Ronin Warriors Fan Fiction ❯ Ronins For Dummies ❯ Taking Over The World for Dummies ( Chapter 3 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Taking Over The World for Dummies

Step one: armor up
For tips read "Armoring Up for Dummies.

Step two: pull out your weapon
Depending on the weapon some assembly may be required. Weapons can be acquired from the back of the armor, the sides, or on the arm plated.

Step three: locate good guy
Some helpful hints: they seem to like areas where they can rest or mooch. Why? It's not sure. Mansions ore good spots. They also seem to like large cities in Japan. If all else fails, just start terrorizing! They'll come to you.

Step four: use your sure-kill
It is unknown how the bearers of the armors know what their sure-kill is. Research has shown that the armor more often then not, will tell their occupants the words. Once you know the words, aim. Preferably at the good guys.

Step five: get you butt's kicked
Good always defeats evil. Didn't you know that?

Step six: retreat back to your master
Now that good had once again defeated evil, it is time for you to retreat. This can be done one of two ways. One, make it look like you planned it that way. Just because you lost doesn't mean the good guys have to know that! Two, run back with your tail between your legs. Sometimes this cannot be helped. They beat you, they beat you real good.

Three chapters in one night? I'm good. I don't own Ronin Warriors. What do you think? REVIEW!!! It's the only way I'll know!