Ranma 1/2 Fan Fiction ❯ Destiny of the Magi ❯ Trust ( Chapter 18 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

"My prince."

A Man, with his eyes closed, sitting on a throne turned towards a man with a curious looking pair of dog-ears on his head with one knee on the ground and head dipped low, "Speak."

The dog-man raised his head, "Our spies within the Amazons have confirmed the rumors. It seems that the mage tower is being attacked by a lot of the existing groups of people, and some new ones as well."

The man opened his eyes, revealing a slited pupil in the middle of his golden eyes, "Councilor, prophet, come to me."

"We come as you command my prince." Two odd looking men, one with a golden cloak, covering his whole body and hiding his face. Another wearing a red robe, with no obvious non-human trait, except for his bear-like claws and round ears on the side of his head, both of which is well hidden.

"Leave us Lint." The man on the throne waved his hand, "We have important matters to attend to. Keep me informed with the movements of the Amazon and the mage tower."

"Your will is my command."

The two old man watched Lint leave before turning towards they're liege again, "Prince Herb, for what reason have you summoned us?"

Herb frowned in thought for a moment, "My father, before he passed away, has told me that his own prophet has saw that I will make a decision. A decision that will either lead the Musk to new heights in power, or one that will lead us to dust. I have called upon the two of you to ask of your insight."

The one with the golden cloak spoke out first, "My predecessor has told me of his vision. My own vision has told me that this is not the time of our choice."

The Councilor spoke next, "This would be a extremely good time to act my Prince. The people are still recovering for the losses from the winter we have just suffered. If you do not act, our Kingdom will suffer even more."

Herb nodded, "We had a bad winter. Our semi-truce with the Amazons is not enough for us to negotiate trade, and our relation with the mage tower is extremely fragile. If we are to help the factions, we will gain more power and land, which will help our kingdom. On the other hand, if we help the tower, we will have a more permanent solution to our problem."

Herb's two advisors nodded in agreement, "What is your command."

"Send for a letter to the mage tower, my father has helped them once, he has also fought them once. The tower know of our strength, we shall see if we will gain from helping the tower." Herb decided, "You have your command councilor." Herb turned stopped the other man from leaving with a glance, "Prophet, please stay."

"By your leave my Prince." The Councilor walked out of the throne room with this head dipped.

"Prophet, what do you think of us allying ourselves with our enemy." Herb asked with a frown, "The Amazons has always fought us for our usage of Jusenkyo..."

The Prophet sighed, "From what I have seen, our alliance with mage tower would be very beneficial to both the Musk and the Tower. But my visions tell me to leave this alliance open-ended. In a time before the war between the Amazons and us we have fought together once. If our relations with the Amazons were to heal, we would become stronger."

"But we only came together out of necessity." Herb countered, "The War of Lines forced us to band together for a while if my history lessons are correct."

The Prophet nodded, "It would be the Kings decision at the end. Our people are still deciding on who is to ascend."

"You may leave," The Dragon prince watch as the prophet walked away before sighing and slumping on his throne, "Seems like my arrogance has died with you father, it seems like only yesterday when I have argued with you that we shouldn't have talk of truce with the Amazons. Now I'm contemplating if we should ally ourselves with them."

Behind the throne, a man, taller than Herb sneered, "You have grown soft little brother just like our father."

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~

Act: 1 Chapter 18


Ranma let out a loud breath and let himself drop on the sofa in the living room. "I can't believe someone will put a freeze wand down someone's pants."

Shampoo shrugged, "Serves the guy right for groping that girl."

Kikori blushed, "You could have warned me that Ranma is trying to help that guys with the frozen underwear you know Xian Pu."

The amazon grinned, "I thought I'd loosen you up Kikori. I bet you enjoyed the show too by your blush."

Kikori blushed harder, "I did NOT!"

"I dun get ya girls." Ranma shook his head and reached for the stack of mail sitting on the coffee table, "Fliers, Fliers, Fliers, Bill, Bill, Fliers, Fabric softener sample, Urgent Message from Mage tower, Bill, more Fliers." Ranma shrugged, "Nothing important."

The two girls sweatdropped, "Ranma, did you say Urgent message from Mage tower?"

"Yeah." Ranma nodded as he turned on the Television.

Kikori sighed, "Your hopeless, I'll be in the kitchen making dinner."

Shampoo blinked, "I'll be in back yard doing Kata."


Ranma sat in the living room watching a show on the Television for few more minutes before blinking, "Wait, urgent message from the tower?"

The pig-tailed mage scratched his head and rummaged through the pile of mail and picking out a large brown envelope with a red `Urgent' stamped on it, "Oops."

*************************************************************** ********

"So, what's the urgent message?" Kikori asked as she placed the last plate of food on the table.

"Oh, we're to go to Kyoto to receive a mission tomorrow." Ranma said as he starts to shove food into this mouth.

"What about me?" Shampoo asked using her chopsticks to point to herself.

Ranma blinked, "You know, the letter didn't say."

Kikori frowned, "That's odd. I guess you'll have to come with us to the Kyoto tower. Unless you think you can handle the shop by yourself."

"I'll come along," Shampoo said after thinking for a while, "Great grandmother told me to learn from the two of you. I can't learn if I'm not following you now can I?"

"Well, if we have a mission, then you can't follow us anyway." Ranma pointed out, pausing from his meal for a second, "The tower usually don't allow extra people joining in on a mission, you know that."

Shampoo nodded, "It'll be all right, I've always wanted to see the Kyoto tower. Being stuck in our village training doesn't leave one with a lot of time to visit other places."

Kikori nodded, "I know what you mean."

"Of course you do," Ranma said waving his chopsticks in front of the two female mages, "One's a obsessive macho tomboy that trains non-stop, and another is a prissy princess that studied til she's sixteen."

The two female's eyes twitched in unison, "Care to say that again Ranma."

Ranma blinked and placed his rice bowl down on the table, "Well I'm done eattin', see ya."

The two girls were about to slam their chopsticks on the table and give chase when Ranma stopped at the doorway, "Hmm, I guess you girls shouldn't eat that much, you're both gaining weight after all."

Ignorantly, Ranma casually walked out giving a small wave to the girls.

"Ranma wishes for death," Shampoo muttered darkly as she pulled out her bon bori, "Amazon always gives death to those that wishes for it."

Kikori sighed, "Hit him harder for me please."

The Amazon grinned maliciously, "Will do."

*************************************************************** ********

Kikori sighed for the nth time as she watched Shampoo mercilessly beat on Ranma, "Umm, Shampoo, I think you can stop now."

The Amazon panted breathlessly as she slowly stored away her weapons, "Teach... you to... call... Amazon... FAT!"

"S-stupid... ma-macho... chick." Ranma stammered as he continues to struggle to stand up.

Kikori shook her head and placed a hand on Shampoo's shoulders to stop her from beating on Ranma, again.

"Stupid male." Shampoo grumbled and walked away angrily.

"Ranma, you HAVE to remember she isn't me." Kikori said to the disabled mage.

"I'll try to remember... ow." Ranma twitched on the floor.

"I need to talk to Shampoo," Kikori said turning around, "Don't move around much."

"Kikori, can't you heal me first." Ranma whined.

"Hmph, teach you to call me fat."

*************************************************************** ********

"Stupid MALE!"

Kikori walked up to Shampoo and placed her hand on the Amazon's shoulder, "Shampoo, calm down."

"Stupid insolent, MALE insulted me like THAT and you're telling ME to CALM DOWN!" Shampoo growled.

"It's just the way he is." Kikori said patiently, "I'm surprised he didn't act like this for this long."

"More the reason to teach him a lesson." Shampoo continues to growl.

"Ranma... this is just how Ranma is Shampoo. He's loudmouth the doesn't really care who he insults." Kikori said with a small smile, "But to the people he knows, he's usually polite enough, he only acts like that to a few people." The Priestess pauses for a second as if to think, "Actually, I'm pretty sure I'm the only person he acts like a loudmouth to. Even Ryoga doesn't get into as much arguments with him than I do."

Shampoo blinked, "Are you saying that I should feel glad he is insulting me and acting like a jerk when I'm around?"

Kikori laughed softly, "Not really, but you SHOULD feel... something. It just means Ranma trusts you enough to not put up as much walls as he does with other people he knows." Kikori gives Shampoo a smile, "I have to go see if Ranma is still twitching on the ground or if he managed to crawl to his room. Remember what I said. Don't judge Ranma by what he says."

Shampoo scratches her head as she watched Kikori leave, "Guess I'll forgive him, but he better apologize!"

*************************************************************** ********

Kikori sat next to Ranma, who is lying down unconscious, and rested her chin on his bed.

"Half the girls you meet hate your guts, the other half wants to drag you to their room and have their way with you. Then there is some of us that just don't know what to do with you."

Ranma groaned as he tries to push himself upright, "Wha' happen?"

Kikori pushed Ranma back down and frowned at him, "Lay down you jerk."

"Who are ya calling a jerk ya... ow." Ranma winced when Kikori poked at one of his bruises, "What did ya do THAT for!"

"Lay still," Kikori said softly as she pulls up his cover to his shoulders, "You've just been beaten up by Shampoo for calling her fat AND saying she's a macho chick. You should be glad you're alive."

Ranma grinned sheepishly, "I guess I went overboard huh?"

"Now THAT is a understatement Ranma." Kikori replied before resting her chin on his bed again.

Ranma turned to his side, painfully, and faced Kikori, "Guess I'll have to apologize to her."

Kikori nodded her head.

"I guess it just felt too much like when it's just you and me." Ranma smiled embarrassed, "Guess Shampoo is more like family than I thought huh?"

"You better remember to apologize to her," Kikori said frowned at her partner, "She's really mad when I went and talked to her."

"Dun worry Ki-chan, I will." Ranma said before adding with a smirk, "But of course, I can't apologize for something that I KNOW is true."

Kikori gave Ranma a playful hit, "Go to sleep, you'll need it for tomorrow."

"You to, sweet dreams Ki-chan." Ranma turned himself to lie on his back once again and closed his eyes.

"Good night Rammie."

*************************************************************** ********

Shampoo fumed as they trio of mages sat on a private bus sent to retrieve them.

< That... that MALE! He's lucky I keep my swords sharp, or I'll neuter him with them when they're dull! >

Let me rephrase, Shampoo is about to explode with thoughts of violence towards a certain spirit mage.

< No, neutering would be a mercy. He'll beg for me to neuter him when I finish with him > Shampoo chuckled darkly, < Yes... he'll beg me THEN I'll neuter him >

*************************************************************** ********

Ranma shivered in his seat on the other side of the jet while still trying to figure out why the Amazon is still anger at him.

"I still don't get it."

Kikori sighed and shook her head, "Saying when you say all those stuff, you mean it in the nicest way possible is NOT the way to apologize."

"What? I mean you have to admit, she does eat a lot, I mean all the girls in the mage tower do compared to normal girls and she does martial arts, so she IS macho compared to normal girls." Ranma scratched his head, "Ya girls are too confusing to figure out."

The priestess's eyes twitched, "Or maybe you're just too dimwitted Ranma."

"What did I do to deserve that!" Ranma said with a frown.

"All you needed to do is take back what you said and all will be okay!" Kikori said tiredly.

"What? A man can't go back on the words he said!" Ranma said puffing out his chest, "If I go back on those words, what will I go back on next!"

Kikori blinked, "What kind of twisted logic is that?"

"It's not twisted!"

Kikori blinked, "What?"

"It's not!"


*************************************************************** ********

"Elder." Kikori and Ranma bowed respectfully towards the elder of the spirit mages and the Arch-Priest. The two elder is wearing a gray robe and a red robe respectively. While the elder holds a walking stick, further giving the image of an old, but wise man, the Arch-Priest looks young, when compared to the elder. The think book that he held in his hand has a leather cover embroiled with gold patterns and a red star in the middle of it. Both of the council member stood behind a podium in a well lighted room.

"A hope your trip here from Nerima was pleasant." The Arch-Priest said pleasantly.

"Yes Elder." Kikori answered as Ranma mumbled incoherently.

The elder chuckled, "I see Ranma isn't agreeing with you as usual Kikori."

Kikori jabbed her elbow at her partner, who grumbled and made a face.

"No elder." Ranma replied, "Just not having a good day."

The two members of the mage council nodded before clearing they're throats, "Ranma Saotome, Kikori Sekihara hear and obey. Due to the increased incidents of rouge attacks against the mage tower, our numbers of mages available for missions has dwindled to the point where we need to start recalling mages that are on vacation." The Arch-priest paused and watched the two mages before continuing, "From the ones that we can choice, the two of you are the most suitable for the mission that has suddenly come up."

The two older mages picked up a folder from they're podium and gave them to Ranma and Kikori. The two younger mages glanced through the folder.

"A diplomatic mission elder?" Kikori said uncertainly, "Surely you can find a someone better than me and Ranma."

"Yeah, I'm not exactly the talkin' type ya know." Ranma added.

"Yes, we are aware of that," The elder of spirit mages said with a nodded, "We HAVE seen what all the missions you two have been on ended up like."

Kikori and Ranma both blushed.

"But looking at our other choices, you two would be our best bet." The Arch-Priest finished.

"If I may ask," Kikori said after skimming through the folder, "Who exactly ARE your other choices?"

"The Tripping twins and the Destructo duo as the other mages called them I believe." The elder of spirits said wiry, "Quite aptly named too if I may say so."

"Can't you recall the ones more capable of this mission and send us to take over their mission?" Ranma asked.

"Oh believe me, if that were possible, then I would do that." The Arch-Priest answered, "Unfortunately, all those mages are on other diplomatic missions that are of more immediate importance."


"If there isn't any more questions, the two of you will be leaving tomorrow morning with Xian Pu as your guide once you have reached China. You will first go to the Amazon village and then travel to the meeting point where the Musk has set up to meet with the two of you." The elder of spirits said, "Oh and Ranma, try not to turn this mission into the massive free for all magic slinging contest OR start rumors to further embarrass your partner. Having being mistaken for a lap dancer is quite demeaning, especially when you're a prietess, if you know what I mean."

Ranma sighed and shuffled out of the room with a blushing Kikori following him.

The two members of the mage council watched the two walks out, sighed and muttered almost in unison, "As if our relationship with the Musk Dynasty isn't fragile enough."

*************************************************************** ********

Shampoo laughed uncontrollably as Ranma, Kikori, and herself sat on the plane.

"Ha ha ha, laugh it up." Ranma muttered, "I can't believe they sent us on a boring mission like this."

Kikori rolled her eyes, "Trust me when I say this Ranma; no mission is boring while you are involved in it. We'll probably insult some Musk noble and start a civil war, and that's looking at it in the most optimistic way."

Shampoo continued to laugh like a hyena.

"You're not exactly instilling confidence in me Ki-chan." The pig-tailed mage replied with a sigh, "Still, I can't really screw up a mission that badly right?"

"You're right, you can't screw up a mission that badly," Kikori said with a nodded, "You'll screw it up even worst."

The laughing never stopped.

*************************************************************** ********

"So let me get this straight," Ranma said as the trio of mages made their way to the Amazon village, "The Musk Dynasty are `arch-rivals' of the Amazons, but they are still asking for a semi-alliance with the mage tower?"

Kikori nodded, "Yes, from what the tower figured, the Musk has suffered a bad winter so they want to make a friendly relationship with the tower in hopes of getting the Musk through the year and maybe some more contact with the outside world."

"Feh, Musk are scum." Shampoo scoffed, "They use the Jusenkyo water for their own ill gains."

Ranma and Kikori blinked and turn towards the Mind mage, "What do you mean by that?"

Shampoo turned to Kikori, "They use the spring of the drowned girl to make their own brides from animals to give themselves more power." The Amazon sneered, "The only reason we are still not at war is because the last king of the Musk as announced a truce with us and say they would not use the spring as much."

Ranma shivered, "They use it to ALL animals? Even they guy ones?"

Shampoo nodded grimly, "Although they usually find female ones because they usually `behave' better, but cursed male animals are used also."

"Well, you certainly aren't painting a good picture for the Musk." Kikori said skeptically, "Well, you've been brought up in the Amazon village Xian Pu, maybe your views are biased?"

"Maybe, Maybe not," Shampoo replied coldly, "But Amazons have saying, is taught to all warriors in training: Musk we kill."

Ranma shivered again, "So glad I'm not Musk."

The Amazon only chuckled at Ranma darkly, "I still remember what you call me Ranma."

Kikori sighed in resignation, "Is it just me, or does Shampoo's Japanese get worse when she's mad?"

"I'm too afraid for my life to notice Ki-chan."

*************************************************************** ********

Shampoo stopped the trio of mages as they reached the border of the Amazon village, the guard on top of a small wooden tower yelled something down in Chinese towards them and used her spear to point at Ranma and Kikori.

"Just keep quiet and let me do the talking." Shampoo said to the two mages and walked forward yelling back something in Chinese also.

The guard grinned and leaped down from the tower to open the gate, "You I welcome to village."

Kikori and Ranma both nodded cautiously and followed Shampoo and the guard through the gate.

The village seems to stop all it's activities as they pass them, fighters stopped in their sparring, merchants suddenly stops bartering along with the shopper.

"Hey Xian Pu," Ranma asked quietly, "why is everyone staring at us like that?"

"Not much outsiders, even if they are from the mage tower, ever come here," Shampoo replied, "they're probably just surprised at your arrival, and me coming back so soon."

"We here." The guard announced. Ranma looked towards the large building they stood in front of. While all the other buildings in the village seem to be made of sturdy wood, this is the only building that is made from steel and cement. "Our Elder see you."

Shampoo nodded her thanks and replied in Chinese once again. The guard chuckled and quickly jogged back to her post.

"So what did you tell her?" Kikori asked before heading into a large building.

"Oh, the guard asked who you two are at the gate, I told her you two are from the mage tower at the gate." Shampoo replied with a shrug, "I saw the guard eyeing Ranma up, so I decided to tell her that he has no talent and isn't really that much of a guy anyways."

Ranma growled, "Hmph, more like I'm too MUCH of a man for you."

"Oh you want to prove to Shampoo." Shampoo said seductively and draped herself on to the spirit mage, "Shampoo happy to oblige."

"Ack!" Ranma turned his head aside, hiding his blushed face and quickly walks past the two girls and entered the building.

"He's no fun at all." Shampoo sighed before following Ranma in.

Kikori blinked and sighed, "Well, at least we didn't blow up anything yet."

*************************************************************** ********

"Elder." The three mages bowed respectfully at Cologne when they reached the center of the building.

"Xian pu, Ranma, Kikori," Cologne greeted, "I heard about your mission, and I'm sorry to say this, but the amazons cannot aide you in this endeavor. For one thing, the Musk do not trust us, for another, we do not trust them."

Ranma blinked, "Wow, straight to the point."

The priestess covered her mouth to conceal her mirth, "That is all right elder. All Ranma and I need are a guide to lead us to the meeting point with the Musk."

Cologne nodded, "Very well, Xian Pu shall lead you to the agreed point of meeting."

Ranma and Kikori nodded, "Thank you Elder."

"Well, now that the business is concluded," Cologne said with a smile, "How are the three of you getting along? I hope Xian Pu isn't too much of a burden."

Shampoo fumed, "Great grand mother! I am NOT a child, I can take care of myself. Why would I need to burden Ranma and Kikori!"

"Naw, Shamps is great." Ranma said with a smirk, "Helped us out a lot too."

"Yes, Xian Pu has been great help to us." Kikori replied more politely.

"Ah, don't need to sugar coat things in front of me," Cologne said, waving her hand dismissivly, "My great granddaughter is quite a handful at times as I understand it."


Ranma and Kikori blushed, "Oh no, umm... she isn't a handful..."

"Not you two too!" Shampoo whined, "Everyone is against me."

Cologne cackled, "Sorry I can't talk to you three for long, but I do have other businesses I need to tend to." The Elder turned to her heir, "Xian Pu, would you give Ranma and Kikori a tour of the village and show them the guest hut that they would be staying in?"


Ranma grinned, "Thanks for letting us stay for the night."

"Yes," Kikori added, "I was sure Ranma would force us to sleep in a tent for the night. Something about roughing it adds to character."

"It's not my fault no everyone agrees to it." Ranma huffed, "Well, thanks again old ghoul."

Cologne's eyes flashed briefly, sending a wave of pain into Ranma's head, "Show some respect boy."




Kikori sighed as Ranma was flung out of the building by means of mind magic from Cologne, "I am sorry elder, at least he was able to hold his mouth till the end."

"That male should learn to not talk." Shampoo muttered darkly as she is reminded of the insults that Ranma had given her.

*************************************************************** ********

Ranma flopped down on his bed and let out a breath, "It seems like years since we last saw a small village like this one huh, Ki-chan?"

Kikori smiled in reply and sat on a bed next to Ranma's, "Yes, it feels more comfortable than being in a big city."

Ranma grinned, "It's not as big as an apartment, but it feels more like a home than those city places."

The priestess nodded and once again found herself admiring the small hut that they are to spend the night in. Only one window is placed on the circular wall that surrounds them, adorn by a thin curtain that has no patterns on it, it seems to give the hut a pleasant feeling. A small table stands on the opposite side of the beds with a single flower, a lavender, in a short, but thin vase.

"Hey Ranma," Kikori said absently swinging her legs as she sat on her bed, "Do you think you can get a cure for your Jusenkyo curse here?"

"I don't think that's necessary, I can get a cure when I take the spirit mage quest." Ranma replied with his eyes closed, "Besides, I doubt the Jusenkyo curse will let me be cured of it this easily."

"But, no talent has ever-"

"Shh." Ranma silenced his partner, "I can do it. I'll get to second circle, just watch me."

"What if you don't."

The blue eyed mage sighed and remained silent.

"If you want, I can find a way to cure you."

He sat up slowly and stared out of the window, "Thank you Ki-chan. And don't worry, I will find a way, after all, Saotome Ranma don't lose right?"

Kikori pressed her lips together and watched her partner drop back on to his back again and drift off to sleep.

"Does he?"

*************************************************************** ********