Romance Fan Fiction / Realism Fan Fiction / Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ Breaking Point 2 ❯ Whole Thing ( One-Shot )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Esme paced through the slave shop in slight annoyance, he was looking for yet another pet.

Umi hummed happily to a solem tune as Jynx danced around to entertain him. Letting out a small chuckle Umi clapped his hand and hummed along with the dance. Jynx gave Umi a crooked smile in return. Though Umi rarely spoke a word Jynx was quite a chatter box.

"So what do you think about the new wave of pets that have come in? So many I don't know how they're going to be rid of them all! What do you think huh? Oh look more people are here today look look look!"

Jynx danced and hopped around in the cage with excitment. He was always so hyper. Umi simply watched with amusement and stroked his long bunny ears

Esme paced, listening to things that the guards said before he came to a smaller cage, one that housed a rabbit child and- was that a doll? He tapped the bars with his cane, curious as to if he would get a response from the beings

The stuffed bunny, Jynx, whipped around immediately at the noise that had started him, his razor sharp teeth bared. When he noticed the man was simply a master browsing through the slaves Jynx gave him a once-over, then turned back around to face Umi. Umi's big bright eyes glanced up at the man. Though his appearance was small, cute, and girlish, his big silver eyes held unlocked mystery and wisdom. Defiance and curiosity. He did not speak to the man, but rather blinked several times at him as if to see that he was real, then returned his gaze to Jynx.

Esme smirked, his wavy flaxon hair falling around his shoulders as he bent to watch the boy. His angelic appearance was misleading, Esme was brutal at times, he applied sadistic methods to his punishment. The smile he gave the boy was a slightly crooked one.

Jynx jumped on Umi's lap, glaring at the man who had taken an interest in Umi. Jynx bared his teeth at the man, but Umi simply patted the dolls head to reassure it. Jynx immediately stopped and scurried behind Umi into the small space between his back and the bars. Lifting his head Umi's long bunny ears moved slightly to one side as he cocked his head, staring blankly at the strange man with a crooked smile.

"What are you looking at! He's not that interesting, move along sir, move along!"

The doll seemed to almost yell at him.

Umi still did not speak a word. He barely did. His head turned to Jynx's for a moment whom seemed to shoot out from behind Umi to grab a small piece of flaxon hair but just before Jynx shoved it in his mouth, Umi snatched it. A big expression of disappointment fell across Jynx's face as he slumped himself back behind Umi.

Extending his thin pale hand towards the man in his palm was a small piece of his hair. Umi's opened his mouth to speak. His voice was soft and quiet, yet cold.

"I wouldn't suggest being so close to my cage mister."

Jynx chattered his teeth together at the man from behind Umi.

Esme chuckled and tapped the bars with his cane.

"It will grow back, no worries", he stood then, his angelic features smiling down at the boy before he turned to one of the nearby guards and told him to open the cage and take the boy out so that he could get a decent look at him. He tapped his cane down on the floor to ensure promptness. Watching as the guard fumbled for the keys to the lock, he mumbled for the man to work faster in Latin, knowing that neither the guard not the slave would understand him.

"How long has this one been here?", he asked lightly.

The guard finally got the key into the small lock and turned it, still fumbling. A rather clumsy guard he was, even his words tripped and fell as the ran passed his lips.

"H-he's been he-here for about... Um... Let's see... Ten months... I think... I suppose. He's had one master before, but I don't know all the detail about it."

Jynx glared up at the guard, making him briskly walk a few feet from the cage.

"Be careful with this one Sir, he's dangerous."

Umi crossed his arms across his chest. What did this man want from him? Jynx shook his tiny fist at the guard before jumping out from behind Umi and nearing the now unlocked door.

"It's open! It's open! What are you doing Umi get up! It's open you see! Let's go! Come on, come on, come on! It's open!"

The bunny doll jumped up and down, kicked at Umi's legs, punched at them, but Umi still didn't move.

"Do-do you want me to fetch someone who knows more about him sir?"

The guard stammered, stumbling back when Jynx glared at him again.

Esme's eyes were focused on Umi, he was facinated by him, utterly and completely. Slowly, he extended a gloved hand to the boy inside the cage, bracing himself for an attack from the doll.

"Come out", he ordered softly, "no one is going to hurt you, I will make sure of that", he smiled gently.

Umi stared at the mans hand for a moment. He didn't speak nor respond to the mans words whatsoever. Jynx, on the other hand, gave a wide toothy grin at the mans words and took a flying leap at his glove his jaws a gape. Umi, still with an expressionless face, quickly grasped Jynx moments before his jaws could graze the mans glove. A wail of disappointment escaped Jynx's mouth as he flailed about.

"Come on! Lemme at him, lemme at him! He's got it comin just like the last one! Lies spew from his poison lips, lies I tell you! Just what the last one said 'No one will hurt you,' you remember my precious, you remember! Well that 'Master' got what was coming to him, oh yes sir. And the same will come to you you stuck-up, over confident, pompous, bas-"

Umi had quite enough of Jynx being obnoxious and placed his hand over the dolls mouth, muffling his voice as he continued to voice his out rage. Glancing down at the doll Umi shot him a glance of annoyance, instantly making the doll shut up. Letting out a deep sigh as he hesitantly lifted his hand and extended it towards the man. He was never one to obey or follow orders unless he really felt like it. His big silver eyes stared up at Esme, his gaze shifting for a moment to a big, burly, approaching guard, then back at Esme.

"This here is Umi,"

The guard deep voice came with a slight hint of a german accent. A slightly crinkled small stack of papers in his right hand.

"Or that's the name we've called him. First came here bout two years ago from England. Doesn't really have a name and we don't have much history on him. There was an... Accident with his last master and he ended up back here about ten months ago. From what we gathered he doesn't age. That doll there is Jynx, his voodoo doll. Nasty little creature. So Heir Esme, is there anything I can help you with? If you'd like I can tell you as much as we know about him."

Umi, for one, hated this guard. His first day being at this retched place this guard beat him, but oh did he teach that guard a lesson. Jynx, you see, got a little nibble of the guard. Umi nearly killed the bastard once Jynx had that little bit inside of him. Umi want much for cause physical pain with his voodoo, though he did it every once in a while, but boy did he enjoy the screams of mental pain. The guard, knowing how dangerous he was, kept his distance from the memory of what happened.

Sensing the boys sudden hostility, Esme barely turned and extended his cane, needle ready, glistening wet; be it with poison or a tranquilizer, it didn't really matter.

"Stop where you are, Sir, or you will regret it", the guard stopped, obviously caught by surprise by the angel's sudden, threatening demeanor. The blond turned back to the slave.

"Come along...", he coaxed.

Jynx still continued to thrash in disapproval and though his mouth was covered, when Umi's hand gently grasped Esme's a wail of disappointment was clearly heard. Inching himself towards the now open door of his small containment he looked up at Esme, wondering why- even with Jynx's obvious hate, that he was still so interested in him. He relaxed once the guard was obviously not coming anywhere near him. Jynx still in one arm he slowly made his way out of the cage and stood up in front of the man. He was very very short, maybe four and a half feet tall. Umi's big metallic eyes glistened as he looked up at Esme, his large bunny ears flopping to one side as he cocked his head. Jynx had finally given up and was almost lifeless in Umi's arm now.

Esme looked the boy up and down, a smile on his lips.

"How did you get here?", the angel asked gently, it wasn't a demand, there was nothing even remotely demanding about the way he had spoken to the being before him. Actually he spoke to him as gently as one would a child; a small, frightened child. The guard moved to take a step towards them again.

"Sir, he's dangerous-", Esme didn't release Umi's hand but he turned away from him and brandished his cane like a weapon.

"If I needed your input", he said dangerously, "then I will ask for it, he can't do any serious damage to me, you on the other hand, I would not stop from him hurting you. You humans are suchlow brow, repugnant creatures, out to control anything that is better than you are."

For the first time a pleasant rather happy smile crossed Umi's face and rather suddenly he hugged Esme's waist tightly. No one, besides Jynx, had ever stuck up for him. Jynx had climbed onto Umi's shoulder and answered Esme's question, being that him arguing about this man anymore would result in nothing. Besides, maybe the story to how they got here would frighten him off. A wide grin came across Jynx's face. Being the chatterbox he was, when he spoke it was almost to fast to catch every word in the sentence.

"First time or second? Well, the first time we got here was because Umi found out about his unique talent and used it against his father whom had been abusing him-in more then a few ways- for quite some time from when he was real little. Brutal it was! I, of course, being his weapon of choice! So, needless to say we were found blood covered next to his corpse, so we were taken to the gallows, but lucky for Umi the slave traders bought and shipped us out of England and down to here. Well, then about a month being here this guy- I think he was half human have baster-I mean snake- And he bought Umi right away because he saw what a rare find he was. It was the usual 'No one's going to hurt you, you're safe, I'll take care of you' nonsense and of course as soon as we were settled into this big huge rather vacant castle I was locked away in a cage while Umi was abused just like his father used to. Well, clever little me picked that nasty little lock with one of my pins and when that bastard was fast asleep I took a big chunk out of his face and was soon by Umi side where we savagely tortured and eventually killed him. Leaving another bloody mess. So, once again we were picked up and brought here. How bloody fascinating is that! Oh, don't expect Umi to speak much, he rarely does. He only spoke to you that instant to warn you your life was in danger. Careful- I bite."

Jynx simply smiled, obviously feeling the annoyance radiating from Umi's eyes. Jynx simply giggled and clinged onto Umi's neck.

"I loves you!"

Esme smiled then, gently unwinding the child from his waist and bowing to give the boys hand a gentle kiss before releasing it entirely.

"Well it's a shame to keep one such as you locked away", he petted the boys hair, being careful to keep his hand away from Jynx as he ruffled the silken locks, "would you do me the privelege of getting you out of here? I will not force you to return to my estate with me, but one so admirable shouldn't be kept in a cage." He turned to the guard then, the one that he had threatened only a moment before, the man flinched but Esme only tapped his cane on the floor impatiently.

"Release him", he said commandingly, "I will pay his price and sign the ownership papers", turning back to the boy he smiled, "it's just a formality, that way if you get caught, instead of being returned here you will be brought to my estate where you will be free to leave at any time."

The guard watched the immortal curiously, as though he couldn't understand what the man was telling him to do, until Esme's demeanor became threatening again.

"I don't believe I stuttered my good man, now do what I asked."

Jynx's mouth hung open, a gape at what he had just heard. Even with what he had just told Esme, he still wanted them! Angered and annoyed Jynx crossed his arms and turned his body away from the sight of the man. Umi cocked his head, a little confused, but content. Umi watched as the guard tripped over himself and scurried to retrieve what Esme ordered. Umi glanced up at Esme. He seemed different from the other men that had rattled at his cage, but Umi knew all to well how fast someone could change. He still felt Jynx's heavy hostility towards Esme, but choose to ignore it for the time being. He stood there, now looking down at his feet, his large ears flopped over his head, covering his face as he stared at the floor, hands folded behind him. The tapping of the guard's shoes had him look up.

"H-here you go sir."

The guard stammered, keeping his distance. The guard glanced at Jynx for a moment, only to get a raspberry from him.

"Release him", Esme repeated impatiently as he headed over to one of the stacks of crates and signing the papers, the immortal's effeminate form caught the eye of the guard and with a greasy smile, he eyed the man up and down.

"Keep staring, sir and you wont have your eyes much longer", the angel said without looking up from what he was doing, scribbling his signature where it was necessary. The guard's gaze immediately snapped away from the man and he hesitantly headed towards Umi, taking it one step at a time, his hand shaking as he reached for the collar that was around the boys neck, key already poised in his shaking hand.

A wide grin came across Jynx's face as he slithered around Umi's neck.

"I won't forget you, you slimy bastard... I will surely kill you someday you least expect it... Mark my words on that."

Umi didn't look up at the guard, he wanted to be as far as possible from this sick man as he could be. He clenched his fist tightly, as the key clicked and turned and her felt the tight leather that had been bound around his neck slip away. Umi backed up away from the man, still slightly frightened of him even after he had taught him a lesson. Jynx stuck his tonuge out at him,

"Burn in Helvet you ugly, smelly, perevted bastard!"

He yelled, clinging onto Umi's shoulder.

The guard reached for Umi's shoulder but Esme's hand clenched the man's wrist before he could touch the boy.

"Touch him and you WILL die", he said in a low, deadly voice, the guard immediately retracted his hand, giving the man a look that stated that he hadn't enjoyed the reprimanding or the foiling of his planned intentions. Then the angel smiled at Umi and offered him a hand.

"Shal I escort you out then?"

Umi smiled up at Esme and gently grasped his hand. He already liked Esme, though he was sure not to get his hopes up after the last mishap. Jynx sighed and stood up on Umi's shoulder.

"Well, I guess I'm just going to have to get used to you then, because if Umi doesn't want to hurt you, I can't."

He said with a rather heavy hint of disappointment in his voice, arms crossed over his chest. Umi patted the dolls head and with a smile turned back to Esme, slightly nodding his head.

Leading the boy out of the shop, he smiled and released his hand, giving it a little kiss before he did.

"You may go on your own, or you may come with me, it is your choice", then he turned and headed for a carriage, greeted the driver, obviously it was his carriage.

Umi glanced at the street and the commotion in the distance, then back at Esme. Jynx grinned, assuming Umi would run, but instead-leaving Jynx in disbelief once again- He ran after Esme and grasped his hand, looking at the ground to hide his now scarlet face.

Giving a gentle smile, Esme then opened the door to the carriage, offering a hand to help the boy up. The inside of the carriage was apholstered in satin, speaking of the man's wealth, much more so than his dress and demeanor did. The angel climbed in after the boy and sat opposite him, closing the door and tapping the roof with his cane to tell the driver that they were to head home. Then he stared out the window, his long hair blowing just as the curtains did as they went.

"If you're cold, there is a blanket above you", he said gently turning briefly to give the boy a smile before turning his gaze back out the window.

The boy didn't respond, he sat there, hands folded on his lap. Umi stared at the floor, his warm fuzzy bunny ears wrapped around him ike a scarf. Jynx was quite, swinging his tiny legs back and forth on the seat. It was rather comfy so he was content at the moment.

Esme was silent as the carriage rustled along the road, soon they left the city and were out into the country. They were driving through a moor when Esme spoke.

"We will be there soon...we've been on my property for the last two hours", he didn't look away from the window as he spoke.

Jynx gritted his teeth, he was sick of being so quite and this man annoyed him.

"Oooh. Big deal. Wealth doesn't matter in my mind. So you're rich. Whooptie doo. It counts for naught in my book."

Jynx's english accent was very very heavy as the words raced passed his mouth, barely audible. His small hands clenched the fabric of the seat. He couldn't believe that Umi would do this. After all that men have done to him. Jynx looked up to see Umi was looking at him, slightly hurt that he would say something like that even if he was angry. Jynx inched farther away from him to the window, ashamed now that he hurt Umi's feelings in doing what he had done.

Umi pressed his knees against his chest and rested his head on them, now looking out the window. He was really hoping he made the right choice this time. He couldn't bare to go through what he has already been through three times again. He closed his eyes trying to block out memories he wished to forget that swarmed in his mind like angry bees. His father, Master Minko, that disgusting guard... He burried his head further into his knees and chest.

The immortal looked at the boy now.

"Is something wrong?", he asked curiously, his eyes suddenly filled with concern as he looked at the boy, "I was planning on having a doctor look at you tomorrow, if that is alright, just to make sure you are healthy and those guards didn't do any permanent damage that is still ailing you", he gave a nervous kind of laugh.

"I was never very good with children, so you'll have to forgive me if I mess some things up, or if I don't do them right.", when the boy said nothing Esme smiled, "I had a husband a while ago; it was so long but I still remember him so well. His name was Jamie, he was a slave and I bought him because he yelled at me when I hit the bars of his cage with my cane. He had been returned so many times because he was violent and disobedient; he'd killed one of his master's before, maybe it was just foolishness but that just attracted me all that much more to him" The angel ran his hands together as he spoke, a gentle but somehow sad smile on his face.

"It took me 4 days to break him, 4 days...", he smiled and half laughed, "I loved him so much, I was so happy when he agreed to marry me...I suppose his being gone has left me lonesome..."

Umi brought his head up from his knees and looked at Esme. He wanted to get up and comfort him, but something held him in place. Umi opened his mouth to speak, but no words came out. Jynx was flustered by the story, he wanted to say something mean and nasty, but feeling what Umi was at the moment, he kept his comments to himself. What we they to him then? Simple place holder to fill what he lost? Bastard. Jynx muttered to himself. What was his story supposed to do? Cheer Umi up? Right. Compare Umi's life with his own? Ha!

Umi put his feet back down on the floor, folding his hands on his lap again, his eyes staring down at his lap. He knew what Jynx was thinking and didn't think kindly upon it. Though Umi couldn't relate at all, having never felt love or been loved by anyone other then Jynx, he sympathized. Once again he opened his mouth to speak, but once again no words emerged.

"My point is", Esme said, snapping out of his state of thick nestolgia, "the way that most people treat slaves, they seem like they are less of people than the owners, but they're not. You're not anything less than yourself to me, so long as I hold your papers, you're free and I don't want you to think any different."

Then he went silent again before the carriage pulled to a stop and the angel got out, waiting outside courteously for the boy to exit the vehicle.

Umi gently picked up Jynx and stepped out of the carriage, nearly tripping on the small step. Once both feet were on the ground he looked around curiously, this place was nothing like his last Master's. After he took a moment to take in the scenery he walked over to Esme's side, Jynx held tightly against his chest.

Esme led the boy into the foyer, allowing him to sit on the plush love seat as he placed himself in the chair across the coffee table from the small couch. He ordered for some tea to be brought to them and leaned back in the seat, placing his cane down beside him.

As I told you, you may leave of your own free will at any time; but if you should choose to stay here at any point in time for any amount of time, you should understand the rules and opportunities presented to you while you are here.” He paused then, in case either Umi or Jynx wanted to interject anything; when they did not, he continued.

“While you are here you may go anywhere on the grounds except the kitchen and the back room in the stables. You may either sleep with me in my room, or you may have a room and bed of your own. I request that you bathe regularly while here and that you refrain from agitating the help. Any questions?” The angel waited patiently, his face open and inquiring as he looked upon the slave and his doll.

Umi nodded in understanding. He didn't want to be a bother to the man at all since he had been so pleasant to him. No one had ever been so kind to Umi, so he was finding it hard to be cold hearted at this point, unlike Jynx. Jynx rolled his eyes, knowing what Umi wanted to say, so with a heavy sigh Jynx spoke for him.

"I can assure you, with ever fiber of this stuffed bunny shell, that Umi isn't going to leave unless you give him a reason to. Sorry for his lack of words, but he really don't talk at all since his last Master. Can't blame him really. So where is everything located? The loo, your room- I mean it's a very, very large... Thing. Maybe a tour perhaps? Both I and Umi have photographic memories. Any questions you have for us I suggest you direct to me, unless you think you can get him to speak."

Jynx stopped talking for a moment and crawled onto Umi's lap and plopped down, swinging his legs back and forth. Umi went to opened his mouth to speak again, but only a tiny squeak came out. He put his head up now and smiled at Esme, his white hair falling around his pallid face covering his metallic eyes partly.

Giving a gentle smile, Esme reached and petted the boys cheek, with the tips of his gloved fingers. There was a question that he had, it had just come up in his mind after the doll had spoken. Retracting his hand, he smiled as the tea came in and was placed between them, he motioned an offer for the boy to have a cup before he sat back in his chair again.

"We will get to my questions later on tonight, he stated lightly, "please have a cup of tea and I will give you a full tour of the mansion, I am afraid I can't very well give you a full tour of the entire estate because of it's sheer size, but the house really is all hallways and doors." He took a cup of his own, not adding anything to it before he took a sip, holding the china in a delicately refined manner.

"Do you have any questions about me that I could answer for you?"

Jynx tapped his chin, wondering if there was anything he really wanted to know about this guy. Umi blushed at Esme's touch and delicately reached for a cup of tea. It had been so very long since he had been able to sit down and sip tea in peace. He was very delicate with the way he moved, gracefully holding the cup close to him. The heat from the cup reached his fingers, making him smile as he gently took a small sip before delicately holding the cup slightly lower for Jynx to have some. After Jynx was satisfied Umi took another sip before place the tea cup down gently.

"I do have a couple questions for you, Sir... But they can wait... I'll most likely discover for myself the answers anyway."

Jynx sat upon Umi's knee now, Umi's small pale hand petting his head gently.

Esme smiled as he drank his own tea, watching them with a gentle detachment that spoke of his solitude. Finishing the cup, he stood and took up his cane again, heading for the door, standing and waiting for the boy to finish his tea.

Umi finished and set the tea down gently and walked over to Esme's side, Jynx upon his shoulder. Umi discreetly lifted his small hand and ever so gently slipped his hand into Esme's, as if to comfort him. He looked up and smiled at Esme, Jynx aslo for the first time smiled at Esme.

Giving the boy a gentle smile, he led him out into the hall.

"Obviously you've seen the front entrance and this is the hall, he pointed to the circular pool of a room at the head of the hall that housed a fireplace at the front while to either side a room was split off. That leads to the kitchen on the right and the winery on the left. Along the right wall of the hallway, halfway between the stairs and the kitchen, there was a small door, that looked like it was to a broom cupboard. The angel smiled gently as he headed for it and rested a hand to it.

"This leads to the bathing room, opening the door he headed down the stairs, gently leading the boy with him. At the bottom of the stairs there was a small landing and then another door; the angel opened the door. Inside was a huge bathing room, with a bathtub that looked to be an oddly shaped olympic pool with gold faucets on the walls that poured into the tub.

Jynx's jaw hung open a gape as he looked around, Umi simple looked in admiration. It was quite beautiful to his eyes.

"Geez! You could bathe the whole slave shop in here at once!"

Jynx exclaimed, jumping onto Umi's head in a dramatic pose. Umi let out a small giggle at Jynx's dramatization, then was once again quite.

"Well, as soon as the tours over I think we're going to come back down here for sure, right Umi!"

Jynx exclaimed, nudging Umi's gigantic ears that twitched with each touch for Jynx. Simply smiled and nodded with Jynx's words. Gently he released his grip from Esme's hand and folded his hands behind his back as they continued. He already growing fond of Esme, though he was never one to let anyone besides Jynx know how he felt about anything.

Giving the boy a smile, Esme petted the boys hair.

"You are free to come down here when you wish", he said gently before leading them back out of the room and down the main hall again, there were doors that lined the walls to the right on all the way from the staircase to the front door, each led to a hall way or a staircase that went to some other unknown portion of the house. Soon Esme led them up the stairs, it was a long hallway, to the right it seemed to go on for the length of a football field, huge windows lined the right and doors lined the left. Each was a bedroom. To the immediate left of the staircase there was a large set of double doors and directly infront of them was another small door that led to a closet like room overlooking a lavish garden.

Pushing open the double doors, Esme smiled and stepped into a white room with soft cream carpet. There was a large bed in the middle of the right wall, it was all done in a soft golden cream color that looked both expensive and warm in color. There was a bedside table and a vanity behind that, large bay windows and a piano adourned the head of the room and the left wall housed a door that was open to reveal a smaller, personal bathroom that it was obvious Esme used quite a bit. Across from the bed there was a large plush arm chair that was the same color as the bed and looked as though it could house two people. In the back corner there was a huge closet with a white tool curtian and golden beads hanging over the entrance that made for easy access and lovely decor.

"This is my bedroom...", the angel said softly

Another small squeak came from Umi's mouth as his hands clasped around his mouth. His ears perked up slightly, they had always been to long and too heavy to perk up all the way. Jynx slid down one of Umi's big, soft, white ears and onto his shoulder.

"Whoa, now that's classy! Where would you're slaves, so to speak, sleep if they were to stay here with you?"

Jynx commented, patting Umi on the shoulder, whom's hands were still clasped over his mouth.

Esme smiled gently and stepped into the room a little more to allow the boy to come in fully.

"In the bed", he said gently, his tone and expression not changing.

Jynx nearly fell off of Umi's shoulder at his words, grasping onto Umi's ear to keep from falling, earning a slightly muffled yipe from Umi's mouth. Jynx winced and patted the side of Umi's head.

"Sorry bout that mate,"

He said apologetically. Then turned to Esme, his eyes still wide from what his ears had just heard.

"In the bed? With you?"

Jynx's heart, if he had one, would have slightly sank at this thought. Umi's head turned to the doll and unclamping his hands from his mouth he held up a finger to his lips, showing Jynx he should keep his rude comments to himself. Jynx let out a small growl. Though he could feel that Umi already liked Esme, he did not bare the same feelings. All men were the same in his mind.

The angel ran a hand down the boys ear.

"As I said before, if you have a problem with it, you need but to ask for a bed and room of your own and it will be granted to you but don't misunderstand me.", he said gently, "I'm not one for committing rape"

Umi simply shook his head and smiled up at Esme, gently grasping his hand. He giggled slightly, covering his mouth again when he did so. He was so used to not being allowed to speak or laugh or do anything other then take off his clothes and stay put. This man made him happy, even if he didn't really show it. Jynx grumbled and slid down off of Umi's ear, plopping down onto the cream colored floor. There he sat down and crossed his arms.


Was all he murmured. Umi frowned, then once again turned expressionless and kneeled next to Jynx.


His voice was soft and quiet, barely audible, yet dream like and smooth as butter cream milk. He obviously, even though his voice could barely be heard, had an English accent as well. Jynx turned around, almost surprised that Umi had attempted to say his name to stop him from being angry. An empathetic look came across both Umi's and Jynx's face for a moment. Holding out his frail hand to Jynx, Jynx turned his head and stood up, a slightly hurt expression across Umi's face now.

"I-I'd rather walk now."

Jynx said, ruffling himself. Umi looked down at the floor,still kneeling. His ears were so long they touched the carpet. Without a sound he gracefully stood again, hands once again folded behind his back.

Esme knealt down before the doll, his face serious as he looked down at him.

"I do not lie to you about this", he said in a grave voice.

Jynx's eyes turned into small slits as he glared at the man, slightly opening his mouth. What he wouldn't give to sink his teeth into this man.

"Men are all the same to me. What makes you any different hmm?"

Umi clenched his fist and his face got extremely red until he suddenly burst with anger.

"Jynx stop it! You're absolutely horrid!"

With that Umi ran out of the room. He was both embarrassed, surprised, and flustered as he ran passed doors upon doors, not really caring where he was going at this point. Eventually he was in a very dark place, most likely a closet of some sort, but he couldn't entirely tell. There was no light and his eyes could only make out a few cluttered shapes in the darkness. He didn't mind though, the dark. He was used to it so in an odd sort of way it comforted him. Bringing his knees tightly against his chest he buried his head and wrapped his arms around his knees, allowing the darkness to swallow him.

Jynx stood there, dumbfounded at what had just happened. Umi had never raised his voice, ever. Even when he was mad he never brought his voice above a whisper. He couldn't believe what had just happened.

"Because I've been through it", he snapped before getting up and heading after the boy, catching him in the hallway and reaching to gently touch his shoulder.

"I'm sorry, did I offend you?", the angel asked cautiously, turning his back to press to the wall.

Umi shook his head and replied softly,

"No, not at all... I feel terrible for what I just did... I've never yelled at anyone-especially not Jynx... I didn't even think my voice had the power to yell."

He buried his face in his hands, confused, flustered, and still surprised that he was able to talk. He couldn't make sense of it all. Slowly he stood up, holding himself tightly. He usually showed no emotion to anyone except Jynx, so he was thoroughly embarrassed with himself.

On a small oak desk out in the middle of the hall, most likely just for decoration, Jynx sat. He wasn't quite sure of the feelings he was getting, but he knew most of them made him feel awful.

Kneeling before the boy, Esme let his hand touch the boys cheek and gave a smile.

"I am sorry", he said gently.

Umi looked up at Esme and cocked his head. He had no reason to be sorry, or apologize. He lifted one of his fragile hands and placed it on top of Esme's. He was at a loss of words so instead he leaned up slightly and gave him an ever so light kiss on the cheek and whispered,

"Thank you."

Giving the doll a look, he sat down and leaned against the wall. He didn't speak, only glared at Jynx

Jynx simply glared back. The man must have known how much he despised him. Umi walked over to Jynx and delicately picked him up and placed him on his shoulder. He didn't speak to Jynx, nor Jynx to him.

Esme just watched them for a moment.

"I'm sorry to have caused tension between you two, I only sought to answer your question", he said gently before standing and heading into the bedroom, letting his long flaxen hair down as he went to the vanity and sat, digging out a hairbrush and brushing his hair. He looked like a woman now; his thin, seemingly fragile body coupled by the length and fineness of his hair gave him a femanie quality that was striking.

Jynx eyed him for a moment, both fascinated and disgusted by him. Umi let Jynx off of his shoulder and sat down next to the oak desk, pulling off his black hat gently so his ears could slip through the slits. He fixed his hair a bit before resting his head against the wall. Many things raced through his mind, but he didn't bother to chase any of them. Instead he stared off into space, lost in his thoughts.

Jynx looked at Umi, hurt that he had no interest in him at the moment. Then again he couldn't blame him after that out burst. He sighed, leaving Umi there and walking into the fancy bedroom, sullen. Jynx grasped onto the leg of the vanity and eventually made his way to the top, sitting down next the to brush that Esme had just used. With a deep breath he looked at Esme,

"Look. I know you know I really dislike you mate, or at least I'd like to think so. Most of the time I say things I don't fully mean or understand. I can only contain one emotion at a time in this body of mine,"

Jynx put his hand over the brussels of the brush, picking up a few stands of golden hair.

"If I really wanted to, right now, I could eat these few strands of hair. Well, that would be a world of torture,"

He set the hairs back down and looked up at Esme again.

"But I won't. Because you're different. Doesn't change the fact I still dislike you. I dislike you from jealousy, nothing more. So, if I've caused you any offense in things that have been said and done, mate, I apologize."

Esme shrugged, staring at himself silently.

"I do what I do because I believe that every person deserves a chance. Most slaves are deprived of a real shot at a normal life. So once ever so often, when I decide that I am in the mood to train one to live again; I go and pick one or two out." Getting up then, the angel walked tot he closet and dug out some clothes, slacks and a button down as well as a night gownish looking shirt. THen he paced to the door and leaned on the frame.

"If you still wanted that bath, I'm giong down there anyway so you could use the opposite side of the bathtub..."

Jynx shrugged, hopping down off the table with a small 'thud'.

"I dun know. I see if Umi's up for it. If he is we'll be down there, yeah?"

With that he walked passed Esme, one hand on the wall as he walked back to where Umi was. He smiled as he came upon him, being that he had fallen asleep, his ears completely covering his face and his head slightly tilted downwards. His black hat in one hand, and something small and shinny in the other hand. Jynx pounce on Umi's legs, which were covered by black and white stripped stockings. When Umi was asleep he looked just as, if not more, feminine then when he was awake. Jynx poked at his chest, making one of Umi's argent eyes open. He smiled at the doll and shifted his body back to an upright position.

"Come on mate, let's go and get a bath, yeah?"

Jynx said, giving Umi a playful punch in the chest. Umi opened both his lustrous eyes now and scooped Jynx up, planting him on his shoulder. He nodded. After that out burst and talking for a bit his voice had become completely shot again. Couldn't even say a whisper. Shame really, he used to be such a wonderful singer, until his last master completely destroyed his voice. Heartache came over him for a moment at the sicking thought of the last master he had, but quickly he hurried the feeling and thought away. Jynx still sensed it, even with it's quick coming and going. He patted Umi's shoulder and hugged his neck.

"It's alright mate. Time to put the past behind us yeah?"

Umi shook his head once again and smiled. He would be completely lost without his friend, Jynx. He patted the dolls head gingerly and proceeded down the hallway, elegantly and charming. From the back you couldn't tell he was a boy at all. His hair swayed gently in front of his face as he continued down the hallway, remembering quite clearly where everything was.

Esme stepped into the bathing room in silence, he paced across the huge tiled floor, stopping to place the night shirt he'd gotten out for Umi on a bench at the near end of the pool before walking to the far end and placing his own clothes down. He stretched for a moment, then slowly unbuttoned the shirt and pants, folding each article as he took it off and placing it underneath the bench. Then he descended the steps and waded into the water, sinking under the water

Umi and Jynx soon arrived, still taken back by the sheer beauty of everything. From the sound of the trickling water to the gleaming golden faucets. Umi walked over to the bench that Esme had set a nightshirt for him and started to unbutton the frilly, black, dress-like attire that he was wearing. Untying the bows from the long frilly sleeves the clothing slid off of his feminine body and too his feet. Sitting down on the bench he unclipped his garter belt from his black and white striped socked, rolling them down gently and setting them on top of the now neatly folded top he had been wearing. Next he slid of the checkered garter belt and folded it in half, setting it next to his other clothing. At this point the only thing on his body was a pair of black short-shorts and a silk choker.

Jynx delicately untied the choker and set it on top of his garter belt while Umi slid off the black shorts, folding them delicately as well. Even bare, from the back no one would have guessed that he was male. Setting his black lace beret on top of the rest of his clothing his elegantly wadded into the pool, Jynx atop his shoulder. With barely a sound he slipped his head under the water. He backed all the way to the shallowest part of the pool and sat down, knees against his chest, the water just under his mouth. It was very relaxing. He breathed a sigh of relaxed relief and smiled as he watched Jynx play around in the pool.

At the far end of the pool Esme resurfaced, not knowing that they were now there as he slicked his hair back, what was left in the water floating around him. Heaving himself up onto one of the sitting ledges, he folded his legs femininely and started washing his hair, the long wet tresses hung around him like an adorning curtain of gold. His body was long and lean, almost female in build; but while it was beautiful, it wasn't weak.

Umi glanced at Esme for only a moment, then cast his argent eyes back to Jynx, who was playing around with a cherry blossom smelling soap. Umi giggled as Jynx purposely made strange humming sounds as he washed himself. Then, He got atop the bar of soap and practically surfed towards Umi, but it didn't last long for after a few moments he slipped and fell into the water, resurfacing as Umi reached and grabbed the wonderfully fragrant soap and began to clean his body. It would have been hard to imagine Umi any whiter then he already was, but sure enough after going over his entire body thoroughly he was as white as a fresh blanket of snow, as was the now squeaky clean and quite pleasant smelling Jynx.

While Umi was in the process of cleaning himself Jynx had climbed upon his shoulder and onto the tiled floor, ringing himself out then retrieving the gel like substance, also smelling of cherry blossoms, to Umi for his hair. Then he jumped back into the pool, making an ever so small splash. Umi giggled as he washed his hair and ears of the dried blood and grime. Soon he was clean and even more radiant then he had been. His hair was much lighter, a platinum white. His eyes seemed to stand out more. He was happy to be so clean again. Jynx had once again rung himself out and was sitting on the tile edge of the pool, swinging his legs. Umi rested his arms on the edge next to Jynx. Leaning his head on them he closed his eyes.

Finishing with his hair, Esme dove back into the water, staying under for what would have been safe for a normal person. When he resurfaced he leaned on a shelf and relaxed for a moment. He glanced at the boy, giving him an acknowleging nod before he closed his eyes and relaxed, his hair floating around him.

Opening his eyes Umi let out a small sneeze from staying in the water to long. Squeezing out the excess water out of his hair and ears her pulled himself out of the water. He would have liked to swim, if he didn't have a deathly fear of drowning. Jynx followed closely behind him, looking around for something for Umi to dry off in. He could never stay in the water for too long without it bothering him. Umi's cheeks were now slightly pink as he sneezed again. He elegantly walked over to the bench that Esme had set a nightshirt for him and also found a two towels, one for his body and one for his hair.

Of course they matched the general colors of the room. Soft cream colored fabric that matched the walls with gold trimming. He toweled the excess water off of his dainty body before wrapping it around himself and tucking it so that it wouldn't fall off. He did the same with his hair, tough wrapping his hair up was a bit more difficult because of his ears, but sure enough he did it. He glanced in one of the over-sized gold trim mirrors, slightly hating his epicene body and facial features. There was nothing about him that could lead anyone to believe he was male. He let out a sigh and sat down in front of the mirror, studying himself. Striding up to his side Jynx frowned, patting Umi's back.

"There's nothing wrong with the way you look mate. Nothing! Blimey, I don't understand why you do that to yourself. Sure, you look... Slightly... Feminine... But who cares, right? ... Right?"

Umi buried his head into his knees and let out another sigh. He figured his appearance was what attracted even men of the straightest manor. He clenched his fists for a moment, hating the thought of the men that took full and total advantage of him because of it. Jynx sighed and plopped down next to Umi.

"Mate, it's time to put the past away. It's different here. I can feel it"

Jynx snuggled onto Umi's lap and smiled.

A sloshing of water signaled Esme's getting out and the montage of sounds that stated that he was walkng around and dressing started. Then he passed the boy, his hair combed back, he looked distinguished in these clothes.

Umi watched him for a moment as he passed by, then he set Jynx off of his lap and went to get dressed himself. Now that he was completely dry, besides his hair and ears, her slipped the nightshirt over his head. Since he was so small in figure the shirt came down to just above his knees. Next he gathered his clothing and picked up Jynx, setting him on his shoulder once again. Then he gracefully walked up to Esme's side. If his voice wasn't shot now he would have thanked him for everything.

"Oi, is there a place Umi can wash his other clothes? He doesn't want to be a bother to any of your help. Thank you, by the way, for everything. For both of us."

Jynx said, ruffling Umi's still slightly damp hair.

Reaching down and taking the boys clothes, he paced to a little gold cupboard at the far end of the room and pulled the cupboard door down, dropping them down the chute that was behind the door.

"The maids will clean them and they should be delivered to the room that you choose to stay in in a couple days."

Umi watched curiously and nodded. He was quite fine with washing his own clothing, but if Esme insisted he wasn't going to refuse. He was looking forward to the doctor coming the next day. Maybe he could help fix his destroyed throat. Umi folded his hands behind his back once again and glided forward. Jynx turned around on Umi's should to face Esme's direction, once again in a non-stop chattery mood.

"You want to know how Umi's voice got destroyed? Well his last master-"

Instantly Umi clenched his entire hand around Jynx's face, squeezing it lightly. Jynx immediately shut up, extremely surprised at Umi's radical reaction. Plucking Jynx off of his shoulder he set him down, a grim look on his face, and walked through the doors and back up the stairs that led to the hallway. Jynx sat there, slightly dumbfounded.

"All I need is a name", Esme said as he watched the boy go, his voice was different than it had been since he'd bought them, it was darker, more serious and there was an underlying tone of danger in it, "one full name, and I will handle it." Picking up his cane he walked away then, going into the foyer and sitting, staring at the ash empty fireplace and tapping his fingers together in a rhythmically hypnotic pattern. He was thinking and he did so for hours. When maids came in and lit the lamps, he didn't move or acknowledge them; to him they were but ghosts, flitting in and out of his vision. He ignored when they brough him tea and food and it was still sitting there, untouched, when they came back for the trays.

Jynx sighed as Esme walked away. Shaking his head as he left he replied, though it was to himself.

"He's already dead..."

Jynx had gone in search of Umi after Esme had left, but after searching all over for hours for Seeing Esme was the boy, he couldn't find him. He sighed, thinking maybe Umi had gone to Esme, so Jynx headed that way. Coming upon Esme he saw he was lost deep in thought. Cocking his head he plopped down beside him, tired from searching for so for Umi.

"Alot on your mind, Sir?"

Jynx inquired, wondering why he was staring into the emptiness of the fireplace.

Umi had gone outside of the mansion walls, though it was dark he didn't mind. He happened upon the garden, near it was an orchard of fruit baring trees. A deep terrible sounding cough that shook the boys entire body sprinkled blood upon his hand. He looked at the blood for only a moment before wandering into the orchard. He passed orange trees, lemon trees, cherry trees, and apple trees, coughing he and there as he ventured; each time a bit of blood sprinkling on his hand as he covered his mouth. Coming upon the largest tree he had seen in the orchard he sat down at it's trunk. He coughed again, more powerful then the other ones had been, a mouth full of blood he spit onto the ground. He was careful not to get any blood on the shirt Esme had given him. He wiped his mouth of the blood and looked up at the sky through the thick apple tree branches. There we thought a while, his chronic cough not interrupting his swimming thoughts.

At the back of the garden was a willow tree, it looked out of place in the lavish garden because it was wild and grew as such. beneath it was an ages old bench that had obviously seen better days and to the other side, closest to him lay a grave. It was a lovely grave, well kept, with a shiny granite tombstone, it had been cleaned recently and flowers had been placed in respect. The grave was old, but there was nothing obscuring the name on it.

'Jamie Devois. Loving Husband and Father. He has joined his child'

Esme was silent still, giving no notion that he had even heard the doll's question, let alone answering it.

Jynx sighed, getting back up after his question wasn't responded to. He was just about to leave the room when his ears perked up from the sound of Umi's chronic cough. Frantically he ran out of the room with great speed for such a little creature. Even with the sound of Umi's cough echooing in his ear no matter how hard he tried he couldn't find him anywhere in the mansion.

Umi turned his head, noticing the tombstone by his side. It was quite beautiful, despite being a grim thing. Reading it he sighed and thought,

"To have something that means everything to you, then loose it... No amount of years can heal a wound like that..."

He read it again, carefully. A child? Umi cocked his head, slightly confused.

"Anything is-"

His thought was interrupted by a bloody coughing fit. He had turned his body away from the grave sight so that he wouldn't soil it with his blood. Then, once his body had calmed down, he turned back around and continued his thought.

"Anything is possible I guess... Poor fellow... Being immortal isn't easy when you fall in love with those who arn't... I'm not looking to forward to my eternity with Jynx alone... Maybe... No, thoughts like those shouldn't come around right now... I could never do that to Jynx anyway, nor Esme. Blimey, I feel down right sorry for him. He has everything, yet nothing... If I could talk I'd say a thing or two as respects to Jamie's grave. I feel sort of terrible that I can't."

Umi watched the grave for a while, lost in his many thoughts, including the not so nice ones. He coughed every minute or so, but he was used to this pain by now. It had never been this serious before though, but it didn't seem to worry him.

"Bloody hell! Umi? Where the hell are you!"

Jynx called, having looked everywhere except the restricted zones and outside.

"Oh", a voice sounded from behind the boy, it was Esme, coming into the garden, "I didn't think anyone else would be out here" He was holding a bouquet, fine white roses, soft as baby skin to the touch, pacing to the grave he kissed the bouquet and laid it down.

"What're you doing out here?", he asked gently, "it's cold and you're not dressed for such weather." Taking off his jacket, he wrapped it around the boy and watched the grave thoughtfully.

"Today was the anniversary of our wedding and our daughter's birthday...", he shook his head after a moment.

"Your friend is looking for you", he said after a moment, "we should get you back to him", without a second thought, he immortal gently lifted the boy like one would a child or a bride and headed back to the house, the small being held tightly to him.

Umi opened his mouth to answer, but instead turned his head away from Esme and went into a coughing fit again. His left hand dangled down, covered in blood, while his other hand clinged to the soft fabric of Esme's shirt. He was surprised that the sound of foot steps didn't distract his thoughts. He wished he could say something, but his throat was in entirely to much pain that even breathing through his mouth hurt. Still, it didn't bother him. He rested his head against Esme's chest as he walked, hearing Jynx's frantic yells from the mansion. Closing his eys and swallowing a lump of blood stuck in his throat he managed to weakly choke out, no matter how much it hurt,

"I'm... Sorry... For your... Loss... To loose- something like that..."

He couldn't finished his sentence and once again began to cough. He had gotten used to the tangy taste of blood by now, so it didn't bother him much.

"I will be ordering a doctor to examine you in the morning", Esme stated, giving no room for the boy to object in any way, "if there is an illness, we wont let it progress" His voice was even but there was something behind it that stated that there was something hidden behind his mask.

The warmth of the mansion was a slap in the face as the angel stepped through the door with the boy in his arms. Yes, definitely much to cold to be outside without a coat. He went into the foyer, a fire had been lit by now and was spilling warm orange light over everything, sending shadows up the walls like specters repelled by some heavenly substance that they had to them. The blond laid the slave on the couch that was closest to the fire and sat elegantly on the coffee table before him.

"Now tell me", he said in the most gentle voice that anyone could have used, "what is this business of you running off?"

Umi looked down at the ground and bit his lip. When Jynx started to open his mouth about his last master... He just lost it. He had to get away from everyone and everything. Outside in the cold was the most comfortable place for him at the time. Umi glanced at Jynx, hoping that he could relay anything to Esme that was going through his mind. Jynx gave Umi an empathetic look and opened his mouth to speak.

"He felt trapped in a sense... With me opening my big mouth about our last master... Outside in the dark or cold seemed to comfort him, to be away from everything I guess..."

Jynx glanced at Umi with a rather alarmed look at a thought he had come upon in Umi's mind. Quickly Umi shook his head rapidly as if to shake the thought away. Jynx then slowly turned back to face Esme, shook still in his face.

"H-he didn't know how else to get away from me... And the memory... I guess I aggravated his condition in doing so..."

Jynx looked at Umi again before looking at the ground.

Esme said nothing for a moment, he simply watched the boy and called for a maid to bring him a blanket. Then he smiled gently and reached to pet the boys cheek with his palm.

"You can tell me in your own time when you feel that it is necessary, until then, I will simply live without the knowledge.", then he stood and moved to stoke the fire, watching the flames silently for a long moment before returning to his seat and ordering some tea.

"Where were you two planning to sleep tonight?", he asked, crossing his legs effeminitely.

Umi grasped the blanket with his small fingers and shrugged his shoulders, then looked up at Esme. He didn't really want to be alone, but he didn't want to be a bother to him. Jynx looked at Umi and smiled, turning his head towards Esme.

"We'd be happy to stay with you tonight if you'd like."

Umi turned his head towards Jynx, surprised at the words he had just heard. Jynx smiled back at Umi and climbed onto his lap, earning a loving pat on the head.

"You may do as you wish", the angel said gently, "I merely wanted to know because if you choose to sleep in your own room, a room will have to be made up for you.", a made brought in their tea while a set of carts with their dinner was brought in.

"Please eat what you like", the angel said gently as the trays were uncovered to reveal an array of foods that was larger than most people dreamed.

Jynx's eye widened at the sight of the food and he immediately started to eat everything he could possibly could. Umi on the other hand turned away from it, facing the backside of the couch, curled in a ball. He was in far too much pain to have anything even graze his throat.

Esme got up then and paced to the boy and crouched down before him, laying his head beside his.

"Would you like for me to call for the doctor now instead of in the morning?", he asked truthfully.

Umi turned around and grasped onto Esme's shirt tightly. He didn't want to be a bother, usually it didn't cause this much pain. He shook his head and managed a smile, as if to say 'I'm fine'. Umi held onto Esme for a little while, then gradually loosened his grip and released it. He cast his eyes down, wishing he could assure Esme he was alright even if he wasn't.

"You're lying" the angel said softly, but not harshly; his fingers gently ran through the boys hair as he kissed the top of his head. "It hurts, doesn't it?", he asked gently, "it should be looked at by a doctor"

Umi shut his eyes tightly as Esme kissed his head, a flush of color ran through his cheeks. Esme had seen through his fake smile. Biting his lower lip he looked up at Esme and shook his head 'No'. The doctor was coming tomorrow anyway, he could wait. His hand gently grasped the soft fabric of Esme's shirt again, casting his eyes down once again. Jynx was completely oblivious to everything around him. He's such a glutton.

Noting the boys decision as final, Esme stood and picked the boy up into his arms and carried him off to his bedroom.

"At least put my conscience to rest and get some sleep", he said gently, "I already hate to see you ill." Slowly, he made his way up the stairs to the bedroom and sat the boy on his bed, pulling the shirt over the small head before crossing the room and digging out a flanel night gown for the boy.

"I will leave if that suits you", he inquired.

Umi shook his head and smiled. He didn't want to be alone in such a big place. Uni wrapped his arms around himself, slightly cold from Esme taking the shirt. He smiled and would have giggled if his throat wasn't in pain. He found himself much more comfortable in female-like clothing.

Handing off the night shirt, the angel paced and sat himself in the arm chair across from the foot of the bed and waited for the boy to change, quietly staring out the window.

"I like it when you talk", he said softly, "it makes me feel a little less shut out..."

Umi graciously took the night-shirt and smiled at Esme's words, tugging it over his head. Hopfully the doctor tomorrow could help with his throat. He'd love to talk to Esme more, even act and sing, but wheter he could do that or not depends on what the doctor could do.

Esme smiled gently at the boy and stood, pacing to him and gently helping him get into bed, tucking him in like a parent would their child before he kissed the boys forehead and sat there humming. Jynx had probably noticed that they had vanished, perhaps he was even on his way up here right at this moment, but the angel found he didn't care as he watched the boy slowly fall asleep. He would send for the doctor early in the morning so that he would be there when Umi woke up.

Running his fingers over the boys hair, he kissed the rabbit's forehead again, laying his head beside his pet's on the pillow.

"Sleep well...", and when the boy was asleep, the angel gave him one last kiss and got up, returning down stairs to find Jynx, perhaps stuffed full of food by now.

Jynx was lying flat on his back fast asleep. Next to him, where the mountains of food once was, was only small bits of food, bones, and crumbs. He mumbled various things in his sleep, odd things. Most of them weren't understandable, but a few utterings revieled his dream was one about Umi and Jynx's last master.

Umi slept quietly, accept for a few painful whines. His fingers clenched tightly onto the fabric of the pillow and blanket. He quivered while he slept, but not from the cold.

Esme silently scooped up the doll and took him up to his friend before changing and crawling into the bed beside the two. When Umi whimpered in he night, he would sit up slightly and pet the boys hair, whispering soft soothing words to him and returning to his previous position when the boy had quieted. He was gone before either of them awoke.

Umi awoke to the sound of cheerful birds in the garden, Jynx slightly snoring at his side. He turned around to see if Esme was there, and let out a slightly disappointed sigh when he wasn't. Sitting up he gingerly touched his throat and winced at the pain. Not disturbing Jynx he stood and walked towards the window, his figure alluring in the light. He could see the garden, in the light it was much more beautiful then at night.

When the boy reached the window the door to the room opened and Esme came in with an older man and was slightly surprised to find the boy beside the window. But he smiled none the less and ushered the doctor in.

"Glad to see you're awake", he said gently, giving the doctor a smile and closing the door.

"Well sit down", the doctor said slightly crankily, "lets see what the problem is", the angel gave a weak smile to the boy as though to tell him that he acted like that to everyone.

Umi smiled at the sound of Esme's voice and turned around, bowing slightly as if to say 'good morning'. He cocked his head at the old, and even though his tone was cranky Umi smiled none the less. He walked delicatly towards the two and looked around, wondering where the doctor wanted him to sit.

Esme bowed.

"I will leave you, then.", and then he was gone, closing the door behind him. The doctor rolled up his sleeves and put his briefcase on the floor, digging out a stethoscope.

"When did this all start?", the doctor asked, "How long has Esme been keeping you? Did this start before or after your first punishment with Esme?"

A slight hint of fright flashed through his eyes. He looked towards Jynx, who was now lazily walking towards Umi, a hint of aggrivation on his face.

"Excuse me sir, could you repeat that? Esme bought us yesterday and hasn't lain a hand on Umi. If he did he'd be dead. As for his throat he's had it for about ten months from his last master."

Jynx glanced at Umi and shrugged, a sad expression on Umi's face, he knew what was coming.

"Son of a bitch heard Umi singing one day and shoved shards of glass down his throat. He did a lot more... But that's as far as I'm going."

Jynx stated, seeing the pain in Umi's eyes.

The doctor looked horrified and quickly put his stethoscope away.

"Esme can be far worse", he said gently, "well let's get you mended, open your mouth." When the boy did open his mouth, the old man examined down the boys throat, taking in the damage and thinking of what he could do for him.

"I think it would be best if you stop using your throat for a while, you will have to eat through a tube for a few weeks, but once you let it mend, you should get your voice back.", he then pulled out a tablet of paper and a pencil before writing down a little note, "I will give this to the cooks, they will handle your meals."

Umi looked down at his lap. He figured that this was going to happen. Jynx put a comforting arm on Umi's hand, but he quickly pulled away. He simply nodded at the doctors diagnosis. Letting out a painful sigh he glanced at Jynx. He didn't want to have to kill Esme. He liked him a lot, but saddly men seem to all be the same.

"He seemed to be fine, but I guess all these men are all the same. Such a shame, I actually started to like him. Well, if there's a problem it's nothing Umi and myself can't handle. So, what's the condion of his throat? Will he ever be able to sing again?"

Umi seemed distant, like he was there in body, but not mind. Jynx noticed it, but the thoughts coming from Umi as he stared out the window made him shudder with horror. Umi then stood up and walked back over to the window silently, much like a ghost. That's all he had ever been to anyone but Jynx, a ghost for the pleasures of others. He kept his hands folded behind his back as he watched a few mocking birds fly by, singing. A tear would have formed in his eye if he didn't wipe it away. Jynx looked at the doctor and sighed.

"Forgive him... Sometimes he acts more like a doll then me. Thank you for your help doctor."

The doctor smiled lightly and folded his hands in his lap.

"Don't misunderstand me", he said gently, "Esme beat Jamie black and blue before the boy broke for him; but he's not a dangerous person, what he does is very calculated. He can be violent, but he's not carelessly so; he's like his father, looks just like his mother, acts just like his father."

Umi didn't respond to anything the doctor said. Instead he looked down at the ground from outside the window, wondering if the fall would kill or just seriously injure him. Jynx frowned at his thoughts and turned to the doctor and smiled a weak smile.

"It's nothing me and Umi can't handle."

Jynx glared at Umi for his thoughts. He knew very well that he didn't want to go through what he did with the last man, but to think such extreme things at this time wasn't the answer. Jynx's aggravation made Umi turn his head to look at the too, a fake smile on his face.

The doctor smiled in his cracked way.

"Come over here and lets finish your exam", he said lightly.

Esme paced in the hall, jumping when the doctor finally produced himself from the room.

"Well?", the doctor handed the angel a slip of paper and gave him a grave look.

"You're not to hurt him Esme, I mean it", Esme gave a quick nod and pushed past him, handing the slip of paper back to the doctor and stepping into the room, a light smile on his face.

"Did it go well?

Jynx looked up at Esme and replied with a shrug.

"He said Umi shouldn't use his voice for a while... He has to get fed through tubes, he's not going to like that much. He mentioned a bit about you too."

Jynx's eyes turned into slits again as he spoke, he wanted to say it, but instead he let the thought in his mind,

'Let me assure you, if you hurt him. You will die. Painfully. Just like the last one.'

With that he bounded away, not speaking another word to Esme. Umi was once again by the window, watching the birds fly passed with their joyful song. His mind was empty now, he most likely would never sing again. His hand found it's way to his throat and he let out a painful sigh. Sometimes he wished Master Minko would have killed him after what he did. He couldn't seem to pull himself away from the window, his eyes full of envy as the birds passed.

Esme watched him for a long time, watching the way he moved, the way he expressed himself. Even if Umi couldn't talk, he was anything but mute; everything about him spoke for him.

"Running his hand down through his hair, he thought about what the doctor had said, but- he had no intention of hurting Umi. He'd never had any intention of hurting him, no want or need compelled him to raise more than his voice against the boy and even so the boy gave him little reason to do so.

'I wont hurt you', he thought desperately, wanting to convey it but not knowing a way how.

Umi finally brought himself away from the window as the birds flew passed, jumping slightly, his heart skipping a beat as he turned around to find Esme there. He had been so caught up with his thoughts and the birds that he hadn't know Esme was even in the room. Despite what the doctor had said about him he smiled happily at Esme.
He didn't want to believe the doctor, and a part of him didn't, but the other part constantly poked at his conscious. Umi glanced around, seeing Jynx wasn't there he probably already voiced his anger at Esme, or walked away to contain it. Umi folded his hands behind his back and cocked his head at Esme, sensing something was slightly bothering him.

After a moment he turned away from the boy, knowing that his mask was probably very see through at the moment. Pacing to the bed, he silently sat down and curled up on it, he was suddenly feeling like it was lost, like he might not be able to keep the boy due to this.

"What did he tell you? About me?"

Umi made his way towards the bed, crawling onto it and put a comforting hand on Esme's shoulder. He ran his delicate fingers through Esme's hair for a moment, trying to comfort him. Despite how much it hurt, and the doctors advice against it, Umi opened his mouth to speak so he could comfort Esme.

"Nothing... that's going.. to change the way I... think of you, even... if it changed... Jynx's view."

His voice was extremely quite, and you could hear the pain as he spoke, but he didn't mind. He rested his head next to Esme, running his fingers up and down his back to assure him he wasn't going anywhere. His throat was in a lot of pain now, but it didn't seem to bother him. Or if it did he definitely was an expert at hiding it. Umi felt differently around Esme, like nothing really mattered. Still that annoying voice at the back of Umi's conscious nagged at him, he did his best to ignore it. After all, if Esme wanted to bring harm to him he would have already done so. He kept telling himself this until the voice got smaller. It didn't disappear entirely, but it shrunk considerably.

Running his fingers up the boys arm, Esme smiled at him and ever so gently kissed his forehead.

"Don't force it, you should rest the muscles..."

Umi smiled at him and nodded, blushing at the feeling of Esme's lips against his skin. He rested his head gently on Esme's chest and closed his eyes. He wanted to make sure Esme knew that he really didn't care about what the doctor had said. When the doctor first stated it Umi felt trapped, like his life was falling apart again. He felt like throwing himself out of that window that he gazed out of endlessly. But, when he heard Esme's voice and felt his slightly fear of loosing Umi, it didn't make sense that Esme would want to hurt him.

"I would never hurt yo", he said softly, running his hand through the boys hair.

Umi smiled and wrapped his arms around Esme. Many thoughts ran through his head, but none of them mattered to him at the moment. He felt like there was nothing else that mattered anymore. He tilted his head up slightly to gaze at Esme. In any lighting he always looked beautiful. Umi blushed at the thought and cast his eyes back down at Esme's chest.

Esme smiled and petted the boys hair. Why did this feel right?

"Never*, he insisted, holding the boy close to him.

Umi closed his eyes and relaxed his body against Esme's. His fragile fingers gently clenched the fabric of Esme's shirt as he planted a delicate kiss on his chest. Esme had been so kind to, Umi wanted to find a way to repay him, but he didn't know how. Jynx walked back into the room, only to find Umi snuggle up next to Esme. It slightly agitated him and he stormed silently out of the room. He walked through the halls for a while and sighed, he was obviously jealous. He wasn't quite sure why, but he was.

Esme cradled the boy gently against him.

"You don't have to repay me", he said softly, knowing that that was probably what the boy was thinking, "there is nothing that needs to be repayed" This boy, he wasn't Jamie, but he made him feel the way that Jamie had; made him think and want to be gentle just like Jamie had; he tamed the beast that was inside of him. Running his fingers up the boys back he dipped his head and ever so gently kissed the boy, nervous about whether or not the boy would accept the gesture or not. He hoped he would, he hoped with all his heart that he would; if he did then there was some hope that the both of them could heal. If he didn't, then- he didn't know...

Umi's eyes widened and his body tensed at the kiss, shocked at the gesture. He wasn't quite sure what to do, when man kissed him it was usually so forceful, but this kiss was soft and gentle like a soft breeze or trickling rain. Umi's eyes softed, his body relaxed once again. Gently closing his eyes he graciously kissed Esme back, his fingers tightly grasping Esme's shirt. He never felt like this before with anyone. Jynx was now at the foot of the bed, a shocked, disgusted, and a cold stab of jealously on his face as Umi pressed himself closer to Esme.

Esme's body was telling him to pull the boy closer but he didn't, he held him just as he was, gently against him as his Umi's grip tightened on his shirt. He wanted to crow in victory when his kiss was returned, he wanted to shout it to the heavens but he somehow stayed silent, his head swimming.

Breathing slowly as he pulled away, the angel watched the slave with soft eyes, wanting to say something, anything, but not knowing what would be appropriate to say at a time like this.

Umi smiled at Esme as he pulled the kiss away. His large animated eyes staring back into Esme's. His head returned to Esme's chest, his hand that had grasped his shirt now laid delicately against it. If he could speak he would have said many things in the silence that surrounded them. Was this wrong? To feel this way?

Slowly, Esme fell asleep, having been up half the night worrying over the boy and then getting up very early this morning to go get the doctor for Umi. It had all taken a toll on him and he slowly slipped into unconsciousness, his blond hair flitting beautifully over his face, clashing against the sallow flesh that covered the angel's body.

He cuddled the boy in his sleep, like a child did a security blanket, holding him in a manner that said he needed him there, to be safe and secure and present in his arms if only to hold onto.

Umi was slightly taken back by Esme's actions. He watched the angel as he slept, stroking his cheek softly with the backside of his hand. He felt so safe in Esme's arms, so warm, so... Right. As the angel slept Umi gave him a delicate kiss on his forehead before cuddling against Esme's chest again. Jynx watched, infuriated. He was glad Umi was happy, but he didn't trust Esme a lick after the doctor. Jynx though about taking a few of those golden strands of hair and eating them so he could teach Esme a lesson, but he knew Umi would never forgive him for it.

The room was silent, a slow, syrupy thick sense of contentment seemed to overtake the room that was only briefly interrupted when a maid would come in to put laundry away or to dust. One came in to clean the bathroom but always the sense of contentment instantly returned once they were gone. It was nearly dark outside when the angel on the bed shifted, slowly waking from his slumber.

Umi was still clinging tightly to Esme's chest as he awoke. Umi began to open his eyes slowly, adjusting to the change in light. Lifting his head up to look up at Esme's face he smiled. Raising a pallid hand to Esme's cheek and stroked it. Jynx had been peering at them the entire time, unmoving, his eyes red with rage while they slept, but now he had gone somewhere else.

Esme groaned like a child who didn't want to get out of bed before closing his eyes and collapsing again.

"Are you cold?", he asked curiously, knowing that he was and that Umi probably was too.

To answer his question Umi snuggled as close as he could to Esme and wrapped his arms around him. He nodded slightly, though his ears were warm they didn't keep his entire body warm.

Pulling away from the boy briefly, Esme reached and pulled a comforter over them then snuggled close to the rabbit again.

"Is that better?"

Umi nodded and once again snuggled close to Esme. Looking up into his eyes he kissed Esme's cheek gently, as if to ensure himself that what had happened wasn't simply a dream. Drawing his hand delicately across Esme's cheek he smiled again.

Esme's fingers gently entwined with the boys and he buried his face into the boys hair, kissing the top of the boys head gently.

"Where is your little friend?", the angel asked suddenly, realizing that he had no idea where the doll was.

Umi sat up abruptly, away from the warmth of Esme and looked around. 'Jynx.' He had forgotten about Jynx! If Jynx saw what was going on the little doll was sure to be upset. Just at that moment Umi could feel a mix of emotions from Jynx. Lying back down next to Esme Umi wrapped his thin fingers around his hand and kissed it gently. His eyes gazed back up at Esme. He didn't know where Jynx was, but wherever he was he seemed to want to be left alone.

"You should find him", the angel said softly, "I would hate to think that he's mad at you because of me or something that I did" Running his fingers through the boys hair he gently released him.

Umi didn't want to leave, but if Esme wanted him too. Reluctantly Umi sat up, giving Esme a light kiss before leaving the warmth of the bed to find his friend Jynx. His long bunny ears flopped behind him as he paced out of the room to find the doll.

Esme watched him go, wondering slightly if it had been the right thing to do but let him go anyway before he laid down on the bed and stared at the doorway.

Umi found Jynx sipping tea in the main hall, obvious aggravation on his face. He glanced up at Umi, then back down at the cup.

"Enoying yourself?"

He asked rather crossly. Umi crossed his arms, there was no reason for Jynx to be upset. He was happy, wasn't that what Jynx wanted? Jynx set the cup of tea down and jumped onto the floor, walking up to Umi, arms crossed.

"Listen, while you may trust him I don't! How did you think I was going to react Umi? Cheerfully? You're mine! He can't have you! It's not fair! IT'S NOT FAIR! YOU'RE MINE!"

Jynx yelled at him, fist clenched. Umi had dropped to his knees, tears streaking his face. Why was Jynx acting this way? What did he do that was so wrong?

Esme could hear the faint yelling but it wasn't his place to interject into their lives, getting up he sat at the vanity and started quietly to brush his hair.

You always did that when you were nervous, he turned suddenly and looked around, there was no one.

Over here, Esme, the angel turned again, this time he looked into the mirror. Jamie stood there, smiling like he always had as he sat there staring back at him through the mirror.

You look surprised to see me, the reflection said lightly, you like him, don't you? Esme gave a slow nod.

"I didn't mean to try and replace you but I-", the figment shook it's head and smiled.

You're not replacing me, Esme, you're moving's all you can do

"But-" an imaginary hand reached through the glass and palmed Esme's face gently.

Esme, I don't want you to be alone..., the hand ran down to his chest, that special place in your heart will always belong to me, you've suffered enough... Tears gathered in the angel's eyes and slipped down his cheeks.

"I love you", he whispered, "I will always love you..." the figment smiled gently, the way that Jamie always had when Esme had been troubled.

I know that, it said softly, and I will always love you, that is why I don't want you to live your immortal life alone. Then the reflection leaned through the glass and kissed the angel, Live, Esme...Live your life...

Jynx continued to yell at Umi over numerous things, after he called Umi a betrayer of what they had he stopped listening, finding that placing his mind again that he could just curl up and die in. He stood up now, tears still running down his face. Jynx's scream at him was only faint to him at the moment as he walked passed Jynx and out of the mansion. He had to get away from Jynx, his head throbbed and his throat screamed at him in pain.

"Don't you dare run away from me! Umi! Umi? Umi...?!"

Jynx mulled over what he had just yelled at Umi about, most of it he didn't even mean, nor did it make sense. He watched as Umi ran away from him, this time he fully deserved it.


Jynx cast his eyes to the ground. He was so jealous of Esme that he took it all out on Umi, and now, now for the first time ever he was the one that made Umi cry. He sank to his knees as Umi disappeared into the thicket of the woods that surrounded part of Esme's land. What had he done...

Esme was almost asleep in his room, his head on the vanity, tears stained his cheeks as his hair fell down his face in a stringy way. Somehow though, he felt better, even though it felt like everything was coming apart again, he felt better.

Umi had twisted and turned in the woods to escape the voice in his shrieking head. He fell to his knees, wanting to yell in frustration and pain, but his throat wouldn't let him. Why, after something that felt so fantastic did this have to happen? He cradled his head in his hands and rocked back and forth, trying to free his mind from the torture. In the distance he heard Jynx's voice. The sun was almost gone now, only a glitter of light still shone through the darkness. Umi quickly stood and made his way back towards the mansion, following Jynx's voice for guidance since he was completely lost.
As the sun dissipated Jynx's voice became more frantic. Soon Umi emerged from the thicket and walked back toward the mansion. Jynx ran up to him and hug his leg, apologizing profusely. Umi patted Jynx's head as an acceptance to the apology, even though his words still hurt him inside. Carrying Jynx with his Umi walked back to Esme's room.

Esme looked up when they walked into his room, he rubbed his cheeks on his shirt, hearing the words in his head as though Jamie had only just said them. 'Live.' Getting up he reached for them, beakoning them both into his arms, holding onto them for dear life when he got a hold of them. He was sick, would they make him better? He was broken, could they fix him? He didn't know the answer to these questions but- it didn't matter, he had them. He needed them and they were right here before him, ready for him to take care of. A pitiful smile came over his face and his heart gave a shallow ache as tears gathered in his eyes.

"Do you know the only way to kill an angel?", he asked cryptically.

Umi shook his head fiercly. He didn't want to know how to kill an angel! What was Esme saying? Umi's heart beat rapidly in his chest, like a frightend rabbit running from a pack of wolves. Jynx was confused, but liked the thought of Esme out of the picture.

"Pray tell."

Esme smiled and then Jamie was there again, standing behind the two before him, holding a small child in his arms. A tear slipped down the angel's cheek and his voice was a bare whisper.

"Break their heart, utterly emulsify it and leave them to wither.", he smiled gently and held them close to him before kissing the boys forehead.

"You saved my life", he said softly, his voice cracked as the images of Jamie and his daughter slowly vanishd from his sight.

Jynx let out a disbelieved gasp. What was that about? Why was he all clingy? Jynx squirmed around in Esme's and Umi's grip. Umi was slightly confused and brought a pale hand to Esme's face wiping his tears away. He wondered what this sudden surge of sorrow and relief was 'Saved his life?' Umi glanced at the floor. Was he going to take his life? Wrapping his arms around Esme, comferting him. He hummed, though it hurt, he did it anyway.

"Without love, an angel has no reason to live, they die without it...", the figure of Jamie behind them spoke now, audible for them all to hear. They were really there, angels ghosting to earth briefly, unable to stay as a natural angel would have.

((natural angels are those that are born angels, unnatural angels are the humans that die and become angels))

See...? You can live if you want to..., he smiled and whispered something to the little girl before putting her down. She cautiously walked towards the man, her whole body glowing, her small, feathered wings rustling even though there was no wind. She paced to Esme and he released Umi very slowly; reaching, she touched his cheek with her soft little hand, a contrite look on her face as she spoke in a voice that was as sweet as a bell.

Daddy, don't cry, we will see you again when you and Umi and Jynx come home, until then Daddy Jamie will take care of me..., he hugged her tight to him, his heart breaking and singing all at the same time as he held onto her. This was his baby, this little angel who he held in his arms for one shinging moment, she was his baby girl, he kissed her hair gently. Then she pulled away, giving Umi and Jynx both a childishly serious look.

You better take care of my daddy!, she said stoutly.

Umi stood there, dumbfounded. What was going on? He felt extremley uncomfortable seeing Jamie and Esme's daughter there. He wanted to leave the room so Esme could be with them alone, but he stayed. Jynx raised an eyebrow and looked at the two standing there.

"Uuh, sure kid."

Jynx still wasn't sure if the two figures were even real. He simply stared at the little girl and wondered how the hell that was possible for a man. Shaking his head he jumped off Esme's lap and walked up to Umi's leg, whom picked him up and held him close.
Jynx shook his head. Umi and Jynx couldn't die. It was the price Umi had to pay for being able to have power such as Jynx. And even if they did, heaven wasn't their destination, but Jynx kept quiet now. Looking from one to the other to the next then to Umi. Umi shook his when the girl spoke, his head swam with nausia, confusion, and a sicking feeling at made his heart sink.

The little girl raised her hand, pinky finger extended for the rabbit to take.

Promise?, she asked.

Umi looked at the girl's hand and shakily extended his, a weak smile on his face. Jynx looked up at Umi and then back towards the girl, he smiled his cynical smile once again upon his face.

"He promises to take good care of your father little girl. He has eternity to do so."

Umi took the little girl's hand and smiled at her, nodding his head slightly. He would have liked to speak to her himself, but was in far to much pain in his throat.

The little girl smiled then ran back to Jamie who picked her up. Esme smiled, watching them as they faded before he reached and pulled Umi to him, holding him tightly. He kissed his ears, his jaw, his throat, held to him for dear life as he lay his head on his shoulder.

"how about some dinner?", he asked, "anything you like..."

Umi snuggled close to Esme and lightly kissed his cheek. Wrapping his arms around him he held Esme just as tight, if not tighter then Esme held him. Jynx rubbed his hands together at the thought of food, at least he was getting something out of this catastrophe. Umi lifted his head and rubbed his cheek gently against Esme's. He wished his voice was a swift recovery so he could tell Esme just how much he meant to him.

(1 year later)

Esme stood outside the slave house, this place had been special to him, but now he didn't need it anymore. Turning then, he went back to the carriage and climbed in, sitting across from Umi and smiling.

"Shall we go then?", he asked curiously; they had come out to do some shopping, Umi needed some new clothes and Esme was planning for another baby.


Umi replied with a happy smile, Jynx curled up on his lap asleep. Just a few weeks ago the doctor said it was alright to start using his voice again and that his throat was almost completely healed. His smile was warm and affectionate as always. He placed a velvet gloved hand over Jynx's body and pet him. Even after a years time Jynx still wasn't fond of Esme at all. Umi was unchanged, as if time for him had stopped completely. The only thing that was remotely different was the brightness in his eyes. They were always so bright and happy around Esme.

Giving the boy an affectionate look, Esme motioned for the driver to go and the carriage started moving.