Ranma 1/2 Fan Fiction ❯ No Cure For the Untruthful ❯ The trip ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Hi Minna! I'm back with the third chapter! I loved reading all of your reviews, so remember to keep reviewing. ^_^ On with chapter 3!

Disclaimer: Unfortunately, I do not own Ranma. L

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The two who were previously immersed in battle slowly turned to face their accuser.

"Akane, how long have you be listening?" Inquired a very nervous Ranma.

"Long enough." Akane's check now twitching.

Nervously, Ryoga started apologizing to Akane. He turned on his shamefaced act.

"Akane-san, I was going to tell you earlier. I'm sorry, please forgive me." He said bowing his head in shame.

Akane looked at him confused. "What are you apologizing for Ryoga?" She then turned to Ranma.

"What did you mean that you like being a girl sometimes? Your more perverted than I thought!" Akane said appalled.

Ranma now shocked, immediately turning red. 'I thought she would ask if it's true that P-brain is Ryoga or even if it's true that I love her. I'm sure she heard me say it.' Ranma thought completely confused. Well at least she didn't ask about Ryoga.'

Unfortunately, his relief was short lived.

"And where's P-chan? I heard you call his name." Akane asked suspiciously, looking around briefly for the little black piglet.

Ranma stood frozen on the spot. 'How do I respond to those questions' Ranma thought apprehensively.

"P-chan is… that is he is right here."

Akane now getting angry "What do you mean 'right here' Ranma?"

Ranma's could hear his heartbeat starting drumming deafeningly in his ear.

"Ryoga is-"

"Akane-san!!!" Hiroshi called out running toward the group. When he got to Akane he put his hands on her shoulder and told Akane that her father wanted her. Akane eager to get the truth out of Ranma reluctantly went along with Hiroshi.

"Ranma, we will finish this later." Akane ground between clenched teeth, as if she was one of his most lethal enemy's. And in some ways, she was.

Both Ranma and Ryoga let out a sigh of relief as they watched both Akane and Hiroshi depart

'That was close' thought Ranma relieved.

"Who is he?" Asked Ryoga.

Ranma shrugged "Akane's "long lost friend" I guess. No ones really told me anything about him. I don't really trust him thought." Replied a now angry Ranma.

"Who does he think he is putting his hands on Akane-san?" Ryoga growled, now equally angry.

"Anyways I have to go see how long this potion or pill will last." Ranma said already making his way off the dojo grounds.

Thanks to Ryoga, Akane thought him an even bigger pervert. Now he really couldn't let this continue for another day, or he would eventually make things a lot worse between them.

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"Where's Shampoo?" Ranma asked Cologne as he entered the Neko Hanten.

Cologne turned from her task at making Ramen and told Ranma that Shampoo was not there but out filling an order. "Why do you need to speak to her so badly?"

"I think she put something in my food last night. Ever since then, I have been not saying the right things." He replied nervously thinking about the words he spoke to Akane earlier.

"Ah, I see. I believe Shampoo gave you the truth pill. It causes you to say what you really feel about other people." Replied the wise old woman. Upon seeing Ranma gulp nervously, Cologne quickly reassured him.

"Don't worry, son-in-law the pill only last for a week." Cologne added looking quite amused.

Just great. A week was all he needed to screw things up. He had been hoping for a cure to this and was disappointed. The only way he could get out of this was to leave until it wore off.

"Where are you going to go, son-in-law?" Cologne asked curiously.

Not realizing that he had spoken his thoughts aloud, Ranma told her about his plan to leave.

Unbeknownst the to two, someone was also listening in on his plan.

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'I still haven't decided where I'm going to go.' Thought Ranma as made his way back to the dojo to start packing his things.

'I guess I'll probably-'

"Saotome Ranma, prepare to die!!!" Someone yelled attacking Ranma with a wooden Katana.

Ranma turned around quickly dodging the blow.

"What the hell do you want Kuno? I don't have time for your Bullshit today!!!" Ranma yelled irately.

Kuno slightly stunned at Ranma's outburst replied "I Tatewaki Kuno, heard you were mocking Akane so I came to make you pay!!!" Attempting to whack to pigtailed boy in the head.

'How does he hear all these things?' than aloud, "Does it really matter? She doesn't want you anyway, you sorry excuse for a martial artist!!!" Seeing him stunned once again, he decided to continue with his verbal battering.

"And I'm a guy, A GUY! SO STOP TELLING ME THAT YOU WANT TO DATE ME!!!!!!" Ranma said not nearly finished.

"And…" Ranma trailed off when he noticed people had stopped to stare at them.

"Mama, are they gay?" Asked a little girl holding on to her mama's purse strap. The lady gave them one last look and took the little girl with her scolding her for talking about "those kind" of people.

'Oh no, now people think I'm gay. I really gotta go home.' Ranma starting running back to the dojo.

Kuno still astonished, wondered 'What got into him?'

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On his way home, Ranma had decided he would go somewhere in the mountains for the week and he would leave at dawn

At dawn, Ranma had his belongings packed and was ready to head out on his trip. 'I hope no one sees me.'

After finding the coast clear, he made his way off of the dojo grounds.

'I'm just glad no one say me leave.' He thought relieved.

Even thought he was wrong.

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When Ranma finally reached his destination in the mountains, he sat down relived.

'Got away without anyone seeing me.' He hated leaving Akane with her "friend" though but there was no other way.

'I should have eaten lunch though' he thought hearing his stomach growl. 'I'll just go to the stream to catch some fish.' Getting up to leave.

As Ranma made his way to the River he heard a twig snap behind him. Turning around abruptly, he yelled "Who's ther-" then breaking off suddenly once he noticed whom his stalker was.

The one person he was trying to avoid.


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I know it probably seems as though there are a lot of plot holes, but everything will be explained in due time. Just hang in there. Also, I have no problem with homo-sexuals or homosexual relationships. I just thought the situation was funny. As always please review even if it's just to let me know that you are there.

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