Ranma 1/2 Fan Fiction ❯ Truth Sphere ❯ Chapter 2

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

For Disclaimer, title, author, etc. READ THE FIRST CHAPTER!!!

Cologne held out the sphere to Kasumi. "Since we're all sure that it works I think Kasumi should be the first to tell us of her thoughts on Ranma/Ranko and the rest of you." Kasumi took the sphere. "Ranma is like a little brother/sister to me, and I agree with Nodoka in that Akane is not suitable for Ranma more than a friend, the same also goes for Nabiki. Ryouga & Mousse both been hiding something from everyone, except they each told the other. Shampoo is Ranma's cousin, while Ukyo is Ranma's best friend, so I don't think Ranma will think of them anymore than that." Kasumi then smiled sweetly, while the people (except Ranma) she was talking about had their mouths open in surprise.

Nabiki was the first to recover. "My turn next." Kasumi held out the sphere to Nabiki who took it with a smile. "To start, Ranma is one of my few friends I have. Yes, I took pictures of his/her forms, but Ranma knew at the beginning that I did. When Ranma confronted me at first in my room the next morning, I told him the truth and showed him our finances which were barely out of the red even with all I been doing. Ranma from then forth would give me about all the money he had which is why he had worn about the same five outfits for about two years. I also agree with Kasumi's other observations, except I think Ryouga & Mousse better tell us their secret when it's their turns." Nabiki finished, then put a lollipop in her mouth. Nabiki offered the Truth Sphere to Akane who refused it saying she wanted nothing to do with `that pervert'.

Ukyo took the sphere from Nabiki. "I already knew Ranma was never going to marry me ever, or Akane for that matter because Ranma, himself, asked me to ruin any wedding between Akane & him for he hated the idea of marrying her. So I think of Ranma as my best friend only." Ukyo stopped and quickly gave the sphere to Shampoo, and whipped out her spatula to block Akane's mallet. Ukyo needn't to worry for Happosai & Cologne restrained Akane by using paralyzing pressure points upon noticing her mallet.

"Shampoo's turn." Shampoo took a deep breathe, organizing her thoughts before speaking. "Sham…I only chased after Ranma for I wanted to stay in Japan to learn more of the outside customs and martial arts. This way I learn more of the outsiders martial arts and bring them back to the village to increase the knowledge. I also hoped to make friends with powerful martial artists, so that they would be useful allies to the Amazons. And Mousse, I still only think of you as a friend." Shampoo looked at Mousse to see his nod of understanding.

Mousse took the sphere, turning towards Ryouga. "You first, or shall I?" "By all means, go ahead." "The truth is I don't really love Shampoo. I wouldn't have realized that I loved someone else if it wasn't for Ryouga who I landed on in the forest one day. Ryouga told me the reason why he was really depressed, and I finally figured out what I always knew in the back of my head. I love Ranma. I love Ranma's personality, Ranma's courage, Ranma's honor, everything about Ranma. Which ever choice Ranma picks, to be Ranko or Ranma, I'll still love him/her." Mousse buried his face in his arms after giving the sphere to Ryouga. Nodoka came over to Mousse. "Mousse, there is nothing to be ashamed about. No one here is going to condemn you." Mousse looked up at Nodoka. "It's not that. It's the fact that I can't tell Ranma/Ranko what I said." "There, there. I'm sure I can think of something, but let's listen to what Ryouga has to say, okay?" Mousse nodded and looked at Ryouga.

Ryouga weakly smiled at Mousse, then started talking. "First things first, I have a Jusenkyo curse from `Spring of Drowned Pig'. When Ranma found out I made him promise on his honor he wouldn't tell for I told him that he knocked me into the spring, I then used the curse to be near him as P-chan. By the way, it was never Ranma who knocked me into the spring, it was Genma. For the real reason I followed Ranma in the first place was I loved Ranma since I first met him. Ranma was the only one who didn't make fun of the fact I get lost easily nor was he scared like the others at my strength. Ranma helped me out at the boys school. Even during the past two years Ranma still treated me like a friend, so like Mousse I love Ranma no matter what he/she chooses, but I won't be able to tell him/her." Nabiki-"What about Akane or Akari? I thought you loved them." Ryouga shook his head. "I just used them to get closer to Ranma."

Happosai took the sphere from Ryouga and gave it to Cologne. Ukyo spoke. "Mousse? How many times did you actually glomp Ranma on purpose, but pretended you thought Ranma was Shampoo?" "Ever since the first time." "Okay." Then Ukyo turned to Ryouga. "Did you actually fall for Ranma's disguises?" Ryouga smiled his fanged smile. "No, never. I pretended for Ranma was close to me and I pretended Ranma was doing it to get closer to me. How stupid did you think I was?" Ukyo sweat dropped. "I'm not going to say." Shampoo-"Does Mousse really need glasses?" Mousse shook his head. "I can use contacts, plus the fact is my chi & ki perceptions help me see. By emphasizing my sight as a weakness, most people are caught off guard when I fight without glasses." Shampoo-"I wouldn't have guessed."

"Mom? Cologne? Happosai? Where are you?" "In the dojo, Ranma!" Ranma walked into the dojo. "Give me the Truth Sphere, please." Cologne gently handed the sphere to her (yes she was female). "I renounce my father and the Saotome name for I am Amazon Ranko." Nodoka then gave Ranko the water to be locked & she poured it over her head. Grins cracked on Cologne's & Happosai's faces, while Nodoka jumped up and caught Ranko in a hug. "Ranko, if you're willing you will be trained along side Shampoo to become a matriarch. The two of you could become the first joint matriarches in 500 years." "That'll be fun, great-grandmother." "Ranko, you become more powerful and more knowledgeable than me. So I declare Ranko the new grandmaster of the Anything-Goes School of Martial Arts." "Ranko, dear, we're going back to Jusendo in a couple of days. Pack up your belongings, we'll spend the days helping Cologne, Shampoo, & Mousse have their leaving sales of the Nekohanten." "Terrific, Mom. Give me a minute." Ranko ran out after giving the Truth Sphere back to Cologne. "Happi?" "Yes, Col-chan?" "Coming back with us?" "Yes. I'm also going to help you cook at Nekohanten." "Great!"

Kasumi and Nodoka were trying to calm down Mousse and Ryouga. "You're lucky Mousse. You get to be near her." "But I'll be even more ignored anyway, for she thinks I like Shampoo. And what about the other guys at the village?" "Yea, but I'll be lucky if I could find her twice a year." They both cried out, "We can't tell her that we love her for we don't even know if Ranko even likes males!" Kasumi and Nodoka were at their wits' ends to try to calm them down when Nabiki spoke up. "I tell everyone some information for free." Nodoka looked questionably at Nabiki. "What is it?" "Ranma, I mean Ranko, told me a long time ago, that the reason he/she resisted the fiancees' advances were because Ranko liked males her whole life. She just didn't tell anyone but me, for she trusted I wouldn't tell anyone until I thought it was the right time." Cologne & Happosai chuckled. "We knew for it was there for all to see in Ranko's ki." Nodoka & Kasumi smiled for Ryouga and Mousse were dancing around happily.

Ranko came down with her huge backpack. "Okay. Mom, ready to go?" "Yes, dear. Mousse, Shampoo, let's go." Ranko and Shampoo left first, then the elders. Mousse and Nodoka were left in the dojo with Nabiki & Ryouga. Nabiki-"Nodoka? Here is a tape of our conversations starting with Cologne talking and ending with Ranko and Shampoo leaving. I suggest you play the conversations up to before Mousse confesses, tonight so that Ranko knows where she stands. Play the rest at your own judgment." "Thank you Nabiki." Ryouga stepped up to Nodoka. "Could you take me to the Nekohanten? I would like to ask Cologne if I could become an Amazon." "Sure Ryouga. You follow Mousse, and I'll walk behind you to make sure you don't get lost." The trio then left.

The next day and the two days following were hectic because customers were pouring in since Nekohanten would be closed. Happosai, Cologne, and Nodoka were cooking food, Mousse and Ryouga (who Cologne said could be an Amazon) helped by tossing the food haphazardly throughout the room, while Ranko and Shampoo did amazing acrobatics to catch the food and deliver it to the customers. At the end of the third day, Cologne spoke. "Everyone, pack up your things for tomorrow, we're going home!" The Amazons cheered, and raced to pack up, then went to bed early.