Ranma 1/2 Fan Fiction ❯ Psychedelic Kiss ❯ Chapter 3

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Chapter 3
By Iron Dragoon

For days she had been following her prey and her love, and for days they had eluded her. But today, she got lucky. After wandering into a small village, she heard rumors of two people, a blacked haired boy, and a flame tressed girl decimating the local pit fighting circles. After introducing a few bodyguards to her Bonbari, the local gambling ring happily gave her the location of the next tournament. Which, luckily was being held in a larger city about a days travel away..

The day's travel brought her to the outskirts of the city. As she searched for a camp site, she came across one with three tents. Thinking she might share the fire, she checked the first tent she came to. The tent housed a slumbering whale of a man, and disgusted, she decided to leave the... man alone. She went on to the second tent, which turned out to be empty. *Hmm.. Have to be careful, whoever sleeps here might think I'm a thief..* It was at the third, and last, tent that all the days of work, all the lost sleep, paid off.. *Like I could have slept with those kinds of dreams anyway,* she added with a shiver of warmth.

She slowly crawled her way to her love, her husband. As she gently brushed the shimmering midnight hair from his face, she leaned in for another ambrosia like kiss, the scene was bathed in a beautiful cherry-blossom colored glow.

As this happened, Ranma dreamt of a small girl running through a forest, running from her father and squealing in laughter all the way. He smiled as her father catches her and wins the tickle war. He sees her father have mercy and put her on his shoulders, begining to walk back to their picnic. As her father turns, she starts to braid his long hair, revealing a cross shaped scar on his cheek, he remembered this was her favorite place to kiss her father. He once told her that her kiss took the ache away from his soul. As Ranma remembered this, and more of her life, his smile began to show on his sleeping face as Shampoo brushed his hair. Seeing this, she took it the only way she logically could.. Amazonian logic, anyway. She returned her husbands' smile of love and leaned in. Unfortunately, the scene that a thousand lovers spanning a thousand years have longed for, was shattered by a scream of pure horror and anger.


As Ranko returned to the camp site, she was lost in thought. *Why did I react to her kissing him like that?* she questioned herself. *It's just that he's had such a hard life, he doesn't deserve to be stuck in that village with that.. that.. slut.* she grinned evilly to herself as she found the perfect description for the Amazon. Her smile turned gentle and, unbeknownst to her, content as she saw Ranma setting up his tent for the night. Her smile turned softer with every step she took towards his tent as, with every step, she remembered his life. The light of wonder and awe lit in her eyes as she realized his ability, and his sheer luck, to retain his innocent and warm nature. And slowly, something in her mind was forced to realize something her heart had known since her rebirth.

With the intention of wishing Ranma a goodnight, she opened the tent flap only to stop dead. The first thing to happen, was the blood in her veins bursting into flames as her aura blossomed. The second was a pain, so intense it dwarfed the pain of her imprisonment, forcing her mind to ignore it in favor of passing out. The third was rage. Rage at the pain she was feeling. Rage at it's instigator, not the boy whose smile made her content with just being, but at the slu.. No, at the -whore- who was about to take him from her.

Her inarticulate scream of rage herald her attack. The attack was so powerful, that the ones who could sense it, passed out from the overload as it shot through them. Fortunately, for Shampoo, Ranko's rage was such that it robbed her of the ability to focus the power. Her scream was enough to actually wake Ranma, who, at seeing the glowing red head, panicked and let his reflexes take over. As the power collected in Ranko's hands, he kicked her hands just as the power finished collecting. The blast was knocked off course as it was fired into the air. But, the shockwave of it disintegrated Ranma's tent and sent Shampoo and him hurtling off into the night.

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Xain Pu stared in horror as the bitch was surrounded by an aura, which began to focus in her hands. Her heart leaped for joy as her love moved to defend her, attacking the rage driven girl. She leaped at her husband to give him his reward... Namely, herself. When the shockwave of the attack hit her, it had enough concussive force to knock her out, which was lucky for her, as richoceting off two trees would have been a much more painful way to go to sleep.. Not that she wouldn't feel the impacts after she woke up.

As Ranma's foot connected with Ranko's hands, he was sent flying much like Shampoo had. A few things were different, however. The most important on was that Ranma was a still conscious as the blast sent him flying, so he was able to enjoy the feeling of his body skipping across the ground a half dozen times before deciding to simply stay on the ground. Or in it, as the case was. The skin on Ranma's back was rug burned off as his body dug a three foot deep, twenty foot long trench in the ground. The trench would have been longer, had it not been for the three hundred year old tree he impacted against. The tree was kind enough to gift him with a concussion, as well as a dislocated shoulder and a broken collar bone. The collar bone was the worst, however, as the bone was forced through the flesh and exposed to the night air.

The haze around Ranko's mind was cut away as Ranma's foot connected with her hands. The fact that Ranma actually attacked her was what snapped her back into reality. Just in time to see Ranma go skipping across the ground like a rock skiping across the water after being thrown. Mortified, she sprinted after him, in time to see him collide with the tree... And the resulting spray of blood into the night air as the bone relentlessly ripped through the flesh of his shoulder and neck. She hovered around him, crying and and afraid to touch him for fear of making the injury worse. As he rolled around, groaning in agony, her heart screamed in agony as well. As her heart prayed for help, her mind touched her heart and showed it long forgotten memories and knowledge.

A smile bloomed on Ranko's tear streaked face as she remembered a technique her mother, a healer so great, the Musk and Amazons sent their young to study with, had once showen her. Her mother had once said that one's heart deigns how one can heal, and with what they heal with. Her mother had once healed her father with the technique. Keeping the feeling of the air from that time in her mind, she gathered all the energy she could, about that of an Elite Saiyjin, and set her heart to the task of healing the boy. As her energy snaked it's way into his veins and around his body, he began to heal. As her energy filled his body, their minds touched once again. She saw his feelings mirror her own, and saw the dream Shampoo's arrival had shattered.


Ranma felt his shattered body being cradled by a warmth, and felt the blood in his veins flow faster and stronger as the energy entered him. As the pain was replaced by warmth, he was hit with a rush of content, relief, and love. In his minds' eye, he saw Ranko's thoughts played out, her dreams run through, and her feelings flowing as strong as an uncontrollable as a flood.

When the healing was finished, their minds once again separated and returned them to reality. As they regained their senses, they found themselves locked not only in the soothing caress of a lovers embrace, but in a tender kiss of contentment as well. As they broke the kiss, Ranko let out a sigh of realized content as her dream was slowly becoming reality. She rested her head on his chest as he hugged her to him and listened to the beat of his heart. Her tail unwrapped it's self from her waist and coiled around Ranma's waist, bringing her closer to him. As they drifted into sleep, under the old Cherry Tree, they dreamed the same dream of unspoken love, under the distant eye of the storm clouds lining the skies to the south, the skies of Japan.