Princess Mononoke Fan Fiction ❯ Princess Mononoke 2 ❯ One-Shot

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Princess Mononoke II!

Thanks for the review, Waa-Woo2. I hope that I corrected the words now. I don't own Princess Mononoke. I only own this story and the made up characters like San and Ashitaka's Daughter: Sanyu. Enjoy this story. Sanyu means happiness in japanese.


San was inside of the cave on some deer skins with her wolf brothers beside her. She never told Ashitaka that she was going to have his child. Now was the day. San looked over at the wolves that have been her brothers ever since she was a baby.

"Please find Ashitaka-san. He should be in Iron Town with the other humans." The wolf girl answered weakly as she squeezed her eyes shut.

A tear slipped from her eyes and fell down her cheek. One of her wolf brothers ran off to find Ashitaka. It's been about 9 months since San has seen Ashitaka..... It's too long.... San missed him a lot.

"Imooto, hang in there." The wolf brother that stayed behind with her answered, laying nearby.

- Ashitaka -

Ashitaka was riding Yakul through the forest when he seen a white wolf. It was a wolf from the Moro tribe. Is there something wrong? Has something happened to San? Many questions ran through his head as he got off Yakul and walked to him.

"What is it?" The prince asked.

It's been a long time since he seen San and he sensed something was wrong.

"San-chan is in trouble but not real trouble." The wolf answered.

"Where is she?" Ashitaka gripped his bow tightly.

"In the den. Follow me." The wolf started to run to the forest.

Ashitaka got on Yakul and followed the medium sized wolf. He followed the wolf as it ran through the forest to the den. Many little spirits ran out of the way of the red elk and the wolf. They arrived at the den and Ashitaka got off Yakul. The young prince ran into the den, climbing the little cliff as fast as he can to be with San. As soon as he arrived, San was already giving birth with the other wolf beside her.

- San -

"San-chan!" San heard her name and strained herself to look over at who called her.

It was Ashitaka. The wolf girl smiled up at him.

"Ashitaka-san!" San cried out.

The prince walked to her side and smiled, "You're going to be ok, ai."

Ashitaka cradled her in his arms as she gave birth. Within minutes, there was a baby in San's arms.

"Ai shiteru, Ashitaka-san." San said, quietly, "I don't think I can live by the time our daughter is even a month old."

"W-what do you mean, San?" Tears started streaming down his cheeks as he listened to her. " San-chan?"

One of the wolves spoke up, "I think the stress from the birth of the little baby was too much for imooto to handle and she may die."

Ashitaka looked at the wolf then back to the wolf princess, "No, San, you can't die!"

"I'm sorry for not telling you that I was pregnant. Ai shiteru and.... Ja ne." San said as she breathed her last words.

"San-chan! San! Damn it!" Ashitaka yelled with more tears flowing endlessly down his cheeks.

"Ashitaka-san..." The second wolf walked over to him, "Don't be like this. Imooto wouldn't want it this way. You have your daughter. It'll be best if you raise her in Iron Town. We can't raise her like we did her mother."

Ashitaka looked over at his daughter, crying in her dead mother's arms. The wolf was right. San would him to raise their daughter. Their pride, joy and their treasure made from their love. The prince picked up his daughter and smiled at her, his tears landing on her gentle face. The baby had little wolf ears.

"I'll take care of her, San-chan. Her name shall be Sanyu."

Little Sanyu looked up at her father, her eyes met his loving gaze. She didn't even know her mother just died. As long as they had each other....

The End

Nina Angel: Should this remain a one shot fic or be a multi-chapter story? just tell me in a review. Arigatou!