Princess Mononoke Fan Fiction / Spirited Away Fan Fiction ❯ A Thousand Fathoms ❯ Resentment ( Chapter 7 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Author's Note: Hey all! Thanx so much for your support! ^_^ Here's chappy 7! It's a little short but I at least wrote this much, which is a good thing considering how busy I am. I'm proud of my self that I managed to get through my fit of writer's block and hopefully that will be the first and last writer's block I will ever have on this story.

I re-read through this chappy and noticed a lot of tiny mistakes, so I fixed them.

Please review and leave constructive criticism. Thank you. Enjoy!

Warning: There is a bit more swearing in this one, mainly at the end. You don't like it, tough.

Disclaimer: I don't own Spirited Away.

Rating: PG-13 (Ratings may change)

Summary: Seven years, one month, two weeks, four days, and two hours, but hey who's counting? Never a dream. I would never let myself believe it was a dream. "Oh God, I'm actually going through with this!" I took a step.

~*~*~*~ A Thousand Fathoms ~*~*~*~

Chapter 7: Resentment

I could hear the clattering of dishes and the high-pitched screech of squeaky wheels rolling across wooden floors. I spun on my heels to face the door. My head started pounding again, I had moved too fast. A portly, stocky lady in the traditional workers uniform entered the room with her back towards us-no, correction, me and the Thing (Koto). She was talking to herself in low mumbles which couldn't be heard over the squeaking.

I glanced at Koto the best I could out of the corner of my eye. His face was back to that asshole mask that he always wore. His eyes having returned to the normal shallow ice-glare flicked toward me. Angry, I glared back at him then averted my gaze. That pig didn't deserve my attention.

The woman had continued on with her mumbles, I could hear her words now that she had stopped the horrid squeaky wheels.

"Lunch time now, dearies," She grabbed a bowl, her back still towards us. "Miso again, hope you don't mind…" She turned to where I had been laying minutes before. It took her a few seconds before she realized that I was no longer in the bed, and another few to kick into gear. With a wild flailing of her arms, bowl of hot miso soup in hand, she turned around, and around, and around. A string of curse words colored her speech, not because she was pouring burning miso soup all over herself, oh no, but because I was missing. That little fact made me feel somewhat special. She looked over every inch of the God-forsaken room, every inch except for the small space occupied by Pig and Yours Truly.

With a small sigh and a mumbled "Yubaba's going to kill me," she turned back towards her cart and grabbed another bowl.

I had already blocked out her speech and was ready to do so for a long while until one word broke through to my head. "…Dragon…" That grabbed my attention. "…doesn't kill me either. Lot of temper that one..."

Dragon? Did she just say dragon? Haku's a dragon… Does that mean Haku's back?! I perked up instantly, ignoring painful protests from my aching body.

The lady turned towards me and Pig. When her eyes rested on us they grew wide, seconds later they squinted closed with her monstrous smile. The grin was huge and kind of freaky too; kind of like the chesschiere cat's smile from Alice in Wonderland. I could easily picture her body disappearing and leaving that annoying smile to psych me out.

"You're here! Thank the Spirits! Yubaba would've had hay-day with me if you'd disappeared. She'd turn me into coal or a pig and roast me for din-"

"Silence!" Koto hissed from his position next to the wall.

Well, that was a nice thing to say-note my sarcasm. As if he hadn't proved he wasn't enough of an asshole already he had to snap at the poor lady. Yes, freaky as she was, she deserved better than that. I wanted to growl and almost succeeded in doing so until my head started to pound yet again. So I opted for plan B, to glare at him for a good measured amount of time then continue to glare for a few more minutes after that. I looked over at him, met his eyes and surprisingly held the glare for as long as I had intended, which was a feat might I add because he was starting right back at me.

"Yes, Koto-sama." The lady obeyed meekly.

I rolled my eye at how easily she had given up and at how much control Koto had over people. My gaze returned to the woman, who was placing the bowls of soup and chopsticks on the floor next to us, and decided to ask her about the subject that had captured my attention in the first place.

"You said something about a dragon…" I half asked-half stated.

The woman shifted her gaze to mine, then to Koto and back to the floor. I didn't even need to look at the pig to know he was glaring at her. I could feel it. I had to say something to get her to talk to me. It was necessary for me to find out if Haku had returned.

"Don't worry about him," I motioned towards Koto. "He just over-dosed on jerk pills this morning." When the woman tried to hold back a smile, I smiled at myself. I just slipped in an insult and I was proud. I may have looked and felt like complete shit but I was happy. Koto's tangible glare was centered on me once again. I cringed inside, knowing I'd have to face Koto's wrath once again, but it was worth it. Determined to ignore him, I mentally nudged the woman to speak. I doubted it would do any good.

"Yes," Her eyes flicked from the floor to my eyes, wait… eye. "Yes I did." Way to go my mental abilities!

Haku was back and I was safe again. Koto wouldn't be able to hurt me again and I could spend the rest of my days happy beyond all reason. "So, Ko-" I struggled with Haku's real name, knowing I wasn't supposed to say it. "So, Haku-sama has returned?"

The woman shook her head. "Oh no, Miss." In that split second my whole sense of security shattered along with my hopes of living a long and healthy life. "Haku-sama is still on leave."

I was confused. "But you said…that-"

"That," She stated cutting me off, "I hope the dragon doesn't kill me either."

"Right…Haku-sama is the only dragon." Koto snorted from his spot. I rolled my eye again. "Right?"

"No, Miss, Koto-sama is a dragon as well." I froze and I felt more than witnessed Koto do the same. I was stunned. Koto was angry. The woman flicked terrified eyes to Koto. Seconds later she was bowing so low I was sure she'd break in half. I could hear her mutter apologies to Koto over and over again.

"Oh." I managed to say while my brain tried to return to normal. It clicked seconds after I spoke. Angry was the only word I could think to describe my emotion at that moment. Reason and caution left me and I felt the rage take control no matter how hard I fought to keep it at bay. He was a dragon like Haku. Haku wasn't unique anymore and that's what made me mad. This asshole shows up terrorizing anyone and everyone in his way including me and he's a dragon? Dragons are holy creatures looked to for protection and this Thing next to me is nothing but a creature who finds amusement in pain and suffering. Haku was a protector, the epitome of a dragon. It hurt knowing that Koto and Haku so closely resembled each other in more ways then one. What was worse was that maybe, if Haku…if something had happened to Haku, if he was brought up differently…maybe, maybe he'd be like Koto. Maybe he'd act like him and hurt people the way Koto hurt people. That scared me more than anything else, more than when I first was victim to Koto's icy glare, more than when Haku almost died in Yubaba's office. I wanted to kill something, needed to destroy something in order to make myself feel better. But I knew if I did there'd be consequences I wasn't ready to face. I forced my self to take a deep breath, attempting to bury the anger for another day.

"Really…?" My voice was laced with a fake sweetness that failed to hide my true feelings. I turned to Koto. "What a pleasant surprise." The anger flared again. Poised and ready, I waited for the right moment to strike. The only thing needed was for Koto to give me any reason to attack. Screw the fact that I was completely out of commission and every time I moved I was in pain.

I knew that he knew I felt this way. The moment I moved my eye to him his defenses bolted into action. It was a show down; our glares sparking with energy as they crashed together directly between us.

"Please…" The woman spoke meekly. "Eat your soup you two. You need it to get better. It has healing herbs…" She pushed the bowls closer to us, in order to stop the violent feelings rolling out in waves between me and Pig. That woman was braver than I gave her credit for. Reluctantly, full of untrusting feelings, we both looked away from each other and focused on our soup, still shooting each other suspicious glares.

The woman sighed. "Good," She smiled in relief. "When you two are done, Yubaba wishes me to take you to her," She cleared her throat, "…for your punishment." I cringed. All my aches and pains returned full force now that there was nothing to keep my mind off of my injuries. Oh, joy…

"Joy," Koto stated blandly.

A growl rumbled in my chest. Great, now he had a way to read my mind. Just great! Fucking craptastic!

Author's Notes: Yeah, another three months of waiting? I feel bad torturing y'all. But anyway here's the next installment. Hopefully you guys won't have to wait so long for the next chapter. I have it all planned out, it's just a matter of free time to type it.

I've been looking for some good SA fics and I haven't been unable to find any, maybe because I'm just too lazy…Anyway, if any of you know any stories that are worth reading let me know. Thanks.