Romance Fan Fiction / Horror Fan Fiction / Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ Vampire Moon ❯ Chapter 1 (part 1) ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 1
Darkness spreads like a disease in these trees. This place is dead quiet except for the rare screams of madness. Anyone who has stepped through here, have been lost forever. The only ones who found their bodies could never tell a soul. This feeling of emptiness; this place is for only the damned. Servants of the night. Demons of hell. Where the sun has never touched and never will. This is the Forest of Tears. Once you began through the forest it was like a never ending cave, without a torch. It was as if; when you lit one, the fire got scared and blew itself out.
However, the mortal that ran through this forest tonight, didn't fear it. She didn't think about where she was going but made sure that she was a good distance from her fear. She was being followed. She didn't know how far she had been running; only that she felt the pain in her legs.
As the girl ran through the forest she tripped over something. Slowly she turned to see what it was. She screamed; it was a skeleton. Its jaw moved down and the eye holes widened, a blood thirsting cry escaped the place where his mouth used to be. The girl screamed again then quickly got up and ran. More skeletal arms shot out of the ground and ever so once in a while they might have rotting flesh on them. Now the girl was running, and weeping with her eyes closed. She didn't know where she was going or cared, only that it was to be away from the thing following her and the moving dead. It began to rain and thunder. Lightning zigzagged across the sky. Ever so often it would hit a tree which would burst to flames or explode from the boiling sap. Now the girl had a reason to keep her eyes open.
Branches scraped her body and face. She pressed herself to run further however, there was no more energy left in her. Finally she spotted a light. Soaking wet and bloody she gathered every last breath in her and sprinted towards it.
It was an enormous dark mansion! However, no matter how frightening it looked, it was shelter. The girl's feet here freezing cold, for all she had were socks. Quickly she got to the door and banged at it with plead. She screamed for entrance but no one answered. The follower was in sight now. It got closer to her. The girl shoved her shoulder to the door and fell to the floor. The rough wood created a cut on her shoulder and it bled. The follower was now in the doorway and starring at her with red bloodshot eyes. Tears rolled down the girl's cheeks as she could not even scream.
Suddenly a black caped figure swooped down from no where and stood between the two. The follower growled, then screamed when the dark figure came very close to him. Quickly it pulled away and ran leaving the stranger and the girl
Sighing, the figure turned around and pulled its black hood back. The girl gasped as she saw a handsome man with sharp fangs protruding from his lips and had smeared blood all over his chin and mouth.
“A Vampire!” gasped the girl to herself.
“Sorry about that,” he breathed out and lifted the broken down door from the ground, “you may never know which unwanted visitors might barge in without knocking. I smelled you blood however, I don't like to drink from already wounded young ladies.” She smiled a white toothed grin.
“Th…Thank you,” the girl stuttered.
“Let me see your cuts,” the man said stepping towards her after he propped the door back into its frame, “oh, don't worry. I've had me fill for about two days.”
The girl looked away.
“How long have you been running? I guess for a while if you ended up this far and that, that demon was chasing you non stop. How did you get into this mess?”
The girl stayed silent. Her body swayed.
“Oh,” growled he to himself, “You've lost quite a bit of blood and you're tired. Here I am, asking you a dozen questions.
Eventually in the middle of his thought the girl passed out. Since he was sitting right by her she landed in the crook of his arm. Her head fell back, and she drifted into an unconscious state. The vampire only sighed and lifted her up. He carried her to one of the spare hundred rooms.
“Nice to meet you too.” He grinned mischievously as he closed the door.
It was very dark when the girl began to arise. Then again, it's always dark in the Forest of Tears. There were two high windows in the room. Very little moon light would shine through these icy shields. The wind was howling outside, or was it more creatures of the damned. A barley any stars could be seen in the sky. They seamed to be afraid of the atmosphere, for it was full of death and cries; though none could be heard. No normal creature could be seen. Bats ,which have probably been on earth before time was time, either roamed the skies or slept upsidedown from trees to unknown places of the mansion. This wasn't a place to be on this night.
It took a while for her to figure out where she was. As she flexed her hands she felt a sheet underneath her palms. Her eyes opened wide enough to see that she was in a back and dark blue four poster bed. The curtains surrounding her where ripped and looked like shadows of ghosts.
“That vampire carried me here!” she thought panicking. She felt her neck with her hand incase he decided last minute to taste her. Her skin was smooth and even to the touch.
Her body was weak however, she found strength to get out of bed and stand up. As she did so, because of the panic going through her head she stood up too fast and it spun. The creak of the door opening reached her ears. By instinct she quickly turned her head to face the intruder. She was then over come with dizziness. Her body crashed to the floor and she broke into a high fever. Sweat beads ran down her face. Suddenly she felt her back being supported by warm arms. She looked up as she became face to face with the vampire. He smiled down at her with his small fangs touching his bottom lip.
“You should stay in bed so you may recover.” He said gently. The girl only nodded.
“What's your name?” he asked looking away as his face felt hot. The girl was silent. For a moment she forgot who she was. However, something was telling her to trust him.
“Aneko…” her head gestured to him for his own name. Her legs ached from the cold floor. She flinched in pain and shivered.
“Kaoru…you still have a fever, so stay in bed.” He said without emotion. Aneko only nodded. She was too tired to argue or ask questions. She watched sadly as Kaoru walked toward the door.
Remembering, he turned to face her and frowned. “Don't make any noises if you can, the others might hear you. It's a quiet house so it will be easy to notice.”
“Others,” she thought puzzled, “more vampires?”
Kaoru slapped his forehead realizing. “That was stupid. She's too weak to even whisper.” He grumbled to himself. “Listen, try to hang in there and not need anything, cause there is no way to contact me. I'll try to come by and check on you later.” And he was gone.
Aneko awoke with a start from a nightmare. She dreamt of the two daemons again. For as long as she could remember, when she got the chance to sleep it was always the same dream. Now she realized that one of the daemons seamed familiar, but she couldn't remember how.
Still only the moon was seen shining through the window. “Did the sun ever shine here?” she wondered weakly.
Her fever didn't get any better, it just got worse. She was sweating and always felt too hot. First, she started in the bed without a blanket over her, to lying down on the cold floor. Nothing made her comfortable. The sheets of her bed were torn from the need of doing something with her hands, or drying her sweating palms. Her forehead was heating up however; her skin on her body and face remained freezing cold.
Aneko tried with all her might to find her voice and cry out but, it turned out as sharp breaths. She wanted to feel someone near her. She felt so alone. It surprised her that she felt this dreadful need now, when she had been alone all of her life. Tears streamed down her cheeks as she tried so desperately to inhale without feeling pain.
Just as she was about to give up and lose consciousness, the large door at the other side of the room burst open. She heard the door close and quick steps come close to her. She knew it was Kaoru. She could feel him shaking her to stay awake. His voice was ringing in her ear. It didn't matter to her what he was saying for it comforted her to know that he was there. Her ears got used to the sound of his voice. Finally she realized that he was calling her name.