Role Playing Fan Fiction ❯ CAH Presnets ❯ Warriors of the Cosmos - "The Mystic Gem?" ( Chapter 6 )

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CAH Presents
“The Warriors of Cosmos”
“The Mystic Gem”
By Dr. Thinker
It was quiet morning on Iconia. Nekkrottus hasn't done anything for the entire Iconia summer—and an Iconia summer is twice as long as an Earth summer. One town, Garda was peaceful. Old man were doing farmer, while young people were carrying basket of food to the market, where Gardra citizens interchange food items.
One of the citizens giving a bag of potatoes asked, “Where is Grox?”
The other citizen taking the bag of potatoes replied,” Out in the hills again—it's tough to Grox keep in town.”
“Did you tell him about Man of Evil yet?”

“Yes, but Grox remarks that Man of Evil is so far away that Groxi will never see him for his entire life—and beside, The Man of Evil hadn't done anything rotten since before the summer.”
Just then, just like magic, everyone in the city frozen in a trace, appeared to be under some kind of dark and nasty spell. Two evil men and one evil female enter the
Eye-Catcher said, “I won't believe that Gem of Markosa worked—if I hadn't seen it with my own three eyes.”
Chillout said, “I thought I was one with the cold remarks, Eye-Girl”
Eye-Catcher call, “Call me a girl again, and Iconia will have an earlier winner.”
Nekkrottus groaned, “If I want annoying remarks, I would ask for them. But let see if the legends of true about this controlling the mind of the people to do my own work—and if works—soon the entire Iconia will be the worshiping the land on walk on.”
Sure-Shot, Bouldarr, Falcor, Combato, and Kazgull were called before King Rastor. In the star-chamber behind the Palace of Justice, the four members of the Guardians of Iconia meet with King Rastor.
King Rastor said, “The town of Gardra had attacked the town of Marda. This is very strange. This would never happen. Gardra citizens are a very peaceful—it's very rare for them to do anything—they won't even dare to attack Nekrottus's goon squad.”
Combato said, “I heard Artica was to bring something from the Lake Torando's Krab Mutants.”
King Rastor said, “The border guards said that Artica left four days. Both towns are long the same path she took.”
Sure-Shot said, “Like she might have fallen like a sick miner bird.”

King Rastor said, “It is unknown if she died, but I don't think so, our Lex might have bought her body back.”

Sure-Shot said, “She could have drowned in a deep lake like a gold miner with two lead feet.”
Combato said, “Any clue to the weapon?”
King Rastor said, “We didn't get the full details—as the Black Turtle, the ruler of these rejects of King Krab's people call herself—she told me that it sonic weapon that can smashed some kind of item—but they can't test it out under the water—as it can only do one type of thing.”
Bouldarr said, “I hope it's not rocks. I love rocks.”
Kazgull said, “This comes from a person who loves throwing rocks at evil doers.”
Marda was in ruins. Marda citizens had put out the fire caused by the Gardra citizens. Damaged primitive one-wheel vehicles were everyone. In the town center was a very large Iconia hovercraft turned sideway in the center's park.
Combato was scanning near the hovercraft—and found a paintbrush. “This is Artica's magic paintbrush. I am pretty sure that it is…”
A female voice asked, “Combato, is that you? Can you get me out of this hovercraft?”

Combato said, “Well, geniuses can be wrong—sometimes. I can't Artica, but I brought someone with some muscle.”

Bouldarr nodded, and used his massive straight to rip a new door in the hovercraft. Artica stated out. “The place was crazy. People were attacking left and right—I can't puzzle what happen here.”
A female Marda citizen showed up, “Guardians?”
Falcor nodded.
The female Marda citizen, “I am Mayor Xarin, keeper of the town's records. This bad indecent just happen after we got don with lunch. I was heading back to the mayor's office—when the Gardra attacked us—I fight man-to-man against Mayor Torin, the mayor of Gardra. It's seemed that he was in trace, but he kept attacking me—but soon someone else hit me from the backside.”
Artica said, “First thing, let's heal the injured citizens.”
Sure-Shot said, “That sounds like a rich man's good bet at the card table.”
Combato said, “So far, no clues to what's been going on here.”
Sure-Shot said, “I just hope isn't a wild goose chase.”
Artica comes humming a tune.

Sure-Shot remarked, “She's humming like a love-struck pig.”
After she stopped her humming, Artica said, “My last three injured citizens were the city's prize warriors. They got the close to the real people behind this indecent—Nekrottus and his two goons, Eye-Catcher and Chillout.”
Sure-Shot said, “Sounds more dangerous then a head of a frontier gang.”
Artica said, “You aren't whistling Dixie there.”
Combato said, “Chillout is an ice man of the north who ejects cold every where he walks. Eye-Catcher is a female body hunter with three-eyes who hooked up with Nekkrottus. Both are about smarter then your normal Blackskull Empire goons. And all us know about that warlock himself, Nekkrottus.”
Artica said, “Oh, by the way, before I get, Black Turtle told me that the weapon can shut down anything electric. That why it's not been tested there. It looks like odd laser weapon.
Combato said, “I think it's time to pay a visit to Garda.”
Artica joked, “I hope we don't get in the vision of that bounty hunter.”
Sure-Shot joked, “I am more worry about getting frostbite from that cold man.”
Combato said, “We will do better if we try to keep ourselves quiet.”
Bouldarr tucked his face, his arms and legs into his body—he looked with normal rock—and started to roll—but he didn't know that the entrance to the town was on large hills which give him enough speed over right into the eye-sights of Eye-Catcher and Chillout. Eye-Catcher grabbed a hold of Bouldarr just as Bouldarr legs accidently come out.
Chillout said, “Slaves of the Black Empire, find the Guardians and bring them to me.”
Artica said, “Let's split up.”
The four reminding Guardians took off in five different directions followed by a collection of mind-controlled Gardra citizens.
Combato had entered a stable followed by four mind-control citizens. He saw that the eight-footer horses look very angry. Combato smiled and he unlocked the stable's gate—soon the mind-controlled citizens. Combato followed the horses—until the horses stopped at a near-by river—in the river was the four mind-control citizens.
Combato said, “I can logical said—those guys are all wet.”
Artica find herself in near by hut, Eye-Catcher's bike, followed by two of the mind control. She had an idea of how to get rid of her people. She turned on the Eye-Catcher bike, turned the speed up, and drive around the two citizens until they were so dizzy.

Bouldarr groaned as he landed in a building.
Bouldarr said, “Hi, Sore Eyes.”
Eye-Catcher said, “Well, if it's the idiot from the earth itself.”
Bouldarr kicked Eye-Catcher so hard, that she went through the next two buildings from where he was at.
Falcor had escaped his group by flying to the rooftop. On the rooftop of one of the building was a young boy.
Falcor said, “My name is Falcor. What's yours?'
The boy said, “My name is Grox. I was out of the town, playing in the wood, when Nekkrottus—known to his village as the Man of Evil. Nekkrottus and his little helpers are using the Gem of Markosa, a mystic jewel with the power of mind control. Old hothead is planning on controlling the mind of King Rastor himself.”
Falcor said, “In other words, turning King Rastor into his puppet ruler.”

Grox said, “He can't do it yet, the Gem of Markosa can control mind, but it can't do anything long distance, but according to that ice man and that female problem with three-eyes, he's building a machine in a cavern that once completed will turn King Rastor to his side. Lucky, I know where the entrance is.”
Falcor asked, “One question how did you known about the gem?”
Grox answered, “Simple, I over those two idiots talking about it.”
Sure-Shot find her self in a storeroom for food-followed by two of the citizens. Sure-Shot come up with an idea from old frontier days. She knocked a barrel down and on top of the two citizens.
Sure-Shot said, “You were easier then shooting the vultures.”
Kazgull was having some issues with his own goons. He needs to escape the mind-controlled citizens—but how. He discovered that a small but tough mountain was near-by him. He came up with an idea. He quickly jumped up the mountain. One of his landing, loosed a pebble, which hit a mountain goat, which jumped off the mountain and started to chase the citizens followed by Kazgull.
Kazgull want off to look for the others.
Falcor and Grox collected the follow Guardians in order: Artica, Combato, Sure-Shot, Bouldarr, and Kazgull. They didn't have any problem getting to the entrance or getting to the main chamber. It had the Guardians come in the south side of the chamber—the north wall had a huge hole. On the Northwest wall, was a giant screen reading “Not Active.” A group of Turgs stand by—all Guardians assuming they were guarding the device and the Markosa Gem.
Despite an unexpected glitch in Combato's arm cannon, the Guardians mopped up the Turgs with no problems. From a entrance on the east side, Nekkrottus enter with Chillout and Eye-Catcher.
Nekkrottus said, “Greetings, Guardians of the Stupidity. Looks like you reached a new low. Eye-Catcher and Chillout get rid of them. I got bigger issues to deal with.”
Bouldarr used his powerful body to live to remove a nearby stalagmite from the bottom of the cave—and throw it throws Eye-Catcher, who landed with the remarked, “Who was the creature that ate all Spyder's flies?” A new light appear in the cave with humming—the screen in the northwest corner appeared to read “Active: 25%”
Artica said, “You look too cold, you need some heat.”
Chillout growled, “Snow you said?”
Artica's magic paint brush sends a wave of fire—knocking Chillout to the corner where the wall screen was, “Active: 50%”.
Artica handled Sure-Shot the Anti-Electric Gun, “We going to kept Nekkrottus busy, while you shoot the Electric Gun at the machine.”
Falcor's pistol smoke as he remarked, “I think your gun virus is moving about, Combato.”
Combato said as he aim his Arm Gun, “Sounds logical.” The Arm Gun shoot a laser hit the elbow of the arm of the evil hothead skull of trouble.

Nekkrottus remarks, “You going to pay for that one you tin can.”
Artica said, “No you are. I think it's time for you to cool off, hothead.'”
Nekkrottus replied, “You magic paint tricks won't work on me.”
Kazgull said, “May be sure, but if you ax me, my ax will cut you down?”

Nekkrottus muttered, “Stupid Steele Barbarian!”
Kazgull sling his ax as said, “Moronic evil wizard!” It hit the evil wizard sending him sliding to the corner where Chillout was. The wall screen read “Active: 75%”
Sure-Shot fired the Anti-Electric Gun at the machine---and the machine started something like a malfunctioning robot—and the machine fail about.”
Nekkrottus said as large flying aircraft showed up, and he jumped in along with Chillout and Eye-Catcher said, “You are just putting off the unavoidable. Next time, I will get you and your little king too.”
Back in Gardra, the five Guardians were watching as Mayor Xarin and Mayor Torin shaking hands. Artica had painted a box to keep the Markosa Gem in.
Torin said, “Sorry about that—we under a trace from that that gem.”
Xarin said, “No harm, Nekkrottus is a huge problem for the entire planet. We all need to work together to stop him.”
Combato said, “I could not have said that better then you did.”
Sure-Shot remarked, “Like the rattlesnake who remarks his venom is weak, you are too modest.”
Grox said, “What about you going to do about the gem?”
Artica said, “We taking to the Vault of Dangerous Weapons and Objects in the Questa Main Bank. The Gem of Markosa is too powerful to use for either side—we show how powerful it is today from Nekkrottus plot.”
Grox said, “Visit us—if you get a chance.”
Artica said, “Hopefully, it's a peaceful when we do that.”
The Guardians of Iconia smiled. Nekkrottus will be plotting for a while, so Iconia will be for sometime.
Artica: Today, the wizard Nekkrottus used a mystic gem to control the mind of citizens in an attempt to conquer Iconia. Sure, in your universe, there is no jewel able to control to people's mind—but they is something just as dangerous: Drugs. Some drugs—the one you get from your parents or doctors, are helpful to you, but all other are dangerous. If some one offers you a drug—and it's not your parents or doctor, tell the person one word: No.
I finally got a moral in one of my CAH Presents. In October, I tell you what's up—and where this one story came from.

Logging off,
Dr. Thinker