Rurouni Kenshin Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ A Choice of Roads ❯ Kagome Epilogue: A Choice of Roads ( Epilogue )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Author's Note: This is the last chapter. I will post a brief afterword, some question responses and the rest of the review responses in a couple of days. So if you have questions for me, now is the time to ask :) Thanks to everyone who's taken the time to read the story! I wish you all the best for the holiday season :)


Chapter Summary: Some things in life are inevitable. Death. Taxes. Kagome's incredibly bad first impressions.



Disclaimer: I don't own Rurouni Kenshin. I don't own Inuyasha. Well, after fourteen chapters of disclaimers, I've learned a couple of things about my possessions. One- despite what they tell you, education doesn't pay. Two- Never fuck with a cactus bent on world domination.


Warning: Rated R for language and adult situations.


-Kagome Epilogue: A Choice of Roads-


*There is nothing new under the sun but that has never made life any less interesting.*


Many, many years after Kenshin and Kaoru and Kenji, a girl stands in front of the doors to a large university. Her movements are slow, forced, as she pushes the glass and walks into the foyer. She does not want to be here. Intellectually she understands that in order to look after her kit, to buy food, to pay for rent she will need more than her high school diploma. Lady Kagome had faced demons and stood tall while watching her first love descend to hell. She had even bid a tearless goodbye to her friends who were closer than blood relatives. That Lady Kagome is dead. What is left is a broken nineteen-year-old who hasn't socially interacted with anyone from the twenty-first century in over two years.


Her relationship with her family may never be fully healed. On some level they now understand her need to seal the well for two years, but the accusation of betrayal lurks behind every glance they give her. Shippo is helping to heal some of this. Her mother loves the kit, in a way she can not yet love Kagome again. She has volunteered to look after him while Kagome attends classes and to help with some of the home-schooling Kagome has started for him. It is just as well that her family loves Shippo. The well has closed and neither of them will ever be able to return to the Feudal Era.


She takes a deep breath. She is here now. No matter how she is still hurting, she has a purpose and she cannot afford to feel sorry for herself. She straightens up, sets her shoulders back and takes a firm stride… straight into another body.


With a strange detachment, she feels herself falling backwards. She stops inches from the hard marble floor as a strong arm carefully pulls her to her feet. There is a curtain of something soft blocking her view as she rises. Red, she realizes numbly, it's a curtain of long red hair. Ice settles in her chest as she slowly raises her eyes to the face of her savior. The double image is almost blinding. Over the red hair and handsome face her miko powers superimpose long silver hair with soft ears set on top of the head.


The terror nearly chokes her as she pulls out of his grasp and starts to fall backwards again.


She's finally gone completely insane.


Strangely, this thought settles her and she is calm when the stranger once again pulls her up, inches above the floor.


"I've had a lot of reactions from women, but I don't think that I've ever had terror before."


Kagome makes one of those life-changing, split-second character decisions. She completely ignores his comment and gives him her first genuine smile in a very long time.


"I must apologize. That's twice you've had to save me from my own clumsiness. I'm Kagome, Higurashi Kagome, and I'm very sorry to have caused you so much trouble."


He gives her a real smile that touches eyes that flash ever so slightly gold. He is not Kenshin, not Inuyasha, but that smile quiets something that has been screaming in her mind since she completed the jewel.


"It was no trouble at all. I'm Suuichi, Minamino Suuichi. But please, call me Kurama."



-The End-




*The gods may hurt us, starve us, toy with us and destroy us, but in the end there is a purpose.*







­-Updated 12-21-04-