Ranma 1/2 Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ For Akane ❯ Devils Dance ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Sorry for the delay, writers block sucks!


Disclaimer: Ranma 1/2 and Sailor Moon are property of their respective authors and any other given authority by said authors... Namely, NOT ME!


Rei Hino was worried. She had awoken the night before filled with a sense of foreboding she was at a loss to explain. Fire readings, meditation and prayer had done little to ease her mind, something was up, something new and dangerous, yet something she could not yet identify. What shi did know however, was that the senshi were in terrible danger from a powerfull new enemy, yet, at the same time, there was the potential of a new ally as well. Her fire readings had shown a crossroads, one way was death for them all, the other was victory, an end to Beryl's machinations once and for all. The guardian of the crossroads was a crimson haired girl whos only words still echoed in her mind as she awaited the arrival of her teamates... "Beware the Wild Horse."


Somewhere in time, no one can tell for sure, there is a place where time has no meaning, yet at the same time, time means everything... It is known simply as 'The Gates of Time'. Places this enigmatic normally tend to have powerfull guardians and this one is no exception, her name is Meiou Setsuna. Known also as Sailor Pluto, the senshi of timeand at this moment, she was scared.

For as long as she could remember, and that covers a significant period to be sure, there had been a single file of events leading from the fall of the Silver Millenium to the rise of Crystal Tokyo. Everything had gone according to her plans for so long that this change had caught her compeatly flat-footed. Now, instead of a single line following its pre-ordained path, there was a split with two possible outcomes. One had the senshi dead, herself included, Crystal Tokyo never coming to be, and Beryl ruling over all, with an unfamiliar General by her side.

The other showed the senshi alive, living in a slightly altered Crystal Tokyo. The senshi in this timeline were stronger, more powerfull than they had ever been, being influenced and trained by the general who had stood at Beryl's side.

While it was obvious that this general was the fulcrum upon which the whole matter hinged, what was unclear was what influenced his decision, that being obscured by the chaos of the split itself. That something like this could happen worried her, but the most frightening aspect of all was that all she could do was watch.


Ranma, or Obsidian as he was called in what he thought of as his 'night job' was bored. In the three weeks that had passed since he had accepted Beryl's offer, the only excitement had been the wedding disaster (for which he intended to repay Nabiki eventually). Life as a Dark General was actually less stimulating than his average day at school.

It seemed that beryl intended to keep him in reserve, something that irked and relieved him at the same time. When he actually sat down to consider what he had agreed to, he was appaled. Beryl truly ddi intend to conquer the world, but she didnt seem to have any plans beyond that. At the moment, she was busy trying to get enough energy to transfer her troops in significant numbers, while at the same time trying to get her hands on some moon crystal thingie. As for himself, he had no place in her immediate plans, aside from distracting some girls in ridiculous costumes that popped up every so often to interfere with Jadites collection duties.

Twice now, he had been called upon for that particular duty, though why, he had no clue. While strong, and with some interesting attacks, they were abysmally slow, and only one of them had any skill whatsoever in the art. 'And Akane could take that one in her sleep.' Akane... Just the though of her name improved his mood, his lips curved into a wistfull smile as he considered how their relationship had improved since Jusendo, then he frowned as he thought of how she bound him to Beryl.

With his new senses he could watch as her life force slowly bled away, day by day, and while he could always giver her more, he couldnt actually correct the problem. This left him with two options, abide by his agreement with Beryl which gave him the ability to keep her alive, or break his word and watch her die as his power was revoked. As Beryl had explained it, his power was indelibly bound to his oath, and not even she could change that. 'Looks like I cant pull a Pops with this'. Hell, he couldnt even blame Beryl for his current dilema, all she had done was give him a choice, in the end, the decision had been his and his alone... His thoughts were interrupted as an angry and terrified Akane burst through the doorway into his room!

Her face was streaked with tears and contorted with conflicting emotions as she confronted him, but more disturbing were her energy levels; they were almost twice as high as when he had left her at school earlier that afternoon.

"What did you do to me?!" She demanded, her voice still choked with tears, "What am I?!"

Pulling her to him, somethin that would have been unthinkable just a month ago, he held her close until she had calmed. Her story came in fits and starts, and as it did, he could feel his blood run cold.


-Ear lier-

The Drama club meeting had gone a little later than expected, with the plans for the next school play, but Akane was more than satisfied with the results. Even Kuno had behaved himself, for this once paying more attention to the play than to her. Of course, the fact that they were doing "Taming the Shrew", the play that he had suggested, may have had something to do with it, that, and whatever Ranma's mother had said to him when she went to see him after the wedding fiasco. Even Nabiki couldnt pry the details of their conversation from him, but whatever had been said had apparently had a great impact on him. Since then, he had stopped challenging her for dates, an whil he still infrequently fought with Ranma, it seemed more like sparring that an actual duel.

'On the other hand,' she mused as he walked her home, 'the overprotective big brother schtick is getting old.'. Her train of thought was suddenly derailed as Kuno hit the ground like a sack of rice, the remains of a bouquet of black roses scattered about his head. 'Kodachi!' The source of the attack jumped down from her perch on the schoolyard wall.

"Now that my bessoted fool of a brother is out of the way, foul harridan, the time has come for you to face the wrath of the Black Rose! Akane Tendo, Red Haired Wretch, your hold on my Ranma-sama ends today!"

Falling into a defensive stance, Akane regarded her opponent warily. While Kuno had gotten easier to deal with after the wedding attempt, Kodachi had gone that much farther off the deep end. The apparent merging of her percieved rivals for Ranma's heart had simply been more than her fragile psyche could handle. And while Kuno ran interferance where he could, her attacks had been getting more and more out of hand.

Ducking a spread of thrown spiked clubs, Akane considered her situation. With Kuno out cold and Ranma at home, she would have no help for this fight, and, while she was confident of her ability to take Kodachi in a fair fight, she knew beyond any shadow of a doubt that this fight would be anything but. Her suspicions were confirmed when, while dodging a ribbon strike, she caught a face full of powder and felt her limbs turn to jelly. Desperate, she blocked as best she could yet blow after blow rained down, driving her further and further into darkness.

Slowly, the realization that she was about to die wormed its way into her conciousness, and try as she mightshe could not prevent it. Then, as she lay on the the ground, struggling to avoid Kodachi's coup 'de grace, something in the back of her mind clicked. Instead of rolling to avoid the blow, she lurched forward, and grabbing her opponents leg, she 'fed'. She was dimly aware of Kodachi's scream as strength flowed into her, orgasmic in its intensity it filled her with life, healing her wounds as if they had never been. When she regained her senses, it was to a pervading silence. All around her, the students faces were masks of shock and fear as they backed away from her, some slowly, others simply turning tail and running.

Confused, she cast about, trying to discern the cause of their fear when here eyes finally lit upon Kodachi's still form. The gymnast was sprawled on the floor like a discarded marionette, her features pale and drawn into a rictus of pain and terror... If she was breathing, it was to shallowly to tell, in all, she looked dead. It took but a second for Akane to realize that she had been the cause of Kodachi's current condition, the looks of mute horror on the faces of the few remaining students being all the confirmation she could ever need... She Ran.



I will try to get more chapters out soon.

Soul Survivor