Rurouni Kenshin Fan Fiction ❯ 'Do You Want to Live Forever?' ❯ Coming of an Age ( Chapter 10 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

A/N: Ok, this is unedited... my beta reader is still working on it, but I wanted to get something out. I can re-upload the 'polished' version when it comes in... but I've made you guys wait for a long time.

The reviewer responses are at the end. God bless everyone. I hope you like what's happening. KnT

Chapter Nine

The Coming of an Age

As the aura of incredible power filled the room, Soujiro's body suddenly surged upward beneath the pressure of his sisters hand and his dove blue eyes flew open wildly as the breath and vitality of life coursed through his damaged heart. He felt a burning sensation not unlike having a cup of molten lava dumped into his chest cavity and having it slowly incinerate his insides. His mouth opened wide and the scream of truest pain anyone had ever heard erupted from his flaming lungs, and then he collapsed into a limp unconscious mound of flesh in Aoshi's lap.

As the younger males breathing returned to normal, Aoshi gently reached out and removed the pressure of Kaoru's hand from its place in the center of his chest.

"Kaoru?" He called her name in a quiet but firm tone and waited to see if she would respond, but she remained unmoving her body taut and quivering with effort. The mask of pain and deep concentration that was her face, and was streaked with the blood of her own tears and her respirations were deep and labored as if she had run a great distance. The hand Aoshi held trembled and pulsated with an energy that he could feel touching him in the far reaching recesses of his spiritual self, but it was not an evil thing he felt coursing through her.

It was the energy of Life...

The power of Healing...

It was the very Breath of The Mother that he was holding in his hand, and he was filled with awe and humility. Before his eyes, Aoshi Shinomori had no doubt in his mind that he beheld the beauty and strength of the 'The Source', and that she had been well and truly mated to 'The One' was no longer an issue. For no other power on the face of the earth could have done any of the things he had just seen. 'He has risen.' Were his humble thoughts. 'Cel has risen and is among us... at last, and my Slayer has been chosen to become his Mate... Blessed be the day of The Mighty Fang.'

"Kaoru?" Aoshi spoke more urgently and reached for her shoulder which he grasped in a gentle but firm grip. "Kaoru, open your eyes, girl... you're brother... he lives."

"Sou...?" Bloody eyelids fluttered and then opened to reveal wounded blue ponds of pain and contrition. "H-he lives? Bewildered disbelief was etched into her lovely features as she urgently searched her superiors calm reassuring face. "Soujiro's alive... he didn't die?"

"Nu, Kaoru. See for yourself, you saved him. You saved him... just as I knew you could." Wounded blue sapphires locked gazes with icy blue-green crystals and the power and truth of Aoshi's words stuck a cord within her thundering heart. "You healed him, Kaoru... you healed him with your gift of the White Power."

"How, how did you know I could do that, Aoshi? I didn't know it was within me to do it." Real tears began to wash down her bloody cheek's further smearing the crimson stain along her pale skin. "How could you possible know?"

"Because," He answered quietly as he took her hand between his and locked gazes with her once more. "When the 'power' kept reaching out from you to protect you from us when there were those who would touch you or address you in anger, I realized 'who' you must be and with 'whom' you your blood-bond must exist with." Kaoru's eye grew wide as she looked into the calm of Aoshi's sharp features. "It is 'Him'... isn't it?" The question was asked with so much reverence and respect that Kaoru could feel the lump of emotion growing in her throat as it threatened to choke her. It is 'The Mighty Fang' who has taken you as his Mate... Kaoru?"

"Desigur..." Her voice shook with the effort to speak as the emotions and turmoil of the last few hours began to take their tole on her. "It is 'He'." And as Aoshi's eyes widened in further understanding and wonderment, Kaoru's gaze dropped to the painfully still form of her brother lying in the young Major's lap and she fell upon him weeping in relief. "Oh Sou," She sobbed. "Forgive me... please, forgive meee..." Trembling hands clutched at his shirt as she buried her face against the even rise and fall of his chest. "I never meant this to happen... I didn't know it would happen... I'm sorry for everything... so damn sorry."

Across the room, still leaning up against the wall he had so recently been slammed into, Hiko lay stunned and speechless within the haven of his beloved's embrace. Aoshi's words had reached his ears easily and he had heard every word the young Major had exchanged with his daughter. Maggie's arms had tightened around his shoulders as she too listened to the marvel that it was her own child who had become mate to 'The One', and that it was her blood that had been blessed with the power to free him from his bonds and wake him from his 'false sleep' so that he might rise and become the wielder of the power of Pythagoras.

"Hiko..."She began hesitantly. "Kaoru..." Maggie could hardly form words as the emotional impact that her daughter was 'The Source' began to settle into her shell shocked mind. "She's... she's..."

"She's 'The Source', Maggie." Slowly, painfully, Hiko lifted himself out of his wife's arms and sat up on his own. "Our arrogant, self-centered, opinionated daughter had been chosen by 'The Fate's' to be the one to free 'Cel' from his bonds." A gentle hand touched his face and he turned to look into the deep blue eyes he loved so much, and managed a weak smile to reassure the worried expression he read there. "I'm all right, lubti." He said gently and tenderly kissed the palm of that much adored hand. "At least now I understand why the Moon nearly tore my head off for trying to 'reach' through her shield and mentally throttle her. She's been blood-bonded and mated to 'The Fang of Pythagoras. It's a wonder I have fang one left in my foolish head....I should have known, I should have realized... the enormity of power I sensed around her. It could have only had one source." 'Sweet little Jasmine Flower... what wonders have you seen in the last night of your existence as a single entity, and what more have you seen since bonding with this all powerful man?'

"I don't understand, Hiko." Maggie's worried eyes looked back across the room at the huddle mass of three that still sat unmoving on the floor. "How did this happen? Why did her Mate's shield hurt you and Soujiro? It's never happened before. In all the millennia of our people no one has ever been physically injured or attacked by the 'essence' of a Mate's shield. Why did this happen to you and Soujiro?"

"If I were to try and put a reasonable summation behind what happened, Maggie, I would have to say that 'The Fang' is violently protective of what is 'His'." The elegant black brows over Hiko's deep green eyes furrows slightly as he considered his own explanation. "It would appear he is also very possessive as well as protective."

"Desigur," She nodded her head in agreement. "The ferocity of the attacks upon you and Sou are proof enough to that. But what I do not understand is why were they so ferocious and vicious? The violence was... frightening, to say the least." Maggie shuddered delicately as she recalled the sound Hiko's body had made when it struck the wall with so much force.

"And deadly." Her husband replied as the memory of his son's piercing scream filled his mind. "Very deadly." Reaching out to his anxious wife, Hiko took her hand in his as he tried to make sense of the puzzling behavior and manifestations they had just witnessed. "It would seem to me," He began tentatively taking into consideration everything he knew about 'Cel' from the Archives and from Prince Crede and filtering it through his sense of logic. "That one of 'Cel's' first priorities would be the safety of his Mate and making certain she was as well protected away from his side as he could keep her. His shield around her is obviously highly sensitive to the moods and actions of those around her and immediately perceived Soujiro and myself as potential threats"

"Threats? But neither of you meant to harm her. You were only angry... albeit Sou was much angrier than you by far, but still it was only anger that was leading him to her. Not blood-rage or murder."

"Perhaps not, but each of us was seen as a potential threat to her well-being and dealt with accordingly." 'We are BOTH lucky to be uninjured and alive... a lessor Vampire than myself would have been crushed and broken by that blow against the wall, and Soujiro... Dear God, Soujiro... He should be dead."

"How is that?" She gently brushed the white hair off this face and listened intently to his voice as he tried to explain.

"I believe I was perceived as only a minor or moderate threat, perhaps just another 'male' who was sniffing around somewhere I didn't belong and simply thrust aside, but Soujiro was intending upon touching her and forcing her to 'submit' to his anger and possibly hurt her in the process." Dark green eyes met deep blue and Hiko saw the terrible understanding reflected back at him as Maggie finally grasp the concept he was trying to explain. "He was considered much more dangerous and was dealt with swiftly and without mercy."

"He was a physical threat..." Maggie's voice was strained as the concept his home and the potential danger to anyone who dared approach Kaoru with unseemly attentions would be in finally registered as a solid idea in her mind. "He was looked upon as a potential enemy and someone who might do her bodily harm."

"Desigur," Hiko nodded. "And she had to be protected... at all costs."

"The Blood..." Maggie whispered. "The shield of 'His' blood... it 'reached' out and struck Soujiro down in defense of his Mate. It intended to kill him... didn't it?" Her eyes were wide with astonishment and a tinge of fear colored her voice. None of them were prepared for this turn of events.

"That is what I believe." Slowly the large man struggled to his feet only to find himself grabbing for the wall behind him as a wave of dizziness washed over him. As he swayed on his feet, Maggie slipped her arm around his waist and lifted up on his large frame in an effort to support him until the event passed and he found his own balance. "Thank you." Was his simple statement, though his face said much more as he favored her with loving smile. "I don't know what I would do without you, my dear."

"Are you all right now?" She asked, still concerned as she noticed how pale he was and the grimace of pain that twitched at his mouth. "You hit the wall very hard, Hiko. Do you feel like anything is broken?" Maggie watched carefully as he flexed each arm, each shoulder, and then his back and hip joints.

"Nu, lubit. I seem to be fine other than a few sore muscles and new understanding that there is someone out there much more powerful than I can ever hope to become." A soft laugh escaped him at that moment, and Maggie offered a small smile. "I'm not the biggest dog in the yard anymore, Maggie." She offered an indulgent smile as another soft laugh trickled over her lips.

"Nu, simpatie, it would appear not." Standing on the balls of her small feet, Maggie rose tenderly kissed his cheek and then his smiling mouth. "But you are still the 'Leader' among our people, and you are still 'my' big dog." He tossed his head back and laughed as he pulled her close to him and hugged her.

"I love you, Maggie. God was kind when he gave you and the children to me. I thank him everyday."

"I love you too, Hiko." Her face found its way into the hollow of her throat despite her shortness of stature compared to her mountain of a husband. "I thank God everyday that he brought you to us. You have been the kindest and most loving husband a woman could ask for... and a firm even handed father who taught his children well."

"Hmmmm... that remains to be seen." He pulled away from her and looked down into her brilliant blue eyes. "We need to go see to them, simpatie. It is not Aoshi's place to comfort OUR children."

"Nu, it is not, but I for one, will be eternally gratefully that he was here. If he had not been..." The unspoken words hung in the air as a heavy reminder of what could have been if the young Major had not recognized what was happening when he did and rushed to Soujiro's aid. "How do you think he knew?" Maggie cast a questioning glance into her husbands thoughtful face.

"That Kaoru was 'The Source' and we were being attacked by her Mate's shield?" She nodded and they began to make their way painfully toward the huddled mass of three. "He has always been very intuitive and could 'sense' many things the rest of us could not. He is even better at it than I am... it's a gift he has."

"You're saying that he 'sensed' 'The One' on Kaoru?" Maggie sounded incredulous.

"Nu, not exactly 'The One' himself, but I think once he got a good whiff of that power he knew there could be only one source for it." 'The boy has a nose for power and energy shifts... leave it to him to be the one to figure it all out while I was being the thickheaded bellowing father. Sigh.'


"Desigur, 'Cel'. And then I'm sure he did the only thing he could think of... he addressed the power of the shield directly and begged it to stop." Beside him Maggie nodded in agreement as she leaned into the strength of her husband.

"It would seem that is what must have happened because the power only struck Soujiro once."

"Desigur, but as it was, that one blow was killing him regardless... until Kaoru touched him." A furrow of confusion once more wrinkled Hiko's smooth brow as he pondered upon that fact. 'How did she heal him? What was that white light coming from her hands? Why did her eyes and throat bleed? Is she evolving the same as the man who has become 'Cel' must have had to in order to accept the power thrust upon him?' These questions plagued his mind as they approached the three individuals still occupying the floor. Slowly he knelt down beside Aoshi, pulling Maggie with him. Kaoru's hoarse anguished sobs tore through him like a sword splitting him asunder, and he leaned over the unconscious body of his son to tenderly stroke the back of her head with one of his large hands.

"Little Jasmine Flower," He whispered gently and felt her start beneath his hand. "It would appear many things have changed since you departed my sight last evening, nu?" She grew very still beneath his tender ministrations and her breathing turned into tiny gasps and catches as she listened to the deep reassuring tone of his voice. "I said 'Good-bye' to an arrogant conceited Slayer who has long thought too much of herself despite my best efforts to instill within her the morals and ethics of our needing each other in order to survive."


"I have long feared you would meet your demise outside of these walls and I would never know you were gone other than losing touch with your blood. I would never know what happened to you, and my heart would forever grieve for the little girl whose sweet smile I have grown to miss so much... but providence it seems is good, and has delivered you back into my hands unharmed it would appear... but changed none the less." Tentatively Kaoru rose from her place on her brother's chest and warily met her father's dark green gaze. The blood of her tears was all but gone having been washed away by her real tears and the front of Soujiro's shirt, but a dark streak of crimson remained sliding down from the wounds in her throat to the cleavage between her breasts.

"You have come home to me wrapped in the Mate's Shield of 'The One' himself... and with powers growing inside of you that I can only imagine." A paternal smile of pure pride curved his usually stern mouth and he cupped her moist cheek in his hand. "My daughter... 'The Source'... How proud I am, and stunned that it was I who raised the one whose blood would be 'The Key' that freed 'Cel' from his bonds, and then become his Mate."

"Y-you're proud o-of me?" Kaoru trembled beneath the touch of her father's hand and as her eyes filled with the pain and shame of her inner guilt, more tears spilled over her thick lashes. His smiling face blurred before her glaze as her heart was filled with the agony of her inner turmoil. "But Papa..." She struggled to speak through a throat tight with emotion. "I've d-done nothing for you t-to be p-proud of... not in the whole of my pathetic life."

"What do you mean by that, Kaoru? I have always been proud of you... if not a little worried that you insisted on doing everything alone. I was more frightened at times than anything else. I didn't want to lose you... and not because you were the finest Slayer we had, but because you were my child." Kaoru dropped her head and her shoulder's began to shake with quiet sobs, and when she spoke it was in a hushed and pain filled tones.

"I have been the most disrespectful child. I never listen to what you or Mamma tell me, and I scoff at the wisdom's you would share with me. I am the most difficult of your Slayer's to control. I fight with my comrades, I ignore orders, I argue with my superiors..." She cast a furtive look at Aoshi and found him with his head down simply listening to her and not interfering. "I am pompous and rude... I have despised everyone because I have convinced myself I am better than all of them and I don't need them... I have placed myself above everyone and looked down on them as if they were dirt beneath my feet... I have never valued another life save my own... I have never believed in anything or anyone save myself..." She stopped and drew a ragged breath before going on. "I may be the best Slayer you have, Papa... but I am also the worst, because by doing everything alone, and refusing to work with any of the others... I put them in danger as well as myself. I am a poor warrior. You should be ashamed of me... I am." Her head drooped and her hands folded in her lap making her look like a small child instead of a fierce assassin. "I have brought more shame to the names of 'Kamiya' and 'Seijuro' over the decades than my pride is worth. I am a poor daughter."

"Kaoru..." Hiko's voice was hoarse and tight with emotion as he tried to reach for his daughter but she backed away from him and refused to be touched.

"Nu, Papa... There are things you must know... things that must be told... things that must be said, and I am the one who must say them." She lifted her head and allowed their gazes to lock briefly and then she was looking down again. "I have been heedless of your teachings and those of my Commander, I have mocked your orders to travel with a back-up or a weapon because I believed I was too good to need either, and... and last night... last night I nearly died for my recklessness."

"Kaoru!" Her name was a chorus of frightened anxiety from the three conscious people facing her, and though it was concern and fear she felt radiating off of them instead of recriminations, she still refused to meet their alarmed looks. Instead, she simply continued in her quiet humiliated telling of the incident.

"I was... careless." She swallowed hard as she admitted her mistake. "I allowed myself to be cornered inside a short dead-end ally by several policemen. I was greatly out numbered especially with all of the guns and 12 gauges they brought with them." The level of concern around her peaked and began to teeter on the edge of distress. She began to feel cornered and suffocated beneath the weight of their emotions, and her words dwindled to a halt.

"How many?" Aoshi's voice was calm and insistent as he asked the question. He decided it was time for the debriefing to begin and put an end to her self recriminations. 'You have debased yourself enough, My Lady...' He thought in humility. 'The forgiveness of your soul is not ours to do... but your own.'

"Eight." Her mother moaned and began to cry. "I thought I could bait and mock their emotions until they made a mistake so I could get past them, but it didn't happen that way. Their Leading Officer... he was quite intelligent and seemed to know what I was trying to do. He positioned the rest of his men so I had no way out. Then I killed one of them... after that, things got very bad for me. They all went sort of 'gun happy' on me because I'd killed on of their own..."


"Desigur, Major, it was understandable... I'd like to think I would have felt the same way if it had been one of 'us'."

"What happened next?"

"They loaded up, came down the ally... and started shooting into the dark. You see, the whole of the ally was pitch black and they couldn't see me, but I could see them... there was no where for me to go. All I could I could do was duck, dodge, and jump as fast as I could and hope for the best."

"You must have gotten hurt?" He gasped in shock. "You couldn't have been able to dodge that many bullets... WERE you hurt? Kaoru? Were you injured?" Aoshi's voice had taken on a note of incredulity as he reached out to her and grasping her, wrist he felt her trembled beneath his touch. "What happened?"

"They shot me up... mostly nicks and grazes, although, some of them were pretty deep, but the worst was I took a 9mm right through the meat of my right side. I was bleeding all over the place, and I still didn't have a way out." Her voice dropped to a lower tone, and the look in her eyes changed to something unreadable as the terrible memories resurfaced. "I knew I was going to die."

"But you didn't die, Slayer." Aoshi squeezed her hand in reaffirmation that she was indeed alive. "You survived. I just want to know how. Tell me how you lived through that Kaoru. Tell me how you lived through it without a single scratch to show for it."

As her eyes searched his face, Kaoru fell into silence her lips twitching with the words she knew she had to say. "They regrouped and four of them tried to rush me. I ended up killing two more of them and splitting up the rest... there was blood and the stink of death everywhere and I knew I was fighting for my life, but ... I was out of strength, I was finished. I couldn't go one more step." Her head drooped for a moment and then she was looking right into Aoshi's stunned icy blue gaze. "That's when it happened."

"What happened?"

"'He' came... he just appeared out of the gun smoke like a wraith in the night and killed the officer who was about to blow my head off... just like that... broke his neck and it was over. The other policemen scurried off likes rats leaving a sinking ship. They didn't even try to stand up to him, not one of them." Dark blue eyes misted over and filled with a deep unspoken emotion that made Aoshi feel like he might blush. "And then he came to me, picked me up like I was a little girl... and he... we..." Her voice trailed off and her face went slightly blank as the memories filtered through her mind.

"'He' what? What did he do, Kaoru?" The Major's tone was becoming more urgent as the telling of this tale became more fantastic by the moment. The vision of the bloody battle scene was laid out in infinite detail before his mind's eye, and he was horrified and amazed beyond belief. He had to know what happened next.

"He... he jumped, Aoshi. He jumped straight up in the air and landed on top of the building we were standing next to... it had to be over sixty feet, maybe seventy... and he took it like he was playing hop-scotch." Not one sound was emitted from her father, who was staring at her in complete shock, nor from her superior officer, who was sporting much the same look. It was her mother who finally found the words to speak and break the stunned silence.

"No effort at all?" She asked in a subdued voice than was nothing like her usual self.

"Nu, Mamma... no effort whatsoever, and then he was leaping from rooftop to rooftop taking me across the city. Effortless... it was like being in the arms of an Eagle." A tremor ran through Kaoru's body and gooseflesh appeared on her forearms. "It was... glorious."

"Where did you go, lubit? Where did he take you?"

"To his apartment across the city."

"Apartment!?" Hiko finally found his voice and blustered loudly over than revelation. "Who the hell is this guy if he has an apartment?" Confusion bloomed across his concerned features and a blush of outrage started to form on his pale cheeks. Then he was reaching into himself and slamming an iron fist down on top of his burgeoning emotions before they got the better of him. 'Calm down, old boy,' He told himself firmly. 'You don't want to end up plastered against the wall again do you? Calm down... let her explain this time before you go getting all bent.'

"He's a Homicide Detective in the police force, Papa." Kaoru's dark blue eyes met and held her father's dark green eyes as she rushed onward to explain exactly WHO her Mate was and why he took her where he did. "He took me there so he could take care of my wounds. He was afraid I was going to bleed to death before he could do anything about it." She watched in relief as Hiko's scowl lessened and he nodded his head in acknowledgment. "He is kind, gentle Papa, and he's a good man... an honorable man. What happened between us later was meant to be. It was beyond either of us to deny the pull we felt toward each other. It was Fate..." Again Hiko nodded and seemed to accept her explanation, and Kaoru breathed an inner sigh of relief. At least that part of the telling was past. "He is also a lot like you, Papa."

"Eh? How is that?"

"He can be more stubborn and thick headed than I am when it comes to certain things. And he definitely has an arrogant side when it comes to me." Her eyes clouded angrily as she divulged this piece of information about her beloved.

"Like?" Hiko's eyes narrowed slightly as the 'father' in him raised its head.

"He thinks I should be carrying a gun or a knife or something when I go out on patrol so that I'll have more protection if I ever get out numbered again like I did last night." The frustration in her voice was heavy and easily heard as was the underlying mutiny that was and had been so much a part of her personality for such a long time.

"Hmmmm," 'Smart boy...' "Well, he's right. I've been trying to get you to take your sword for years... we can see how well you listen to me." Hiko snorted with derision and was rewarded with a glare of impatience from his daughter.

"Papa..." Kaoru's voice filled with exasperation as she gave him a look that said, I've-heard-this-before as she tossed her ebony locks over her shoulder in agitation.

"Well, I have."

"I know, I know... he was just a little more... persuasive."

"How's that?"

"He ordered me to obey... because I was his Mate." Aoshi smothered a grin behind his hand. The look on her face told him how well THAT had gone over, and he almost wished he had been a spider on the wall to have witnessed that particular engagement of words. 'Don't like being on the other end of the stick, eh Slayer?' He mused with a particular feeling of satisfaction. 'Finally met your match so it would seem.'

"That is his right, Kaoru..." Hiko began to explain, but she cut him off with an angry snarl as he began to defend her Mate's actions.

"But we weren't mated yet, Papa. He's... he's just got this thing."

"Thing?" One thin black eyebrow arched questioningly. "What 'thing'?"

"He thinks I'm all sweet, weak, and feminine... like I can't take care of myself anymore. He treats me like a... like..." She struggled to find the word she wanted.

"Like a woman?" Her mother's gentle voice intruded into her frustrated thoughts and she turned to look into the deep blue gaze so much like her own and nodded in frustration. "That's something you've never experienced before, is it, little lubit. A man, treating you like a woman... a woman he loves, nu? He does love you, desigur?"

"Desigur, Mamma... He loves me." Immediately her anger disappeared only to be replaced by a dull ache around the region of her heart as she realized she was missing him already. The look on her face said as much as well as her eyes took on a faraway longing look that told all those around her there was no doubt her feelings for this man were real.

"Do you love him, lubit?"

"Desigur, Mamma... with all that I am." Her mother smiled and nodded her head. "Then you will have to put up with his behavior... a man who loves a woman who loves him is always fiercely protective of that relationship. Especially once they are mated and blood-bonded as you have been. He would fight to the death to keep you by his side, and he would willingly die that you might live." Kaoru's chin trembled as emotion once more assailed her heart. She knew what her mother was saying was true. Kenshin would fight to the death for her, and he would die for her... but would she do the same for him? 'Would I?'

"How did your wounds heal, Slayer?" Once more Aoshi was the Major performing his debriefing and Kaoru's gaze shifted back to him as he pulled her back to task. "If you were as grievously wounded as you say, why are you not in pain or in need of medical attention?" A bright blush crept up to stain the girls cheeks and Aoshi suddenly felt as if he shouldn't have asked her that particular question.

"When we... um, when we... when we exchanged blood, all my wounds healed themselves. There aren't even any marks or scars to show where they were."

"Astonishing." Hiko shook his head in wonderment as another of 'Cel's' gifts to his daughter came to light. "He must be an amazing creature... truly amazing."

"He is, Papa... more amazing than you can believe, but there is something you have to know about him." Her face took on an all too serious look that had Hiko feeling a shaft of worry thrusting through his vitals.

"Hmmm? You make it sound very dire, Kaoru." She nodded emphatically and moved nearer to him.

"It... it could be when it comes to whether the people accept him or not."

"Accept him?" Hiko snorted and waved one of his large hands in the air all but dismissing her statement. "That goes without saying. Of course they will accept him, he is 'Cel'."

"Papa..." Her voice remained serious and even began to take on a note of earnestness. "It isn't that simple. He's half human, he's a daywalker." Kaoru watched carefully as her father digested this information. She could see on his face the same confusion she had felt when she had learned of Kenshin's parentage. "It is true, He is the Grandson of Prince Crede... Thayoden's youngest and only surviving son... but with a human female. He is not full 'Pure Blood, Papa."

"How can this be?" Jumbled thoughts of chaos and indecision leapt back and forth through Hiko's mind as he tried to fathom the magnitude of this revelation. "I don't understand... I..." He looked at Kaoru in shock and bewilderment. "A half-breed is 'Cel'? Our 'Savior' is... is of impure blood?"

"Desigur, Papa..." She nodded carefully. "But he is not impure. He is both a Nightstalker and a Daywalker. He is the only one among any of us who can stand in the light and the shadow of both worlds." She scooted over closer to her brothers body and reached for her fathers arm. "He is the one who can cross the barrier of the light...and survive unharmed."

"The Prophecy..." Soujiro's weak voice wafted up to his father and his sister and they both looked down into his groggy face in astonished relief, and Kaoru leaned over him to kiss his pale cheeks. "Remember... the Prophecy..."

"What about the Prophecy, Sou? What about it?" Her hands gently stroked her brother's pale face and brushed the dark hair out of his eyes. "Tell me... what do you remember? What do you want us to remember?"

"It says... 'Look for 'The One'... where the Dark World and ... and the World of The Living cross over in the light of the darkness.'" Soujiro slumped back against Aoshi as the effort of his short speech exhausted his small energy reserve, and Kaoru sat up looking at her father in confusion.

"What is he saying, Papa... where the worlds cross over int the light of the darkness? What does that mean?"

Hiko sat unmoving as he stared into the face of his son trying to read the meaning of those words within the glazed blue-gray eyes that stared back. 'What are you trying to say to us, Soujiro? What are you trying to make me see, my son? What....'

"He was meant to be a daywalker." The quiet reverent tones of Aoshi's voice lifted to penetrate the cloud of Hiko's thoughts and the older male turned to look upon his blank face as a thought began to form in the back of his mind. "It says, 'Look for him where the two worlds cross over each other'. The only way he can stand in that place and be a part of both worlds is if he is both a daywalker and a nightstalker... He must be 'half-breed' or he could not be what he is meant to be."

"Aoshi!" Kaoru's exclamation of disbelief made him shift and look at her. "How do you know that?"

"I... it is the only logical answer." He bent his head and looked into Soujiro's understanding eyes. "His position above the Clan's as 'First Leader' would force him to have to be able to do many things in order to bring them all together... and as you say, he is a detective on the police force. That gives him almost unlimited access to all sorts of computer records and files. He is a visible person, and obviously must remain so in order to gather the information we need on both species. 'The Clan's' and the 'Made'. It also gives him the advantage of moving about whenever he wishes instead of being confined during the day."

"That's right... that is exactly what he said himself." She turned to look at her father with wide eyes. "He doesn't want to be what he is, Papa. He doesn't want to be Vampire, but he has touched the face of 'The Mother' and heard her voice inside of his soul... he cannot deny who or what he is, and has accepted what he must do." Once more her hand reached out and touched Hiko's arm. "He is a proud man, but not arrogant or self-serving. He is kind, and filled with the knowledge of the Ancient World... I have seen it... I-I have tasted it in his blood, and felt it rushing inside of my own. He is more powerful than any of us ever imagined, and he has yet to achieve his full self."

"He is not... whole yet?" Hiko looked astonished by Kaoru's revelation.

"Nu, Papa, he is not finished evolving, but soon I am sure." Wide blue eyes filled with entreaty tried desperately to convey the message that was in her heart to the proud man before her. 'Please understand, Papa... please, he needs you... he needs you most of all.'

"What have you seen, Kaoru? What of his powers have you seen?"

"He is powerful, Papa." Her voice was straining to tell him everything. "His physical strength and speed are unmatched by any of us... or any 'Made' I have ever seen. He can move faster than my eyes can follow." Hiko's face took on a look of wonderment and he slowly nodded for her to continue. "He heard the cries of my blood within his heart and soul before we were bonded... that is how he found me in the ally. That is how he came to be there... and he was transformed into 'Cel' when he arrived."

"Transformed?" Hiko was completely confused. "What do you mean 'transformed'?"

"'Cel' is not his true form... he is human, Papa."

"Ohh, I see." An odd look of acquiescence crossed the older males face and he dropped his gaze from her face and looked into his son's trusting eyes. "Continue."

"He can 'reach' back and touch the knowledge of the Ancient's with his mind and soul. He can cross from one plane of consciousness to another with a thought..."

"Stop!" Hiko stared hard at his daughters face as he tried to fathom what she was saying. "What do you mean by 'one plane of consciousness to another'?" His gaze flickered warily to touch the icy blue-green of his second in command and then came back to his daughters dark blue. "What are you saying?"

"He took me to 'The Mother's Womb' this morning, Papa."

"He wha..." Hiko and Aoshi's faces became masks of disbelief and shock as they looked into her now serene face, but before they could say another word between them, another voice broke the tense silence.

"You... you were in the 'White Void'?" Soujiro struggled to reach his sister's arm and she turned back to him gently taking his hand. "You saw the world with no sky and grasses of green? You were there?"

"Desigur, my brother. I was there. It is the most beautiful place I have ever seen, and it is filled with the peace of all the ages." He smiled and squeezed her hand as a lone tear slipped from his eye and trickled down his temple. "He is Glory itself, Sou... The most beautiful creature you will ever lay eyes on."

"Tell me... tell me what he looks like." Smiling fondly, she kissed her brothers cheek and wiped at his tears. "I want to know."

"His hair is the color of flames; red, gold, yellow and it grows to reach clear to his knees until he looks like he is made of fire when he leaps through the air. His eyes are great golden lanterns that cast off their own light in the darkness, and shimmer like crystals in the light, and his fangs are long. Longer than any you have ever seen. They look more like daggers in his mouth than teeth, and his nails transform into long eagle talons that could cut a man in half with one swipe yet he is gentle as a mother with her new born when he touches me."

"Extraordinary. And his human form?"

"Just as beautiful." Dreamy blue eyes caressed Soujiro's face as all of the love Kaoru felt for this amazing man filled her heart. "His hair is shorter... it reaches his waist, and though it is still a fiery red, it is not quite as brilliant but beautiful none the less. His eyes are the color of spring violets, and his face is almost pretty enough for him to pass as a girl, but not quite."

"A girl, eh?" A light laugh slipped out of Sou's aching chest as he tried to picture the man Kaoru described. "Is he a large man?" He asked. "Tall like Father?"

Nu," Kaoru giggled. "He is actually quite short... only a few inches taller than me, and he's quite slender built, though that doesn't seem to deter his strength any."

"Doesn't sound quite like your type, Kao... at least not what I thought it would be once you finally got around to looking for a Mate."

"He's not... but The Fate's are far wiser than I. I could never have loved anyone else. Never. He is my soul, I would die without him beside me now." The siblings shared a rare smile and Kaoru leaned over her brother to gently kiss his face. "You will love him, Sou."

There is much to do," Hiko's voice interrupted. "We must prepare the people for his arrival... He is coming isn't he?" Hard green eyes tried to penetrate into Kaoru's mind but he was not foolish enough to try and penetrate her shield again.

"Desigur, Papa... I do not know when, but He is coming."

"When will you see him again?" The impatience of a true Leader looking for the time needed to prepare his people for the long awaited coming was evident in his voice, but there was more there as well. He needed to prepare them for a 'Savior' who was not entirely 'Pure Blood', and that was not going to be a simple undertaking. He needed time.

"Tonight... If all goes well, I will see him tonight." The wistful tone in her voice brought smiles to the faces of all four of the people setting around her.

"Very well, daughter." Hiko squeezed her hand and gave her a reassuring look. "Tell him I need time."

"Time, Papa?" Kaoru looked confused and worried. "What for?"

"To prepare the people, Kaoru. If I was that taken a back to find out 'Cel' was not a complete 'Pure Blood', we must consider what the people will think. Nu?" He met her gaze steadily and saw that she understood. "I will need some time to do that."

"I will tell him, but Papa..."


"He may not stay away even for that." Hiko scowled at this revelation as he struggled to his feet.

"And why not?"

"I told you." She shrugged noncommitally. "He's stubborn about certain things, and he's taking this 'I'm the New Leader' thing very seriously. He may not give you any time. He may come and present himself to the people on his own."

"Damn," Hiko raked a hand through his thick long white hair in frustration. "I suppose there is not much I can do about that. It is his right... isn't it?" Green eyes locked with knowing blue. "After all, he is 'The Fang of Pythagoras'... not me."

Review Responses: Gomen nasi to all of my AFF readers. But it has been next to impossible for me to get into my account. I do not even know who to say thank-you too... I am afraid of missing someone, but I will try to remember as many names as I can. Lere, my beloved; Clemen, my lost and greatly missed; Catti-dono, a light in my heart; Twisha, my soul sister; De Lazy Lime, my crazy hentai sweetheart; the girl from inp... I can't spell-you know who you are :); Baby Kaoru-sama, my sweet Kristin; Sephiress, my dear little amethyst angel; BelleDayNight, A/K forever, eh? :); Kagura, just love to see you wherever you show up sweety; Nguardian, I just love you, baby; MzAmberEyez, You are a good friend and a wonderful fan, thanks; I know I've missed a few... but as soon as I can access my reviews, I will remedy that. Thank you to everyone. I love all my fans. You guys are the best. You're like family to me. God bless. KnT

Nguardian: I love your reviews. You always make me feel good about myself and what I've written. Saitou is the greatest bad-guy. He's suave, ruthless... and handsome as hell. I love Saitou. And yes, when I put Kenshin in Glasses... I giggled the whole time. It was great. Thanks girly. God Bless.

Aqua-chan: Thank-you. I don't know if anyone has ever give me an actual 'thumbs up' before. I appreciate it. And I'm flattered to go on your favorites. Hope you keep reading.

Paisita: Oh I love to see you in my reviews!! And I promise. I will try to keep working on the story. I've just been having some depression problems lately... and haven't felt like working on my fics. My health has been waning again... but I am feeling much better, so I'm trying to get back on track. God bless you for hanging around. KnT

psychotic-catster: My fav. Little Crazy Girl! You rock baby! I think I might finish it just for you... I love you baby... Sorry I grossed you out... sorta. LOL And no, you shouldn't complain. You should no me by now... I never take anything half-way. Take care and God bless. I look forward to seeing you... I always do. KnT

BelleDayNight: Oh my lovely Belle! I know how much you love Sano. And I really am trying to give him a major role in this fiction. And knowing how much you love Saitou... well, I was a little worried you might be upset I made him the bad guy. But he's a bad guy you love to hate. Gorgeous and evil all at once. :) God Bless, my dear friend.

unknown beedee: When do I see a new story from you, young lady?? Sorry about making Saitou evil... but somebody cool had to do it. :) Love ya, kiddo.

Luraia Soul: Thank you for the amazing compliment! WoW! I hope I can keep up to your expectations. God Bless, and thanks for taking the time to review. It means a lot. Hope to hear from you again.

De Lazy Lime: I know you love the LIMEY... but you know how bad AFF has been lately. I will still be posting the unedited version over there... when I can. :) Thank's for your prayers and your friendship, girl. I love ya back. Take care. Hope to see you soon. God Bless, KnT

Thank you to everyone who is reading my new fiction. Please drop me a few words and let me know what you think. I'd love to hear from you. Until later... God Bless, and happy reading. Kanzen ne Tsuki