Princess Mononoke Fan Fiction / Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Singing Mountain ❯ Chapter 10: Make a Wish ( Chapter 10 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Masq: **quotes Vegeta** I don't need these stinking disclaimers! I'll just use my Garret Gun and blow the whole thing up! **crazy laughter**

Masquerade hugged herself closer to Cell's body, feeling its warmth and comfort and he hugged her back. A few warm tears fell down her cheeks, and she smiled. She was still a little upset about what had happened to her family and Takashi…but she felt much more secure and safer in Cell's arms. She wanted to stay in those strong, safe arms forever.

"We should get going." Cell sighed.

"Hm?" Masq wondered, feeling sleepy. "Going?"

"Back to the house." Cell nodded. "I don't want to go back to the springs."

"Yeah." Masq agreed. "I'm tired. Let's go home." Cell smiled down at her. The reason he didn't want to go back was because of his imperfect body. It embarrassed him very much, especially since it was a painful reverting process. He carefully stood up, still holding her, and stood her on her feet. She wiped the tears from her face and eyes, and started walking and trying to keep at least one of Cell's arms around her. Cell walked with her, but felt extremely sore and uncomfortable. He needed to lay back down in the bed to rest.

They walked until they came to the Shishi Gami pool. Cell had to stop walking to rest his mussels. He sat down by a tree, and Masq sat next to him and rested her head on his shoulder. Cell just leaned his head back and looked out at the water. A few kodama appeared at the other side of the lake, but they were just a few small white dots in his tired eyes, so he thought nothing of them. He just closed his eyes for a moment, and tried to get a little sleep.

Masq remained wide-awake, looking out at the beautiful, starlit forest. She watched silently as she saw the small shape of Akimo's spirit walk across the water of the lake to look at the kodama. She smiled at him, watching in wonder as he walked on the water as though it was solid ground. He smiled cheerfully at the kodama, and walked towards them to play.

Suddenly, Cell groaned and Masq looked at him.

"What's wrong?" she asked.

"It hurts all over." He sighed. "Even inside…"

"I wish there was something I can do to make it go away." Masq wished sadly. "I wonder, though…what keeps making you change?"

"I wish I knew." Cell shook his head, which was also painful to do. "The water made me perfect once, but then I transformed back…and then I transformed again when I was attacked by the demon, and reverted back to this before we could…" He stopped there, and started blushing as he remembered what almost happened. Masq smiled and started blushing too.

"Perhaps the water is effecting you somehow…" Masq thought out loud.

"Perhaps it was Surreal…" Cell brainstormed, thinking back. "She was there as I became perfect…"

"Hey, wait a minute!" Masq exclaimed, as she came up with something. "Seru, how did you feel a few minutes ago?"


"Before we could…kiss…how did you feel?"

"I can't remember…" Cell shook his head.

"Were you scared?"

"I…think so. Why?"

"Every time you changed, you felt some form of fear. When you almost drowned in the lake, when you found that you were still weak in your perfect form shortly afterward, when the demon attacked…"

"You're right!" Cell realized.

"So, if you felt scared like I did before we…uh, almost kissed, then that explains everything!"

It does make sense! Cell thought. It is almost like becoming a Super Saiyajin: you must feel a very strong emotion in order to transform. Perhaps something like this is happening. When Surreal brought me back to life, something might have conflicted with my Saiyajin DNA, causing this transformation to happen. It's the only explanation I can come up with… He glanced down at the hopeful Masquerade. I wish I could tell her that, but I can't. It would only confuse her since she knows nothing of the Saiyajin…

"It makes sense…" Cell admitted. "But I can't live with something like this. In a human-like form one moment, then I become afraid and transform into this ugliness… I don't want this…"

"Hmmmm…" Masq thought, making a thinking face. "Maybe if we asked Akimo to make you perfect permanently…" She looked across the lake to see Akimo standing on the shore and letting many silent kodama gather around him. He held a very small tree spirit in his hand, letting it climb up his arm to the top of his head, and jump back down to his hand. It clicked happily as it climbed up his arm again for another dive.

"How can we do that?" Cell wondered.

"Simple." Masq smiled, coming up with an idea. "We just wish for it."

" 'Wish?' " Cell's mind immediately went to the dragonballs.

"Yeah, a wish. I read about it in the Demon Scroll. First, I need my crystal dagger. C'mon, let's go get it." She stood up and tugged Cell to his feet.

"What do you need that for?" Cell asked as he stood.

"You'll see." Masq nodded, walking up the trail that led to her house. "I'll use it to ask Akimo to give you your perfect body back."

"Could you ask him to give me my powers back too?" It was starting to sound very farfetched, but if she was serious and wasn't all that drunk…

"Sure!" she beamed. "I know how it works, just leave it to me!"

"Alright." Cell smiled. Whether it was a silly superstition or for real, it wouldn't hurt to give it a try.

What if it worked?

Singing Mountain: Chapter 10

Miaka showed up along the path, offering Masq a warm kimono to shelter her towel wrapped body with, and walked with them to Masq's house. She even offered to make them tea once they got there. Masq accepted with a few nods while Cell was becoming too sleepy to respond. With some of Miaka's cheery attitude to pass the time, they arrived at Masq's cottage in what seemed like a few minutes.

Cell immediately curled up on the bed while Miaka brewed tea in a kettle in the next room. Masq changed into her nightgown in the bathroom, combed out her hair, and braided it to keep it from getting tangled as she slept. After a few minutes, she came back out and accepted a warm cup of tea from Miaka. They sat at the table to chat.

"Cell?" Miaka called into the bedroom. "Would you like some tea?"

"No thank you." Cell called back with a yawn.

"Alright." Miaka chuckled, picking up her cup and taking a sip. Masq took a moment to take out a scroll of paper she kept close to the table, and unrolled it to a certain section. Miaka smiled at the long roll of paper.

"I see you have been studying the Demon Scroll, San." She observed.

"Yeah." Masq admitted, reading the Japanese text about Akimo granting wishes. "Ever since you gave it to me three months ago, San Miaka, I've been studying it really hard. I know all the mythology stories now, and I even tried out a few spells!" She paused. "With your permission, of course."

"Yes, you did. The Rain Spell, The Angel Spell, and last but not least The Barrier Spell. Each of them was very successful. You seem to have a talent for the natural magicks, Masq." Masquerade nodded.

"So, San Miaka, there were two more spells I would like to cast. I heard of a Flower Spell that would make flowers grow to be healthier and prettier."

"Oh yes, your garden." Miaka nodded. "I rather you didn't cast any spells on the flower bed just yet. They should be growing naturally and on their own, just like the trees of the forest do."

"Well, this is the special case." Masq grinned. "I am what my mother called a 'Green Witch.' I grow herbs and I use them."

"So, your garden is an herb garden?" Miaka smiled, impressed. "Well, that's very brave of you, growing herbs in mountain soil. All the same, I don't think you should cast any spells on your garden just yet. What is the other spell?"

"Cell and I came up with an idea." Masquerade announced. "See, he keeps changing forms whenever he gets really emotional or really scared. I thought that maybe we could wish for Akimo to turn him into his perfect form and make it permanent. Do you think it would work? It says here to have a 'spiritual totem' and the only thing I can think of is my crystal dagger. What do you think?"

" 'Crystal dagger?' " Miaka wondered with a sly smile. "Who gave it to you?"

"Oh, an old boyfriend of mine. I don't like him anymore."

"Boyfriend?" Cell thought angrily, opening one eye as he eavesdropped. Didn't she say her father gave that dagger to her before she came here? Then he suddenly realized something, and mused on the idea a little as he closed his eye again. Wait a minute…

"But crystal daggers are a bonding." Miaka explained. "If he gave it to you, then he had every desire to marry you."

"He changed his mind, let's just leave it at that." Masq insisted. "So, will my dagger work?"

"Absolutely." Miaka nodded. "Crystal daggers hold spiritual power because of their blue color."

" 'Blue color?' Like the Ghost Powder?"

"Yes, absolutely. So, do you know how to do the wishing procedure?"

"I get the general idea. Would you like to help me and Seru so that we don't make mistakes?"

"I doubt you'll make a mistake, but I would be honored to help you two."

"Oh thank you! Thank you so much, San!" Masq cheered, jumping up from her seat and hugging Miaka. Miaka hugged the girl tightly and patted Masq's back.

"Anything for a couple in love." Miaka nodded. Masq became worried.

"You know…" She turned away to hide her blushing face.

"It was very obvious." Miaka hid the fact that she spied on them as they admitted they loved each other. "You two make a cute couple."


"Yeah. A typical 'Beauty and the Beast.' You two belong together, in my opinion."

"I guess." Masq sighed romantically. "I wish he wasn't so set on leaving the mountain. I don't want him to go."

"I'm not leaving!" Cell wanted to shout to the next room, but he didn't want to reveal that he was eavesdropping. He had decided that he would stay on the mountain for a little while. Forget the giant wolves, and demons, and dragons, and Surreal, and even the God damned kodama! He would stay a little longer just for Masquerade. After deciding that, he fell asleep.


Morning broke over the face of Singing Mountain, and began to flood to the other mountains in the Wolf Jaw. The morning light and sweet smell of the forest flowers and trees spread like wildfire, awaking many of the life presence's on the mountain…


…Gohan stirred in the bed, and opened his eyes. Light was flooding through a window in Miaka's house, and was starting to get into his eyes. He sat up, and rubbed the sleep out of his eyes and face. He slept really well. He heard Miaka in the next room along with the sound of clacking dishes and the smell of something really yummy. Gohan slowly slid out of the bed, and wandered to the doorway of the bedroom. He looked to see Miaka busy at her stove, using a spatula to scoop flat food from a skillet and onto a plate. Miaka looked up at Gohan, and smiled.

"Good morning." She greeted. "Would you like some breakfast? I thought you might like pancakes."

"Oh yes, thank you!" Gohan nodded his head violently. "Thank you very much!"

"You're welcome." Miaka chuckled. She pointed back into the bedroom. "I have a change of clothes for you on my bed, if you need them." Gohan looked back into the bedroom to see another bed opposite of his, neatly made, with neatly stacked clothes placed in the middle.

"Thank you again!" Gohan chirped, bowing then heading back into the bedroom.

"Be quick!" Miaka warned. "Breakfast is almost ready!"

Gohan's clothes were boy clothes, and they were one size too big. Not caring, he put them on. They were very roomy, and Gohan liked what he saw when he walked by Miaka's full body mirror. He was wearing a long sleeved, light blue shirt, white colored slacks, and white sneakers. He gave his reflection a thumbs up and a wink before rushing to the table for some pancakes.

"How many pancakes would you like, Gohan?" Miaka asked as Gohan took a seat.

"Four please!" Gohan requested with a cheery voice.

"Okay." Miaka chuckled. "I'm only having two. My pancakes are pretty big, and I can't eat any more than three of them."

"Oh, I've got a big appetite. I'll eat it all, I promise."

"Alright." Miaka laughed, smiling as she flipped the fourth pancake for Gohan's plate.

I've always wanted a little boy of my own. Miaka sighed in her head. Young Gohan makes my urge so much stronger for my own son to have, play with, take care of, and cook for. She glanced at him over her shoulder as he licked his lips in hungry anticipation. How strange…Cell is scared of this little boy? I wonder why exactly…


…18 opened her eyes as Kuririn opened the door to the bedroom. She raised her head slightly to look at him.

"Good morning." Kuririn smiled, then held up a green kimono up for 18 to see. Stitched on one of the folds close to the heart was a branch of cherry blossoms. Awed, 18 sat up in bed, holding the covers up to her chest. Kuririn peeked from behind his display and smiled. "You like it? I have two more you might like."

"It's beautiful." 18 gasped. "Where did you get it?"

"In a shop in town. They have lots of kimonos and nice clothes there. The shop lady was happy enough to sell three of them to me. Did you wanna get out of bed and try it on?"

"Sure." 18 nodded, pushing back the covers.

"Finally," Kuririn chuckled, "I got you out of bed. You were in here all day yesterday, you know that?"

"Yes." 18 moaned, getting up. "I know. Sorry, but you know me."

"Yeah." Kuririn agreed, handing 18 the kimono. "I was going to show this to you, but you were asleep when I got back and I didn't want to wake you up."

"Okay." 18 nodded in understanding. She held the kimono up at arm's length, and cocked her head around in several angles to examine it. "Cotton…" she noted. "This isn't the bathrobe type…"

"Nope. You can just wrap that on and go out into the town if you want." Kuririn suggested with a small hint. "Wanna try it on? Your pink obi and white surcoat would look great with that."

"Hey, you're right!" 18 realized. "Thank you so much, Kuririn!" She rushed to him, and hugged him hard with a great big kiss on the cheek. Kuririn blushed.

"You're welcome, honey. Here, I'll get outta the room so that you can get dressed."

"Okay." 18 nodded, beaming. Kuririn left and closed the door. 18 felt so happy that she bounced up and down a few times for no particular reason, then hurriedly got dressed…


As Masq took her morning bath in the bathroom, Cell remained on the bed, asleep, and dreaming about a woman who lived a long time ago…

… … …

He saw himself walking along with a hauntingly beautiful woman into a primitive Japanese town. The town was heavily bordered by a wall of wooden pillars, and wreaked of smoke and something horrible that made him cover his nose in disgust.

Wait a minute… Nose?

Cell felt his face with his fingers, and felt his perfect face. How strange, he remembered himself as Imperfect…

"Hello there."

Startled, Cell turned to his right to see the beautiful woman next to him. She wasn't looking at him, but she spoke to him. She was preoccupied.

"…" Cell had no idea what to say. The woman was nothing like the ones he had met so far on the mountain. She dressed more like an Imperial noblewoman than a priestess did…no, she looked more like a hunter in the small blue cape and red hat.

"Well?" she asked him in a British accent.

"Well what?" Cell finally spoke.

"Aren't you going to say 'hello' as well, stranger?"

"Uh, hello…"

"I don't believe I know you." She went on, heading for the open gate of the town. "Would you mind telling me your name?"

"Tell me your name first." Cell cautiously demanded.

"You first." The woman calmly yet firmly demanded.

"…" Cell couldn't respond. He knew how dangerous it was to give out his name. He didn't even know this woman, why should he tell her his name. Then again, she wasn't giving her name either…

"Watch out, my lady!" a woman from a watchtower over the gate yelled, pointing to the distance. "There's a horseman coming! Get in!" Cell and the woman looked down the path behind them, and saw a messenger on a horse escorted by two samurai on horseback. They were carrying flags of a very strange nature that Cell wasn't concerned with.

"Well, speak of the devil." A man on the woman's left chuckled. Cell looked to see a short, fat man dressed like an Imperial monk. "It's a messenger from Lord Asano-sama." The woman nodded, and turned her head up to the look out tower above the gate.

"We have guests!" she announced. "Mind your manners, ladies!" Cell looked up again, and couldn't believe he didn't see all those women standing in the watchtower, all of them were dressed in kimonos of every imaginable color.

"Yes mam!" They called down to the woman. She entered, and Cell walked beside her while the monk fell close to the back. More women in kimonos were awaiting the woman, and greeted her happily.

"Welcome back, Lady Eboshi!" they chimed. The woman ignored them.

"Eh-bow-she?" Cell wondered. How strange! That's the name of the capital town on Singing Mountain! She must be the woman the town was named after! Fascinating…

"Mistress," Cell began to the woman, "I'm a stranger here. What town is this?"

"This is Tatara Ba." She explained. "My home…and my investment."

"Investment?" Cell wondered. Suddenly, the barrier to the gate slammed closed, startling Cell.

"Whoa!" the monk cried, then began shouting at Eboshi. "Hey! Aren't you even going to talk to the man?!"

"No." Eboshi shook her head. She sat down on a nearby porch where a man was writing Japanese script on wood tablets. "Now, I suppose you don't have proof of the emperor 'breathing down your neck' or is my assumption correct, Jiko?"

"Assumption, my lady?" the monk, Jiko, asked as he reached into a fold of his white robe.

"You came here because Asano sent you."

"Aw, m'lady! You know that's not true. I have a pardon from the emperor himself right here."

"I wish to see it." Eboshi requested, then she turned to Cell. "Please have a seat, sir. Now that you know my name, it is safe for you to tell me yours."

"Cell." Cell introduced, sitting to Eboshi's left. Jiko sat at Eboshi's right, not saying a word to Cell.

"Seru…" Eboshi nodded. "An…unusual name." She accepted a piece of folded paper and opened it to reveal a Japanese script so ancient, Cell could hardly read it. He looked over Eboshi's shoulder, and read something about an emperor's wish to live forever before Eboshi turned the paper away from Cell's eyes. "Seru, how rude to read over my shoulder."

"I'm sorry." Cell moaned. Eboshi smiled at him, took off her hat and held the paper out so that she and Cell could read it together. "I can't read it." Eboshi seemed to ignore Cell all the sudden, and turned her head to Jiko.

"Impressive…" she complemented, "for a piece of paper."

"Well, it has attracted all the best hunters and trappers in the west." Jiko bragged. "After all, we're after a God, not just some beast."

"A God?" Cell asked. "Why are you after a God?"

Suddenly, a shot rang out from the watchtower…

… … …

Cell shot up to a sit in the bed, startled by the sudden noise in his dream. He blinked a few times, then calmed as he saw himself in Masquerade's cottage, and not in a fortressed town in ancient Japan. He lay back down and sighed.

First the dream about Moro-sama and a San…and now a dream about Lady Eboshi and a monk named Jiko…and Tatara Ba…What is causing these strange dreams?

He heard Masq humming in the bathroom, and he couldn't help but smile. She had a nice voice, but it wasn't good enough to make fame and fortune. He was growing more and more sure that she was the girl he attacked in the forest a year ago. She sounded the same as the girl. He still wondered how she knew about the androids when she knew nothing about any of the Z fighters…

… … …

"No! Stop! Please, don't hurt me!"

"It is too late for that." He purred to her deep in his throat. He licked his lips as he walked to her. "Time to die, young one." His tail arched, ready to stab into her vulnerable flesh and suck away her soul.

"No! Please!" she cried. "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!"

He laughed at her quietly, taking pleasure in her screams of fear. Soon, they would be screams of pain. He enjoyed hearing women scream…

"No! Please!" the girl pleaded, starting to cry. "I know where the androids are!"

"Huh?!" Cell gasped, stopping in his tracks. The girl looked into his eyes with her watery blue ones.

"I know who you are, and I know what you want. If you let me live, I can take you to the androids!"

"How do you know about the androids?"

"I can take you to them, just don't kill me."


He had absolutely no idea what to do. He was taken off guard. Had she run into Piccolo or one of the others? No…they wouldn't flat out tell a stranger about the androids and himself. Becoming fearful in his curiosity, he decided to believe the girl for now. That is, if she was telling the truth and did know about Androids 17 and 18.

"Where are the androids?" Cell demanded, glaring into her horrified eyes. A few tears ran down her face as she answered.

"Son Goku's house."

"Why would they go there?"

"I don't know!" The girl screamed, squeezing her eyes shut and turning away from him. "They just are! There, I told you! Please don't kill me!"

Cell couldn't help but grow suspicious. Still, a bad lead was better than no lead at all. He took a few steps towards her, and carefully moved his tail towards her neck. He held her head still with one hand, and the very tip of his tail ever so carefully pricked her skin and she squeaked through her clenched teeth in pain.

"Relax." Cell insisted. "I'm not going to kill you…"

… … …

Masquerade had to be that girl. She had to be.

So why couldn't she remember the encounter?

And how did she know about the androids?


Noon in the town of Eboshi. The priestesses and wolves began their marching procession towards the temple of Moro Gami at the mountain's peak. They sang their usual marching sound:

"Hitotsu futatsu wa akago mo fumuga

Mittsu yottsu wa oni mo naku, naku

Tatara onna wa kogane no nasake

Tokete nagarerya yaiba ni kawaru."

Kuririn and 18 took immediate notice.

"What the heck is going on?" Kuririn wondered as he and 18 translated the words in their heads.

"Do they work at an iron mill or something?" 18 blinked.

"The priestesses are on the march." A stall merchant explained to them. "I wonder what's up."

"Something about the dragon god, Osa Gami, I think." One of his customers explained. "I guess he's gonna talk about what he's doing here…"

18 and Kuririn couldn't help but overhear. 18 nodded her head at them, and began walking with the priestesses. Kuririn ran after her in alarm.

"18! Honey, what are you doing?! I don't think we're suppost to go with them! If it's their business…"

"Excuse me," 18 tapped a red headed priestess's shoulder, "may my husband and I come with you?"

"Well…" the priestess bit her lip, looking at 18 and Kuririn. "I guess it's okay. We're headed to the Moro Gami temple. Osa Gami has arrived for his surviving priest, and we hope to get him to explain what he came here for."

"That's something I'd like to know." 18 nodded with a smile. "Kuririn and I have been following them here, but we don't have a clue why they're here either."

"I guess you're entitled to come too." The priestess nodded, then extended her hand for shaking. "My name's San Kaede."

"18." The android introduced, shaking the girl's hand. "Pleased to meet you."


"Whoa!" Masq called as she observed her garden. "I can't believe it!"

"What's going on out there?" Cell called from inside the house. He looked out the window. "San, what's with all the shouting?"

"My garden!" she explained in excitement. "It's growing already! Look!" As Cell started walking out the door, Masq mumbled and squeaked to herself while her feet took turns bouncing her around. She obviously couldn't contain herself. "I can't believe it, and I planted the seeds three days ago!"

"And?" Cell wondered, not impressed.

"It usually takes a week for seeds to grow. And to make it more impossible, mountain soil is usually bad for these types of herbs because of the climate. And look, they're sprouting!" She pointed to the flowerbed and revealed the tiny specks of green in the soft, brown dirt. "I can't believe it!" Then she pounced on Cell without warning. "I'm so happiiiiiie!" Cell's tail whipped through the open air in annoyance.

"I'm…glad for…you." Cell growled, trying to find the right words and pry Masq's arms off his waist. "Very nice."

Then the sound of singing priestesses could be heard in the distance. Masq and Cell turned their heads towards the forest, and saw the whole group of priestesses and wolves emerging from the trees and on the path to the nearest village. Moro-sama and Amaroq were leading while every wolf on the mountain accompanied them with or without a Mononoke rider. Curious, Masq walked up to the procession and found Rhapsody on Aman's back.

"What's up now?" Masq asked.

"Osa Gami has come for his surviving priest." Rhapsody explained. Then, she went on about the plan to make Osa confess that he came to attack the wolf clan.

"I think I better come." Masq nodded. "I saved his life. Did you ever get his name?"

"He has an unusual name. It's Biso, and he's one of the high priests of the dragon clan."

"Hey, Seru!" Masq called over her shoulder. "You might wanna come with us!"

"Sure!" Cell agreed, walking to Masq's side. "I'd like to know why Osa wanted to attack the mountain in the first place as well."

"Where's Biso?" Masq asked Rhapsody as they walked by her and Aman's side.

"At the Ashitaka shrine behind the temple. I'm sure he and Osa have been reunited already."

"Alright then…" Masq nodded. "Just wondering. I did save his life, after all."


In the main chamber of the temple, the priestesses gathered and took their seats. Masq took her usual spot by the picture of the man and the red elk. Cell was fascinated by the art in the chamber, and how similar it looked in his dream. He found a picture of a river that looked just like the one he met Moro Gami and the girl named San at. He went to Masq and pointed at the picture.

"Is that river around here?" he asked. She looked and nodded.

"Yeah." She answered, then looked up at Cell suspiciously. "Why?"

"It was in a dream I had…" he began to explain, but he stopped himself, believing Masquerade would think he was crazy, so he ended his answer with, "…that's all."

"Okay." Masq nodded in acceptance. "Hey, go ahead and sit down. Make yourself comfortable." He was about to when he spotted a few painted kodama at the base of a painted tree, and he hesitated.


Masq looked at the paintings, and glared at him.

"They're not real, you coward. Now siddown!" Cell reluctantly did as she said. Ghen then came to join them, laying down on Masq's other side. She patted his head and scratched behind his ears. "I haven't seen you in a while, how've you been?"

"Fine." Ghen answered. "I'm a little tired today. I'll need some sleep later."

"That's okay." Masq chirped. Cell lounged on the wall, watching several of the wolves' take their seats where they pleased, by priestess or alone. Suddenly, a certain couple caught his eye and he straightened his back in shock.

18…and Kuririn…

They were sitting next to San Kaede and San Miaka, and chatting pleasantly. 18 was strangely moody, but she looked beautiful in her green kimono and shrouding white surcoat. He was ready to cry, seeing her again and so lovely…


Neither of them saw him, so they weren't aware that he was in the room. He felt a little relieved. What would he say or do if 18 saw him? She was the only girl he ever felt nervous about until Masquerade came along. 18 was probably the first girl he ever fell in love with. Did he? He couldn't remember…that was a year ago…

From another chamber of the temple, the gigantic Osa Gami entered with his priest, Biso, walking beside him. Osa stood in the center of the chamber, and the wolf clan priestesses fell silent in their chatting. It was time for the real talking to begin.

"Before I begin," Osa said nice and loud for everyone to hear, "I wish to meet the one who saved Sir Biso from the demon? Who is the one?" Masquerade stood up, and Osa and Biso looked at her. She bowed politely, and Biso smiled.

"What is your name?" he asked her.

"Coral DragonLore." She introduced. "But the priestesses call me San Masquerade."

"Beautiful…" Biso commented. Masq blushed. Cell glared at the lanky priest.

If he meant exactly what I think he meant, so help me God, I'll…

"My gratitude to you, San Masquerade." Osa thanked, bowing his head to her. "I will remember you."

"As will I." Biso nodded with a charming smile. Masq resumed her seat, putting her hands to her blushing face.

"He's kinda cute…" she admired. Cell gave her a quick clip to the back of the head to snap her out of her craze.

"Lord Osa!" Rhapsody began, standing up and holding a spear for support. "The wolf clan demands to know why you are here, and why you came in a hostile manner!"

"Who are you?" Osa questioned with a growl in his throat.

"I am San Rhapsody, high priestess of the wolf clan! I demand you answer me!"

"Heh heh heh…" Osa laughed, grinning. "How pitiful. The wolf clan has only one high priestess when other tribes have more than three." Rhapsody glared at him behind her mask. "Bear us no ill will, San. We of the dragons did not come with bad intentions to the wolf clan…unless, of course, you gave us a reason to."

"Then why did you come?!"

"Maria!" Moro-sama snapped at Rhapsody. "Don't shout, he can hear you. Softer, please."

"Maria?" Masq and Cell blinked.

"That must be her real name." Masq assumed with a shrug.

"The wolf clan was not the reason we came." Osa began explaining. "Allow me to start from the beginning. One year ago, our islands were destroyed one by one by a dark, evil power. The power had a booming voice, and threatened to destroy all of our islands if an Eyteim didn't show him or herself to him. Perhaps no one came, because eventually all but one of our islands were destroyed. Many of my priests, priestesses and dragons were destroyed as well as many innocent lives. All but one island was destroyed; why that particular one was spared, none of us knows.

"A few days ago, we sensed the evil power here. Determined to avenge our dead, we came to kill the power once and for all. The demon, who had nothing to do with our journey, came from out of nowhere and attacked and killed the entire attack force except for Biso, who was saved by the San."

"You did not come to us for help?" Rhapsody asked.

"We did not consider you a part of our plans." Biso explained.

"Didn't even stop to think about us," Miaka scowled as she stood up, "even though you were charging into our territory like a bunch of boars!"

"You were not important at the time." Osa explained.

"And you call yourself the wisest of the dragons!" Miaka shouted. "You four legged snake! Four of our Sans are dead because of your senseless actions, you mixed bag of wontons!"

"Miaka!" Moro-sama barked at the priestess. "You're worse than Rhapsody! No need for shouting or insults! He is a fellow God!"

"At least one of you has respect for us." Osa said to Moro-sama, turning his head to her.

"I am just as grieved and infuriated as my priestesses about the incident." Moro-sama explained. "I only know how to handle a hated foe with respect."

"And I thank you, Moro-san." Osa bowed his head to the wolf. "Now then, would you be so kind as to help us find the horrible power that arrived here a few days ago?"

Moro-sama knew that Osa spoke of Cell, but had no idea who or what Cell was. Since his people were underwater breathing creatures, and they had lost all communications with the outside world when the cities on the islands were destroyed, they knew virtually nothing about the Cell Game. The dragons had come for Cell, and she wasn't sure what would happen if they found out that Cell was the "horrible power" they were seeking.

"We will find this power you speak of." Moro-sama nodded. "I can't say we would help you after what happened to the priestesses. We are, more or less, concentrating on the source of the demon's existence."

"I welcome any and all help." Osa announced. "And Sir Biso and I will not leave until the power has been found and destroyed by me."

This is bad. Cell thought to himself. Osa is talking about me, I'm the one he came for with his warriors. They came to destroy me, the wolf clan had nothing to do with it. He glanced at 18 and Kuririn, who were whispering to each other. And they know I was the one who destroyed those islands. It would be very bad if they decided to tell on me now. I really don't want my crimes shoved in my face again…

Before Cell could assure himself that Kuririn and 18 would do no such thing, 18 stood up and walked towards Osa.

"My lord…" she began. Osa fanned out his wings and swung his head to her in surprise. Biso looked at her with equal surprise. Cell began to worry. "Lord Osa, my name is 18, and I am the one the power was seeking. I can tell you everything you…"

"So, you're the one!" Biso outbursted. "The one the evil was looking for! Why didn't you answer it! Our people could have been spared if you didn't hide!"

"That wasn't a guarantee." 18 shook her head. "If he found me, he would have killed me like he did my brother."

Oh no! Cell panicked. What am I going to do?!

"His name is Cell." 18 explained, trying to keep control of her calm attitude and not break down in emotion. "He killed my brother, and he would have killed me too if I didn't hide. I'm sorry your home was destroyed and your people murdered for no reason, but the will to live is too strong to resist. You understand?"

Masq looked over at Cell in horror. He was staring at the ground, looking frustrated and trying to hide his fear. She put a hand on his shoulder and he sighed.

"Well…" Cell mumbled, "there's no use just sitting here and waiting to be dragged into the situation." He stood up.

"Seru…" Masq gasped. "What are you doing?!"

"I know what I'm doing." Cell said to her. "So you just stay put and keep your mouth shut." He walked towards Osa and Biso calmly. They turned to him. "Lord Osa…Sir Biso…I am Cell."

"Oh my God!" 18 screamed, backing away a few steps. Cell took her by horrified surprise, not only by suddenly appearing but being in his imperfect form… the form that haunted her nightmares…

"You…" Osa growled, then lunged for the android with murderous intentions.

Sorry to cut you off at a cliffhanger, but the story will be continued in chapter eleven! Stay tuned!