?"

Gemini hugged Regina close, and Heart suppressed a surge of jealousy at the sight. She quickly turned to the rest of the group. "Well, there goes any chance they won't know we've crossed over," she shrugged even as she spoke. "I'm worried about Bloom and Egret, but there's nothing we can do for them now. Ideas on how we can go forward without them?"

Black shook her head. "Well, we can't wait a week. We have the list of other contacts, but. . . "

Diamond shook her head. "We don't really have time for any extended interviews anymore. We'll have to leave getting that stuff up to Gemini."

Black chuckled. "Not quite what I was thinking. We'll need to split up into two groups. One to head into the YTF, and the other as a distraction. White…"

"We'll lead that group." White acknowledged. "I see what you mean. . . "

Gemini looked up from her princess. "It'll have to be Heart and her team. They. . . well, up close they look like my and Sagittarius' normal forms, but you can pass for new recruits. There's just one problem. We don't have any way to get you on that list."

Dream frowned. "I'm going with Heart…"

Rosetta looked the woman over. ". . . I think you could just barely pass for sixteen." she acknowledged. "Erm, no offence."

Dream chuckled. "None taken."

Gemini seemed to think it over. "That's max recruitment age, but . . . I have one idea, but I don't think she'll go for it."

Berry shook her head. "Can't hurt to ask, right?"

"Last time she didn't agree to my request her partner shoved a pistol in my face," Gemini clarified. "But I don't have any better ideas, so let's go for it."

Planning was interrupted by a sudden shout from the direction the portal had been in. Everyone turned to see….a whole pile of camping supplies supported by a pair of short legs with yellow, knee-high socks and shoes running at them, yelling "Wait for meeee!"

Sword was the first to react. "Peace! What are you doing here!?"

" forgot this stuff," Peace huffed out. "...and...I couldn't just...just let…"

Heart and Dream both threw an encouraging arm over her shoulders, causing the girl in yellow to blush slightly. Heart also spoke up. "Thanks, Yayoi. I know you're frightened….that took real courage."

Dream grinned as well. "And don't worry about your counterpart. She's nothing like you at all, I'm sure."

Gemini coughed and cut in. "Right. They'll be sending drones this way any minute. Grab a backpack and let's get to the cave. We'll need to pack it up tonight but for now. . . let's just go."

It was quickly agreed that assuming civilian guise was both pointless and wasteful. Instead they stuck to the forest paths through most of the day, walking at a brisk pace and letting their magic keep them from getting too tired. For most of the girls, that worked out pretty well, but by the time they had reached the summit Gemini was leaning heavily on Heart for support while Regina was practically sleeping in Nozomi's arms, much to several people's unspoken annoyance.

It was early into the evening when the group reached the base of the mountain. The thirty foot sheer cliff to the entrance would have stymied most people, and probably hidden them even from the government's hunting parties if they weren't being fished out of the harbor, but the girls just leaped or flew up and into it, landing easily. Heart let Gemini stand up to speak, weakly. "...we're back."

Diamond had heard about the conditions, but she was amazed, and somewhat appalled, to actually see the place that the two girls who had disrupted their lives had been living. It was a large space, with a relatively smooth floor, but that was all it had going for it besides the private location. Sandbags near the entrance diverted water around the edges in two small streams, but it was obviously needing constant repair, otherwise the whole cave would constantly be wet and miserable. Even worse was the heat - an oppressive miasma that seemed to cling to everyone's skin in seconds with sweat and grime.

As far as comfortable living, Sebastian had obviously done the best he could. Utility lighting was strung up, drilled into the ceiling and leading to a box in the corner, which judging by the wheel sticking into a natural spring, was probably a makeshift water generator. There was also a privacy screen set up around the spring itself, barely large enough for two, but staying clean would be a trial. The small screen in the corner was hooked up to both a small box that was probably some kind of TV receiver, and a slightly larger one that Diamond recognized as a small PC. All three objects had obviously been chosen for their size and weight. By apparent necessity (or lack of lighting, as a sudden dimming of the bulbs above reminded her the generator was obviously being strained to do as much as it was) the only cooking area was a small firepit in the middle of the main cavern, with a grill over it.

That was the positive. The signs, however, were everywhere that it wasn't going well. A small pile of regular clothing, and several tuxedos, in the corner had a rather distinctive aroma coming from it indicating laundry hadn't been done in some time. The remains of numerous cup noodle dinners was strewn about, with about half a palette of them still stacked up in a corner waiting to be consumed. Instant tea packages and a small number of soda bottles were also everywhere, the remains of long nights awake. The walls were plastered with marked, dirty, and torn maps of Tokyo, covered in stains that Diamond couldn't identify, a few looking disturbingly like blood.

The worst, though, was the inhabitants. Four pairs of eyes looked up at Gemini's words. Dominating the room with his height, so tall he seemed to fill the low-ceilinged cavern, was Sebastian, but it was certainly not Sebastian as Diamond had ever seen the man. His once meticulously-groomed hair and moustache were wild and frayed. In place of his refined glasses were a pair of heavily tinted safety goggles. A few tufts of a white beard overall gave him a wild, scruffy appearance at odds with his demeanor. While he had spent some effort trying to keep his pants in nice condition and neatly pressed, it was a hopeless cause as accidents with the soldiering iron and any other tools had started to put holes in them. Apparently he had given up on the jacket and dress shirt, leaving him in a tank top to deal with the heat of his engineering jobs. With a small start, Diamond realized he must work out extensively, with a physique like that hidden under his normal tuxedo.

Working with him was a boy, obviously of high school age, in a dark purple T-shirt and slacks. He was turning a screwdriver on whatever contraption the pair were working on, sweating, and, Diamond couldn't help but notice his own body was in fine shape as well, slender and graceful. His hair was back in a practical ponytail, but it didn't take much to imagine it flowing loose, the boy playing guitar in some band and was it warm in here? With a start, she suddenly realized he looked much. . . cleaner than the other inhabitants. Her eyes narrowed for a moment, but she moved on.

The next was the first person she recognized, at least without actually needing to think about it. Alice's eyes were the same color as the one she knew, but the girl had dark circles under them. Her neat hair, always carefully styled, had been allowed to fall and grow tangled, although it was only a bit longer than it had been rather than Gemini's voluminous fountain of hair. She, too, had abandoned any pretense of high fashion for a one-piece gold swimsuit that was probably evidence of Regina's ability to steal things for the group. However, even that garment, which should have been a sign of relaxation, was instead stuck to her body from sweat. Her feet were in a small pot filled with water, a pair of tennis shoes that were frayed and falling apart next to her.

Finally the girl with the shoulder-length silver hair. She seemed a couple of years older than Diamond herself, probably in the later half of high school if she wasn't living in a cave. Unlike Alice, though, she made no concession to the heat, wearing a thick, durable gi that was dusty from long use but in much better shape than most of the clothing. Diamond blushed more deeply, realizing that it was being worn 'traditionally' and could really stand to be re-tied, although she doubted anyone cared before the group had arrived. Her yellow eyes seemed an odd match for the hair, and with a start Diamond recognized that it was Itsuki Miyoudin.

Sebastian was the first to recover. "Lady Regina is ill?"

Dream put a hand on the Jikochuu girl's forehead. "Just. . . I don't know."

Itsuki seemed to give it a moment's thought, then a curious look to the boy. "I didn't think faeries could get sick."

The unidentified young man responded after a moment's thought. "Put her on the bed, get her locker out. It might help."

Heart looked at the boy curiously. "What's in her locker that might help?"

"All that. . . stuff she's collected." He replied with a shrug. "Do we have those emergency chocolates?"

Alice seemed crestfallen for a moment on hearing about that, but nodded. "I'll get them." She pulled her feet out of the water and limped into the back cave. "Come on, it's this way. Sebastian, please turn off the lights so we can have enough in back."

"Yes, M'lady." The butler turned mad scientist stood up to do his assigned task with his usual efficiency.

Dream, Heart, and Gemini followed, looking back over their shoulders at the others. Gemini shouted behind her "Check the backpacks, there should be some good stuff in there for the rest of you. We'll have a decent meal tonight, and talk about the revised plan over that."

Rosetta watched Alice's departure with an internal wince. "She doesn't seem to be doing too well…"

Itsuki shrugged. "None of us are. Humans anyway." Rosetta nodded for her to continue. "Her problem's just that her father kept her too coddled."

"Hey!" Diamond interjected. "Mr. Yosuba's been fine with Alice having fun and going out for years!"

Sebastian coughed. "Apologies, M'lady, but there is some truth to it. M'lady's health is being hit hardest from the lack of nutrition, but none of us will be doing better than she is now in a few months. I have been trying various nutritional supplements, but she is not responding as well as I would like."

Rosetta paled a bit. "Those won't help! She needs fresh fruit and vegetables as soon as possible!"

The boy shrugged. "Where do you suggest we get them? Regularly, I mean. We can steal some, but not enough to feed four of you humans, especially three teenagers. And Regina needs nice stuff a lot more frequently. She'll be dead first if we don't solve the supply problem."

Itsuki sighed. "Enough. Sorry, this is just a long-term issue. We're getting by all right for now. It'll be dark soon, why don't you set up your sleeping bags over there and we can start getting dinner on."

White frowned slightly as Black nudged her. "I'll go check on her, but you know I'm not a medical doctor."

Black grinned. "Just do what you can. You know just about everything."

"I don't, that's the. . . oh, why do I even try?" White stuck out her tongue to emphasize that she wasn't too serious and went deeper into the caves, while everyone else followed.

Regina slowly opened her eyes, the world not quite resolving itself into phyiscal shapes before she felt a large amount of concern and worry directed at her. She yawned and stretched, looking around. Everyone had finally changed back to their normal selves, and were looking at her with relief. "Mana, Mana, Nozomi…" She grinned and stretched out in a deliberately exaggerated manner, trying to hide the slight exhaustion she still felt. "Oh, and Alice...I'm back."

Alice was holding a golden box with a clear plastic top, filled with tiny, divine little chocolates. Regina couldn't quite resist drooling as they were put in her lap. But then she looked up. It would be impossible for a human to see, but...Regina looked away and mumbled "I wanted the butterscotch. You take them."

Alice jumped and reached out for the treats, but Gemini scowled. "Regina, we've been saving those for you."

"Alice. Can. Have. Them." Regina bit out, trying to restrain the nearly uncontrollable urge to just eat them all. Rich, decadent, yummy treats that they wouldn't be able to get again ever, and they were alllll hers. "I'm fine."

Nozomi and Mana glanced at each other nervously. "Why don't we share them?" Mana asked.

"...yeahthatsoundsgreat," Regina's words came out in a tumble, too fast to be natural. "Oh, a peppermint!" She grabbed the particular one out of the box in question before passing the whole thing to Alice, closing her eyes and letting it melt in her mouth. The rich, creamy liqour flooded her tastebuds (or whatever passed for them, she didn't claim to be a xenobiology major) while the others stared. By the time it was gone and she looked up, she realized they were still staring. "What?"

Nozomi coughed. "You . . . look a lot better. Color in your cheeks again."

"...Thanks...guess I was running a bit empty." Regina winced. "Alice. . . seriously, you look like you need those more than me now. You're my precious friend too, so I won't be doing well if you don't cheer up okay?"

Alice grinned weakly, taking one of the chocolates and sticking it into her mouth. Regina stared at the act, feeling strength returning even more as Alice smiled. "Good. Sorry to bother you everybody. Alice, I've had some nice places to sleep last few days. So has Gemini, so we'll skip our turns on the bed, why don't you take it tonight?"

Alice blinked. "I couldn't! It's your turn!"

Gemini shook her own head. "Nonsense. Regina's right, we've been sleeping in nothing but beds and futons since we left. It was. . . almost a vacation."

Regina slid out and stood up. "I'll go ahead and recharge your Communes. Hopefully, one last fight."

At that statement Alice's jaw dropped. " might be over!?"

Gemini glared at Regina, but nodded. "We're revising the plan, but if this works in a month you'll be back at the mansion. The fight won't be over, but you'll have a much more important job than being Cure Sagittarius."

Alice blinked, sagging. "What job would that be?"

"Raking the bastards over the coals day and night."

Regina couldn't help but note the way Mana stepped back from Alice's malevolent grin.

Makoto watched the others go, then nodded to Itsuki. "There's something I need to talk to you about." Her voice dropped a bit. "Away from the others."

Itsuki blinked a few times in obvious confusion. "We'll collect water for dinner. We need to filter it too, so that'll take a few minutes." Makoto followed her into the spring room, where a small water filter pitcher was set up.

As they quietly poured water into it, Makoto glanced to make sure no one was listening in, and then asked the question. "So, Gemini's a faerie, then."

Itsuki nearly spilled the bucket onto Makoto's head in shock. "How did you…"

"It wasn't that hard, but your friend out there confirmed it." Makoto's voice was dry with humor. "Four humans, not five. Does she know?"

"No, and Regina's sure telling her would be a bad idea." Itsuki sighed, pouring some more. "Besides, it doesn't change a damn thing. Heck, you haven't met the last member of our merry band. He's out for revenge, but other than a bit of an obsession with killing Precure he hasn't been a bad ally."

Makoto winced at the casual way she had just been informed of a murderous youkai living with them. "Where is he?"

"Out on patrol. He doesn't like to bring his radio, but he usually comes back from his turn without a scratch. And we couldn't do anything for any injuries anyway." Itsuki sighed. "Besides, I doubt you know him. He was originally active in Paris of all places."

"France?" Makoto said after scouring her memories for a moment.

Another shrug. "It's a bit outside Japan but he's been around so long that we don't really know where he originally showed up, and he was definitely here before the Accords and the travel ban."

"Travel ban?"

"Right, you don't know." Itsuki sighed. "Basically ever since the Ginza went bye-bye, all the world leaders got together and decided that you need to get checked out at both ends of a trip in or out of Japan, and since most people can't afford it you basically can't leave the country. They even have robotic ships so we can keep up trade with the outside world, and the internet's still up for now. Same with the Quarantine Zones - no one gets in or out without being checked, and the trains are automated. If no one's scheduled to be on a train and there's life signs when it reaches the outside, they blow it up."

Makoto winced. "That's why we needed the Cure Decors. To get through the Quarantine."

"Right in one." Itsuki agreed. "You don't want to try to fly in either, if you can."

Makoto shook her head. "We're getting off topic."

"There is no topic," Itsuki bluntly said. "No one tells Gemini, she doesn't remember anything inconvenient, we all go on pretending."

Hikari pulled out the tea set from her backpack, starting to set it up with Nagisa (who she admitted wasn't much help) when Honoka came back and sat down. The two shared a glance, and then a shake of the head. "It's as bad as it looks, then?"

Nagisa surprised Hikari by being the one to answer her question. "Worse."

Honoka shook her head. "They could surprise me, I said I'm not an expert, but I don't think they'd survive winter out here."

Hikari turned back to her tea. ". . . but it doesn't matter, right? We've got the new plan, they should be all right before then."

"It it works," Nagisa shook her head. "We were relying on Bloom and Egret for the biometrics. Rikka can probably get some stuff, maybe Yayoi, but we're going to need an expert hacker."

Hikari glanced at Honoka questioningly, but didn't press at another shake of the head. Instead the woman asked her "Any more feelings or premonitions?"

". . . I'm not sure yet." Hikari admitted. "I haven't felt anything like this since. . . well, since the Dark King. Something is very wrong."

The women both paled visibly at that statement. "You don't think. . . "

"Don't know." Hikari finished cleaning the tea implements. "But. . . it feels like it. They didn't finish the job."

". . . are you sure?" Nagisa's question was grim.

Hikari shook her head. "I'm not sure of anything, but if it's related. . . I'll probably have a dream tonight. And this time I won't try to ignore it."

Yuri glanced across the room pensively at the boy in purple. There was something about him that struck her as. . . well, more than familiar. But she wasn't sure, and he seemed reluctant to talk to her as well.

There was no help for it though. If they were going to work together. . . She stood up and crossed the room, sitting down next to the boy and holding down a wire. "Here."

"Thanks, Yuri," He said easily, not looking up.

She blinked. "You...are Cologne."

"Yes." He quickly soldered the wire down, then looked up. "Why? Why come here?"

". . . because you needed my help. Every experienced Precure you can get, right?"

Cologne stared at her. ". . . I see. Sorry." He suddenly threw his arms around her. "I. . . I'm sorry. I'm so used to help coming with strings attached."

"...what?" To say Yuri was shocked at that was beyond measure. "You thought I was. . ."

"...your partner...I died on the other side, didn't I?"

"Yes." Yuri realized she didn't want to leave it quite at that. "Did you ever run into Dark Precure?"

". . . she's still around, probably." He let go. "But no one's seen her in awhile." He looked away again. "You can transform like Blossom and Marine then?"

". . . it took a long time. Almost too long." She sighed. "Can I ask. . . "

"Do you need to know?"

". . . do I?"

Cologne seriously thought about it for a moment, which Yuri regarded as a good sign. "Squad of Artifiicals sent to hunt us down. They got the baby before I could even learn his name. I think Eclipse got to partner with him for one, maybe two fights before they captured him, and after you died. . . it wasn't ideal but she has the talent."

"She does," Yuri acknowledged. "Have you. . . "

"Couldn't afford to. I'm sorry, Yuri but. . . I'm not ready for this. I don't think I will be until we're done."

". . . I understand. Sorry to bother you."

Cologne shook his head. "It's not a bother. Never you, Yuri. But. . . maybe we should talk about other topics. After I'm done with this thing."

Alice watched out of the corner of her eye as her counterpart took her seat back. She was about to frown and scold her over resting when others were working, but she noticed the small amount of blood on the bandages over the soles of her feet. Instead she walked over and gently put an arm around the girl, eliciting a yelp. She couldn't help but notice, worriedly, that she was actually noticeably bigger than the girl. "Are you all right?"

Alice was shocked when her mirror responded in a much rougher voice "Don't ask things like that. We're not all right and it's going to be years before we are again, if it happens."

"Your language…?"

The mirror girl barked a laugh. "You think I'd bother with that out here?"

"I suppose not." It was still a shock to hear her own voice speaking that way. "...this is awkward."

"Call me Sagittarius," Cure Sagittarius responded easily enough. "I don't think the 'abandon your real name' bit is very healthy but when we've got the same rights to it may as well be a good host."

Alice smiled. "Is there anything I can get for you?" she decided to move on.

"Again, don't. I'll keep up as long as I can."

Alice winced at the tone. "You know, this plan may not work."

"I kind of have to hope it does," Sagittarius sighed. "Your point?"

". . . . if it doesn't you can. . . "

"What? Come back with you? Alice suddenly has a twin sister?" Sagittarius growled. . . then collapsed, hiding her face in her hands. ". . . it would work too. Sebastian's just crazy enough to make it work," Alice couldn't tell if Sagittarius was crying or not. "But I couldn't leave without the others."

"You . . . you can't expect me to just leave you like this."

Sagittarius looked up, and Alice took a step back at the tears streaming down the other girl's face and the way it contrasted with the fierce mask she had slipped over it. "That's exactly what you are going to have to do."

Alice winced again as the point was hit home - she couldn't stay, or she'd end up just about in the same state. ". . . here." She held out an orange. "We brought a bit of fruit, anyway."

". . . thanks. I'll eat it with dinner."

Nearby, Nozomi turned from the scene playing out between the two and shook her head. "Gemini didn't know the half of it."

"Or maybe she just didn't want to say," Miki gave the sleeping bag and mat a disgusted look. "It's too bad Black and White blew that camp away. . . we could at least have gotten cots or something." Suddenly, she felt an overwhelming sense of dread and terror and looked up to see Nozomi rapidly shaking her head. But it was far too late.

"You...did...what?" Sebastian's voice came from behind her, low and full of menace. "There was a camp, presumably of soldiers, and you destroyed it?"

"It wasn't their fault!" Nozomi said quickly. "There were over a hundred Precure and soldiers attacking us and we were at our limit! If Black and White hadn't done it we would probably have been captured."

"Military rations are some of the best non-perishable nutrition in the world! With that camp's supplies we could have held out for a year in our new location." Sebastian no longer seemed about ready to kill, but he was still very angry. "We would have been out of danger, M'lady would not have to deal with those. . . ruffians for food that barely fills the belly. To say nothing of the other supplies. We might finally have been able to approximate some level of comfort, and instead…"

Miki snapped "We did what we could, okay? Gemini didn't make it clear how desperate the situation was, or we might have been able to. . to . . . to. . . "

Nagisa put a hand on Sebasitan's shoulder. "Look, man, I'm sorry about that. If it helps, I know a guy stationed in Okinawa. American. On our side he's not a bad guy, but he likes to make a little extra money. Over here. . . well, if he's still there he might be willing to sell some surplus."

Sebastian shook his head. "The credit system makes that impossible to do without being tracked, and we have precious little to barter with aside from the girls' strength. I appreciate the thought, but . . . "

". . . I see," Nagisa sighed. "I'll try to keep an eye out, direct Regina to the good stuff during the fight."

"As you say," Sebastian turned. "At least you brought a few days worth. We'll begin dinner soon."

Davie and Mepple paced back and forth, passing each other as they moved in the opposite directions, both deep in thought. They had found a small, concealed part of the cave in which to hide, and most of the other faeries had gone in there to play to take their minds off the situation, which in particular suited Davie just fine.

Finally, Mepple looked up at the more cat-like faerie. "I can't sense anything-mepo."

Davie shook her head as well. "The darkness in this world is just too strong-davie."

Mepple crossed his arms over his chest just as best as he could. "Do you know what could cause this-mepo?"

"No. Not even King Jikochuu is strong enough to just-davie…"

Mepple swallowed. "Do you think the evil Precure are actuallly using evil power-Mepo?"

"...yes-davie," The purple faeire sighed. "But using dark power doesn't make them bad-davie."

Mepple looked for a moment like he was about to argue the point, but Lance had just started to chew on Porun's ear. ". . . looks like Mipple needs our help-mepo!"

Rikka busied herself with picking up the various bits of trash that had been allowed to let go, sighing as she set aside the first bag and picking up a second. She had just picked up yet another instant ramen package when she felt a hand on her shoulder. "You don't have to do that," Gemini said to her, not too coldly. "We won't be here much longer anyway."

"All the more reason," Rikka shrugged. "We shouldn't leave the cave a mess."

Gemini stopped, then giggled. "You're probably right." She started to work on picking up another spot nearby. "Look, Diamond. . . "

"Nothing to be sorry about," Rikka interrupted with a firm tone of voice. "I saw enough of that fight. I don't know what happened to Rune, but she wasn't herself. I'm going to try to talk to her."

Gemini glanced at her out of the corner of her eye, warily. "Rikka...I appreciate the offer, but I have to tell you I think that's a bad idea. She won't listen to me or Regina at all, but I can guess how the conversation with Heart went. Alice has been trying the same thing for months, and it just seems to make her worse. I honestly don't know what's wrong with her?"

Rikka swallowed. "She thinks she's lost her best friend," she pointed out. "And to. . . well, you have to admit Regina likes to play up the 'bad girl.' Appearances are important, and that's probably not helping."

"It's not like I'm asking Rune to marry her, just talk!" Gemini snapped. "Rune just ran off to the police the second Regina appearaed, never gave her a chance!"

Rikka found herself shouting back "Look at it from her point of view! When Regina came to our school for the first time on our side, she gagged me for trying to talk, then threatened to blow up the school over a student council meeting!"

"And I explained that that wasn't going to work!" Gemini screamed back. "I had it all under control until she just decided to betray us for a luxury apartment!"

"SHE LOVES YOU!" Rikka's voice reached the point of echoing in the cave.

Suddenly both girls stopped, realizing everybody had turned to stare at them. Gemini winced. ". . . Diamond - I mean, Rikka. I. . . are you sure?"

"As sure as I can be of anything about her," Rikka confirmed with a clear-eyed expression. "She picked a bad way to show it, but I know I wouldn't turn on Mana for all the money in the world."

There was a long silence. Rikka was about to break it, but Gemini spoke suddenly. ". . . if you have to try, I won't stop you." Gemini's voice cracked. "But, please, please be careful."

The dinner, contrary to expectations, was quiet. Nagisa explained the plan they had outlined briefly after the battle, and everyone dug silently into their rice and vegetables, saving the meat for last. Finally, it was Sagittarius who spoke. "If this doesn't work, and we don't get anything, you realize that even IF we all survive we'll never be able to show our faces in polite society again, right? This is nothing short of an all-out assault on the YTF's illusion of control."

Cologne nodded his agreement. "This is too big a risk. I'm not sure even our allies will want to do too much business with us after this stunt."

Gemini looked vaguely betrayed, but Regina was the one who spoke up. "Guys, it's not just about us anymore. I know you were all planning on blowing up the damn Quarantine Zone. Don't get nervous just because now it's you paying the price instead of the people you say you care about." All of the natives winced at that, before they sighed as one. "Good. Now, that said, this is gonna be a tough, and long, fight. I don't think we have time to track down every ex-Precure who has reason to fight, but do we know the big ones? Especially the ones we have an in with now?" She nodded to Miki and Yayoi meaningfully.

Sebastian nodded, and said four names. "Muse. Lemonade. Peach. Sunny."

Gemini gulped nervously at the first name. ". . . even for this, is bringing in Muse a good idea? No offense, miss Kise, but she's crazier than Peace."

Nozomi went pale at that brief description. "Crazier?"

"Debatable," Sagittarius replied. "I think these days she's in the old Kyoto prefecture, but she's got her own way into the Quarantine Zone. She won't take much convincing, either."

Miki chewed on her lip thoughtfully. "Love. I guess that means I have to go see Love on this side."

"Right," Gemini grinned broadly. "Hopefully she'll be easy to convince. And she lives in Tokyo. Don't know her story though."

Yayoi nodded. "I can talk to Akane...I mean Sunny."

Mana clapped her hands. "That's decided, then. Do you have a new place to stay?"

Gemini nodded. "Just for a few days, after that we'll need to go somewhere out of the way again. We'd been hoping to avoid it, but. . . "

That was when the light of the moon streaming in from the cave entrance was blocked by a tall man. His cane, narrow eyes, and neatly pressed Victorian-era suit with ruffled shirt presented an odd sight indeed.

Yuri jumped to her feet. "Baron Salamander!"

". . . . pardon, do I know you?"

Yuri glanced askance at Cologne, who gave her a brief nod. "The first and last Desert Apostle."

Alice grinned. "I'll handle introductions. But we're from the other world Gemini and Regina came to."

"A pleasure," Salamander bowed to them. "Ladies, I assume this means you know we have been discovered. My delay was due to evading the drones. I conjured a high wind to force them down, but that won't last. We have until morning to be gone."

Mana winced at that. ". . . let's finish quickly and get to bed early, then. I assume we're taking the bookshelf?"

"Yeah," Gemini sighed. "And then a conversation I'm not looking forward to."

"With who?" Rikka asked, curious as to just who could cause Gemini such resignation.

"The Oyabun."