Princess Mononoke Fan Fiction / Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Singing Mountain ❯ Chapter 11: Ashitaka Monogatari ( Chapter 11 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Last time on Singing Mountain

Masq looked over at Cell in horror. He was staring at the ground, looking frustrated and trying to hide his fear. She put a hand on his shoulder and he sighed.

"Well…" Cell mumbled, "there's no use just sitting here and waiting to be dragged into the situation." He stood up.

"Seru…" Masq gasped. "What are you doing?!"

"I know what I'm doing." Cell said to her. "So you just stay put and keep your mouth shut." He walked towards Osa and Biso calmly. They turned to him. "Lord Osa…Sir Biso…I am Cell."

"Oh my God!" 18 screamed, backing away a few steps. Cell took her by horrified surprise, not only by suddenly appearing but being in his imperfect form… the form that haunted her nightmares…

"You…" Osa growled, then lunged for the android with murderous intentions.

Osa clamped his jaws over Cell, but the android kept the dragon's jaws pried open with his hands and feet. Osa shook his head around violently to force Cell down his throat, but Cell held on for dear life, clenching his teeth. He could hear surprised priestesses and barking wolves below him. He could hear Masquerade screaming and Moro-sama yelling at Osa to stop but the dragon refused to listen.

"Damn you!" Cell yelled, stabbing the inside of Osa's mouth with his tail. The dragon roared, and started to press his jaws closed. Cell was loosing strength, and his arms and legs were shaking in strain. He couldn't hold out for much longer. Trying to take advantage of the opportunity, he started absorbing some of Osa's ki to make the dragon weaker. The dragon screeched, and his jaws parted open further. Cell almost slipped down the dragon's mouth, but held on to Osa's teeth to keep that from happening. Taking another open opportunity, he yanked his tail out of the roof of Osa's mouth, and climbed out of his jaws and onto his snout.

"Seru!" Masq yelled in fear, trying to see what was happening. Before Cell could jump to safety, Osa clamped his teeth over Cell's tail.

"Ow!" Cell yelped. Osa started shaking his head left to right harshly, flinging Cell side to side with him. Cell started screaming in fear and fright, trying to find something to set his feet on before he got dizzy and lost focus. Moro-sama had seen and sent warnings enough, she had no choice but to attack her fellow god. She charged, and grabbed Osa's neck in her teeth.

"Let him go!" she ordered harshly. "I order you to let him go!" She bit down harder and harder, but Osa refused to open his jaws. At least Osa stopped shaking Cell around, and the android was left hanging on his tail. He swung himself up with a pull up, and started to climb back up to Osa's snout when a ki attack from nowhere hit Osa's chin and forced him to release Cell. Cell fell to the ground on his stomach, and he began to lift himself up to a sit. Masq ran to his side.

"Seru!" she cried. "Are you alri…" Another ki attack landed on the ground in front of Masq, sending her flying away from Cell and into a wall. Cell looked in the direction the attack came from, and was shocked beyond all calming.


18 stood with her hand in front of Cell with a very angry look on her face. Masq shook her head as a headache began to swell, and couldn't believe the woman that had helped her after the demon attack was attacking Cell.

"You monster…" 18 muttered. Settling himself down, Cell closed his eyes and shook his head.

"How could you, 18?! My dear, dear sister…"

"I'm not your sister, you murderer!" 18 screamed, rushing to him. She balled a fist, ready to kill Cell with one punch. Cell made no move to defend himself or evade attack. He did not want to fight her. Just before 18 could fling her killer fist…

…another hand snagged her wrist, and forced her back a few feet from Cell. 18 looked up to see Piccolo. She looked at him in shock.

"Piccolo?! I don't believe it! Why?! Why are you saving him?!" she looked at Cell, who was looking at her and looking quite depressed. "You have scores to settle with him too, don't you?! For what he did to you…and Goku…and Gohan too!" She was trying to hit him close to home with the Gohan remark, but it didn't seem to have effect.

"…" Piccolo looked at 18, then at Cell, then at Masquerade who was getting help standing up from Ghen.

"Why should you let a man like Cell live?!" 18 screamed at the Namek. "Tell me why!"

"The reason 'why,' " Piccolo answered, "is running to his aide."

"Huh?" 18 wondered, blinking a few times. She looked at Cell, then noticed Masquerade hurrying to him as fast as she could.

"Seru!" Masq called, then she got to him and fell on her knees, weakened by 18's blast. "Are you alright?!" Then she noticed the scratches on his arms and feet, and the bite wounds on his tail. "Oh God, you're hurt!"

"It's not that bad…" Cell insisted weakly. He looked at Masq's face, and saw that she was starting to cry. That made him feel more depressed. "San…"

"Oh Seru…" Masq sobbed, wrapping her arms around Cell's neck. He hugged her back, resting his head on her shoulder.

"It's okay." He soothed. "I'll be fine."

"What?!" 18 wondered, blinking a few times in disbelief. "What is she doing?!"

"Exactly what you think she's doing." Piccolo answered. Kuririn watched from behind his shield (a priestess and her wolf) in equal amazement.

"I don't believe it…" he whispered. "Oh my God… He's…hugging her?"

Cell could hear them all talking about him and Masq, and he blushed. He finally pushed Masq away and stood up.

"I'm fine." He insisted. "It doesn't hurt at all." Masq stood up with him and looked him over. She looked around at the three gawkers who knew Cell and were shocked to see him show emotion to another person.

What are they staring at? She growled in her head. Haven't they seen a couple in love before?!


Meanwhile, Moro-sama had wrestled Osa to the ground, and Osa lay next to unconscious next to Biso. The high priest watched in horror as his worshiped god was flung to the floor. Moro-sama still held the dragon's neck in her jaws, refusing to let go until the serpent heard what she had to say.

"This temple is our sacred ground." She began. "Even though you are not a wolf, all who stand on this spot is to obey certain rules. Although some rules give you some advantage over the wolves, the first and most important rule among our people is no violence on sacred ground. If your wish is to kill someone in this room, at least take it outside."

"You damned mutt…" Osa growled with the little air he had. "You were protecting and sheltering that evil this whole time…"

"He has caused us no harm. We have been given many warnings not to take him under our paws, but has not attacked or meant us harm for his entire stay. He was accepted onto the land by Akimo-sama himself. This man is not an enemy."

"He killed my people, my children…"

"That was so long ago, Osa. Those who hold hatred in their hearts for long periods of time become consumed by the hatred and do senseless things. Let go of your anger, leave the past behind you."

"Moro-san…" Biso whispered, looking up at Moro in awe. "So wise…" Moro-sama turned her pink eyes to the human.

"I have lived longer and experienced much more than Osa has. He is a child compared to my age." She explained. She finally let go of Osa's neck, and stepped away as the dragon slowly got up. Moro-sama turned her head to Cell and Masq. "The two of you should step outside for a while." They nodded, and headed for the temple entrance. San Kaede accompanied them. 18 tried to warn the girls about the danger they could be in for being alone with Cell, but Piccolo squeezed her wrist in assurance. 18 remained silent.

"This will not be forgotten, Moro!" Osa declared as he stood on all four of his feet. Biso put his calming hands on one of Osa's front legs to comfort his master.

"It most certainly won't!" Amaroq barked at the dragon. "Take your high priest and leave this mountain by twilight! Never return here again! You might as well carry your dead with you back to your sea!"

"Brother!" Moro-sama scolded, then turned back to Osa. "You are allowed to return, but with better intentions. Miaka, give Biso the talisman." Miaka walked foreword, and handed the human a small glass bauble attached to a length of red leather.

"The spirits of your warriors are in here." She said. "Take this with you back to your temple. Open the bottle by candle light, and the spirits will be released and will be at rest on their native ground."

"The dragons and wolves are not enemies?" Biso wondered, looking up at Osa and Moro. Osa did not answer his priest, but walked out of the temple. Osa watched the dragon go, bowed to Miaka in thanks for the bauble, then ran after his god. Miaka watched him go, wondering if the dragons and the wolves were not enemies.

She had high doubts.

Singing Mountain: Chapter 11

Cell, Masq, and Kaede ended up walking on a path that led to a beautiful garden. Inside, the garden was filled with lush, green plants, creeping ivy on the walls of the temple, stone statues of wolves and priestesses, and carved Japanese script on large slabs of stone accompanied by carved artwork from the Moramachi period. Masq was awestruck by the beauty of many of the different plants and sweet smelling ivy flowers. Cell thought almost nothing of it, but he did take interest in some of the writing on the stone slabs. Kaede was happy to show them around.

"This is the Ashitaka shrine." Kaede introduced. "I take care of this place, and the flowers too. I make sure that the plants get water, and the Koi fish get food, and the ivy…"

"Koi fish?" Masq wondered. Kaede led them further into the garden, and showed them a wide open space where the path forked, curved into a rough circle, and merged back into one pathway. In the middle of the circle was a lily-ridden pond of black water. Masq peered into the pool to see orange and white fish the size of her forearm swimming around. "Oh, Koi fish!" she realized. "Cool!"

"Peaceful." Cell commented as his eyes picked out a branch of ivy and followed it up the temple wall. He was bored, and his wounds were starting to feel sore. He wanted to go back to Masq's house and sleep.

"Six thousand years ago, Lady Eboshi herself planted a garden similar to this in honor of Ashitaka's bravery." Kaede informed. "Of course, she had help. She had only one arm at the time."

"She did?" Cell wondered, thinking back to the dream. He clearly remembered seeing Eboshi with two arms. "How did she lose her arm?"

"Moro Gami bit it off in her dying moments." Kaede explained. "She missed Eboshi's head."

"Oh." Cell nodded. That was a gruesome thought: a wolf chomping off a person's arm. Very gruesome. He remembered how big Moro Gami was in his dream, and she could have bitten off more than just someone's arm if she wanted.

"I'm just joking around." Kaede chuckled. "I'm not an Eboshi fan." Masq squatted down to the pool and trailed her fingers through the water, watching the ripples. Cell found himself wandering along the path, glancing at Masq once, then discovering a certain slab of rock with a massive amount of writing on it. The writing was so old and ancient that he could barely read it. The calligraphy faintly resembled the writing on the note Eboshi was reading in his dream. Cell looked at Kaede and pointed at the rock.

"What is this?" he asked.

"Oh!" Kaede cried in delighted surprise. "You found it already? Most people don't. This is it, the original Ashitaka Monogatari."

"The Story of Ashitaka?" Cell asked, looking back at the stone. "I can't read a word."

"Huh?" Masquerade asked, standing up and hurrying to Cell's side. "Ashitaka what?"

"So who is Ashitaka?" Cell asked, putting his hands on his hips and peering at the writing.

"Here, I'll translate for you." Kaede offered, then moved her fingers under the words as she recited in Japanese:

"There was a time, long, long ago

When people killed the Great God of the Forest…"

The Shishi Gami…Cell instantly thought. Then, he thought of Akimo, and what Miaka had said…

"He was the reincarnation of the Shishi Gami six thousand years ago. That's his spirit. It's a rare sight for outsiders."

"…Human face. Body of a stag.

Horns atop his head like the trunks of massive trees.

For what reason did the humans take his life?

The human population was large.

Much of the ancient forests had been cut.

Here and there, stands of the old forest remained

Defying the humans' attempt to penetrate it.

Great wise beasts, wolves, boars and others

Desperately guarded the last sanctuaries.

They were feared as rampaging gods.

They revered the Great God of the Forest…"

"Great wise beasts, wolves, boars and others…" Cell remembered the pictures of other gods from the paintings in the temple: wolves, boars, snakes, tigers, dragons, and large birds. They seemed to make up a part of the Chinese zodiac…

"A clan called Tatara were makers of iron,

And it was the Tatara who fought battle

After savage battle

With the raging gods of the forest.

Their leader was a woman, the Lady Eboshi,

Determined to clear and open the forest…"

The Tatara…Tatara Ba…Lady Eboshi… Some of it is adding together now. I see why the town had to be walled in, to keep the gods out. And Lady Eboshi was using trees and lumber to barrier her town and was digging for iron on the mountain. I see, and the gods didn't like this. Both were fighting for the right to live on the mountain, trying to kill each other…

"…And to those that served her

Gonza, who would follow her through the gates of hell,

Otoki and Kohroku.

And the mysterious priest, Jiko, who is sworn

To capture the head of the Great God of the Forest…"

Jiko! Cell's eyes widened in realization. Suddenly, the whole story became clear to him! He remembered Jiko's words…

"…we're after a God, not just some beast…"

Jiko wanted the head of the forest spirit, so he received a pardon from the emperor to do so. Then Jiko joined forces with Eboshi and they slayed the Shishi Gami together. But…what was in it for Eboshi? Loss of leadership from the wolves and priestesses? Perhaps if I had another dream, I can make sense of it all later…

"Can we finish this later?" Cell requested. "I'm tired."

"Sure." Masq nodded. "Let's go home and get those bandaged." She looped an arm around Cell's and led him back down the path to the shrine entrance. He walked with her, and Kaede took up the rear, smiling at them.

"Oh, how cute!" She admired. "Are you two in love?"

"Uh…" Cell winced. "Well…"

"Yeah." Masq answered. Kinda…she wanted to add, but couldn't. Although she and Cell had told each other they were in love…Masq wasn't sure that was true. She didn't feel in love, and she had no idea what Cell was feeling. She did care about him a lot, like a friend, but…it just didn't feel like love. He seemed to be distancing himself from her a bit, and that just made her feel less in love and more casual around him.

He said he loved me. Is he really in love with me?

I hope he wasn't lying…

I don't want my heart broken again…

Miaka showed up in their path with Tori, and she was more than happy to offer them a ride back to Masq's house. While Kaede stayed behind in the shrine, Masq and Cell hopped on Tori's back while Miaka walked by her wolf's side with a hand on her black flank. As they passed by the pool of the Shishi Gami, Cell noticed something weird on the opposite bank: a long staff sticking into the ground aligned with a small tree. Tied onto the staff was Masq's crystal dagger.

"What is that?" he pointed.

"That's the wish. The one that would keep you perfect permanently." Masq explained. "Miaka helped me with it. What we did is that Miaka set up the staff, and I made a wish while holding the dagger, then I tied it onto the staff and I'm suppost to leave it there until the wish comes true."

That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard… Cell mentally growled.

"How long will it take for it to come true?" he demanded.

"As soon as tonight. If not by then, tomorrow night for sure."

Another day at Masq's house? He looked at her face, and she smiled at him sweetly. He couldn't help but smile back.

Well, she doesn't seem to mind that…


Piccolo walked back to Eboshi along the path in the woods. Trailing behind him at a very slow pace was Kuririn and 18. 18 was crying and Kuririn was trying to comfort her. She was upset for seeing Cell again for the first time in a year, and she just couldn't be consoled. Kuririn was desperate, trying everything he could to calm her down. He tried everything from talking softly to kissing her and nothing worked. It was annoying the hell out of Piccolo.

Will she just shut up? He wondered to himself. She's giving a migraine. It surprised me too when I found out Cell was alive, but I didn't cry and scream. He began to get second thoughts as he tried to see what 18 might have been thinking. Then again, getting attacked by Cell can be a traumatic experience. I guess I can understand, but does she have to cry and scream about it?


"Whoa dude!" Yamcha called, watching the giant dragon god Osa pass through the town. A high priest was walking by his side with a spirit gourd around his neck. Yamcha was impressed with Osa's size. He was bigger than a wolf! Everyone in the city had stopped what they were doing to watch Osa walk by. Everyone was awestruck by the giant god. A few respectful citizens bowed before the dragon and priest. The priest bowed back while the dragon flashed most of the people and wolves a "What-are-you-looking-at?" glare.

"Oh my gosh…" Gohan gasped in awe as Osa passed him. He bowed to the priest at the dragon's side, and the priest bowed back in appreciation. Gohan continued down the street, then saw Yamcha on the other side. He jumped in the air and waved. "Hey Yamcha! Hey! Over here!"

"Gohan!" Yamcha cried in happiness, running to Gohan. "How ya doin, kiddo? Is your mom here?" He looked around for Chi-chi but didn't see her.

"Nah, I came alone." Gohan answered, shaking his head.

"Oh, that's alright." Yamcha laughed. "I hope the wild life isn't too harsh for ya. I know, I grew up here."

"You did?" Gohan asked in excitement, walking down the street. Yamcha walked with him. "Really?"

"Really." Yamcha nodded. "I learned the technique Roko Fufuken here, and that translates to 'Fist Of The Wolf Fang.' Of course, with all the tough bad guys we came across in the last few years, it probably wouldn't have had any effect on them, so I never used it."

"That's alright. It's cool." Gohan assured. "Hey, where ya going?"

"Wherever you're going." Yamcha shrugged. "I'm just wandering around my old hometown, seeing what they changed and what's still here. I see everyone's not necessarily depending on money like they used to."

"Nope." Gohan shook his head.

"So, what brought you here all by yourself, Gohan?" Yamcha wondered, putting his hands behind his head.

"Well, I had a dream that told me to come here." Gohan explained. "My dad was in it…"

"Oh, I see." Yamcha nodded. "Did you get what the dream asked for?"

"I dunno." Gohan admitted. "The dream said something bad would happen, and something happened before I got here…"

"Yeah, the demon attack. Plus, I met Kuririn in town yesterday, and he said something about the dragon tribe."

"You mean like that one?" Gohan pointed back the way he came where Osa had long since walked by.

"Yeah, like that one. I'm not sure what happened though, I'll ask my sister when I get back home."

"You've got a sister?"

"Yeah. Her name's Rice…"

Both launched into a friendly conversation about small trivia and filling each other in on what happened in the year since they last met. Both felt at ease as they talked to each other like old friends, and both tried not to bring up Goku and the Android War. Doing that would have bummed them both.


Suddenly, the ease they felt was shattered as a vision from Gohan's dream came true.


As Tori trotted through the streets of Eboshi, Masq and Cell checked out the sites of the capital on the giant wolf's back. As they looked around silently, Cell caught sight of a familiar shade of black hair. He looked closer, and was horrified by what he saw.


It was young Son Gohan, chatting with Yamcha about the mountain and old times. Cell's heart raced in fear just looking at the boy, but hearing his voice and watching him look so young and innocent was enough to make Cell go into hysterics. True, Miaka had said Gohan was on the mountain, but Cell was scared that Gohan came here to kill him again.

I can't let that happen!

I want to live!

"Seru, is something wrong?" Masq asked Cell, sensing his uneasiness behind her. She turned to look at him, and saw his horrified face. "Seru?" Suddenly, he gritted his teeth, clutched his fists, and shuddered. "Seru, what's wrong?!" Masq worried. Miaka looked up at the android curiously. Suddenly, Cell launched off Tori's back, flexed his hands into claws and lunged for Gohan.


Gohan turned his head, and what he saw looked like a scene in his dream…

… … …

…A giant green monster lunging towards him, baring its fangs…

… … …

Cell roared, clawing Gohan's face and slapping him to the ground. Gohan barely had time to react as Cell's tail arched and began to strike at him. Gohan rolled out of the way, and swiftly lifted himself up to one knee. In defense, he quickly transformed into a Super Saiyajin. Cell's tail struck again, but Gohan slapped it away and lunged for Cell. Gohan punched the monster in the jaw, and Cell went sailing towards a building.

"Oh my God!" Miaka and Masq cried, running to the fight scene to break up the two fighters. Yamcha cowered behind a nearby wolf as Cell flipped himself to a stop in the air and landed on his feet.

"Stop it!" Miaka called, heading for Gohan. Masq headed for Cell.

"Seru!" she called. "You're injuries!"

"Don't even try to get between this!" Cell growled at her. "This is my revenge!"

"Cell!" Gohan realized with wide, surprised eyes. "You're alive?!"

"Yes." Cell snarled at his most hated foe. "But you won't be!"

"Don't!" Masquerade tried to separate, grabbing Cell's wrist. "Please don't fight!"

"This is not the time or place!" Miaka ordered Gohan. "Just let him go! He hasn't done anything to any of us!"

"But…" Gohan tried to reason with the priestess.

"Gohan, please trust me. Just leave him alone and walk away. Go back to the house."

"He's gotten weak!" Masq said to Gohan. "He can't fight anyone yet! Please don't hurt him!"

"Don't tell him that!" Cell snapped at Masquerade, swatting his hand out of hers. "This is my fight, and if that bothers you just walk away!"

"Forget about it." Gohan sighed in acceptance. "I won't fight you, Cell. It wouldn't be fair."

"What?" Cell growled at the boy. "You can't be serious! All that I've done to your father, your people…to you! You don't want revenge for any of that?!"

"I've put that all behind me." Gohan said seriously. "You should do the same." He stood up, and powered out of his Super Saiyajin state. His golden hair faded back to black. He turned on his heal and walked away. "Bye."

"Don't you 'bye' me!" Cell snapped, itching for a fight of revenge. "Get back here, boy!"

"Seru, no!" Masq insisted, grabbing his wrist again. "I won't let you! Just let him go!"

"Grrrrrrrr…" Cell growled. The growl erupted in a roar of anger and pain! When he quieted down, Masq guided him down the street.

"We can walk the rest of the way home, Miaka." Masq insisted. "I'll see you later."

"Okay." Miaka suggested. "Later."

Masq began lecturing Cell about the past and how to leave bad memories behind and keep the good ones. Cell listened the best he could, he was stewing in anger. That boy caused him so much pain and suffering, and all he wanted was to kill him.

Will this pain ever stop?!


When Cell and Masq returned to the cottage, Yume was waiting for them. She was so happy and delighted that she couldn't wait to show them how she had torn up all of Masquerade's pillows to practice her hunting skills. Cell chuckled behind his hand as Masq scolded the wolf pup about destroying someone else's property. When Yume got terrified, Masq just smiled and rubbed the puppy's head in forgiveness and offered to give her a much-needed bath. Yume was once again happy and cheerful and Masq started up the water in the bathtub.

Meanwhile, Cell curled up on his bed, and rested his chin on his arms. He hoped that he would get another dream about Eboshi or Moro Gami. He needed to know more about the story and why the Shishi Gami was killed exactly. The poem at the shrine was too shallow and didn't even say anything. Then again…he didn't get to read all of it. Perhaps the story was in the rest of the poem. He would find out tomorrow. Not concentrating on the noise in the bathroom, Cell quickly fell asleep.


… … …

He found himself standing in the realm of the Shishi Gami. It was noon, and the sun was shining, and small bee like bugs buzzed around him. The atmosphere was peaceful, yet dark and mysterious. There were no kodama around, and Akimo was no where in sight. He looked down at his hand, to see it in its marble white perfection. He glanced down in the water to see that his reflection was imperfect.

Moro Gami said something about a monster inside me that would kill me. Cell thought. And that the monster was my imperfect form. That doesn't make sense. I wish I knew what she meant exactly…

He heard a quiet rustling of bushes nearby behind him. He looked to see the tall and magnificent Moro Gami emerge from the tall bushes and stand looking out at the path before her. Cell looked in that direction and heard the squealing and grunting of gigantic pigs. Emerging from the path and other parts of the forests were gigantic, dark colored boars with huge tusks. The boars stood roughly the size of a moving truck, they were almost as gigantic and mighty as the wolves. Cell watched quietly as the two other wolves stood beside Moro Gami, watching the boars stand a respectable distance away from the pack.

The leader of the boars spoke.

"We are here to kill the humans and save the forest." He began, squealing slightly as the words passed his thick lips. "Why are there humans here, Moro?!"

"Humans are everywhere these days." Moro answered in a soft growl. "Go back to your mountain and kill them there. The girl is San, my daughter." Cell looked around, and found the priestess from the first dream he had. Lying at her feet on his back was the man from the picture in the temple. Standing faithfully by the fallen man's side was a giant red elk, also from the picture. Cell couldn't believe his eyes. Who was this man? How important was he?

"We will kill them here," the boar announced in defiance, "and we will save this forest! What is that other human doing here?!" He was referring to the vagabond.

This time, the priestess answered.

"He was shot." She explained. "Shishi Gami-sama healed his wound. This man is not our enemy."

"The Shishi Gami saved him?!" the boar cried out. "Saved the life of that lonesome runt?!" The other boars began to scream and roar in outrage. They did not listen to the San's last sentence. "Why didn't he save Nago?!" All the boars demanded. "Is he not the guardian of the forest?! Why?!?!!!"

"The Shishi Gami gives life and takes life away." Moro Gami preached. "Life and death are his alone. Or have you boars forgotten that?"

"You lie!" the boars shouted in their anger. "You must have begged the Shishi Gami to spare the human's life! But you did not beg for Nago, did you?!"

Nago? Who was he?

"Nago was afraid to die." Moro Gami explained. "And now I, too, carry within my breast a poisoned human bullet. Nago fled, and the darkness took him. I remain, and I contemplate my death." The priestess was horrified to hear this, and she rushed to the wolf god's side.

"Mother!" she cried, "Please ask Shishi Gami-sama to save you!"

"I have lived long enough, San." Moro comforted to the girl. "Soon, the Shishi Gami will allow me to rest forever." The priestess would not accept that answer.

"But after all these years you protected Shishi Gami-sama! He must save you!"

Cell watched in wonder. The girl was calling the wolf her mother, and the wolf acknowledged her as her daughter. How weird, the wolves he knew never did such thing. What was so special about this girl? Weren't there more like her on the mountain?

"You are not fooling us, Moro!" the boars shouted at the wolves. "Nago was beautiful and strong. He would not have run from anything. You wolves must have eaten him!" The entire clan took offense to that. The two smaller wolves growled, Moro Gami flashed something close to a daring sneer while the San shouted at the boars in outrage.

"Quiet!" she ordered. "Watch what you say, you filthy pig!"

There was probably going to be a fight, and the wolves were outnumbered. Meanwhile, Cell tried to put events together in his head. Nago must have been a fellow boar, and a very respected one at that. The humans, probably someone of the Tatara clan like Lady Eboshi, shot him and he was killed. The boars had come here to avenge his death. Cell remembered in a previous dream that Moro said she was shot, and San tried to save her. So Moro was shot too, and was slowly dying. Apparently, the boars and the wolves were rivals, and one clearly did not like the other. A fight between them would get ugly after the first strike.

Suddenly, a soft and quiet voice interrupted the argument and prevented a battle.

"Gods of the mountain, please listen to me…"

It was the man. Everyone looked to him, even the elk. Everyone listened to what he had to say.

"My name is Ashitaka. Nago died far from here, and I was the one who killed him. He had become some kind of demon, and one day he attacked my village. If you want proof, look at my arm where he touched me." He rolled up a sleeve of his tunic, and raised his right arm. Snaking and swelling up his wrist and hand was a nasty burn. Cell recognized it from the similar burns he had on his body. It was a demon burn! Indeed his story was true! All the gods were astonished, and the San looked terrified.

"I came here to ask the Shishi Gami to lift Nago's curse from me." He went on, but his voice was suddenly filled with sorrow. He lowered his arm back to his side. "He healed the bullet wound in my side, but the demon mark remains. First it will tear my soul apart, and then it will kill me."

Cell was just as astonished. The man had a very powerful story. Was it strong enough to turn the tides of the war between the humans and the gods just as everyone said he did? If so, what did the humans have to do with it? Did they shoot him for his strange words of peace with the gods? Was that what happened? Before Cell could ask him, a boar much larger than the others walked into the clearing. He was large and gray, and was having trouble taking large strides, as though he couldn't see where he was going. Moro Gami seemed to smile.

"Okkotomushi…" she said softly. "Finally, a boar who will listen to reason." The priestess became worried as the gigantic boar walked up to Ashitaka and lowered his snout towards the man. Ashitaka's elk backed away in caution. The priestess ran to the boar.

"No, Okkotomushi-sama!" she cried, stopping just a couple feet from the boar's snout. His nose was the size of half her body! He was huge! "Please don't eat him!"

"Ah…" the boar said, lifting his snout to her and sniffed. "You are Moro's human child, aren't you? I have heard of you." He exhaled, blowing her hair and jewelry around like his breath was a mighty gust of wind.

"You're blind!" she gasped. Cell looked closely at the gigantic boar's eyes, to see that they were pale and cloudy. He probably was blind, but must have had some sight.

"Stand back." Okkotomushi soothed the girl. "I will not eat him."

"It's okay, San." Ashitaka assured the priestess, then spoke to the boar. "My lord, Okkotomushi, what I said about Nago's death was the truth." Okkotomushi lowered his nose to the man, and Ashitaka gently put his hands to the cold skin in-between the god's nostrils. Okkotomushi exhaled long and hard, then grunted in thought. The boars remained silent as their supreme lord thought carefully. While that was happening, Cell theorized that perhaps the priestess was getting special treatment from the gods because she was the first human priestess in the world. Why else would she seem so out of touch with human society altogether? She acted more like a wild beast than a typical girl of the Moramachi period…

"I believe you…" Okkotomushi decided to Ashitaka, "and I thank you for it, young one. I am only grieved and ashamed that such a demon has come from our tribe." The boars lowered their heads in shame and mourning for their beloved Nago.

"Mighty lord of the boars," Ashitaka addressed, "is there anyway for me to lift the curse from me?"

"Leave this forest." Okkotomushi ordered the boy. "For the next time we meet, I will be forced to kill you." Moro Gami sensed what her fellow god meant, and spoke once again.

"You cannot win against the humans." Moro reasoned. "Their guns will destroy you all." Okkotomushi lifted his head in Moro Gami's direction, and spoke with his own reason to her.

"Look upon my tribe, Moro. We grow small, and we grow stupid. Soon, we will be nothing but mere game that the humans hunt for their meat."

"You would risk everything on one last battle…" Moro pitied, then warned with much caution and concern: "That is exactly what the humans want."

"I do not ask for the help of the wolf tribe." Okkotomushi made clear. "Even if every one of us dies, it will be a battle the humans will never forget." Then, he walked away, and the other boars followed him. Squealing, screaming, and grunting the boars finally left the Shishi Gami realm. Cell looked to Moro Gami, who watched the boars leave. One of the smaller ones sat on his rear, and scratched an itch under his chin. Cell walked to Moro Gami, and she took immediate notice.

"The monster remains inside of you." She warned. "If it is not cleansed, it could mean your death as well as the deaths of those you love."

"What do you mean?!" Cell demanded. "What is happening to me?"

"The demon you once were is resurfacing. If you can purify your soul, the monster will vanish and you will live."

"I don't understand!" Cell cried. Moro looked out at the pond, and held her gaze. Cell followed her trail of sight, and could not believe what he saw. Standing on the water, watching the boars leave in sadness, were two spirits that he knew very well. One was Akimo, and the other was…

"Surreal…" Cell gasped. "What are you doing here?!" In unison, the two spirits looked in Cell's direction and smiled.

… … …

Cell felt something force his body out of its curled up ball, and straighten him out. He opened his eyes to see Masquerade, dressed in her nightgown, pushing Cell's body straight.

"Hey!" Cell yelped in surprise. "Just what do you think you're…"

"Relax." Masq prompted. "Just lay down and move over." She pushed Cell a little further on the bed, and crawled next to him.

"What are you doing?!" he cried nervously as Masq cuddled beside him, bear hugging his arms to his sides and pinning his legs down with one of her own.

"Keeping you warm." She assured, resting her head on his shoulder. "I saw you shiver in your sleep."

"Go back to your own bed!" he ordered harshly.

"We're not going to do anything. Just sleep."

"Why you little…"

Masq sighed sleepily, and fell still and silent. She had already gone to sleep. Cell tried to struggle out of her embrace, but found it next to impossible. His legs were pinned, everything above the elbow couldn't move, and he didn't want to risk hurting her with his tail. After a few minutes of struggling, he gave up. He carefully lifted one arm out of Masq's arms, and held her back in his own gentle embrace. Soon, he fell asleep, feeling Masq's body warm his own against the cold air of the night.

End of Episode Bonus!!!

Name Puns

Coral DragonLore: No real pun. When someone on line asks for my real name, that's what I give them. I hate giving out my real name to anyone on the internet.

Masquerade: my online name

"Seru": The Japanese pronunciation of "Cell"

"Surreal": One of my favorite songs by Ayumi Hamasaki (I make a few Ayu name puns in some of my fics)

Ghen: Atrus's father in the computer game Riven

Amaroq: The name of the wolf pack leader in the book Julie and the Wolves

Yume: Japanese word meaning "dream"

Aman: I made that name up

Kago: The name of the ninja gym leader in Pokemon

Tori: Japanese name meaning "bird"

Miaka: The name of the heroine in Fushigi Yugi. I was going to name her wolf "Yui" or "Nuriko" but I decided against it.

Maria/Chaos Rhapsody: "Maria" is the frequent name sung in Ayumi Hamasaki's award winning song "M" (which is also the opening song to Singing Mountain). Chaos Rhapsody was a nickname I made up one night while I was drinking six cans of coke.

Akimo: I made that name up too. Does anyone know if that is a real name?

Laerrus: Uh, if I told you, that would give away most of the story! Sorry!

Osa: The name of one of the lepers Lady Eboshi housed in Tatara Ba

Biso: I made up that name. I was going to name him "Miso" but I'm tired of food name puns

Rice: Even though I hate food name puns, I had to think of something to name Yamcha's little sister

"San": The title that came from the first Mononoke priestess

Kaede: The name of the prophetic "Kushinada" from Blue Seed

Am I missing any? E-mail me and I'll update the list as soon as I can!

That's the end of the eleventh chapter of Singing Mountain! Stay tuned for more!