Ranma 1/2 Fan Fiction ❯ A change for the Better ❯ Water to Ice ( Chapter 5 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
A Change for the Better
Part 5, Water to Ice
by Ryouga's best friend

Ami's eyes fluttered and cleared, she sat up. She was on her bed, her memories of earlier slow came back to her. "Ryouga? Are you here!" she called out. There was silence, she relaxed a bit "maybe it was just a dream...of course it was. It had to be, animals don't turn into people when they hit water" she sated out loud to calm herself. Just then there was knock on her door, "yes?" Ami said hesitantly.

"Are you okay?" Ryouga's voice came form the other side of the door, Ami gasped.

"Ry-Ryouga?!" she nearly jumped, she tried to calm herself.

"I can understand you don't want me to come in, so I won't" his voice was very nervous. "I just wanted you to know I'm not a freak or anything. I'm-I'm under a curse. So I'm going to get going, you don't have to speak to me again. Just don't tell anyone, okay" Ami could hear his footsteps heading off. She was still in shock from the last encounter and was silent and unmoving for a moment.

"Wait!" she finally said getting her wits about her and headed after him.

A little later outside of Juban general hospital, there is a cold breeze with the faint sound of running water for just a moment. Out form the shadow of a large tree Aquarius appears, with a wave of his hand a screen appears in front of him with varied colored markings on it. "According to the info Virgo gave me, sailor mercury should be inside" he said watching the deep blue energy reading. "It's no where near as powerful as she said, what a shame this won't be much of a challenge at all" he said in disappointment. "Well an order IS and order". He twirled his trident in front of him "DISTORTED REFLECTION" he said calmly concentrating and jet of water flew up surrounding him. When it receded he stood his hair now short and jet black. He was dressed in a suit twirling a cane, he brought the cane to the ground. With a smirk on his face he entered the hospital building

Inside he headed straight for the door to the inner part of the hospital, the receptionist stopped him. "Sir, I'm sorry personal only" she said from her desk. Aquarius turn and chuckled lightly.

"Of course, I'm sorry see I'm the new doctor here. I guess your boss didn't inform you of my arrival" he said walking over to the desk.

"I'm sorry sir, But I was n-" she stopped in mid sentence as Aquarius's eyes flashed. Her eyes in turn flashed back. "Oh yes, I'm sorry it must have slipped my mind, please go right ahead" Aquarius nodded and headed through the doors with an amused expression.

"Ah how easy humans are to deceive" he went through the doors and into the interior of the hospital.

Not far from the hospital, Ami stood on a street corner. "Where did he go?" she said looking around, she took out her pocket computer and set it for scanning energy. A bright green energy blip appeared near the hospital, dwarfing those average levels around it. "There he is... wait. What's this one?" she noticed a flickering power that was nega but flicker to normal back and forth. "It looks like a nega verse power, but it's almost readable. This can't be good" I better check this out. She hid in some nearby bushes and transformed. Sailor Mercury rushed out and ran toward the hospital.

Minutes later she arrived to find Ryouga looking at the hospital, his back pack lay next to him. Mercury slowly approached, without turning Ryouga spoke. "One of them is in there" he said calmly. Mercury stood next to him.

"I know... my mom's in there" she said coolly, Ryouga gave a casual glance. She hit her watch communicator, "guys we got a monster at Juban General hospital. Get here as quick as possible". She looked to Ryouga "We better hurry" she started off followed by Ryouga.

Inside the hospital Aquarius stopped in front of a door, "according to my calculations mercury should be on the other side of this door" he opened it slowly. There stood middle aged women with blue hair in a tight bun, she was dressed casual and a white coat over her clothes. *This is one of the teenagers that thrashed a panthergast?* he wondered to himself.

"You took a nasty hit Mr. Higashimizu, but you should be fine" the women said to her patient.

"Thank you Dr. Mizuno"

"Oh please it was no problem, I'm just glad I could help"

"Well maybe you can help me Doctor" a voice said from behind her, she turned to see a well dressed businessman wearing shades. "You see I'm get something from you that I need" he stepped into the room.

"Excuse me, but this is a area reserved only to hospital personal and family. I'll have to ask you to leave" Dr. Mizuno said motioning to the door. The man removed his shades and locked eyes with the doctor, his eyes flashed and she became very dizzy.

"Maybe you didn't hear me, get over here" he stated firmly, she entered a trance-like state and followed him into the hall. "Now Miss Mercury, I want you to stand still. This won't take long" Aquarius spun his staff which dissolved his illusion he planted the butt of his trident firmly on the ground. he aimed it at the older women who didn't move. "Your soul is mine" he touched the doctors chest and a blue ball shot out of her body into his hand. He admired it for a moment and stuck into his pouch. Dr. Mizuno collapsed to the ground.

"What have you done to Dr. Mizuno?" The patient gasped reaching blindly for the help button on his bed. Aquarius aimed his trident toward to man who screamed in pain and went limp and very weakly glowing ball flew out and to the daemon's hand.

"Sorry no witnesses" he said stuffing it into his pouch.

"Stop right there daemon" a girl's voice shouted from behind him, amused he turned only to almost have a heart attack. "I am Sailor Mercury, Protector of the weak and defenseless. I'm here to teach you a lesson for stealing the souls of the sick and injured" she said calmly. Ryouga was in a combat stance behind her a bit confused, *why did she give that speech ?*.

"How could you be over there when I just took your soul?!" Aquarius shouted, "If your over there than whose soul do I have?" he moved aside and Mercury's cool exterior shattered.

"no..." she said sadly looking at her mom's motionless body. "Kami-san no!" she fell to her knees. Ryouga saw a very familiar expression on her face as Ami's heart broke, his anger grew.

"You monster, how dare you make her unhappy!" he shouted charging a very surprised Aquarius, he tackled the zodiac to the ground and sent a hard blow straight at his head. Aquarius managed the move and Ryouga's fist went through the floor. With a heave he through the boy off him and partially down the hall he picked up his trident and entered a defensive stance.

"Come on boy, let's see what you've got" he shouted as Ryouga got up. He shot a glance at Mercury was holding the other women he drained. At that moment an idea hit him, and so did Ryouga. The zodiac flew into the wall at the end of the hall. Ryouga ran up and pinned him.

"Reverse what you've done or I'll snap you in half" The lost boy growled.

"Make me!" He growled back forcing the younger man off him, he blasted Ryouga with a shot from his trident, the lost boy flew down the hall. Aquarius aimed his trident toward Mercury who made no move to defend herself, "Well now I can get your soul and correct the problem" he said placing the weapon on her chest. Ryouga charged lashing out a hard kick knocking the trident away from the distracted scout. The two warriors stood in stance waiting for the other to make their move, they both screamed and charged. Ryouga barely dodged a fierce shot meant for his stomach getting a small gash on his side, ignoring the pain he let out a vicious series of punches that were blocked the trident his opponent wielded. Aquarius got a wicked smile on his face as grabbed the boys shirt and threw him into the window to the outside cracking it. Unknown to the two fighters the temperature. dropped considerably. Aquarius confidently walked over to the lost boy who started to stand, he gave a hard knee bringing Ryouga to his knees. "You know boy, your not half bad. Too bad I have to kill you and all" he laughed cruelly and didn't see the blow coming. The lost boy let out a punch that bent the Zodiac over like a folding chair. Recovering quickly Aquarius uppercutted Ryouga with the butt of the trident sending hard into the glass it cracking and weakening more. It was so cold the both warrior could see their breath, but Aquarius was furious. "That's it your dead kid!" he shouted bring his trident back for the death blow. A huge power serge distracted him, he turned to see his original target was now finally to her feet.

"You killed my mom" she said in a quiet voice.

"Mom?!" he said confused, but than it struck him. "That's why you have the same power aura" he said not noticing the cold look in her eyes.

"She was all I had" she continued in the same voice, a single tear coming to her right eye. Aquarius took a step back as their was another power surge, it was twice her estimated power. He could feel an attack coming, before he could move Ryouga came from behind latching on to him with a bear hug with all his strength. The Zodiac deamon struggled helplessly as the monstrous strength of the lost boy held him still. Sailor mercury glowed brightly as her single tear fell and stopped in midair, it grew into a palm sized ball. "You'll pay! MERCURY'S..." she spun in a slow intricate dance, the ball orbiting her. "..MOURNFUL..." she stopped facing Ryouga and Aquarius the ball coming to stop in front of her growing. "TEAR!!!" the ball exploded, forming into a huge jet of freezing water. Ryouga released Aquarius and dived through a nearby wall just before the jet engulfed the deamon sending him out the window. Getting up Ryouga looked into the hall which was frozen solid only the Sailor scout and her mother's body were untouched. Ryouga slowly approached Mercury holding his side. Suddenly she collapsed into his arms sobbing. He brought his good arm around her and held her firmly as she wept.

Outside the other scouts and Ranma arrived at the hospital in time to see a figure fly out of a fourth story window being propelled by a large jet of Ki charged water. Sailor moon saw the ice encrusted area where the window used to be, "Oh Kami, Mercury shot that" she said amazed. The figure hit the ground a few hundred feet behind them. Aquarius laid partially frozen on the ground, he slowly stood up. He was prepared to go back and teach that insolent girl a lesson only to see the other 5 teenagers, after a moment of hesitation he scowled and disappeared in a cool breeze.

"I'll get you later Mercury, Habiki. You'll both pay" his voice carried on after he was gone. The group looked at each other and back to the hospital.

"Let's go see if there okay" they ran inside.


Aquarius appeared inside the room with all of the Zodiacs waiting and watching the screen without sound. "Smooth move stupid" the Gemini twins laughed at the irate zodiac. Before he could respond the disembodied voice of fortune boomed though the rafters.

"It appears that you have failed Aquarius" by the sound of it's voice it was oblivious that Fortune was angry. Aquarius went down to one knee and began begging for forgiveness. "It also appears that you too have failed Virgo" the daemon in question stared at the continued watching the screen hoping for a miracle. Then it happened what see was waiting for, a cruel smile appeared on her face. "Virgo are you listening to me!" Fortune shouted.

"Master, everybody. Turn your attention to the screen" the screen came to the scene where the heroes are all gathered on the fourth floor, Ryouga is still comforting Sailor Mercury. As Sailor moon approaches, Mercury sets a glare upon her and starts shouting, the other scouts try to calm her but Mercury won't let them near her. They all start shouting until Ryouga says something, the scouts reluctantly leave. Ranma stays for a moment with Jupiter at the door. He asks a question to the other boy, who merely nods. They leave leaving Ryouga alone with Mercury as she continues to cry. "Aquarius has failed in taking her soul, but has caused enough emotional stress to her to break her away from the group. This is just as good" she stated firmly.

"Go on" Fortune said intrigued by this line of thought.

"With Mercury split away, their power as a team is ruptured. As an added bonus, Mercury will be away from the others making her an easier target" she flashed a smile at the group of daemons. Some applauded, some scowled. Among the later was Leo.

"Very nice Virgo, it seems I was a bit hasty. The a bit away from the original proposal you met your part of the bargain. Tomorrow each zodiac will pick your target" Fortune announced, Leo stood.

"But Master, if we have them weakened we should capitalize now an strike hard" he protested with a small murmur of agreement from the others. "If you let me take a small squad of Panthergast I wi-" he began.

"You'll get you Ass kicked" Aquarius stated brushing ice crystals from his arms.

"You haven't fought them, those sailor brats have incredible magic power and the two boys are very strong" Virgo continued, Aquarius nodded.

"Attacking them now would be suicide. Their still all in the same area, plus I'll wager that the Habiki boy is as strong as you" he said looking the fierce warrior up and down. Leo growled with contempt.

"No one is as strong as me!" he shouted at the zodiac of illusion. Virgo stood beside.

"If you can swallow your pride for a minute and think of the rest of us. Sure with enough panthergasts you could get them, but your little splurge will attract a lot of unwanted attention and leave us venerable to attack. That's not very tactically smart is it?" she said firmly increasing his anger.

"Why you-!"

"Leo!" Fortune shouted at the livid Zodiac, "Stop this instant, your in the wrong. Now calm down!" the energy in the air made all the zodiacs shudder, Leo quickly sobered up.

"I'm sorry Master" he said shakily with a bow. Virgo's confident smirk was the mirror opposite of Leo's vengeful scowl.

"Any other objections?" the disembodied voice said firmly, finding no response. "Then we continue Virgo's plan. Everyone minus the research team and Leo should get prepared, Leo you may not be sent into the field. You are on dimensional suspension until you get that temper of yours under control. Dismissed!" All of the zodiacs filed out into there rooms, Taurus and Cancer headed back to the earth dimension. Virgo stood at the door between worlds with Sagittarius, Aquarius joined them.

"Look Virgo, I'd like to thank you. You saved me from the Master's wrath and supported me against Leo" Virgo merely smiled.

"No offense but the dealing with fortune was mainly to save my ass, your life was just a bonus" she said with a shrug.

"Well still the fact remains and I am indebted to you. I hope there is something I can do for you" he said shouldering his trident, Virgo looked at him for a moment. A smile slowly spread onto her face.

"I think there is something you can help me with, it would be in your best interests to anyway. If you meet with me tomorrow in the earth realm, after school I'll fill you in" Aquarius nodded and went to his quarters. Virgo flashed a smile at Sagittarius who had a confused look on her face.

"What was that all about?"

"My plan is working, my friend. Just like it was meant to" she said patting her friend on the back heading through the door to earth.


Back in Nermia Nabiki is walking to school, both Ranma and Akane are not present and she is deep in thought. She had been stumped by the recent turn of events, Ranma not returning after a fight it isn't like him. Akane says she hates him all the time, why was this any different?* her musings were interrupted by the smashing of the wall in front of her. Kuno and his Crazy sister Kodochi stood in dramatic fashion in front of her. "May I ask what your doing?" she said coolly. Kuno stepped forward his boken in his sash, "Nabiki Tendo. I, the blue thunder of Furiken High, have heard from my sources that you know where The foul sorcerer Saotome has hidden himself. Normally I would not care, but the Varlet has cursed the beauteous Akane into depression and taken my pigtailed goddess. You must tell me where he is so that I can punish him" he finished sword held high with a flash of lightning and the rumble of thunder. Nabiki blinked a bit taken back, she regained her calm exterior.

"I don't know what your talking about?" she lied, she wanted to make sure she got even with him before anyone else.

"Out with it mercenary, Sasuke overheard your conversation with your agents. Now tell me where my precious Ranma has been banished to by that hussy Akane" Kodochi said stepping in front of her brother who was still in his pose. Kuno unfroze at his sisters comment.

"Dear sister, though I love you I can not let you speak ill of Akane Tendo. She is under the spell of Saotome" he said turning to her, Kodochi turned to meet him.

"I'm sorry brother, but you have it in reverse. Tendo is the evil women enslaving my poor Ranma" the argument quickly turned into a fight, but Nabiki didn't stick around and slipped off into school.

Throughout the class Kuno bugged her about Ranma's whereabouts, his ranting lead to the entire school wanting info. With some smooth talking she managed to get them to wait until next week and all this happened before lunch! Lunch was a war zone, Shampoo and Ukyou came to her at the same time both having overheard. Shampoo had followed Sasuke and Ukyou had heard Kuno ranting. This evolved into another fight which lead to Nabiki leaving school early. She normally didn't do things like that, but today it seemed like a good idea. On her way home the old leach, Happosai, tried to get the same information out of her. Apparently he was in the women's locker room while two girls were talking about it, she wagered some of the panties Ranma had stashed from when he thought he was a girl to leave her alone. She arrived mentally exhausted and nearly out of ideas.

"Why Nabiki you home early? Are you feeling okay?" Kasumi asked concerned as Nabiki all but collapsed onto the couch.

"Everyone knows. One person listened in on my phone conversation and it snowballed. Now everyone knows, The kuno's, Ukyou, Happosai, Shampoo, and if shampoo knows than Mousse and Cologne know. I'll bet that even though Genma and Daddy are in the middle of nowhere they would have found out. They've been nagging me all day, but I want to know why Ranma didn't come back. I need to know, it doesn't make sense. I don't want anyone there before me..." she took a breath and headed upstairs. Kasumi looked to her sister.

"Nabiki, Where are you going?"

"I need to know before those nut jobs get there, I'm going to Juban"

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Authors notes: Now I'm going to explain why I did the things I did for those who asked why...
Q- 'Why Ryouga and Ami?'.
A- I personally like the match up, and I think they suit each others personality. Many people wanted a Ryouga and Rei pair up, and are downed by my idea. I just want to state now that this is only the 1st Ranma ½ and Sailor moon crossover, I will be trying every angle and see what works.

Q- 'Are you going to follow the standard Sailor moon plot with a whole mess of villains going one by one leading up to the boss which is so cloaked evil mastermind?'
A- Yes and No, I will follow some aspects of that. But it's also Ranma ½ with recurring villains that pop up at random times with a new plan. So wait a bit before asking that again.

Q- 'Why haven't you used Darien?'
A- That was actually an accident *sweatdrops* I've never used him before and I was trying to develop the other characters reactions to the newcomers. So I kinda forgot...

Q- 'Why is Ranma so relaxed, doesn't he know that everyone is going to come looking for him?'
R- I did bring this up in the beginning, it was the reason he wanted to leave. The girls were so nice to him he didn't want them to get involved with all the problems that would follow him to Juban. Though he is really relaxed because Juban is much calmer than Nermia.

Well it took me a while but I did it, Part five done. What could happen next. Ranma and Makoto arrange a study with their project partners Seto and Yukiko, but is this isn't just a normal study; Ranma gets a job with Ryouga; Nabiki arrives...but is she alone?; Ami separates herself from the other scouts, with only Ryouga there to protect her; Rei has a disturbing fire reading, Fortune? Zodiacs? What does it all mean?; and how does Aquarius all fit into this? Next episode of Ranma ½ / Sailor Moon 'A Change for the Better'

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